Just for the Summer - 2020

  • 2 months ago
Comedy, Romance
Trying to evade the matchmaking efforts of their grandmothers, two former childhood sweethearts pretend to get back together for the summer.

David I. Strasser
Jennifer Edwards, Amy Katherine Taylor
Brant Daugherty, Hayley Sales, Linda Darlow

00:00:00Yeah, but he doesn't know what the difference between past perfect and present is.
00:00:11I gotta go.
00:00:13Oh, hey.
00:00:14I'm glad you could make it.
00:00:15It's great to see you.
00:00:16Yeah, of course.
00:00:17I had to grade these exams somewhere.
00:00:18It may as well be here.
00:00:21So, your message left me on pins and needles.
00:00:26What's up?
00:00:27Well, it's good news.
00:00:28Great news.
00:00:29I mean, maybe.
00:00:30Just tell me.
00:00:31What is it?
00:00:32I have someone at Adams and Andrews who wants to read your manuscript.
00:00:37They're the best.
00:00:39The best of the best.
00:00:41But I have a concern.
00:00:44We have shopped your manuscript everywhere, so this could be your last chance to get your
00:00:47book published.
00:00:48Yes, but you are the person that says it only takes one yes.
00:00:50And it's true.
00:00:52But this is not the time to leave town.
00:00:54What if Adams and Andrews want additional changes?
00:00:57Well, then I'll get them done.
00:00:58Liam, I can't miss this trip.
00:01:01It's my grandma's 75th birthday.
00:01:03She's been planning for months, and now my mom is stuck dealing with contractors at the
00:01:06house, and I said that I would go help out.
00:01:09Okay, I appreciate that you have family obligations, but I need you to be available and ready to
00:01:15finish this project.
00:01:17And I will get your revisions done before I leave for the lake, and if Adams and Andrews
00:01:20have any other notes, I will get those done, too.
00:01:24I'm counting on you.
00:01:25I had to call in some pretty big favors to get you this read.
00:01:27Thank you, and I promise, this is going to be the best draft you have ever read in your
00:01:33entire life.
00:01:37I have to take this.
00:01:38That's fine.
00:01:40Marty, this better be good.
00:01:55Thank you.
00:02:40Oh, my Penelope has returned at last.
00:02:46Grandma, you've got four children, eleven grandchildren, and who knows how many cousins
00:02:50that'll come see you.
00:02:51You're my only Penelope.
00:02:55You look tired.
00:02:56It was a long drive.
00:02:57Oh, no, you're just doing too much.
00:02:59Surely you have not been retired so long
00:03:01you've forgotten about the mad rush
00:03:03at the end of the school year.
00:03:04No, I remember.
00:03:06And I have just the thing to put the color back in those cheeks.
00:03:09I have a berry cobbler in the oven.
00:03:11I could smell it the second I stepped inside.
00:03:12Oh, could you?
00:03:14Because I started to use fresh nutmeg.
00:03:17It smells like home.
00:03:18I love you.
00:03:21Did you bring bags?
00:03:24Go get them.
00:03:25Right, I will do that.
00:03:26Ha, ha, ha.
00:03:33The eagle has landed.
00:03:36Initiating step one.
00:03:40Jason, can you go help that poor girl
00:03:43in the Campbell's driveway?
00:03:47On it.
00:03:54Here, let me help you with that.
00:03:56Oh, no, no.
00:03:56No, I got it.
00:03:57Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, no.
00:04:01Uh, uh, I told you it would work.
00:04:09It's Penn, now.
00:04:10It's been a long time.
00:04:13Too long.
00:04:15How have you been?
00:04:16Um, you know, I have my shirt.
00:04:25Um, my shirt.
00:04:26Oh, sorry about that.
00:04:33It's vintage.
00:04:43What a pleasant surprise.
00:04:46And you've come to help Penn.
00:04:48Oh, such manners.
00:04:51Magnets pulling you two together.
00:04:55How long has it been?
00:04:58High school?
00:04:59Oh, well.
00:05:00Why don't you come inside, Jason?
00:05:02I've made cobbler.
00:05:06There we are.
00:05:10My favorite.
00:05:12Some things never change.
00:05:15Oh, I'm sure you two want to catch up.
00:05:22Penn was made a department head at her middle school
00:05:24this year.
00:05:26You teach.
00:05:29It's kind of the family business.
00:05:34So Josie tells me that you're in banking.
00:05:37Banking, really?
00:05:39Kind of.
00:05:41So what exactly do you do?
00:05:44Investment banking.
00:05:46I help corporations and other organizations
00:05:48raise capital to grow their businesses.
00:05:52Where did you get your MBA?
00:05:55University of Chicago.
00:05:57You know, when you two were kids,
00:05:59your grandma and I used to think you were fated to be together.
00:06:05I mean, you were completely inseparable.
00:06:07That was a very, very long time ago, Grandma.
00:06:10Oh, well, you know the old saying.
00:06:13The only thing more powerful than time is love.
00:06:18Who said that?
00:06:20I did.
00:06:22Aren't you quite the poet?
00:06:23Oh, Jason, you flatter me.
00:06:27Say, I have a fabulous idea.
00:06:31Do you remember Penn's cousin, Annabeth?
00:06:33Well, she was talking about going dancing tonight.
00:06:37I think she wants to practice her moves for my party.
00:06:43I think the two of you should go with her.
00:06:46I wish I could.
00:06:48Actually, I planned tonight, though.
00:06:50Speaking of which, I should probably get going.
00:06:54Thank you so much for the cobbler.
00:06:55You're welcome.
00:06:57And it was really nice to see both of you.
00:07:01Yes, and we'll see you again soon, too.
00:07:10You know, it feels like summer when you were a kid
00:07:13and the house was full.
00:07:15Oh, Grandma.
00:07:18It must be nice to see Jason again, huh?
00:07:20I came here to see you, Grandma.
00:07:22No feelings, because it's been so long?
00:07:25It's actually a little strange.
00:07:27Well, there's so many memories.
00:07:31We must have a lot to talk about.
00:07:34Grandma, I just don't have time for that right now.
00:07:36I know you really want me to have a date to your party,
00:07:38but I'm not interested in seeing anybody.
00:07:41Well, when was the last time you went on a date?
00:07:45How about we talk about your plans for the party?
00:07:48Oh, well, I've gotten RSVPs from everyone.
00:07:52The only person I'm concerned about is your mother.
00:07:55Yeah, I know.
00:07:57But after she gets the flood under control,
00:08:00she will be here.
00:08:01I hope so.
00:08:03I brought you a crossword puzzle.
00:08:05I love these.
00:08:06I really need help with this one.
00:08:08See, I fell for that as a kid, but you know,
00:08:11it's pretend there is one you just
00:08:13couldn't get without my help.
00:08:16You made me feel very important.
00:08:18But now I see that you didn't need my help at all.
00:08:22No, I did, and I still do.
00:08:25You were always better at these.
00:08:27So listen, if it's not Jason, maybe we could find you
00:08:31someone who likes puzzles, huh?
00:08:33Suppose there's no point in asking you to stop.
00:08:37What, stop loving you, stop wanting
00:08:40good people in your life?
00:08:41No, no, no point at all.
00:08:44Oh, what's wrong?
00:08:49I forgot to pick up the bread for dinner tonight,
00:08:53and Annabeth is going to be here.
00:08:55Oh, I can go.
00:08:56Would you?
00:08:57Yeah, uh-huh.
00:09:00But you have to go to George's Bakery on Main Street,
00:09:04because that's where I placed the order.
00:09:16Penelope's grown into such a beautiful young woman.
00:09:19Grandma, we talked about this, remember?
00:09:22You and my favorite cousin Lily are the only beauties
00:09:25I want in my life this summer.
00:09:26I know, but Dot's like a sister to me, and it's Penelope.
00:09:30You used to think she was someone special.
00:09:32Someone special?
00:09:33He was completely smitten.
00:09:37All right, all right, all right.
00:09:38Why don't the two of you head down to the bookstore?
