FTS 8:30 31-07: Venezuelan State Council and National Defense Council held joint meeting

  • 3 months ago
FTS 8.30
*151 dead in landslides caused by heavy monsoon rains in India
*Palestinian resistance leader Ismail Haniyeh killed in Tehran
00:00The President of Venezuela met with the five public powers of the country to order necessary
00:12actions to address the attempted acts of destabilization that are being carried out in the national
00:19In India, authorities report that the death toll from landslides has risen to 151.
00:29And in Iran, resistance leader Ismail Khamenei was killed in an attack in the Iranian capital
00:33Tehran on Wednesday.
00:41Hello welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:46We begin with the news.
00:48In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro led a meeting with the Council of State and Defense
00:52of Venezuela to take measures in the face of violent acts by the extreme right wing.
00:56During the meeting, President Nicolás Maduro announced the creation of a special commission
01:00to evaluate the country's biosecurity system with the help of Russian and Chinese advisers.
01:05He also approved a fund of $10 million to support the victims affected by the fascist
01:09acts of the Venezuelan far right.
01:11Likewise, the President also ordered the deployment of a special plan within the framework of
01:15the second phase of the Republic Plan so that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and police
01:19forces develop a patrol and protection plan for streets, avenues, urbanizations and communities.
01:26We are already precisely living an attempt of a massive destabilizing attempt in Venezuela.
01:45We are about to experience that and we are denouncing it.
01:52For a long time, since 2023 and now 2024, they were trying to use the electoral campaign
02:02with the sponsorship of the United States and the Colombian drug dealers to mount an
02:12opposition force full of hate, criminality, violence and attempt during, after, before
02:21or after to launch an offensive against the peace of the people, against the peace of
02:29the citizenship, against institutions, against all of Venezuela.
02:37The Venezuelan people mobilized on Tuesday in rejection of the acts of violence and the
02:41chants of fraud by the opposition sector led by MarĂ­a Corina Machado.
02:45Our correspondent Leonel Arretamal has the details.
02:51They come to endorse the triumph of Nicolás Maduro at the polls.
02:55As every time the pressures on the country increase, Chavismo takes to the streets to
02:59defend its project and make itself visible to the international media.
03:07Being completely clear in being free and sovereign, this is a class struggle, a struggle of powers,
03:13a struggle where the parasitic oligarchy does not want to see in our people, in our face,
03:18that we are capable of achieving and consolidating the homeland.
03:26March against the acts of violence generated less than 24 hours before the elections by
03:30the so-called Comanditos, groups linked to the extreme right-wing candidate Edmundo González
03:35and the leader MarĂ­a Corina Machado, who reject the results of the CNE.
03:40Everyone voted in peace, but unfortunately some people went out to riot, led by MarĂ­a
03:46Corina Machado.
03:47But here are the people of Venezuela, defending their vote, defending their homeland and defending
03:52Nicolás Maduro Moro, which was the decision of the majority of the people.
04:00They denounce fascist actions, persecution of Chavistas, attacks on public squares and
04:06The Venezuelan people are being attacked by fascist groups, where they are paying $150
04:16to young people from the communities to go out and burn police models, health models,
04:21CDI, attack the houses of the party, attack the revolutionary leaders, where they threaten
04:26to burn their families.
04:27That is fascism.
04:28That is not democracy.
04:31For these Chavista militants, there is a common thread, which comes from the coup attempts
04:35against Chávez, oil strike and protests of 2014, 2017 and 2019.
04:44Today they come out to repudiate the fascist attempts of the heirs of the Carmonazo.
04:48It is the same people that defend the dignity of Bolivarism, of Chávez, mobilized together
04:53with our working class president Nicolás Maduro against the fascist horde that wants
04:58to lead our people to a civil war, to later ask for a foreign intervention.
05:05President Maduro received them at the Miraflores Palace and called for mobilizations throughout
05:09the week in defense of democracy and to ensure peace and tranquility in the country.
