insta empire episode 199

  • 2 months ago


00:00If you don't know, then AB negative blood group is very rare in the world.
00:05Assume that out of 1000, you won't find a single person of that blood group.
00:11But here, out of 300 people of the Bhanushali family, 3 people were found of that blood group.
00:17Now you yourself think, if the nurse is not surprised, then what would have happened?
00:21Suddenly, a member of the Bhanushali family, while being impatient, said,
00:26Nurse, can we know who are those 3 people whose blood group has matched?
00:31Naksh, Darpan and Kunal.
00:34The nurse answered in a straight and clear manner.
00:37Upon hearing this, the rest of the members of the Bhanushali family breathed a sigh of relief.
00:42Yashwardhan Bhanushali, who had just woken up from his sleep,
00:46after hearing those 3 names, smiled on his face.
00:50No one wants to die.
00:52And Yashwardhan was no exception.
00:55All of you be ready.
00:57It would be better if all of you discuss with each other as to who will donate the blood.
01:02I will also inform the specialist team.
01:04And start the preparations for the surgery.
01:07After saying this, he took the test sheet in his hand and left the nurse's ward.
01:12Everyone's eyes were fixed on Naksh and the rest of the people.
01:17Darpan Bhanushali, while taking a deep breath,
01:20patting Kunal's shoulder, said,
01:22Kunal, can you donate blood to your grandfather?
01:26Naksh was not a member of the Bhanushali family anyway.
01:30But it is good for Naksh that even after all this,
01:34he came to meet his grandfather.
01:36This is enough.
01:37Why would he donate blood?
01:39Uncle, what did you say?
01:42Being shocked, Kunal looked at Darpan and said,
01:45I said that you donate blood to your grandfather.
01:49While saying this, Darpan's expressions completely changed.
01:53He understood how Kunal was trying to get out of the situation.
01:58But before Kunal could refuse Darpan,
02:01Yashwardhan Bhanushali, who was lying on the bed,
02:05suddenly opened his mouth.
02:07No, I want Naksh to donate blood to me.
02:12In a moment, Yashwardhan changed the whole atmosphere.
02:16And everyone started looking at Yashwardhan.
02:19Some had doubts in their eyes.
02:21So some understood what was the reason behind choosing Naksh.
02:26Yashwardhan was somehow helping Darpan and Kunal to save them from this problem.
02:31Think, how much a father is thinking about his son and grandson.
02:36But he is completely ready to put his grandson's life in danger.
02:40Was Naksh called here for this?
02:43Naksh, you have already become the son-in-law of another family.
02:49Your wife will support you all your life.
02:53But Darpan has just taken care of the family's finances.
02:57And there are a lot of things that cannot be done without him.
03:02The family needs Darpan a lot.
03:05Yashwardhan started giving reasons.
03:08As far as Kunal is concerned,
03:10you know that he is your aunt's only son.
03:14And how can a mother risk her only son's life?
03:19Donating his blood is not only dangerous,
03:23but also quite harmful for the body.
03:26He is still very young and cannot take such a big risk.
03:31Although Yashwardhan's voice was very soft,
03:34but everyone could hear it very well.
03:37And everyone understood what Yashwardhan Bhanushali wanted.
03:41Although Yashwardhan does not want Darpan and Kunal to risk their lives,
03:46but at least he should give the right reasons.
03:49Naksh is also the only son of his parents.
03:51So if his life can be put at risk,
03:54then why not Kunal?
03:56As soon as Naksh heard Yashwardhan's words,
03:59he was about to laugh out loud.
04:01If Kunal is young, is Naksh old?
04:05Or does Yashwardhan only see Kanika's motherhood?
04:08What about Janki's motherhood?
04:10And if Kunal donates blood,
04:12will it affect his health?
04:14But if Naksh donates blood,
04:16will he be fine?
04:18Naksh did not even understand
04:21what is the relationship between the Zaveri family and his son-in-law.