00:09:40I can get books on my phone.
00:09:42You can get a whole lot more than that at the bookstore.
00:09:44Like a coffee date with your rotterobics instructor?
00:09:47Well, did you want me to give her a call?
00:09:49No, thank you.
00:09:51I want you to pick up a copy of my senior's weekly magazine
00:09:54while you're down there.
00:09:56You got that delivered yesterday.
00:09:59I gave it to Dot, so I need another one.
00:10:03All right, come on.
00:10:04Oh, by the way, I have a new optometrist, Jason.
00:10:08She is so pretty.
00:10:10Grandma, remember, you and Lily are the only beauties.
00:10:16You are such a charmer.
00:10:20For it.
00:10:39Well, can it be?
00:10:43The bakery looks amazing.
00:10:45I'll have to admit, I doubted when you told
00:10:47me your renovation plans, but great job.
00:10:49Thank you very much.
00:10:50That's not the only thing that's new here.
00:10:52Have you met my grandson, David?
00:10:54He's moved back.
00:10:57George, I would love to stay and catch up,
00:10:59but I have to hurry back.
00:11:00He's recently single, and he's really good looking.
00:11:04Gets his good looks from his mother, of course.
00:11:06David, get out here.
00:11:10David, this is Penn.
00:11:12She's visiting from San Francisco.
00:11:14Dot's granddaughter.
00:11:15The teacher, right?
00:11:17He's in a band.
00:11:18We're called Star Rising.
00:11:22Got bread.
00:11:24Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, OK.
00:11:27We'll put that on Dot's tab.
00:11:31Your grandmother's a mighty fine woman.
00:11:33I baked something special just for her.
00:11:35Now, you make sure that you say hello from me.
00:11:38Oh, and from David, of course, as well.
00:11:39I will.
00:11:40Thank you.
00:11:43See ya.
00:11:45Lilybug, get over here.
00:11:49So how's your first year in middle school?
00:11:51You're in middle school already?
00:11:55I got my own phone.
00:11:56That is a huge milestone, and a very pretty case.
00:12:00Uh-huh, Jason told Grandma that you were somewhat special.
00:12:03I didn't say that.
00:12:06Well, you know, once upon a time,
00:12:07we were actually very great friends.
00:12:12What'd you get?
00:12:13I got a wrinkle in time.
00:12:15That is one of my all-time favorites.
00:12:16You are going to absolutely love it.
00:12:20My students always do.
00:12:21I love watching them, because when they read it,
00:12:23their faces light up.
00:12:24I always knew you'd make a great teacher.
00:12:30Interesting choice.
00:12:31It's actually for Josie.
00:12:34So are you here for the summer?
00:12:37Yeah, actually.
00:12:38You know, in grad school, I started
00:12:39coming back for Christmases.
00:12:40But this is really the first summer I've had a chance.
00:12:45I'm so sorry.
00:12:45I got to get this.
00:12:50Just a second.
00:12:52Penn, I just got a call from Adams and Andrews.
00:12:55They're interested in a publishing deal.
00:12:57Are you serious?
00:12:58Hey, hold on.
00:12:59There's a but.
00:13:00Right, yes.
00:13:01What is it?
00:13:02They want a lot of story revision.
00:13:04And they want the final draft done by the end of the month.
00:13:10Liam, I can totally do this.
00:13:12I promise.
00:13:13I'll send you the first round.
00:13:14Have them done by tomorrow afternoon.
00:13:16All right.
00:13:28You tell me what.
00:13:31Come on, let's go home.
00:13:32Thank you.
00:13:44A yacht.
00:13:45Yeah, I've been really into sailboats lately.
00:13:49There's a lot you could do with them design-wise,
00:13:51except I've been stuck at this part for a while.
00:13:54I can hardly wait to sail in that one day.
00:14:01Isn't it so great being here in the summer?
00:14:06You get to know your cousin.
00:14:08Lily comes when her parents are working for her break,
00:14:10just like you did.
00:14:12Her parents ship her off so they can hammer out
00:14:13a divorce like mine did too.
00:14:15I know when your parents got divorced
00:14:17that you thought you had to take care of your mom, get a job,
00:14:21give up your dream.
00:14:24You don't.
00:14:25That's not true.
00:14:27I always thought you'd be a great naval architect.
00:14:31Would it be corny if I say that ship has sailed?
00:14:34Maybe it's time for you to meet somebody special.
00:14:37Please, Grandma.
00:14:40No more setups.
00:14:42I have been here two days, and you've
00:14:43arranged four meetings, five if you count
00:14:46Penelope in the driveway, and I do.
00:14:51Right now, I am just focused on being here.
00:14:56The only place that feels like home anymore.
00:14:58Oh, honey.
00:15:03Hey, if you feel like sailing, I still have the old boat.
00:15:11It's a bit of a wreck, and the sail's torn, but it floats.
00:15:14Maybe you could fix it up while you're here.
00:15:16I'd love to.
00:15:22Oh, hey.
00:15:33What did you think of the new bakery?
00:15:36Did you meet George's grandson?
00:15:38He's not my type.
00:15:39Oh, I think he's a lovely young man.
00:15:42He's in a band.
00:15:44Oh, trust me, I heard.
00:15:46Well, maybe he could be your date for my party.
00:15:50I think I'm going to pass.
00:15:52Well, maybe you'll like Brian better.
00:15:56Who's Brian?
00:15:57He's Annabeth's friend.
00:15:59He's coming over for dinner.
00:16:03Oh, I missed you so much.
00:16:05How's life? How's work?
00:16:07First, you have to tell me about this Chad guy.
00:16:10Or you could just meet him.
00:16:15Yeah, Chad, this is my boyfriend, Chad.
00:16:18Now, you're the cousin who might as well be a sister who
00:16:21can't get here fast enough and should probably just move here
00:16:24or something like that.
00:16:25Um, yeah.
00:16:26It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:16:28Oh, my friend Brian's on his way over.
00:16:30He's a dentist.
00:16:31Well, wonderful.
00:16:32Pen has such lovely teeth.
00:16:36Now, if we hurry up with dinner, we can make the dancing.
00:16:40Oh, Grandma, I'm not going to be able to go dancing.
00:16:42I'm exhausted and I have a lot of work to do.
00:16:46Yeah, and I'm really behind.
00:16:49She, uh, made us bring Brian.
00:16:52I know it's her way.
00:16:53I can't believe she's trying to make
00:16:55you and Jason happen again.
00:16:58You know, she must really want you to bring
00:17:00a date to her birthday party.
00:17:01Gotta hand it to her.
00:17:02That woman has some serious determination.
00:17:04Ha ha.
00:17:07Hey, so why did you two ever break up anyway?
00:17:13I can't remember.
00:17:13It was so long ago.
00:17:19It was senior year, and we were both really
00:17:23focused on the future, you know, trying to figure out
00:17:26where we wanted to go to college and what we wanted to study,
00:17:28who we wanted to be, all of that.
00:17:30And Jason kept asking how we could
00:17:35ever be sure about our love.
00:17:40But that was ages ago.
00:17:42There is absolutely no way I'm going to date
00:17:44my old high school boyfriend.
00:17:48So what are you working on?
00:17:51Grandma Dot's birthday present.
00:17:53Ooh, what is it?
00:17:56You'll find out.
00:17:57Well, aren't you just full of secrets?
00:18:03I'm going to borrow this.
00:18:04Dan, come see.
00:18:06The neighbors have a new pool boy.
00:18:10And you were saying?
00:18:11She's relentless.
00:18:12Struggle is real.
00:18:17Oh, Pam.
00:18:19So glad you're awake.
00:18:21What happened?
00:18:22The sink is clogged.
00:18:23Jason was kind enough to come help.
00:18:29Anyway, I'm running a little late for my book club.
00:18:33Would you mind helping Jason while I'm gone?
00:18:35Oh, I was just about to go to works.
00:18:37Oh, thank you, dear.
00:18:39You've got the puzzle, and I'll be back soon.