05:14In this context, the government of Venezuela announced the rupture of diplomatic relations
05:21with the government of Peru.
05:22Through his account in Social Media X, the foreign minister of Venezuela, Ivan Gil, announced
05:27that the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has decided to break diplomatic
05:31relations with the Republic of Peru on the basis of Article 45 of the 1961 Vienna Convention
05:38on Diplomatic Relations.
05:39We are forced to take this decision after the reckless declarations of the Peruvian
05:43foreign minister that disregards the will of the Venezuelan people and our constitution.
05:58The National Assembly of Venezuela rejected the acts of violence promoted by the far-right
06:02in the country.
06:03During the ordinarization of the National Assembly, deputies expressed their support
06:07to the results issued by the National Electoral Council, which confirmed the victory of President
06:11Nicolás Maduro.
06:12The congressmen backed the decision to withdraw diplomatic personnel from countries that reject
06:16the will of the Venezuelan people, expressed at the polls on July 28.
06:21They also condemned the violent and terrorist acts financed by the international and national
06:25far-right that seeks to destabilize the country and destroy the state and its democratic institutions.
06:36And the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jorge RodrĂ­guez, expressed the
06:39true intentions of the far-right during last Sunday's presidential elections campaign.
06:46The plan of these sectors of extremism was not an electoral plan.
06:50They were not participating in elections.
06:53They were not going to cities and towns to win the favor of the voters with their arguments.
06:57They were going to cities and towns to create their violent groups, to give them money,
07:01to distribute the drugs, which were going to be used for the moment in which they decided
07:06to take off their clothes of goodness and religiosity and show themselves as they are.
07:13In Venezuela, Armed Forces and Prosecutor's Office reported Chinese for raising violence
07:17while investigations continue.
07:19Let's see details.
07:23In the streets of the Venezuelan capital, tranquility makes its way after having been
07:27disturbed, after a day of protests that wreaked havoc.
07:33I do not agree with violence for anything in the world, because violence is the weapon
07:37of those who are not right.
07:40This is because the leadership of the ultra-right-wing unitary platform refused to accept its defeat
07:44and called for the streets.
07:47At the same time, social networks published videos of events from years ago.
07:53The images are from 2014.
08:00They are expressions of hatred and irrationality that are part of a preconceived plan by political
08:05groups that knew they were defeated.
08:08But in addition, they are an attempt at a media coup supported by social networks and
08:14backed by United States imperialism and its external and internal allies.
08:27The public ministry opened an investigation for the aggressiveness unleashed against citizens
08:31and state buildings.
08:32This happened just one day after the elections.
08:35One person died and 749 people were arrested.
08:38The authorities announced that those captured confessed to being paid $150 for generating
08:51And the crimes we are prequalifying are not only vandalism or obstruction of public roads.
08:58No, not only those.
09:01We are observing brutally clear acts of terrorism and incitement to hatred.
09:09In addition, spokespersons of the extremist United Platform are accused of having tried
09:13to hack the webpage of the National Electoral Council on the day of the presidential election
09:17to manipulate the numbers in their favor.
09:19And it is that same political organization that insists on talking about fraud.
09:23They announced that they would show the minutes and never presented the supposed proofs.
09:32An attitude that has been repeated in all the votes over the last 25 years every time
09:36Chavismo wins at the poll.
09:44More than 900 international observers attest to the transparency of the Venezuelan voting system.
09:50Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English
09:54where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
10:00We'll be right back, stay with us.
10:06Welcome back.
10:23The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, greeted the triumph of Nicolás Maduro and
10:27the democratic will of the Venezuelan people while condemning the coup plans of the national
10:32Declarations of the head of state were made during the celebration of the 45th anniversary
10:35of the Nicaraguan Air Force, an event which was also attended by the vice president, Rosario
10:41Murillo, and our top authorities of the Nicaraguan military institution.
10:45During his speech, Ortega reaffirmed the legacy of Commander Hugo Chávez and his fight against
10:50At the same time, he reaffirmed the reliability of the Venezuelan electoral system and rejected
10:54the attempts to disturb the social and political peace of the Caribbean country at the hands
10:59of far-right groups.
