Enders 29th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Enders 29th July 2024


00:00I just spoke to the estate agent. I've told them to take this off the market, so we can
00:24stay here, us and the baby. Debbie would have wanted you to be happy. I know she would.
00:33And she was so loved. I mean, you should take comfort in that.
00:38Well, she always had lots of friends. I mean, of course, they all drifted after she had
00:44Deb. But now she's gone, they've all come calling back.
00:50Yeah. Well, you didn't drift, though. You were there right till the end. You did everything
00:57for Debbie. You were the best husband she could have wished for. I get that.
01:06How's, er, how's Nugget? At home, fighting with Avani over the gaming
01:25controller. I think she's missed him. Looked like she might let him win for a change.
01:30Dad, you're, er, working well. Dad's almost out of his meds. I've just got to pop out
01:36to the chemist later. Oh, I can do that.
01:40I was no need to fight over who gets to help him. I'd pick the pills up myself if I wasn't
01:46preparing for a business meeting. Business meeting? Remember, Seth?
01:50Yeah, there's this building management firm that wants to put us on a retainer. Should
01:54be very lucrative. So I'm thinking of taking them to Walford East, wine and dine them,
02:00turn on the Vanessa charm. Just don't overdo it, Dad, yeah?
02:02Well, maybe I should be there. Er, you know, take the strain off a bit.
02:06I think I can handle a business meeting without my son holding my hand.
02:12Hey, drop the meds off in the call centre when you pick tomorrow.
02:22It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Go, go, go, go, go, go.
02:27Surprise! Yay!
02:28Oh, that's great. I feel like I'm a touch old for the whole birthday thing, though.
02:31Yeah, that's what I say. And I said nonsense. No-one's too old for
02:35a birthday party. Hold on, what? Party?
02:38Yeah. I mean, it's small. I mean, tiny, actually. I printed off a load of invites for the whole
02:43market. Honey!
02:44Martin, your family have worked Bridge Street Market longer than any of us have been alive.
02:50Well, maybe not, Billy. Oi!
02:53Well, fairly. And when I told Mr Lister that today was
02:57your big 4-0, he insisted that I get cover so the whole entire market can come celebrate
03:02with you. Which is lovely.
03:04I know. Except, er, it's not my 40th.
03:06See, I told you. He's 43 if he's a day. I'm 39, actually.
03:11Oh, that's all right. I mean, that counts. Anyway, two o'clock, Square Gardens.
03:17In this? That's all right. It's going to clear up.
03:20I checked. Good luck.
03:22Come, Billy. Oi, 43?
03:24Yeah, ACIs. You know you can get cream for that.
03:34Oh, oh. I see something you like.
03:37Hmm? You know, if you thought it was a nightmare
03:40being married to a Slater, that family, our next level.
03:44Behave yourself, will you?
03:54I think Ian got a bit carried away. You can feed the 5,000 with that.
03:57Oh, I was really kind of him. Thank him for us, weren't you?
04:00Yeah, of course. I would have left it a couple of days before I come over to see you,
04:04but me, Ian and Lexi are going over to see Ben.
04:08Callum can't get the time off work, so Ian nabbed his ticket.
04:11Oh, I bet you can't wait to see him.
04:13I just wish it was under different circumstances,
04:16but, you know, just to be in the same room as him, so I'm...
04:19I know he's a grown man and all, but he's still my little boy.
04:23This'll be you in 20 years' time,
04:25wondering whatever scrapes your little ones have got themselves into.
04:28Want a cup? Yes. Ooh!
04:30I'll get it.
04:32Listen, I know it's selfish and everything,
04:35but I am so glad you're staying on the Square.
04:38So am I. We're hoping to have a quick word.
04:41How soon is it? Come in.
04:43We already spoke the other day. Nothing wrong, is there?
04:47I think it's best if we sat down.
04:52What's going on?
04:54All Dad wants is for us to follow him round like little puppies.
04:57Every time I try and step up with the businesses, he blocks it.