00:18:45My grandma broke her own sink, didn't she?
00:18:47That's my guess, yeah.
00:18:51Very nice of you for helping her.
00:18:53Of course.
00:18:55I'm sure our grandmothers will have
00:18:56lots of chores for you to do.
00:18:58I am already supposed to fix a sail on my grandma's boat.
00:19:02Well, that sounds a lot more legit than pulling
00:19:04dishrags out of the sink.
00:19:08I just wanted to apologize if my being here
00:19:09is causing you any problems at all.
00:19:12No, no problems.
00:19:14We should both be able to visit our grandmothers
00:19:16and let history be.
00:19:26So do you actually need my help?
00:19:28No, I've got this.
00:19:39We need a better idea.
00:19:42Just give it time.
00:19:43How did you clog the drain?
00:19:46Good idea.
00:19:57Hen, have you met Gray?
00:20:01He's my pharmacist.
00:20:04I told him you were an English teacher,
00:20:05so he wrote you a poem.
00:20:07You might recognize the inspiration.
00:20:13Lilies are white.
00:20:14Daffodils are yellow.
00:20:16I wrote you this poem just to say hello.
00:20:22Um, I'm so sorry.
00:20:24I forgot I have to go.
00:20:45Just one coffee, Black, please.
00:20:46You had a problem.
00:20:52Are you following me?
00:20:53I know it sure seems like you're following me.
00:20:56Whoa, what's going on?
00:20:58I don't have time for grandma dot's matchmaking,
00:20:59and especially not with you.
00:21:02Well, I didn't know you were going to be here.
00:21:05Just trying to avoid a date with Rhonda,
00:21:06who still practices her high school cheers.
00:21:08Well, I am here avoiding Greg, the poet slash pharmacist.
00:21:15You win.
00:21:17Thank you.
00:21:19Oh, look, I had a lot of work, so.
00:21:23But I am sure that I will see you later.
00:21:26There you go.
00:21:37Jason, just please, I am so glad you decided to call.
00:21:42What are you doing?
00:21:43I just told you that I'm.
00:21:44You are right.
00:21:45This was a great idea.
00:21:48I believe, if you would rather hear more of Greg's poetry.
00:21:54Should I stay or should I leave?
00:21:58You must have a lot of work to do.
00:22:00You know, why don't you come back another time?
00:22:08It worked.
00:22:11I can't believe that worked.
00:22:12There really is no off button, is there?
00:22:16Unless we keep this up.
00:22:19Keep what up?
00:22:22Pretending to date.
00:22:27You've got to be kidding me.
00:22:29If the grandmas think we're dating,
00:22:31then maybe they'll stop introducing us
00:22:32to every single person in the 20-year age range.
00:22:37Come on.
00:22:38You know what'll work.
00:22:40Just in.
00:22:41You and me, us.
00:22:44Fake dating after everything.
00:22:49And what do you get out of it?
00:22:50What other than peace and quiet?
00:22:54I guess I could probably use some help restoring the boat.
00:22:59OK, I have my reasons.
00:23:05I just got out of a very serious relationship.
00:23:07And as much as I appreciate my grandma's constant setups,
00:23:12I'm not ready yet.
00:23:14Dating you would buy me a little breathing room.
00:23:16Breathing room?
00:23:17Yeah, like time to reset.
00:23:21It's OK.
00:23:22I get it.
00:23:25I really need time to focus on my project distraction free.
00:23:31Grandma Dot's big birthday bash.
00:23:3475 years.
00:23:35Yeah, that too.
00:23:37She does really want me to have a date.
00:23:41What do you mean, that too?
00:23:43Do you promise that this stays between us?
00:23:46I literally just told you my secret.
00:23:48So yes, absolutely.
00:23:50I'm trying to publish a book.
00:23:52That's great.
00:23:53Why is that a secret?
00:23:54I just, I don't want my family to know, OK?
00:23:57There's a, there are a lot of revisions
00:23:59to do in very little time.
00:24:00And this plan would be perfect.
00:24:03Think about it.
00:24:04There's no more setups, no more blind dates,
00:24:07no more broken sinks.
00:24:08And it won't be like it used to because we're just pretending.
00:24:11It's just for the summer.
00:24:15Just for the summer?
00:24:17Just for the summer.
00:24:30I'm going to get it right.
00:24:34Yeah, you know I'm going to get it.
00:24:37I'm going to win that fight for your love, yeah.
00:24:41You know I'm going to win it.
00:24:45Some kind of magic, oh girl.
00:24:49I got to get it out of my head.
00:24:52Some kind of magic, oh baby.
00:24:56Like some kind of button in my chest.
00:25:00What's wrong?
00:25:02You don't really need to hold hands.
00:25:04We need to settle this, just play along.
00:25:08Maybe try not to wince every time I touch you.
00:25:12It'll be fine.
00:25:33What are you guys looking at?
00:25:35Just working, right?
00:25:38So here we go.
00:25:41Oh, I had no idea.
00:25:45So when did it happen?
00:25:48At the park.
00:25:49At the marina.
00:25:50At the marina.
00:25:51We kept running into each other.
00:25:52That's what it was.
00:25:53Just talking.
00:25:54Just so much to catch up on.
00:25:55Yeah, and we both found out that we still love sailing.
00:25:57Oh, that's wonderful.
00:25:58Yeah, Penn loves it.
00:25:59It's actually her passion.
00:26:01I don't know if I'd say it's quite my passion.
00:26:04I thought you did.
00:26:05Oh, no.
00:26:06Well, we were going to sail around the lake
00:26:08and fix up the boat together.
00:26:10We are?
00:26:11That's what we talked about, Penn.
00:26:14No distractions, get away.
00:26:17No distractions.
00:26:18Oh, boy, you two sure played it coy.
00:26:23But you finally come to your senses.
00:26:25Oh, you know.
00:26:27Yeah, oh, say, why don't the two of you
00:26:30come with Annabeth and me tomorrow
00:26:32to meet the caterer for my birthday party?
00:26:35No, you...
00:26:36Grandma, we didn't look up to do that,
00:26:38but actually, we have a date.
00:26:40A date.
00:26:41It's a date.
00:26:45What are you doing?
00:26:47On your date.
00:26:48We were going to go...
00:26:49Ballroom dancing.
00:26:50Ballroom, right.
00:26:52I actually meant to say about that.
00:26:53I was thinking you said...
00:26:54Oh, we're really excited about an army cookie.
00:26:57A cookie doesn't look that excited.
00:27:00He's as excited about that as I am about sailing.
00:27:06We're just excited.
00:27:16I thought you liked sailing.
00:27:17You like sailing.
00:27:18I only went because you wanted me to.
00:27:21And how am I supposed to get any work done
00:27:23if I'm helping you on the boat?
00:27:25You'll write, and I'll fix the sail.
00:27:27We'll tell our grandmas we did it together.
00:27:29So I'm going to...
00:27:30I'm going to write on the dock.
00:27:32It's a really great work environment.
00:27:34Well, the real question is,
00:27:36how are we possibly going to get any work done
00:27:38with all this ballroom dancing we're doing?
00:27:43I panicked.
00:27:44Now we actually have to go.
00:27:46No, we don't.
00:27:48We can tell them that we're going ballroom dancing,
00:27:50but instead, we're going to come down to the dock,
00:27:52and we're going to work.
00:27:53Well, that's a great plan.
00:27:54I thought so.
00:27:59I love you.
00:28:11Tell me a joke.
00:28:17This one's hard.
00:28:19By the time we solve this,
00:28:21it should be a piece of cake
00:28:23to figure out where everybody's going to stay for my party.
00:28:31How many people are coming to your party?
00:28:33Friends or relatives.
00:28:36And how many people are staying in this house?
00:28:43About a dozen.
00:28:45Oh, okay. Uh...
00:28:50Well, we'll figure it out, but I actually have to go meet Jason.
00:28:55A date. Oh, how exciting.
00:28:59Uh, don't you want to, uh...
00:29:02wear something a little nicer?