11:03The elections were held on the 28th.
11:17We all saw how they were developing and, in many countries, they start to give data, comma,
11:24even with much less than the percentage of the votes that were given in Venezuela, and
11:31they start to give data when there are 8% of the votes, then 15% of the votes.
11:38Well, each one has its own way of administering the elections.
11:44And there, dot with 80% of the votes, they give the results.
11:55Well, each one has its own way of administering the elections.
12:03And there, dot with 80% of the votes, they give the results.
12:09President Nicolás Maduro wins the elections.
12:13With 51% of the votes, he wins the elections, when the count is already at 80%.
12:21Therefore, it is already irreversible.
12:24With 51% of the votes, he wins the elections, when the count is already at 80%.
12:32In Haiti, a Kenyan policeman was injured in the middle of a raid.
12:36The agent was hit by a projectile in one of his shoulders and is currently receiving medical treatment
12:40and his condition is stable.
12:42The events occurred when the multinational security support mission was carrying out an operation
12:46and spotted a truck that was being attacked and looted.
12:49The bandits had shot the driver to death and were stealing sack of rice they were transporting.
13:13In India, hundreds of rescue workers are searching through mud and debris
13:17from multiple landslides that have killed at least 151 people in Kerala state.
13:21Officials said on Wednesday that nearly a thousand people have been rescued and 187 are still missing
13:26after landslides, although their efforts were hampered by persistent rainfall
13:31that collapsed numerous roads in Wayanad.
13:33Kerala's chief minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, said that hospitals were treating 186 people,
13:40making this one of the world's natural disasters the state has ever seen.
13:44At the same time, the Indian Army announced the deployment of more than 300 soldiers to the area
13:48to assist security forces and regional rescue teams in the rescue effort.
13:58I have no hope. There is very little possibility.
14:02My wife's father is around 70 to 74 years old and has difficulty walking.
14:08We have no hope. That's how bad the situation is there.
14:14There were families that had two members and others that had eight members.
14:20There have been instances where we have only found one body and the other seven bodies.
14:25We have no idea where they are.
14:27Many kilometers away in Nilambur town, parts of bodies have been discovered.
14:32Here we have found parts of three bodies.
14:35A woman's body was missing its head and everything below the waist.
14:39This is the situation we are facing today.
14:43We now have a final short break coming up,
14:45but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp community for our English speaking audience.
14:49You can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and share the link to reach more people.
14:53There will be news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the rest of the world.
14:57Final short break. Don't go away.
15:12Welcome back.
15:37Ismael Haniyeh, head of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian Resistance,
15:40was killed Wednesday in an attack in the Iranian capital, Tehran.
15:43Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps announced on Wednesday that Palestinian resistance leader
15:47and face of Hamas' international diplomacy during the war with Israel in the Gaza Strip,
15:52Ismael Haniyeh, who was on visit to Iran to attend the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Massoud Pashinyan,
15:58was killed when his residence was hit in Tehran.
16:01Hamas made a statement through its official telegram account where it accused Israel of killing Haniyeh.
16:07Advanced investigations are underway at this moment.
16:17Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has strongly condemned the assassination of Ismael Haniyeh,
16:22leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, in Iran.
16:25The attack occurred in Tehran, the capital of the country,
16:28where the leader was attending the inauguration of the new Iranian President Massoud Pashinyan.
16:32The Palestinian president has considered the attack against Haniyeh,
16:35which happened a few hours after the Israeli assassination of the number two of the Lebanese Shiite party militia, Hezbollah,
16:40as a cowardly act and a dangerous event at that time of maximum tension in the region.
16:49Meanwhile, U.S. Department Deputy Spokesperson Vedan Patel declined to offer an opinion on the Israeli airstrike in Lebanon
16:54and reaffirmed Washington's support for Tel Aviv.
