• last year
01:04Don't change it don't wait you
01:06How did you do?
01:07You don't have a point
01:08Go to the gym
01:09Don't see me
01:10That's so
01:11Just rolling
01:13The 所以
01:29谁与君不相悦 Who and whom are not in love?
01:32看一群荣耀的笑 Look at all the smiles on their faces
01:35谁入梦与梦同流 Who has fallen asleep with a dream?
01:39回忆不曾迷离 Memories never fade
01:54难道只是一场梦 Is it just a dream?
01:57为何会如此的真实 Why is it so real?
02:02凌美人 Lady Ling
02:05昨晚陛下可曾来过 Did His Majesty come here last night?
02:08昨晚陛下的确来过 His Majesty did come here last night
02:10可惜您睡下了 But you fell asleep
02:13他果然来过 He did come here
02:16陛下传凌美人醒后去寝宫觐见 His Majesty asked Lady Ling to go to the bedroom after she woke up
02:18奴婢这就给您梳妆打扮 I'll help you dress up
02:20她究竟看没看见 Did she see it or not?
02:38母后 Mother
02:40当年大战中汉宁丧命的朔夜公主 I found the Princess Shuye who killed you in the war
02:45儿臣找到了 I found her
02:51儿臣始终不明白 I still don't understand
02:54当年她为何会对您下此毒手 Why did she do this to you?
02:58如今 Now
03:00儿臣定会为您查明真相 I will find out the truth for you
03:04以慰母后在天之灵 To show my gratitude to you
03:14臣妾参见陛下 Greetings, Your Majesty
03:18过来坐 Come and sit
03:21请坐 Please sit
03:27林美人身上的伤可好些 Are you feeling better, Lady Ling?
03:30谢陛下关心 Thank you for your concern
03:31臣妾已无大碍 I'm fine now
03:46怎会如此不小心 How could she be so careless?
03:51幸好昨晚的药膏还有剩余 Fortunately, the ointment and the rest of the medicine were left
03:56区区小伤 臣妾自行处理即可 It's just a minor injury. I can take care of it myself
04:00朕的药可是万金难买的灵药 My medicine is the most precious medicine
04:05昨晚若不是用了此药 怎么会 If I hadn't used it last night
04:09昨晚 陛下看见臣妾 You saw me last night
04:20朕 该如何处罚你 How should I punish you?
04:42臣妾 I...
04:50昨晚朕 看见灵美人倒在冰冷的地上 朕心疼了许久 Last night, I saw Lady Ling lying on the cold ground. I felt sorry for her for a long time
05:05如果再这么不爱惜自己的身体 If you don't take care of yourself like this
05:11朕可真的要罚你了 I'm really going to punish you
05:13陛下 故意吓臣妾 Your Majesty, you scared me on purpose
05:23来看看 朕的画作如何 Come and see how my painting is
05:31陛下 为何将臣妾画成这样 Your Majesty, why did you draw me like this?
05:36不知为何 朕的梦中总是出现此人的样子 I don't know why, but this person always appears in my dreams
05:48朔夜 你好像真的忘了过去 连朕也忘了吗 Shuoye, you seem to have forgotten the past and even forgotten me
06:02难道穆轩厥曾经认识我 Did Mu Xuanjue know me?
06:05还是说他识破了我的身份 Or did he see through my identity?
06:10不会 如果他识破我是灵族 没有理由不杀我 He wouldn't kill me if he saw through my identity
06:28大胆 How dare you!
06:30这可是幻族极其珍贵的灵丹 要献给陛下的 却被你故意撞坏 This is the most precious spiritual elixir of the Illusory Tribe. It's for His Majesty, but you broke it on purpose
06:40说 你故意毁坏灵丹 是何居心 You said you broke the spiritual elixir on purpose. What are you up to?
06:46欲加之罪 何冠无辞 我要面见陛下 相信陛下自有决断 I will face His Majesty. I believe His Majesty will decide for me
06:52休想抬出陛下下火 陛下连我们奂妃娘娘都要礼尚纷纷 Don't think you can scare His Majesty away. His Majesty has to be polite even to us, the Imperial Concubines
07:16雪王 Snow King
07:22如此为难一个弱女子 这就是你们幻族女将手下所为吗 Are you doing this to a weak woman?
07:28雪王冰剑 她怎么在这 Snow King's sword? Why is she here?
07:32朔夜 你这位青梅竹马 还真是让朕头疼啊 Snow King, your childhood sweetheart is really giving me a headache
07:43如此热闹 朕是错过了什么吗 What did I miss out on?
07:51回去转告宦妃 管好她手下的人 不要动不该动的人 滚 Go back and tell the Imperial Concubines to keep an eye on her subordinates. Don't touch those who shouldn't be touched. Get lost
08:11陛下 Your Majesty
08:14爱妃总是受伤 让朕担忧 My beloved is always injured. I'm worried
08:21多谢雪王替朕的爱妃解医 不过 雪王身为质子 擅自在宫中走动 如若惊扰了尊太后 后果不堪设想 Snow King, thank you for taking care of my beloved. However, as the son of Snow King, I have been wandering around the palace without permission. If I disturb the Empress Dowager, the consequences will be unimaginable
08:41朕今日就当没见过你 I'll pretend I haven't seen you today
08:51凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 Snow King, even if you lose your memory, you are still my beloved
09:21凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和
09:51灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和
10:02灵族的真相 凌桀被软禁在宫中 我要伺机向他询问阿爹的下落和
10:13You are the unreachable star at the end of the world
10:19I am the most beautiful mountain in the world