00:29:04Oh, uh...
00:29:06No, it's just dance.
00:29:08You know, it's, like, practically a workout.
00:29:10I think I'm good.
00:29:30Remember when we'd stay in the lake till our fingers wrinkled?
00:29:35Well, when we were teenagers.
00:29:37We lived in this lake.
00:29:39I'm sorry. I really need to focus right now.
00:29:49We'd be shivering, but we refused to get out of the lake.
00:29:52Feels like ages ago.
00:29:55We had a lot of fun.
00:30:02Uh, so, Penn.
00:30:05You told me about the book you're writing.
00:30:11I should let you work.
00:30:13No, no, it's about a girl that's growing up in Michigan.
00:30:17You write what you know, huh?
00:30:23Is that all you're gonna tell me about it?
00:30:25You'll just have to wait and find out.
00:30:39At least tell me why you don't want your family to know about it.
00:30:42If the deal goes through,
00:30:44I'm going to dedicate it to my grandma
00:30:47and give it to her for her birthday.
00:30:49She's always been the biggest supporter of me
00:30:51and following my dreams.
00:30:53I just hope that if this deal does come through,
00:30:56it happens before the party.
00:30:58That's really thoughtful.
00:31:01You could still give her the book,
00:31:03even if you haven't heard back from the publisher yet.
00:31:05No. I've had too many rejection notices already.
00:31:09I just, I can't risk telling her
00:31:12until it's certain. It would be too embarrassing.
00:31:15She'd still be proud of you.
00:31:17I'm a failed book.
00:31:21If this publisher passes,
00:31:23and with all the revisions that they're requiring,
00:31:25they probably will, then it just wasn't meant to be.
00:31:27You'd give up on your dream?
00:31:31I'd just be facing reality.
00:31:37Look, I just really don't want anybody to know right now.
00:31:39I get it.
00:31:42You are going to try to make those revisions, all right?
00:31:46I'm trying.
00:31:52I miss summers out here on this lake.
00:31:55It reminds me of what my life was like
00:31:57before my parents split up.
00:32:00You've really changed after that.
00:32:06Yeah, it was hard.
00:32:08But then you just get used to the way things are.
00:32:12New normal.
00:32:14So you think.
00:32:18I quit my job at McGill's.
00:32:23I couldn't take it anymore.
00:32:25I started working there because my parents really wanted me to be...
00:32:33I didn't think it was going to be my life, you know?
00:32:36I just wanted time.
00:32:38I wanted time to figure out where I want to go next.
00:32:43What I want to do.
00:33:02I brought you a herbal tea.
00:33:04I brought you a herbal tea.
00:33:06Oh, thank you.
00:33:10You know, even though I like big birthday parties,
00:33:14I don't like big surprises.
00:33:18I know. It's okay.
00:33:20If you say so.
00:33:22You know, I remember when you were a little girl,
00:33:25you used to sleep over here on weekends and stay in this room.
00:33:29It feels like yesterday.
00:33:32I am so proud of you, Penn.
00:33:34You know that, right?
00:33:36I know.
00:33:37So, did you and Jason have fun today?
00:33:44It was nice.
00:33:50I'll never forget Cousin Richard's wedding.
00:33:53No, don't. Don't tell this again, please.
00:33:57You were about six years old,
00:33:59and there the two of you were standing up there all dressed up.
00:34:02I do remember.
00:34:04And after Richard said, I do,
00:34:06Jason looked right at you and clear as a bell said, I do too.
00:34:11Yeah, Grandma, we were five.
00:34:13That was a very, very long time ago.
00:34:15Time is nothing on fate, my dear.
00:34:19What's meant to be will be.
00:34:21You were exactly right about that, Grandma.
00:34:25You know, I just want you to be happy, Penn.
00:34:27That's all.
00:34:28And no matter what, I love you.
00:34:31I love you, too.
00:34:34So, tomorrow morning for puzzles?
00:34:36Oh, you know what?
00:34:38It's on.
00:34:41Good night.
00:34:42Good night.
00:34:59What on earth are you doing?
00:35:02You gotta come see this.
00:35:05What are you talking about?
00:35:08I'll meet you out front.
00:35:10This is crazy.
00:35:25Bet it's even better from the beach.
00:35:38Oh, wow.
00:35:40Biggest full moon I've ever seen.
00:35:43You know, you could have just texted me instead of scaring me half to death.
00:35:48Some old habits never die.
00:36:07So, is tonight the night you finally tell me about this story I've been hearing about?
00:36:12Because I'm dying to know.
00:36:16Consider it a bedtime story.
00:36:19She finds these woods near the lake that nobody knows about.
00:36:28And she figures out that when she's in these woods, time stops.
00:36:34Like, completely?
00:36:35But only in the woods.
00:36:37Well, right?
00:36:39So, she decides that she's gonna stay because she's afraid of growing up.
00:36:44Well, that I can relate to.
00:36:48Sorry, I'm just— I'm getting into the story. Okay.
00:36:51Does she ever find a way out?
00:36:54Well, at first she makes a life for herself there.
00:36:57But then, yes.
00:36:59She musters the courage up and she leaves and goes home.
00:37:04Let me guess.
00:37:05Everything's changed.
00:37:07Who's telling this story?
00:37:11As I was saying,
00:37:14she, um, she steps out of the woods.
00:37:19And time catches up fast.
00:37:21She instantly becomes an adult.
00:37:23She matures. She grows taller. Her face looks different.
00:37:26She hadn't realized how long she'd been gone.
00:37:30Does she ever find her family?
00:37:32Yes, but they've all forgotten about her.
00:37:39That's a sad story.
00:37:42No, it has a happy ending.
00:37:46Or it will.
00:37:49What happens?
00:37:52We're gonna have to read it to find out.
00:37:54Come on. There's no way you're doing that to me. Come on.
00:37:59Okay, but seriously, you will actually have to wait to read it until I write it.
00:38:05Or rewrite it.
00:38:09That's one of the main revisions the editor is insisting on.
00:38:15They didn't like your ending?
00:38:17Not one bit.
00:38:21Yeah, it doesn't feel finished.
00:38:24And you became a literary critic somewhere along the way.
00:38:27I'm not saying I know anybody.
00:38:28See, I was trying to show how when we grow up,
00:38:32we have to move on and she has to have the courage to face all the...
00:38:35I get that people would have to move on, I understand that,
00:38:37but it seems weird that they would actually forget about it.
00:38:42Yeah, I suppose.
00:38:44I think maybe it's kind of like
00:38:47how people tend to remember others at the age they last knew them.
00:38:51Like our grandmas.
00:38:53How they always remember us being in high school.
00:38:57Yeah, they really do.
00:39:01So maybe somebody goes looking for her.
00:39:11Yeah, but what really draws me into this story is how she builds this life for herself.
00:39:16And it's how she develops courage.
00:39:22So maybe he doesn't find her.
00:39:26Maybe he gets lost too.
00:39:28As a way to show that she wasn't forgotten.
00:39:32Maybe he doesn't find her until they both come back.
00:39:38And so she hadn't realized that he'd looked for her.
00:39:43It could happen.
00:39:48I'm sure you've got a better solution than that.
00:39:50No, I actually think there's really something to this.
00:39:54I have to figure out how it affects the rest of the story.
00:39:58I kind of feel like I just saw a lightbulb come on over your head.
00:40:04That's called the moon.
00:40:18Thanks for showing me.
00:40:23I think I might go back to bed.
00:40:52I just talked to my mom on the phone.
00:40:54She says hi, love you, and they'll be here for Dad's birthday party.
00:40:57That's great, honey. I can hardly wait to see them.
00:41:01Is that a full moon in the middle of a lake?
00:41:05No, I see it.
00:41:07It's a daisy, right?
00:41:09Yeah. Does it look all right?
00:41:11You should make a bunch of little ones to go around the edges.
00:41:14It's not a bad idea.
00:41:15Didn't realize you'd turned your artistic talents to pie dough.
00:41:19I hope the new baked pie is one of my favorite memories.