05:00Yeah, well, don't sound so surprised.
05:02You knew exactly who you were dealing with.
05:06Maybe... Maybe I'll just back off a bit.
05:08Vinnie, know your audience.
05:10Since when has your father respected anyone who backed off?
05:15The post-mortem's being carried out.
05:19And while we wait for the results, your wife will stay in the mortuary.
05:23We just wanted to let you know you can see her.
05:26Why would I want to do that?
05:28She'll be all cold. I couldn't, though. Sorry.
05:32Although there was no chance of recovery,
05:35Rhys was devoted to Debbie, right until the end.
05:38Stop saying that!
05:42Sorry. Sorry.
05:45Thanks for letting us know. It's really kind.
05:48I'll show ourselves out. Oh, no, no. Thank you.
05:54Thank you.
06:02Darling, are you all right?
06:04I know you're grieving, but it was really thoughtful of them to pop by.
06:08Yeah, I know, and I didn't mean to take it out on you.
06:12It's just...
06:15I wasn't with her at the very end.
06:17You keep saying I was, but the fact is, Debbie died all alone.
06:22Well, I didn't mean you were literally with her.
06:25It just meant that your heart was with her.
06:28It's like that Elvis song.
06:31It's a honky-tonk angel.
06:33You were always on my mind.
06:37Debbie was always on your mind. She still is.
06:41But you need to start thinking about yourself now.
06:44You know, you've got yourself all worked up,
06:46and I think it might be because you haven't had a chance to say a proper goodbye.
06:50I've already said most on you.
06:55Come on, Kat, I am your longest-serving driver.
06:58I shouldn't have to beg for the decent fees.
07:00British Airways ain't at Heathrow as much as you are.
07:02And you're already getting twice as much as the other drivers.
07:05Well, sign me up for a couple of night shifts, then.
07:07Darla's been on the blow.
07:09She needs a deposit for her new flat plus uni fees.
07:12It's just never-ending, Kat.
07:13All right, a week of nights, and that's it.
07:15Thank you, boss. I do much appreciate it.
07:17Boys, you touch them parcels again, I'll have your heads.
07:20Hey, hey, hey, you, go and keep your eye on your brothers. Go on.
07:23Yeah, Tommy, go and sort the parcels out.
07:25I'm not paying you to sit on your backside all summer.
07:30So how's he been this morning?
07:32Well, there's been no fisticuffs, if that's what you mean.
07:35But the social called and they said they're closing the case.
07:38But they could inform the school so they can keep their eye on him.
07:42I don't know what they think they're going to find.
07:44I know we're not perfect, but we're a decent family and we love our kids.
07:49So, anyway, um, Freddy has informed me that Little Mo and Lin
07:53are going to be going to the caravan for a bit,
07:55as you were meant to go last week. Fancy it?
07:57Yeah, yeah, I'll just chuck my knickers in my designer handbag, yeah,
08:00and leave the gremlins to take care of themselves.
08:02Kat, they won't be taking care of themselves.
08:04Maybe if me and Tommy spent a bit of father-son time,
08:07he wouldn't be stuck on the idea of you and Phil maybe getting back together.
08:11This is just a rough patch, all right?
08:13It's not like it's our first one.
08:15I'm dealing with it.
08:25Phil, just the man I've been looking for.
08:27Look, you thought any more about us, we've got enough troubles behind us.
08:32Oh, come on, Phil, you're almost too warm and cuddly.
08:35I can't cope!
08:38Hey, Rhys, hold up.
08:41Not a good time. My wife's dead, but you?
08:44Not a good time. My wife's dead, but you? She died.
08:47Yeah, well, it wasn't exactly out of the blue, was it?
08:50State she was in.
08:52Now, I want to see a return on my so-called investment.
08:55I really don't have the headspace for work right now.
08:57And in the meantime, I want updates. Regular ones.
09:00That's not how it was. Look, these things take...
09:02We can do it my way, all right?
09:04Or I'll turn you upside down and shake you till the money falls out.
