insta empire episode 204

  • 2 months ago


00:00Miss Nivedita, what are you doing?
00:06Naksha was also a little angry.
00:08Who would tolerate such a thing?
00:10What am I doing?
00:12I am making a wine peg for myself.
00:14Why? Can't I make it?
00:16Nivedita said with a smile.
00:18Naksha, I have told someone to check your entire background.
00:23Wow, you turned out to be very secretive.
00:26Actually, you belong to the Bhanushali family of Mumbai.
00:30But a few years ago, they pushed you out of the house.
00:34Isn't it?
00:35After that, you came to Surat.
00:37And after marriage, you started living here as a son-in-law of some other family.
00:41I have to admit, there is no one as useless as you in Surat.
00:47As soon as Nivedita said this word, all the girls present there started laughing loudly.
00:54While laughing, two girls caught their stomachs and fell down from their place.
01:00Nandini, I don't understand what you find useful in this useless boy.
01:06What's the matter?
01:08Are there such people in Surat who like to make a trash as their son-in-law?
01:13If this is the case, then this brother has won a lottery.
01:17So, what does he want now?
01:19Does he want to take our Nandini?
01:22Look brother, in the Ahuja family, it is very difficult for the beggars to get entry.
01:26You should forget their daughter.
01:28After hearing Nivedita's words, everyone was convinced that Naksha does not know how to refine pills.
01:35How long has a useless trash been studying alchemy?
01:39On top of that, it is not easy to make a pill.
01:42An alchemist has no shortage of money.
01:45But here, Naksha is useless.
01:48Then how did he become an alchemist?
01:50Even gold and silver are not a big deal for an alchemist.
01:56Naksha was getting very angry inside.
01:59But nothing came out of his mouth.
02:02He did not come here to fight.
02:05Then no matter how much these people humiliate him, how much they bully him,
02:10but Naksha had to bear everything.
02:14This was the matter of the metal water pill.
02:17You what?
02:18Tell me.
02:19What do you want to say about me?
02:22Nivedita, holding her hands on her waist, started staring at Naksha in a proud manner.
02:27I don't want to argue with you.
02:30Naksha wiped the wine from her face and her steps went straight towards Nandini.
02:35Miss Nandini, but before Naksha could say her whole thing,
02:40in anger Nandini hit her hand hard on the sofa
02:44and hit Naksha in the middle.
02:47Don't you have any shame?
02:49You had said that you can refine any medicinal pill.
02:53Then what happened?
02:55Not only did you lie to me,
02:57but you also completely destroyed my basement and ran away.
03:01Because of you, all my herbs were burnt.
03:04On top of that, you made a hole in the wall. That's different.
03:07Miss Nandini, please listen to me.
03:10Naksha could not understand what to say.
03:13How to explain?
03:15That night, Madam Shabana's man knocked Naksha down and made him unconscious.
03:20When Naksha regained consciousness, he was at the headquarters of the Halal Gang.
03:24He had no idea what had happened to Nandini's villa after she left.
03:30You don't have to explain anything. Just stay away from my eyes.
03:34Being impatient, Nandini shook her hand hard.
03:38Didn't you hear what Nandini said?
03:41I am advising you to get rid of the idea of Nandini going close to you.
03:46Otherwise, I will kill you in such a way that no one will be able to recognize your face.
03:51At that time, the aura coming out of Nivedita's body was very unstable.
03:55If Naksha did not listen to her, she could attack Naksha at any time.
04:01Miss Nandini, please listen to me once.
04:04I have a friend who is fighting between life and death.
04:08To save his life, I need a metal water bill.
04:12Please give me that.
04:14In return, I am ready to give you as much money as you want.
04:18Being anxious, Naksha said.
04:20Every minute was precious for Kushal now.
04:24The later Naksha does, the heavier it will be for Kushal.
04:28As soon as the word came out of Naksha's mouth,
04:31all the girls' eyes were on Nandini.