00:41:21Making little extra pieces of crust into shapes, baking them with cinnamon and sugar.
00:41:26I do that every summer.
00:41:28Oh, well, I haven't done a lot of dough work since.
00:41:33Does that look like a daisy?
00:41:35You should be an artist.
00:41:37You should see his boat drawings.
00:41:39You draw boats?
00:41:40I once thought about designing sailboats for a living.
00:41:43Still do it for fun sometimes.
00:41:45What happened?
00:41:47Well, my mom thought I should pursue something more practical.
00:41:51That's how you ended up working in the city?
00:41:54She suggested I pursue something that allows me to afford my passions.
00:41:59That sounds like diet food.
00:42:02Like when you're biting into a chocolate chip cookie, but all the good stuff is replaced with chemicals.
00:42:11You're going to need to cover the edges.
00:42:14I don't remember you doing that.
00:42:15Well, I didn't often bake with such artistry.
00:42:18But when you do, you've got to manage the baking so you don't burn all these lovely details.
00:42:23All right.
00:42:29See, Jason?
00:42:30Try as you might, but you got nothing on Grandma.
00:42:33Oh, is that so?
00:42:35Well, if I were you, I would start running.
00:42:38Because I will catch you.
00:42:39And when I do, I will throw you into that lake!
00:42:46Are you passing the bait?
00:42:49So far, so far.
00:42:58Enough already.
00:43:00What are you working on so hard during your vacation?
00:43:03Oh, you know, just all those lesson plans and tests and things like that.
00:43:10You always were such a hard worker.
00:43:12I don't mean to boast, but I think you get it from me.
00:43:14Oh, well, I'm honored.
00:43:17Although, your grandpa was a hard worker, too.
00:43:21Did I ever tell you about the time we met?
00:43:24No, but he did.
00:43:26He said he fell in love with you the moment he set his eyes on you.
00:43:32Well, it wasn't mutual.
00:43:33I thought he was horrible.
00:43:35He was arrogant and just plain rude.
00:43:39Well, he told me that you guys met at the college bookstore buying textbooks.
00:43:42We did.
00:43:43I reached up for the last biology book on the shelf, but he was so tall, he leaned over me and grabbed it first.
00:43:52So, I did a quick turn and a little elbow, and I thrust all the rest of my books in his arms,
00:43:58and I said, if you're going to carry my biology book, you might as well carry all my books.
00:44:03Oh, what a spitfire.
00:44:05I'm sure he fell in love with you right there.
00:44:09So, what happened?
00:44:11Well, he started to talk back to me, but I put my hands on my hips, and I gave him the look.
00:44:17Oh, you already had your teacher face.
00:44:19Oh, yeah.
00:44:20And then his face burst into that grin he had, but he saw I was having none of it.
00:44:27So, he marched all my books up to the cashier, and then he just stood there, grinning.
00:44:33I just thought he was rude.
00:44:35I just thought he was rude.
00:44:36Okay, but I know this part.
00:44:39Didn't he walk you home with your books?
00:44:42They were very heavy books, so yes, I let him walk me home.
00:44:45It was the least he could do.
00:44:47So, what happened then?
00:44:49On the way, he apologized for not having noticed me, and he said he had been working full time to pay for school,
00:44:57and he was so tired, but then he said he would never not notice me again.
00:45:03Yeah, that's really sweet.
00:45:06So, he wasn't that bad after all.
00:45:11So, I gave him a chance.
00:45:14You know, I'm thinking about him a lot lately, because of the party.
00:45:20I wish he could be here for it.
00:45:22You know, I don't think Grandpa would mind if you met somebody.
00:45:27Hold on, I know where you're going.
00:45:29Maybe you are the person who needs a date to your big birthday bash.
00:45:33And you went there?
00:45:38Missy, you leave the matchmaking to me.
00:45:44Love you.
00:45:45Love you too. Thank you.
00:45:46Don't work too hard.
00:46:05You startled me.
00:46:08Oh, sorry about that.
00:46:11I thought I would bring you a snack while you worked.
00:46:13Oh, that's really sweet of you.
00:46:15Thank you.
00:46:16Actually, your grandma saw you sitting out here and insisted I bring it to you.
00:46:20I shouldn't have said that.
00:46:21I should have just taken the compliment, shouldn't I?
00:46:23Well, that's very sweet of her.
00:46:26They're eating the pie.
00:46:28That's great.
00:46:29That's just great.
00:46:31I'm just going to sit here for another minute,
00:46:33because she's definitely still watching us.
00:46:36But I promise not to bother you.
00:46:39Thank you.
00:46:43I made the pie for myself, but she insisted I bring it to you.
00:46:47Well, you can eat it.
00:46:49Oh, I just...
00:46:51I just wanted to say thank you.
00:46:53You can eat it.
00:46:54Oh, I just...
00:46:56I didn't want you to think I was, like, weird
00:46:58and just bringing you a random pie out of the blue, so...
00:47:04I remembered that you always liked cinnamon,
00:47:06so I put a little bit in the crust,
00:47:08but don't tell anyone that's a secret ingredient.
00:47:15What's wrong with page 43?
00:47:17Absolutely everything.
00:47:19You really should try some of that pie while it's still warm.
00:47:22I'm sorry.
00:47:23I said I wasn't going to bother you, and I am.
00:47:26No, it's...
00:47:28It's okay.
00:47:29I really need to take a break.
00:47:32And here you are with pie.
00:47:41Aren't you going to slice it?
00:47:43Slices are for amateurs.
00:47:45We like washing dishes.
00:47:51You are definitely better at this than I am.
00:47:54Years of practice.
00:47:56Mmm, that is so good.
00:48:04What are we cheersing to?
00:48:08Your book. Your book.
00:48:10Your book is going to be incredible.
00:48:11No, it's not, because it's probably never going to happen.
00:48:14What makes you say that?
00:48:16Because now the editor wants me to change the setting,
00:48:18apparently the woods are too spooky, which I don't even get.
00:48:20But whatever.
00:48:21I mean, maybe it's just time to throw in the towel.
00:48:26Oh, come on. Don't say that.
00:48:28You're going to figure something out.
00:48:30I really don't think I am.
00:48:32I am way too attached to this story.
00:48:37Look at it this way.
00:48:39You're not changing the story because you're selling out.
00:48:42You're changing the story because you want other people to find the same joy in it that you do.
00:48:46Yeah, except that probably nobody's going to read it,
00:48:48because it's very hard for new authors that are starting out,
00:48:51and I am just...
00:48:54I'm out of ideas. For now. At least.
00:48:57Have you tried hanging upside down?
00:49:01Excuse me?
00:49:03Okay, follow me.
00:49:05When I'm stuck, I like to hang upside down.
00:49:07It gets the blood moving to your brain, it gets the ideas flowing.
00:49:12What are you doing?
00:49:13I'm looking for a good place to hang.
00:49:14I'm not hanging upside down. This is very serious.
00:49:21Why don't we row out to the little island like we used to?
00:49:25It might have the same effect. I don't know.
00:49:32Coming back for you later, buddy.
00:49:36All right.
00:49:40Do you know how long it is?
00:49:41Oh, yeah. It's been a minute.
00:49:45What do you think?
00:49:47I'm curious.
00:50:01Okay, the woods aren't too spooky.
00:50:06But so is a cave in an old man's house. It's just...
00:50:09It's really frustrating.
00:50:14That setting is everything to this story.
00:50:16Well, maybe it needs to be more personal then.
00:50:19Yeah, like something that's...
00:50:21Some place that's normally really safe.
00:50:23Until she gets to know this new side of it.
00:50:26That could work. But where?
00:50:29When you told me about the story the other night,
00:50:31it reminded me that we used to play on that island when we were little kids.
00:50:36We used to spend so much time there.
00:50:40That's perfect.
00:50:41That's... That's completely perfect.
00:50:44A little island on the outside and then this secret world on the inside.
00:51:12I hate to admit it,
00:51:15but you did kind of help me come up with the perfect solution to my story.