09:07It's your choice.
09:37No, a whisky, please, Tracy.
09:40Just tell him I'll speak to him soon.
09:43Oh, thanks, Kev.
09:49Well, if you don't need a night in a club full of sweaty men, I don't know who does.
09:54You're admissible, mate. Come on, a night out at De Kidd.
09:56I'm not in the mood, Johnny.
09:58You've changed your tune.
10:08Oh, mate.
10:09Um, Trace, can I leave those on the bar, please?
10:13Thank you. Here you are, mate.
10:15Honey and Natalia's just throwing a little party for Martin later.
10:18Probably a good idea to spend some time with mates at a time like this, yeah?
10:21You heard them?
10:25Listen, I'm so sorry.
10:27That must have been complicated, what with her condition and that.
10:34Look, I'd swerved that. I mean, drinking never solved anything.
10:38Take it from someone who knows.
10:41I thought I'd already done my grieving for Debbie.
10:45Yeah, mate, listen.
10:47It will creep up on you, huh?
10:49When you think over it and then suddenly something will remind you of someone already,
10:54the other, whatever, and then on the floor again.
10:59Sonia thinks I should go and see her in there.
11:02Well, you know.
11:05Thinks I should say goodbye.
11:09Yeah, this is a tough one.
11:12Debbie hated the cult.
11:14The thought of seeing them, you know.
11:18Listen, they...
11:20They encouraged us to spend some time with Peach after she was delivered.
11:23They say it helps with the grieving process.
11:28That day, it was the worst day of my life.
11:30Really was agony, except for when it was just me,
11:33Witt and Peach.
11:35I don't know what I'd have done if I didn't get that time to say goodbye, you know.
11:40You won't be worried.
11:42If it helped you and Whitney.
11:46Listen, go easy, mate, yeah?
11:48Thanks, son.
11:49Cheers, Frank.
11:57So, what's good here?
12:00I'm Vinnie Panasar.
12:02I'm Vinnie Panasar.
12:05I used to run the pest control business with my brother, Kira.
12:08Sorry that I am late.
12:11You should try the masala fries.
12:13Best this side of the river.
12:27You were right.
12:29I should go and see Debbie.
12:31I, um...
12:33I spoke to Zach.
12:35And, um, with Peach, you know, he found it...
12:42Yeah, I just hope I can find some sort of peace.
12:46And I'm sorry how I spoke to you.
12:48You're not yourself at the moment.
12:50I understand that.
12:52I saw you talking to Phil earlier. What did he want?
12:55I told him what happened, you know.
12:57He was just passing on his condolences.
13:00Didn't look like that.
13:02Well, I suppose. I mean, he was hassling me a little bit.
13:07Now, I set up an investment for him and Sharon,
13:09and he thinks he's going to see a return in five minutes,
13:12but I kept telling him that isn't possible.
13:14What, he was talking to you about work at a time like this?
13:16Yeah, I did say my head wasn't in it, but, well, you know Phil.
13:19Yeah, I do.
13:21Where are you going?
13:22I've known Phil Mitchell a very long time,
13:24and sometimes he just needs telling straight.
13:26I'm sorry, wait.
13:27Don't be silly, get out of my way.
13:28You'll make things worse, ten times worse.
13:30Phil will take it against me.
13:32He'll fire me, and I'll need this job.
13:34Especially now with the bank...
13:35No job is worth being spoken to like that now.
13:37Out of my way.
13:38You can't talk to Phil.
13:39I can, and I will.
13:40You can't.
13:42Because I stole from him.
13:52You all right, mate?
13:54Yeah, fine.
13:55I'm just not a good asshole.
13:59Oh, Nugget's back home if you want to go see him.
14:03His dad will kill me.
14:04You all right?
14:05Three chocolate muffins and the strongest coffee you've got, please.
14:08I hate chocolate muffins.
14:10So like, we had crisps instead.
14:12Oh, will you pack it in a pair of your...
14:16All right?
14:17All right.
14:18Oh, we're going to go park later.