04:24If Naksh's wife supports him,
04:27can take care of him,
04:29then doesn't the Bhanushali family support Kunal?
04:32Isn't he taking care of him?
04:34This clearly shows
04:36what is the mentality of Yashwardhan Bhanushali.
04:40aren't you ashamed to say all this?
04:44Those who call themselves educated
04:46have such thoughts in their minds?
04:48Then what is the meaning of so much education and status
04:51when your thoughts are small?
04:54Naksh thought to himself
04:56when he realized
04:57that his grandfather was doing very wrong with him.
05:00Nanaji, you are right.
05:03I also feel that my body
05:05is very useful for the Bhanushali family.
05:07But this Naksh is completely useless.
05:10If anything happens to him,
05:11what difference does it make?
05:13With hatred in his eyes, Kunal looked at Naksh and said,
05:16and breathed a sigh of relief
05:19as if he had been hanged.
05:22It's true.
05:23Anyway, Naksh is a piece of trash
05:25whose body is filled with negative blood.
05:27So what will happen if he donates his blood to Dadaji?
05:31The Bhanushali family has also raised him.
05:35So can't he repay the favor when the time comes?
05:38The good thing is that he has strength in his body
05:42and his blood group is also matching.
05:45Helping the elders is a good deed.
05:48If only I could get my blood group,
05:50then I would definitely want to help Dadaji.
05:53In a low voice, everyone started discussing in the corridor
05:56looking at Naksh one by one.
05:58Naksh also looked at everyone one by one
06:01and his smile was even more radiant.
06:07Of course, Darpan Bhanushali understood
06:09what Yashvardhan was trying to do.
06:12If all this had happened in the past,
06:14then Darpan would have followed him blindly.
06:17But now that he had found out
06:19that Kanika was behind all this,
06:22he felt very guilty for Naksh.
06:25Kanika was his real sister
06:27and whatever he has done,
06:29he cannot be avenged.
06:31But Darpan could have kept that secret in his heart.
06:35Maybe he had no other choice.
06:39Didn't Naksh hear?
06:40We all had to take such a unanimous decision.
06:43But you don't have to worry.
06:46You will be given a good price for that work.
06:49Honor and money are two different things.
06:52By the way, your time to live is over.
06:55But you can definitely give your grandfather a new life.
07:00Saying this, Kanika's face could have seen a cunning smile.
07:04Do you think you can get your work out of me by doing all this?
07:09Laughing loudly, Naksh said,
07:12I am ready to donate blood.
07:14But it is better if you keep your greatness and generosity in your pocket.
07:19Because it is of no use to me.
07:22I have already ended all the relations of the Bhanushali family.
07:27But I am ready to donate blood
07:29because I want to repay all the favors my grandfather has done for me.
07:33As soon as Naksh uttered this word,
07:36there was silence in the entire ward.
07:40No one had the courage to argue with Naksh.
07:44Naksh, I am glad that you agreed to help me.
07:49If this operation is successful,
07:52and you and I survive,
07:54then we will forget everything that happened in the past.
07:59You can bring your parents back to the Bhanushali family.
08:02We will accept all three of you happily.
08:06Ashwardhan was a little too excited because of happiness.
08:10No, no one can force my brother to donate blood.
08:14And nor can he get trapped in sweet talks.
08:17Suddenly, a loud voice was heard.
08:20Before the people of the Bhanushali family would react,
08:23Kushal Agnihutri, who was completely filled with anger,
08:27crossed the crowd with a few of his men
08:31and went straight to Naksh.
08:33Kushal, what are you doing here in Mumbai?
08:36Surprised, Naksh said,
08:38You don't have to worry about it.
08:41Come with me quickly.
08:43I'll see who stops the two brothers from leaving here.
08:47In a fit of rage, Kushal said.
08:49Seeing Kushal's red eyes,
08:51the faces of all the people of the Bhanushali family bowed down.
08:55That day, whatever Kushal and his men did in the mansion of the Bhanushali family,
09:00the people of the Bhanushali family had not been able to forget it.