00:51:19It's a dream.
00:51:21It's easier to support.
00:51:24Excuse me?
00:51:26I don't mean to interrupt your date.
00:51:29Oh, it's okay.
00:51:31Jason was just leaving.
00:51:33Oh, no.
00:51:35I'm sorry.
00:51:37It's okay.
00:51:38Jason was just leaving.
00:51:40Oh, no.
00:51:42Well, I'm sure he'd rather stay here and help us, wouldn't you, Jason?
00:51:45What are we doing?
00:51:47Penn and Annabeth will be making party favors.
00:51:50And you can help me address the event reminders.
00:51:53I don't remember the last time I addressed an actual envelope.
00:51:56Well, it'll be fun.
00:52:03It'll be fun.
00:52:05Oh, don't forget to put the glitter in before you seal it.
00:52:09Right. Right.
00:52:22She likes daisies.
00:52:24And ice cream. She loves ice cream.
00:52:29Good to know.
00:52:35Who's coming from Thailand?
00:52:38My life coach.
00:52:45Suddenly really glad you prefer Penn over Penelope.
00:52:51Alexander is too long. I'm going to go with Alex.
00:52:54I'd even go with Al.
00:52:56Well, leave it to Grandma to come up with the most extravagant party favor ever.
00:53:00You know, Jason should be the one doing this. He's the artist.
00:53:02You're going to believe it when I hear that he's still working at McGill's.
00:53:05What do you mean?
00:53:07Well, his passion was always drawing and design.
00:53:10I know that. I mean, what do you mean, still working?
00:53:13I just don't think that being an investment banker has ever made him happy.
00:53:17I mean, well, he still has other things.
00:53:20You spend all this time with him and you don't know what his interests are?
00:53:23Oh, no. It's just that we've been, like, so busy talking about boats and work and Grandma's.
00:53:30Nice try.
00:53:32What does Jason like to do on the weekends?
00:53:34What's with the third degree?
00:53:36You don't know, do you?
00:53:38I do.
00:53:40I told you, we've just been really busy talking about other things.
00:53:44Like how you think you're fooling everyone?
00:53:48Does anybody else know?
00:53:50I'm the only one who suspects you.
00:53:52As far as I know.
00:53:54That's a rotten trick, Penn.
00:53:56No, it's not like that.
00:53:57We both just were just so sick of the matchmaking, we needed a break.
00:54:02I get it.
00:54:04And I can see that it's actually a pretty brilliant plan, right?
00:54:07It's definitely the only thing that I could see working.
00:54:09How's it going in there, girls?
00:54:11Oh, great.
00:54:13Almost done.
00:54:15Oh, yeah.
00:54:19So you won't tell?
00:54:21I'll keep your secret, but just be really careful.
00:54:25Just be really careful that no one gets hurt.
00:54:28No, I would never hurt the grandma.
00:54:30I mean, you or Jason.
00:54:33No, we are, oh no.
00:54:35We are so even, we are so clear that we are not interested in a relationship.
00:54:41You know?
00:54:45But you two have history.
00:54:47You should probably make peace about it.
00:54:50And you should definitely get to know each other more because high school was a long time ago and you work a lot.
00:54:55Completely different people back then.
00:54:57I guess you might be right about that.
00:55:00But you are writing Aunt Caroline's name with an L-I-N-E and not an L-O-I-N.
00:55:08Oh, yeah.
00:55:11Look me in the eye.
00:55:26Okay, I got the sail fixed.
00:55:29Can't seem to get the mast stable.
00:55:31Heads up, Annabeth figured us out.
00:55:34She won't tell.
00:55:36Guess people are ready for level two dating then, huh?
00:55:40Level two dating?
00:55:42Yeah, past the initial awkward stages where the you and me become a we.
00:55:46We're a us.
00:55:48I get it, Jason.
00:55:49All Annabeth was suggesting is that we get down some of the simple facts.
00:55:55Like, what do you like to do on the weekends?
00:55:58Do you have pets?
00:56:00You know.
00:56:02I think it's definitely level two.
00:56:04That's funny because it feels like we know each other but really we don't.
00:56:12You're a teacher and an aspiring writer living in an apartment in the city.
00:56:15Your favorite food is ice cream, but I don't know what flavor.
00:56:19On the weekends, you like to read and you are a coffee connoisseur.
00:56:23You've been paying attention.
00:56:27You like, you like sailing and baking.
00:56:31What happened to your art?
00:56:33I actually started drawing again recently.
00:56:35I'm designing boats, but just as an amateur.
00:56:40Oh, but have you ever considered doing it professionally?
00:56:42I'm not good enough for that.
00:56:47What else?
00:56:49I have a cat.
00:56:51My friend takes care of it while I'm gone.
00:56:53That's sweet.
00:56:55Yeah, he was a rescue.
00:56:57He's got one kind of squinty eye.
00:56:59His name's Popeye.
00:57:01Good name.
00:57:05But Jason, you're so talented and you have always been such a hard worker.
00:57:09There is no reason why you shouldn't pursue your dream.
00:57:11Not now.
00:57:13It's not the right time.
00:57:15It's the career that you're tied down to at the moment.
00:57:18Really, you're free to do anything.
00:57:21There's something else you should probably know about me.
00:57:24I was engaged.
00:57:28Engaged like past tense?
00:57:31Most definitely past tense.
00:57:33Turns out she loved the lifestyle my job afforded us more than me.
00:57:37Must have been really devastating.
00:57:39It was.
00:57:41It made me rethink everything in my life.
00:57:43Question all my choices.
00:57:50We all need to adjust our sails sometimes.
00:57:54Maybe you're just getting back on course.
00:57:57I see what you did there, by the way.
00:58:00Weaving everything back to sailing.
00:58:02Did you like that?
00:58:04You're such an English teacher.
00:58:06Or a writer.
00:58:08We'll drop it.
00:58:11I have to go help.
00:58:15See you later?
00:58:39Anybody home?
00:58:44Just a second.
00:58:46Working hard?
00:58:48Yeah. Ever since our brainstorming session, the ideas have been flowing.
00:58:54Really? That's great.
00:58:59What is it?
00:59:01I just wish you'd tell her.
00:59:03If the deal goes through, I'm going to tell her.
00:59:05But it just doesn't mean anything if it doesn't get published.
00:59:07Yes, it does.
00:59:09It means everything.
00:59:11Hello, my little lovebirds.
00:59:15Are you here to help decorate for the party?
00:59:18Oh, I think we were...
00:59:20Actually, I was thinking we could go set up the boom today, if you're interested.
00:59:25But if you need my help, Grandma, I can stay and help you.
00:59:30Don't worry. Aunt Caroline's coming over.
00:59:33You two go have fun.
00:59:40We don't actually have to go. I just know you need time to write.
00:59:43No. Actually, I'd really like some air.
00:59:48Come on.
00:59:59Okay. Hold her steady.
01:00:07Okay, this is not my strong suit.
01:00:08You can't give up. You're so close now.
01:00:13Well, let's try.
01:00:19Is there some place around here that you can hang upside down and get the blood flowing?
01:00:23Excuse me.
01:00:29Or maybe.
01:00:33I don't know. I know this look.
01:00:35Don't you dare.
01:00:36Have you been in the lake yet this summer? It could really help.
01:00:40You're feeling brave, huh?
01:00:42Can you push me in?
01:00:44I'm taking you with me.
01:01:07Come on.
01:01:19She did it.
01:01:21She did it.
01:01:23Let me see.
01:01:25In the water.
01:01:30It's working.
01:01:32I really think they're fooling us.
01:02:02I'm sorry.
01:02:06I remember these little boats in a bottle that you used to make.
01:02:11I really loved these.
01:02:13Grandma Josie was smart to teach me that.
01:02:15And took up a lot of my time.
01:02:17I can't believe how many you made of these.
01:02:25Are these your designs?
01:02:28Yeah. Yeah. Some of these are pretty old.
01:02:36These are beautiful.
01:02:38Thank you.