14:20Want to come?
14:22Er, I suppose I'd better ask first.
14:24Mum, I'm going to the park with the lads.
14:28Is there a question in there somewhere?
14:31All right, fine.
14:33But you take your brothers with you.
14:34You are joking.
14:35No, I'm not.
14:36They're bouncing off the walls in there,
14:37and if I don't work, you don't have a roof over your head.
14:42Thank you.
14:46It wasn't hard, was it?
14:49Shall we go?
14:50Go on.
14:51Yeah, go on.
14:54Boys, come, let's go.
15:02I know we haven't been together long.
15:06But I thought I knew you.
15:07The fundamentals.
15:09Kind, safe.
15:11I am those things.
15:13So what happened?
15:14You looked at Phil and Sharon's spreadsheet and just couldn't resist.
15:18I deal with money every day.
15:19I don't even think of it as money.
15:21It's just numbers.
15:23Well, usually.
15:25But we've had some big expenses these last few months.
15:27We've barely been keeping our heads above water.
15:29And I was willing to sell this house, Dot's house, to deal with it.
15:32And I didn't want you to have to do that.
15:34So instead you decided to steal?
15:35Yeah, to pay for the care home fees.
15:37So you wouldn't be so stressed about money.
15:39I was only thinking about you and the baby.
15:45Look, I'm not a bad man.
15:48Look, I wouldn't do a bad thing unless I couldn't see any other way.
15:54But you do know me.
15:58I promise.
16:02Nicking off Phil?
16:03Of all people?
16:06I'm in big trouble, aren't I?
16:08What am I going to do?
16:11You're going to get your coat on.
16:12We're going to get in the car and you're going to go and see Dad.
16:15We're going to get in the car and you're going to go and see Debbie.
16:18We'll deal with the rest later.
16:28What sort of show, mate?
16:29That's Jack.
16:31I saw Callum earlier.
16:33He's like a bit of a sore head.
16:34Doesn't like him at all.
16:35Yeah, well he's got things on his mind.
16:37Yeah, like what?
16:39He wanted to go and visit Ben with Kathy in and Lexi.
16:41Only we couldn't spare him.
16:43Life on cover, eh?
16:45Not that I'm expecting anyone to get the violins out.
16:49You might want to check in on him.
16:51If you're interested in being a mate.
17:00If you'll excuse me for a minute.
17:01Nature calls.
17:05Five old men here sitting in sign on the dotted line.
17:10I know you told me not to come.
17:12But this is a family business, Dad, and I won't be shut out anymore.
17:19Get another round of drinks.
17:20When he comes back, close the deal.
17:35How's Devinder settling back in?
17:38He's fine.
17:42Are you at least going to let me know when his next dialysis session is?
17:46He's got a phone.
17:47If he wants you to know anything, he'll tell you.
17:50We're his parents, and I'm asking you.
17:55If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have to beg for news about my own son.
18:00Hey, no, no, not that.
18:02He's in the middle of an important meeting, Bria.
18:04Oh no, I'm sorry.
18:05I'd hate to upset him by trashing his entire life.
18:08Oh, I need you on standby, so whenever there's an issue with any of our buildings...
18:12I hope you know what sort of lying sex pest you're getting yourself into business with.
18:17Excuse me?
18:18I'm so sorry about this.
18:19Keep your voice down. Stop making a scene.
18:21Sleaze is what he is.
18:23A scummy, horrible, pasty ball of human sleaze.
18:27You're embarrassing yourself.
18:29I think I'd better leave you to it.
18:31No, no, no, no.
18:32Mr. Morris, we've finished lunch anyway.
18:36Come back to the office. We can continue the conversation there.
18:40We won't be beaten on our prowess or professionalism.
18:43You have my word.
18:52Can you keep her under control?
18:54Don't talk about me like I ain't here.
18:56Wish you weren't here.
19:06You alright?
19:09It's just the room on the end. Take your time. Take as long as you like.
19:20I'll be waiting just outside.
19:24Miss Debbie.