04:35It is absolutely true that Nandini has the metal water bill.
04:40Actually, the metal water bill is the name of that pill.
04:43But in reality, it is just a metal.
04:4615 years ago, the Ahuja family bought that metal at the auction of the Modi family for 20 crore rupees.
04:53The Ahuja family tried a lot to extract that metal.
04:57But they did not find a good alchemist who could give it the form of a pill.
05:02So, to maintain the purity of that metal,
05:05they carved that metal into a bracelet,
05:08which Nandini is wearing right now.
05:11Everyone's attention was on that bracelet.
05:14Oh fool, do you even know what you are talking about?
05:18Metal water pill is a peerless treasure.
05:21Keeping all his emotions aside, Nivedita slapped Naksha.
05:26Nivedita is right, handsome.
05:28Hey handsome, I advise you to get that metal water pill out of your mind.
05:34You will never get it.
05:36Nandini loves him a lot.
05:38And she has been carrying him in her arms for so many years.
05:42The girl who was flirting with Naksha, Komal,
05:45stepped towards Naksha.
05:47And she put one hand on Naksha's shoulder.
05:50And Naksha's face began to move with the other hand.
05:53If someone from outside had seen this scene,
05:56he would have said that Naksha and that girl are a couple.
05:59I don't know what was going on in that girl's mind about Naksha.
06:03But the way she was posing,
06:05it was really a pose to take a picture.
06:09Komal, be a little polite.
06:11Nandini reminded Komal.
06:14After that, Nandini looked at Naksha and said,
06:17Do you even know how much the Ahuja family had bought that metal water pill for?
06:22Yes, for 20 crores.
06:25If you want, I can go to the bank right now and transfer all the money to your account.
06:30Naksha was in a hurry.
06:32Her face was clearly showing anxiety.
06:35That was 15 years ago.
06:37Do you know the current price of that metal?
06:40300 crores.
06:42Nandini said,
06:44Yes, no problem.
06:46I will transfer 300 crores.
06:48Naksha replied quickly.
06:50The Bhanushali Group's business had taken off.
06:54On top of that, The World Hotel was doing well.
06:57Then Kartik Patel, Himani Shah, Ravish, Akash and many more friends were with Naksha.
07:04In such a situation, taking out 300 crores was like taking out a bucket of water from the sea.
07:09It was not a big deal for Naksha.
07:12However, after hearing Naksha's answer,
07:14everyone present there felt as if Naksha was joking.
07:18The laughter that had calmed down,
07:21they started laughing again.
07:23Handsome, do you even know how much 300 crores is?
07:27To be honest, I am afraid that even if you and your wife are sold in the market,
07:33you will not get so much money.
07:35No matter how good that girl's face is,
07:38but the words that came out of her mouth and her thoughts were very bad.
07:42They were disgusting.
07:44Boy, without blinking and without thinking,
07:48you agreed to give 300 crores.
07:50Naksha, I think your skin is very thick.
07:53Are you like this from the beginning or have you become like this by pretending?
07:57I know very well why you are humiliating me.
08:01But the truth is that I had an emergency that night,
08:04so I had to go without informing.
08:06I had made that pill and left it there.
08:10But the mistake was that I forgot to turn off the pill furnace
08:14and that's why I got blasted.
08:16Naksha immediately put her hand in her pocket
08:18and took out a pill bottle and said,
08:21Here are the atom pills that the guest needs a lot.
08:25I do not lie.
08:27Naksha knew very well that if all this continues,
08:31then I do not know how Kushal's condition will be.
08:34He had to solve this matter as soon as possible
08:37and return to the vilayam of the Agnihotri family with the metal water pill.
08:41In a moment, everyone's smile disappeared.
08:44No one could believe their eyes.
08:47Some had big eyes,
08:49and some had open mouths.
08:52Nandini's eyes were suddenly burning
08:55and Komal's eyes were not even trying to move away from Naksha.
08:59Naksha's confidence was clearly visible in her eyes.