01:02:46These are really good.
01:02:50You should submit these somewhere.
01:02:52I'm not nearly as bold as you are, Ben.
01:02:55No, I'm serious.
01:02:57I look at you now and you're publishing a book.
01:03:00That's really inspiring.
01:03:02I always kind of felt like you were the courageous one between the two of us.
01:03:08You're serious right now.
01:03:12No, you were the person that was always getting me to do the very stupid, crazy things.
01:03:16Like, oh, sailing.
01:03:19Or, oh yeah, that one time you made me walk on a very frozen lake.
01:03:26That's not a wise choice.
01:03:28No, it was very courageous and I did it because of you.
01:03:33Well, I did it because of you.
01:03:37I always kind of felt like I was more when I was with you.
01:03:44But, after high school, I really wanted to find you and explain or try to explain.
01:03:56What do you mean?
01:03:58I really thought I was doing the right thing at the time.
01:04:01Graduation was coming up and I was freaking out about my future and my parents had gotten a divorce.
01:04:07I didn't really have a good idea of what a relationship should be.
01:04:13I mean, it could have been nice to find something in the middle between or nothing, but...
01:04:20I did finally realize my mistake.
01:04:25I looked you up and came back that summer.
01:04:30Wait, you came back here to...
01:04:33Kept a pretty low profile, but I saw you.
01:04:37You were with that guy.
01:04:43You just up and left unexpectedly and disappeared and never...
01:04:49never explained. Was I just supposed to be waiting around for you?
01:04:52No, no, I didn't expect you to wait for me.
01:04:54You really should have talked to me instead of disappearing again.
01:04:58Would it have made a difference?
01:05:01I mean, it might have back then.
01:05:07But it really, it was so long ago.
01:05:11It just does not matter.
01:05:31Oh, careful, don't spill.
01:05:33I'm not a five-year-old.
01:05:35Accidents happen.
01:05:37Fine, you hold this then.
01:05:40Aw, I want this one to meet Grandma.
01:05:43Don't, uh...
01:05:49This is so sweet with pen and dot.
01:05:51You should give this to her as a birthday gift.
01:05:54Or even better, you should give this to her as a birthday present.
01:05:57Give this to her as a birthday gift.
01:05:59Or even better, let me buy it from you and I'll give it to her.
01:06:03How much do you pay me for it?
01:06:06For a sketch of this quality, I could go as high as, say, a buck fifty?
01:06:11Uh, this drink costs twice that.
01:06:14Yeah, but that's branding.
01:06:16You're a new artist, and if I'm not mistaken, this is your first sale.
01:06:21Doesn't sound like it's your first time buying.
01:06:23My parents are both lawyers. I've learned to negotiate.
01:06:26You have an awful lot of pictures of pen.
01:06:29Were you practicing or something?
01:06:31Uh, yeah. Something.
01:06:33Hey, how much will it cost to keep that between the two of us?
01:06:37I'll keep your practice pictures secret.
01:06:42And you stop threatening to throw me in the lake.
01:06:45I mean, I don't know we even tried.
01:06:47You can't catch me.
01:06:49You can't catch me.
01:06:51You can't catch me.
01:06:53You can't catch me.
01:06:56See? You're way too slow.
01:07:03So, are we calling it a deal?
01:07:06Yeah, it's a deal.
01:07:25Did you order me-
01:07:27Cinnamon toast, buttered on both sides with no crust.
01:07:30How do you remember that?
01:07:32It's pretty hard to forget. It's like the only thing you ever ate after school.
01:07:39Are you going to sit?
01:07:43So, I figured we both could get some stuff done, and the grandmoms think we're on a date.
01:07:47Does that work?
01:07:49It's perfect. Thank you.
01:07:55Thank you.
01:08:10I'm done.
01:08:13As in, done, done?
01:08:20You idiot!
01:08:22I just didn't know.
01:08:30When did it get so late?
01:08:35I can't believe I got all the revisions done in time.
01:08:38You know, I really wouldn't have been able to finish them without you, so thank you.
01:08:43Happy to help.
01:08:47Did you send it?
01:08:49I did.
01:08:51I don't know how long it's going to take now, but I'm really proud.
01:08:53You should be.
01:09:05Pack up?
01:09:23What do you think about this? Your grandma.
01:09:26Nah, she has tons of beachy shell stuff.
01:09:30I still think you should write something for her. You know, she loves your stories.
01:09:35So, what's the latest with Jason?
01:09:41Yes, he's...
01:09:44Never mind. Look at this.
01:09:46Don't change the subject.
01:09:48You know, considering the history between you two...
01:09:51It's not all good history.
01:09:53You've been together for two weeks together.
01:09:55Not every minute.
01:09:57It's totally understandable that you've developed feelings for him.
01:09:59I told you. We are just becoming friends again.
01:10:03Admit it. It's more than that.
01:10:06Have you told him how you feel?
01:10:10I don't think that we're looking for the same things right now.
01:10:13Of course you are.
01:10:15You know, you can't just wait for the universe to do everything for you.
01:10:21Or grandma.
01:10:23If you want something, you've got to go out and you've got to get it.
01:10:26But you know that.
01:10:28See, I do have this...
01:10:33This sense of knowing him.
01:10:35Like, really deeply knowing him.
01:10:38But then on the other hand, I feel like I don't know him at all.
01:10:41So far, every time he has come into my life,
01:10:45every time I have started to care about him, he's...
01:10:49Disappeared. Abruptly.
01:10:50So how am I supposed to know that this time would be any different
01:10:54and he's not pretending and that maybe he would actually stick around?
01:10:58Well, he does keep coming back into your life.
01:11:02Just because he's the boy next door,
01:11:05doesn't mean that we are fated to be together.
01:11:07It's because you bring out the best in each other.
01:11:10That's why you belong together.
01:11:19I just found grandma Dot's birthday present.
01:11:24That's perfect.
01:11:26I'm getting it. It's so good.
01:11:34I have to figure out how to hang a big sheet for a screen.
01:11:37I think it could work.
01:11:40What are you two up to?
01:11:42Do you like movies?
01:11:44Of course.
01:11:45Well, we have a surprise for you. Just wait.
01:11:48Oh. How long do I have to wait?
01:12:02Summer in love.
01:12:11A zombie in my basement.
01:12:43Hold me. I can't be held.
01:13:07I can't believe that Jason put all this together for grandma.
01:13:10I didn't even think of doing something like this. It's so much fun.
01:13:14He's a really good guy.
01:13:16He likes you.
01:13:18Actually, it's pretty clearly more than like.
01:13:21I told you.
01:13:23Especially flavored homemade ice cream.
01:13:25And that's not pretending.
01:13:27I'm just saying.
01:13:29I think you should tell him how you feel.
01:13:33What did I miss?
01:13:37This ice cream was amazing.
01:13:38You're the one brave enough to try it.
01:13:46Speaking of brave.
01:13:49Excuse me.
01:13:53One second.
01:14:01I guess there will be another time.
01:14:17I can't believe it's finally done.
01:14:19It's so awesome.
01:14:26Is there any word about your...
01:14:28I'm sorry.
01:14:30You go first.
01:14:32Any word from your publisher yet?
01:14:34No. Not yet.
01:14:35This waiting might actually be harder than writing the novel.
01:14:39Well, I hope I delivered on my pledge to help.
01:14:42You really did.
01:14:44This has all been so helpful.
01:14:46Blake, you're quiet.
01:14:49You've really been able to focus.
01:14:54I just wish that I could stay here forever.
01:14:57Yeah. I get that.
01:15:00So I submitted a blueprint to the boat design competition.
01:15:05Hey, Jason.
01:15:07I'm so proud of you.
01:15:09Yeah. We'll see what happens.
01:15:11Either way, I'm going to pursue it further.
01:15:13I even looked up some contacts and some classes that might help me.
01:15:16That's awesome.
01:15:18Yeah. And I couldn't...
01:15:22I wouldn't have done it without you.
01:15:27Like I said before, you really inspire me.
