Nicolas Maduro | "Long live Venezuela"

  • 3 months ago
Reelected President Maduro addresses the people who marched and mobilized to the Miraflores Palace in Caracas in support of his democratic legitimate reelection. teleSUR


00:00homeland here there will be peace here and we will go on the Christian
00:07prophecy that prophecy that says that seven years of blessed times have
00:15arrived to Venezuela the blessed times have arrived to Venezuela the demons
00:20will not be able to beat us the people of Chavez and Bolivar will win long
00:28life the people of Venezuela down with fascism down with comanditos long life
00:44honor to victory ever thank you very much for being here you count you can
00:50count on my love and my commitment long live the homeland long live Venezuela
00:58thank you very much