16:57Likewise, in the face of the Israeli aggression in the southern suburbs of Beirut,
17:01the spokesperson assured that his nation is committed to diplomacy
17:04to avoid an escalation between the Zionist army and the Lebanese resistance,
17:08while the White House spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, further refrained from speaking about the bombing
17:13and stressed that it is a war that can be avoided.
17:16The media reported that the action left martyrs and wounded, while rescue operations continue at the site.
17:25In this context, Moussa Abou-Marsouk, the current senior Hamas official,
17:29has warned that the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh of the Zionist regime will not go unanswered.
17:34He described the assassination of Haniyeh as a cowardly act by the occupier.
17:38At the same time, it was learned that the Islamic resistance in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen
17:43offered their lives to take revenge for the criminal acts perpetrated by Israel in Lebanon and Iran.
17:48The Palestinian resistance has warned that Hamas will fight until victory is achieved,
17:52while in Palestine they have called for a march and general strike.
18:00And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also condemned the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh.
18:09We are highly concerned about the incident and firmly oppose and condemn the assassination.
18:14We are deeply concerned that this incident may lead to further instability in the regional situation.
18:20China has always advocated resolving regional disputes through negotiation and dialogue,
18:25and Gaza should achieve a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire
18:29as soon as possible to avoid further escalation of conflict and confrontation.
18:36In Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda agree on a ceasefire to take effect on August 4.
18:42The decision is the result of the ministerial meeting on the conflict
18:45in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo that took place in Rwanda, the Angolan capital.
18:50The ceasefire will be verified by mechanisms to be set up for this purpose.
18:54The Minister of State and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
18:57Therese Wagner, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rwanda, Olivier Ndungwehe,
19:02reached this agreement at the second ministerial meeting on the security and peace situation in the East of the Congo.
19:25On Wednesday, Parisian sports authorities gave the go-ahead
19:29for the men's and women's triathlon events of the Olympic Games amid concerns about pollution of the sand.
19:34According to the International Triathlon Union,
19:37the results of samples taken from the river were deemed compliant, allowing the competitions to go ahead.
19:42The decision was taken after a meeting between International Triathlon Union officials
19:46and technical and medical delegates with representatives of the Météo France meteorological agency.
19:52The mayor's office, the prefecture of Paris, and the organizing committee of the Olympic Games.
19:57The women's triathlon will start at 8 a.m. local time and the men's at 10.45 a.m.
20:08Brazil celebrated with hundreds of fans the party for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
20:13with the Olympic Festival held in Sao Paulo. Let's see.
20:17The event, ranked as the largest of its kind outside of Paris, France,
20:23is held with the goal of providing visitors with an exciting and entertaining day at Time Brazil Park,
20:29with the current sporting event as the centerpiece of the festival.
20:33People can have an immersive experience during the celebration of the Games,
20:37besides being part of the Brazilian culture that is expressed everywhere.
20:42I enjoy it very much. I like volleyball and judo.
20:46I also enjoy more extreme sports, like surfing, so I decided to give it a try.
20:51I have always played sports and I really enjoy it.
20:54Getting the crowd together to cheer and celebrate our country is great.
21:01Among the things that visitors can do at this festival is to watch on a giant screen
21:07the various competitions of each sport and its representatives,
21:12as well as try some Olympic disciplines with the help of professional athletes and coaches,
21:17such as surfing, pole vaulting, long jump, among others.
21:21Several Olympic medalists from Brazil have also been present in this sport and family meeting,
21:27who share with the people their experiences.
21:31The Olympic Games are magical because you have all the eyes of the world on you at that moment.
21:36What they are doing here is bringing sport closer to the community, bringing sport closer to the people.
21:45In addition to sports, the Paris 2024 Olympic Fan Festival also combines music.
21:51Each weekend the event will feature a closing performance by renowned local artists and groups,
21:56such as one of the main attractions that has been the Manobloco,
21:59a street band that became famous playing at the carnival parties in Rio de Janeiro.
22:26For more information visit www.paris.org