01:15:32You had something to say.
01:15:33And I interrupted you. I'm so sorry. Please.
01:15:39It's just...
01:15:41It's about getting to know you again this summer.
01:15:47You really helped me.
01:15:49I haven't...
01:15:51No, no, no. You have.
01:15:53After Michelle pulled off our engagement,
01:15:57I guess I was just shocked at how blindsided I got.
01:16:02And then I had this realization.
01:16:06It wasn't her fault.
01:16:08It was me.
01:16:10Because I had been on autopilot for a really long time.
01:16:14I need to figure out what made me happy.
01:16:17So our pretend arrangement has given me the time to do that.
01:16:22Totally, I get that.
01:16:26But there was something you wanted to say. I'm not going to interrupt again.
01:16:28I just wanted to say I'm really happy that we're friends again.
01:16:32Me too.
01:16:35Should we head back?
01:16:55How's Ben?
01:16:57I knew it!
01:16:59Knew what?
01:17:01Jason Grint.
01:17:03You love her!
01:17:05He loves her.
01:17:06He always has, dear.
01:17:07No, it's not...
01:17:08Come on! I know. You know. Grandma knows. Everyone knows!
01:17:14Lily, dear, I forgot the lemon for the tea. Would you go get it?
01:17:21Sure thing, Grandma.
01:17:22But I can't wait until I'm old enough to stick around for these conversations.
01:17:35We're better off as friends.
01:17:36You and Ben need to take your relationship to the next level.
01:17:41I promise it won't be like Michelle.
01:17:45I thought I was in love before.
01:17:47But you can trust Ben.
01:17:49I don't trust myself.
01:17:52It doesn't matter, though. Ben and I...
01:17:55You know, we're not meant to be.
01:17:56That's crazy talk. The two of you...
01:17:58No, we had a chance at a point, but it's over.
01:18:03And Ben, she's got this great life and these goals that she's pursuing and...
01:18:08You know what? I'm actually glad that we're friends.
01:18:11Anything more than that would just complicate things.
01:18:15I would never forgive myself if I hurt her again.
01:18:22What'd I miss?
01:19:10The sun's setting. The party's starting.
01:19:12Don't tell me you're working again.
01:19:14Oh, I was just checking on an update about my present.
01:19:17What is it?
01:19:18It's nothing.
01:19:19I was hoping...
01:19:23You know, we should get going.
01:19:41You did good.
01:19:42You did good.
01:19:43Yeah, pretty good.
01:19:44Oh, hey, Jen.
01:19:46Oh, look, there's Grandpa.
01:19:54You're so cute.
01:19:56I'm gonna go see Chad.
01:19:58Go for it, Jason.
01:20:03Mom, hey.
01:20:05I made it.
01:20:07Traffic was a disaster, but I'm finally here.
01:20:09I was starting to worry.
01:20:11I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
01:20:14Now, what are these rumors that I'm hearing about you and Jason?
01:20:19They're just rumors.
01:20:20You know, while Grandma loves to play matchmaker.
01:20:26Is that a champagne fountain?
01:20:28Oh, yes.
01:20:29Yes, definitely.
01:20:30Mom really outdid herself.
01:20:33Oh, hey.
01:20:34Have you seen Jason?
01:20:35No, haven't seen him.
01:20:37Have fun.
01:20:44Are you okay?
01:20:45Have you seen Liam?
01:20:49That might be Grandma Dot's birthday present.
01:20:53He's a little young.
01:20:54Yeah, he is.
01:20:55Yeah, he is.
01:20:56Yeah, he is.
01:20:57Yeah, he is.
01:20:58Yeah, he is.
01:20:59Yeah, he is.
01:21:00Yeah, he is.
01:21:01He's a little young, but...
01:21:06Sorry to interrupt your grandmother's party.
01:21:08No, don't be sorry.
01:21:10What's up?
01:21:12I drove out here because I wanted to tell you personally,
01:21:15because I know how hard you've been working.
01:21:18Just tell me already.
01:21:30This is...
01:21:33Yes, yes.
01:21:34Okay, but won't somebody tell me what's going on?
01:21:55What's happened?
01:21:57I'm not really sure.
01:21:58Well, where did Jason go?
01:22:00Did you two have a fight?
01:22:02The relationship was going so well.
01:22:05Grandma, I'm really sorry to have to do this to you,
01:22:07but I need to tell you something.
01:22:09Should I sit down?
01:22:17Jason, why aren't you coming to the party?
01:22:20I'm really trying to do the right thing right now.
01:22:22Honey, it would seem to me the right thing is to come to the party.
01:22:25I love her.
01:22:26I know.
01:22:28But I'm not the one you have to tell.
01:22:30Grandma, there's...
01:22:32You don't understand. There's so much more going on.
01:22:34And I won't be the guy who gets in the way of Penn pursuing her dreams.
01:22:39Jason, I don't completely understand,
01:22:41but I do know that if you don't come back to the party
01:22:43and tell her how you feel, you'll regret it.
01:22:46The two of you have been dating, and it's so clear...
01:22:48Yeah, Grandma, about that...
01:22:52I have a confession to make.
01:22:54Jason and I wanted to make you and Josie happy.
01:22:59And full disclosure, give ourselves a bit of a break.
01:23:03And we've been pretending...
01:23:06To date.
01:23:08Yes, we know.
01:23:10It's all part of the plan, my dear.
01:23:13The plan.
01:23:14Well, Josie and I knew that the two of you would never come together
01:23:17unless you thought it was your idea.
01:23:21And we knew you'd never get around to it.
01:23:23So we just gave a little...
01:23:30The pharmacist, the bakery, the kitchen sink.
01:23:35All of it?
01:23:37Oh, even the broken mast on the boat.
01:23:40All part of bringing you two together.
01:23:44Yes, dear.
01:23:45Grandma, I'm so, so glad that you're on my side.
01:23:49And you have a, dare I say, cunning and devious streak in you, don't you?
01:23:55I'd make a good spy.
01:23:58But I prefer to be a grandma.
01:24:04Hey, there's a party going on, you know.
01:24:07Oh, sorry. Do you need more time?
01:24:11No, it's actually, you should probably hear this next part.
01:24:15So, Jason and I were pretending, but...
01:24:22I actually fell for him.
01:24:29I have feelings for Jason.
01:24:32And as you can clearly see, he does not have those same feelings for me.
01:24:38Oh, that's nonsense.
01:24:40All you need to do is just give him a chance.
01:24:43I have given him a chance.
01:24:45Can you give me another?
01:24:52I thought you were leaving.
01:24:54I was going to.
01:24:57I thought you were just pretending.
01:25:00I don't want to complicate things for you, and I never want to hurt you ever again.
01:25:05And I know that you need your space and you have your dreams, but...
01:25:09it's never been pretend for me, Ben.
01:25:14From when we were little kids to just now.
01:25:17I always thought of this place as home, but it didn't feel like that until you got here.
01:25:23It's always been you, Ben.
01:25:26And it's always been real.
01:25:29And if it's real for you too, then I'm never leaving.
01:25:35Because it is so real.
01:25:37I love you, Ben.
01:25:39I love you too, Jason.
01:25:43Oh, my goodness.
01:26:06I have one more confession.
01:26:09Oh, what else is there?
01:26:12What else could there be?
01:26:15It's about your birthday present.
01:26:17Oh, okay. That I don't know anything about.
01:26:19Good. Good.
01:26:21So, this is Liam.
01:26:24He's my editor.
01:26:28I wrote a book.
01:26:30It is getting published!
01:26:32Yes! Congratulations!
01:26:34That is wonderful.
01:26:36And, um...
01:26:39Grandma, I dedicated it to you.
01:26:42And it says, to my matchmaking grandma Dot,
01:26:47having you as my grandma has been a match made in heaven.
01:26:51I am so thankful that you have loved me beyond all measure and all doubt.
01:27:00I love you.
01:27:01I love you too.
01:27:27Well done, Josie.
01:27:29We make a great team.
01:27:34Thank you.