19:25Just talk to her.
19:55Hello, Debbie.
20:01Look, you two.
20:03Don't move this time, yeah?
20:05Mate, you nearly took his eye out with that last shot.
20:09What do you mean, so? They're little kids, mate. This ain't right.
20:11Oh, look. They're fine.
20:13Plus, you'll have to put up with his whining all the time.
20:15Tommy, I'm telling you now. Don't do it.
20:19They're your little brothers. What are you playing at?
20:23See you.
20:29Who do you think you're talking to?
20:32You better watch yourself, yeah?
20:33Unless you want the social at the door again.
20:35I'm your mum.
20:38I thought I was talking to my little boy.
20:42I don't think I know who you are anymore.
20:47You alright, boys?
20:48Come here.
20:51Let's go home, yeah?
20:56Oh, he's here!
20:58There you go.
20:59Still going with the 40th birthday thing, then?
21:01Well, of course. Just in case Mr Lister pops up.
21:05And an Olympic theme, I see. I take it that was Billy's idea.
21:07Tell you what, I've been loving the Olympics.
21:09You been watching?
21:10Well, I never miss the Women's Beach Volleyball, to be fair.
21:15Yes, it was Billy's idea to put the flags up.
21:17You know how he likes to talk about the story.
21:19What story's that?
21:21Mate, I'll tell you what. Go on.
21:23What story's that?
21:24Oh, mate, I'll tell you what. Go and grab Billy
21:26and ask him about the time he held the Olympic torch.
21:31I'm sorry, no offence, but if I have to hear that story one more time...
21:35I'm with you, Martin. I'd cry. Actual tears.
21:37Oh, hey! There they are.
21:39Hey, kids.
21:41I can't believe you're having a fake 40th birthday party.
21:45Do you know the best bit? Nobody's even questioning it.
21:48Well, Winston just said he thought it was more like 50.
21:52Yeah. Right little double like you two, ain't you?
21:56It's the hairline, isn't it?
22:02Sonia found out about the money I stole from her friends.
22:06She was so angry.
22:09But I think deep down she understood.
22:14And it got me thinking.
22:17Maybe we need to find a way to understand what happened between us two.
22:22Maybe it's that thing that Mum used to say.
22:28Loving someone's about putting them first.
22:33I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just think about you.
22:41Because there's been no kind of life, has there, these last few years?
22:46Stuck in bed.
22:48Stuck in bed.
22:51No sunlight.
22:53No joy.
23:00Do you remember Tunisia?
23:04I couldn't stand the heat. I had to keep my shirt on the whole time.
23:10But you...
23:13You lived on that beach.
23:15Hidden out at sea.
23:18Toasting the sand.
23:22The sun shining down on your beautiful face all day long.
23:45I'm sorry.
24:01I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to help you sooner.
24:08And I hope wherever you are,
24:11the sun never stops shining.
24:15I love you.
24:24I love you.
24:46I think I know how to get Dad to back me once and for all.
24:52Hey, are you OK?
24:54Yeah, Tommy's at home and the twins are with Jane.
24:57You didn't have to rush over.
24:59Well, no, it's just that you sounded upset.
25:01You should have seen it, Alfie.
25:04He tried to hurt the twins and I really hurt him.
25:09I thought I could fix this on my own.
25:12But I think I need help.
25:14Hey, come on.
25:16I'm here now, all right?
25:18I'm here.
25:26You're all right.
25:28I needed to say goodbye.
25:33Debbie was such a good person.
25:35She'd want me to be happy, you know, to move on.
25:39Not so much to look forward to.
25:44You went out.
25:46I didn't realise you were coming.
25:48Our daughter died. What else would we do?
25:52I can't believe she's gone.
25:56My little girl's...
25:58really gone.
26:01I just don't get it.
26:04Well, she was stable
26:06and I called the care home and they said she was fine.
26:11And then I get a call out of the blue saying that she'd gone.
26:19Something happened to our little girl.
26:24And I'm going to find out what.