Hi lovely friends

  • 2 months ago
Nasa Revealed The Reality of the time machine let's see and gain knowledge...
00:00Friends, today I am going to tell you an interesting story of time travel, which will surprise you.
00:06In childhood, we all have experienced something related to science.
00:10Whether it is the connection between a wire and a battery and a bulb was lit,
00:14which made your parents think that you were Einstein.
00:17Or the failure of running an electromagnetic train with a copper wire.
00:22Friends, just think, while playing with a wire, a connection is made with which a time machine is invented.
00:28Then you sit in it and disappear in such a way that your dead body is found in the time 50 years ago.
00:33Friends, I am not telling you the script of any English movie here.
00:37Rather, this is a story based on the reality of a man named Mike Macken, who lived in the Missouri state of America.
00:44This story begins in 1995, when 21-year-old Mike was looking for a job after studying electrical engineering.
00:52Now, when Mike had done electrical engineering, he was obviously very fond of electrical equipment and experimenting with them.
01:00That's why he always had some electrical equipment at home.
01:04Mike also applied for jobs in many places, but he did not get a job according to his ability.
01:10Then Mike started experimenting at home thinking that one day he would invent something that would shock the world.
01:17Mike was a very intelligent young man.
01:19He belonged to a poor family.
01:21He did not have money for his experiments.
01:24He also completed his electrical engineering studies with great difficulty.
01:28In 1995, Mike was working on a device called Jacob's Ladder in his house.
01:33Actually, friends, in the book of Genesis of the Bible, there is a character named Jacob who sees a wooden ladder in a dream that goes straight to heaven.
01:42And this is called Jacob's Ladder.
01:44Now, this is a device, if you touch this device while it is on fire, you will also see a ladder to heaven.
01:52This device creates a travelling arc by using high voltage and high frequency power.
01:58This may seem a little difficult to you.
02:00Let's make it a little easier.
02:02Basically, these are connecting wires.
02:05They are in the shape of a V.
02:07Now they are connected to the transformers from below, which create a potential high difference.
02:13And the electrons start jumping from one wire to the other to repel each other.
02:18We see an electricity arc between the two wires, which ionizes the air around it.
02:25Due to so much high voltage, a lot of heat is generated here, which takes the ionized air up a lot.
02:31So we feel that this high voltage arc is climbing the ladder to heaven.
02:36That's why it's called Jacob's Ladder.
02:39The interesting thing here is that our arc starts in the place where the resistance is the lowest.
02:46And travels to the place where the resistance is the highest.
02:50Now Mike's attention goes to this ionized air, which was rising up due to the heat.
02:56During this process, he sees a heat mark, which was of a circular shape.
03:01Seeing this, he becomes very curious.
03:04Now Mike puts a sheet metal screw in the place of this circular heat mark.
03:09And repeats the whole experiment again.
03:11When Mike did this, that screw disappeared for a moment.
03:15The next moment, he sees a few feet away from his original place.
03:18That is, for a moment, that screw had time traveled.
03:22Seeing this, Mike gets the idea of ​​making a time travel machine.
03:26He wanted to sit in this and go to the future.
03:29And he wanted to come back after knowing the lottery ticket number.
03:32This way he could win the lottery and continue his experiments.
03:37During this experiment, Mike was constantly facing a problem.
03:41That problem was the repeated burning of the compact disc laser.
03:45Mike needed a high voltage electricity and a very powerful transformer.
03:50His small setup could not travel Mike himself, but only a screw.
03:55Mike thinks about buying these transformers.
03:59But it was too expensive.
04:01Now one day, Mike's eyes were on the six transformers of St. Joseph Light and Power Generation Station.
04:08And he immediately decides to use these transformers for his experiment.
04:13Mike steals those transformers and with the help of underground wiring,
04:17he gets free electricity from those power stations.
04:20But Mike's experiment fails and there is a big explosion.
04:25Because of this, the light also burns in a very large area.
04:28Now after a while, on January 29, 1995, Mike is arrested.
04:33In court, Mike admits to stealing the transformers in front of the judge
04:37and spends the next few months behind bars.
04:40Now after doing such a big thing, Mike has become so famous in his area
04:45that a person is famous for inventing something.
04:48When Mike is released from jail, the host of Ghost to Ghost Radio,
04:52Art Bell, welcomes him to his show.
04:54Friends, whatever story I am telling you, I am not going to Mike's house and reviewing it.
05:00In fact, Mike himself told this in the show of Art Bell.
05:03He also admitted that he was trying to make a time machine.
05:07Despite being in jail, Mike did not get rid of his desire to make a time machine.
05:12And he talks about starting his experiment again.
05:15Mike said that this time he would do everything legally.
05:19Mike said that he had no intention of stealing before,
05:22but he did not have the money to experiment and so he had to steal.
05:27During the interview, Mike gives his number,
05:29on which calls keep coming for the next three days.
05:33People want to know Mike's ideas and want to meet him.
05:37During this time, people also fund Mike and many people also give him spare parts.
05:42After getting so much support, Mike is eager to make his time machine.
05:47The time machine that was going to run on a few kilowatts of electricity earlier,
05:50now its demand was 3 megawatts.
05:53A year later, in 1996, Art Bell once again invites Mike to his show
05:58and he tells him about the progress of the time machine.
06:01Mike tells him that it will take him about a month to make a time machine
06:05and this machine will be so big that a whole person can travel in it.
06:09Surely that person was Mike himself.
06:12According to Mike, he had done a lot of experiments to make a time machine
06:16and in some experiments, hamsters and guinea pigs were also included.
06:19He had done experiments on about 200 objects.
06:23In these experiments, the objects would suddenly disappear
06:27and after a while they would appear at a distance from their original place.
06:30Mike himself said that he had time traveled once.
06:34During this time, he went two years and two months ahead.
06:37He had appeared 800 miles away from his house and he came back later.
06:41At the end of the show, Mike also tells the audience the address of his house.
06:45The real reason for telling the audience the address of his house was that
06:48when he came back home after time traveling,
06:50he would win the lottery and earn a lot of money
06:52so that people could see his luxurious house and wealth
06:55and they would believe that Mike had really time traveled.
06:59Mike also said that he was going to take his phone with him.
07:03A few months after this show, in 1997, Mike announces that he is going to time travel
07:08and one day he suddenly disappears.
07:11And even after so many years, no clue of Mike could be found.
07:15This case has remained as a big mystery.
07:18But the real mystery is still left.
07:20After Mike's disappearance, a lot of calls come in the Art Bell show
07:24in which an old American crime case was mentioned.
07:27In fact, in the 1930s, the police found a dead body on the coast of California.
07:32Its appearance resembled Mike to a large extent.
07:35This body was found inside a strange metallic tube
07:38and a strange device was also found near the body
07:40whose description resembles today's mobile phone.
07:44So did Mike really time travel?
07:46And if he wanted to go to the future, why did he find his body in the past?
07:51Maybe he got stuck in the time loop and went to the past instead of the future?
07:54If this is the case, then there are many such concepts of science that are bigger than our imagination.
07:59And Mike also had a concept in his hand with which he had reached the hole of the time machine.
08:04But unfortunately, he could not survive.
08:06Is this mystery really based on truth?
08:09What is your opinion about this?
08:11How much reality is there in this story?
08:13Did Mike really make a time travel machine?
08:16Or is it all a lie?
08:18What do you think?
08:19Should we study this and get information about the facts behind it?
08:24Do let us know in the comments below.