09:02Nandini knew that the atom pill is of red color
09:06and the bottle in Naksha's hand was filled with a red pill.
09:10Her intuition was screaming and saying
09:13that the pill is a real atom pill.
09:16Fake? Isn't it fake?
09:18I also think that this pill is fake.
09:20How can a useless person have master class alchemy skills?
09:24What kind of an international joke is this?
09:27My friend is absolutely right, Nandini.
09:30You do not need to become a fool again by listening to this rubbish.
09:34No one has seen this rubbish being made into a pill.
09:37I don't know where he stole these candies from.
09:39He looks like a thief.
09:41Even Nivedita could not believe it.
09:43However, she had a good chance to vent her anger on Naksha.
09:47Naksha's breath became heavy after listening to these people.
09:51In reality, these girls were complete fools
09:54who did not have any experience of pills.
09:57Naksha likes beauty with brain.
10:00But all this turned out to be hollow beauties.
10:03I don't know why these people call themselves rich
10:06when they have no understanding of the world.
10:10Don't say all this now.
10:11Nandini's eyes were constantly staring at Naksha.
10:14A while ago, you said that your friend is fighting between life and death.
10:18Is this true?
10:20This is absolutely true.
10:22There has been an accident with Kushal.
10:24And there have been internal injuries in his chest.
10:27If you don't believe me,
10:29then I can take you all to Agnihotri family's villa.
10:33Saying this, Naksha became so anxious
10:36that she started digging her cheeks and head.
10:41Leave all that.
10:42It's good that I don't have classes today.
10:45But I want to spend time with my friends.
10:48I have complete faith in you.
10:50I am ready to give you a metal water pill.
10:52But always remember one thing.
10:54This favor of mine will be a loan to you.
10:58Saying this, Nandini took out her bracelet.
11:01She understood the relationship between Naksha and Kushal very well.
11:05She knew that Naksha will not make fun of Kushal.
11:09This is the metal water pill?
11:11Surprised, Naksha said.
11:13Yes, this is the metal water pill.
11:16Let me explain one more thing to you.
11:18Although this metal is very rare and precious,
11:21but its existence is very extraordinary.
11:24We tried a lot to make its pill.
11:27But we didn't find any good alchemist
11:29who could make the pill in one attempt.
11:31Because after one attempt,
11:33this metal is of no use.
11:35So to maintain its purity,
11:38my parents carved it in a bracelet.
11:42I hope you will be able to use this metal properly
11:45and give a new life to Kushal.
11:48Saying this, Nandini pointed her bracelet towards Naksha.
11:52Before Naksha could react,
11:54suddenly Nivedita snatched the bracelet from Nandini's hand.
12:00Nivedita, what are you doing?
12:02Seeing Nivedita's behavior,
12:04Nandini was also completely surprised.
12:06Nandini, don't worry about it.
12:09Today I will teach this trash what is manners.
12:13This boy needs to be taught a lesson.
12:16Nivedita threw the bracelet in the air and said,
12:19Naksha, give me those pills first.
12:23Miss Nivedita, don't you believe that this is a real metal water pill?
12:28Saying this, Naksha's expression became completely ugly.
12:32He wanted to catch Nivedita right now
12:35and run away with the bracelet from her hand.
12:38But could Naksha do this?
12:41If Naksha did this,
12:43will Nandini get angry?
12:45Now how will Naksha take the bracelet from Nivedita's hand?
12:49Will she play a trick?
12:51Or will she do as Nivedita says?
12:54Will Naksha have to be more humiliated for the bracelet?
12:58Will Nivedita teach Naksha a lesson?
13:01Or will Nandini come in between and take Naksha's stand?
13:04Will Naksha be able to reach the village of the Agnihotri family on time?
13:09Will Kushal be able to survive?
13:11Will Kushal be able to recover?
13:13To know more, listen to Insta Empire.
13:16Only on Pocket FM.
13:24Pocket FM.