09:04Then how could they face Kushal?
09:07Kushal, this is a matter between the Bhanushali family.
09:10Why are you interfering in our family's matter?
09:14Kanika shouted in anger.
09:17According to Kanika, if Naksh leaves now,
09:20then her son will have to transfer blood.
09:23And how could she let that happen?
09:25I didn't settle the matter with you last time
09:28because it is the generosity of the Bhanushali family
09:31that we don't believe in doing such and such.
09:34But that doesn't mean that we are afraid of the Agnihotri family.
09:39To save her son, Kanika jumped into the field.
09:43And in fear, she had already answered Kushal.
09:46It's good that you are not afraid.
09:50Showing hatred, Kushal looked at Kanika and said,
09:53if the Bhanushali family really has the ability,
09:56then come and face the Agnihotri family.
10:00Then you will see how I destroy your family.
10:04Kushal, there is no need to be so impulsive.
10:07Naksh knew very well that Kushal's forehead gets hot so soon.
10:12Naksh, are you really a fool?
10:15How can you even forget that these people
10:18did to your parents and your friends?
10:22In anger, Kushal said,
10:25no matter how heartless the Bhanushali family is,
10:28I can't even forget their kindness.
10:31After all, this family has raised me for 20 years.
10:35Although Naksh was not happy from within,
10:38but he was just eager to repay the favor.
10:41In front of these people,
10:42his and Kushal's relationship could not even be compared.
10:46Kushal, what is your problem?
10:49You are crossing your limits.
10:50If Naksh wants to donate blood of his own free will,
10:53then what is your problem?
10:55This is his wish. He can do whatever he wants.
10:59The Bhanushali family has raised Naksh.
11:02And today we are just asking for his blood, not his life.
11:07On one hand, when everyone was telling Kushal to mind his own business,
11:11on the other hand, in full attitude,
11:13Kunal's steps moved towards Kushal.
11:15Because you are the heir of the Agnihotri family,
11:18that's why we have always tolerated you.
11:20But now that's it.
11:22Enough of you.
11:23In today's matter,
11:25there is no need to show your smartness.
11:28And don't forget that this is Mumbai,
11:30not your Surat.
11:32And tell me one thing,
11:34whether Naksh gives his blood or his life,
11:37what do you care?
11:38Anyway, he is a useless person.
11:41Even if something happens to him during the surgery,
11:43this is his look out, not ours.
11:46You are there to take care of his wife.
11:49Then what is the problem?
11:51There is still time.
11:52Leave from here peacefully,
11:54otherwise don't say later that I have become impolite.
11:58In a stern manner, Kunal said.
12:00But as soon as this word came out of Kunal's mouth,
12:03the expressions on Kushal's face had completely changed.
12:08What do you think of yourself?
12:10Do you think you can come in front of me and talk all this nonsense?
12:15Saying this, Kushal immediately grabbed Kunal's collar
12:18and pulled him towards himself.
12:19Not only that,
12:21while lifting one of his legs,
12:22Kushal welcomed Kunal with a strong kick in his stomach.
12:27After eating a strong kick one by one,
12:28Kunal's face turned completely yellow.
12:31And after eating three to four drops,
12:33he fell on the ground.
12:35But Kushal's anger had not calmed down yet.
12:38He grabbed Kunal's hair
12:40and started slightly lifting it up
12:42and started slapping him on the face.
12:46There was silence in the entire ward.
12:49No one had expected that Kushal would attack without any warning.
12:54That too on Kunal.
12:56Everyone was shocked.
12:58However, no one had the courage to get in the way of Kushal.
13:02What will happen next?
13:04Did Naksh not understand the intentions of Yashwardan Bhanushali?
13:08Or was he really just doing his favour?
13:11Will Naksh donate blood to Yashwardan?
13:14Or will Kushal not let this happen?
13:17If Naksh does this,
13:18will his life be in danger?
13:21Was there going to be an accident with Naksh?
13:24What else is left to see in this story?
13:28Will the surgery be successful?