• 2 months ago


00:00This is a derivative work of the Touhou Project.
00:15Can you hear me, Teru?
00:17We've finished placing the escape pod.
00:19We've arrived at our destination.
00:22We're about to begin the assault.
00:25I don't know what's going to happen inside.
00:28Please be careful.
00:30Yes, sir!
00:34I'm a coward.
00:36I've never been a leader, so I'm still weak.
00:41But today, everyone's lives are at stake.
00:45I'm really scared.
00:49That's why...
00:51I won't lose!
00:59I won't lose!
01:01I won't lose!
01:03I won't lose!
01:05I won't lose!
01:07I won't lose!
01:09I won't lose!
01:11I won't lose!
01:13I won't lose!
01:15I won't lose!
01:17I won't lose!
01:19I won't lose!
01:21I won't lose!
01:23I won't lose!
01:25I won't lose!
01:27I won't lose!
01:29I won't lose!
01:31I won't lose!
01:33I won't lose!
01:35I won't lose!
01:37I won't lose!
01:39I won't lose!
01:41I won't lose!
01:43I won't lose!
01:45I won't lose!
01:47I won't lose!
01:49I won't lose!
01:51I won't lose!
01:53I won't lose!
01:55I won't lose!
01:57I won't lose!
01:59I won't lose!
02:01I won't lose!
02:03I won't lose!
02:05I won't lose!
02:07I won't lose!
02:09I won't lose!
02:11I won't lose!
02:13I won't lose!
02:15I won't lose!
02:17I won't lose!
02:19I won't lose!
02:21I won't lose!
02:23I won't lose!
02:33It's open!
02:39Just now, the heroes have entered the airspace!
02:42According to the information we received,
02:44the leader of the intruders seems to be SHINE!
02:49Are you sure about SHINE?
02:51I heard that CENTURY and STARDUST are at the scene.
03:01Is SHINE going to be okay?
03:04Of course!
03:06If it's SHINE, we can solve this problem in no time!
03:16That's right, Jel.
03:21Let's go.
03:31It's so quiet.
03:34I don't think we're in the middle of a big city.
03:37I don't think there's any electricity or light.
03:41Look at that.
03:44There must be something over there.
03:47The first thing we should aim for is that tower.
03:52Let's go.
03:58I wonder where the people in the city are.
04:02There's still no enemy attack.
04:05I don't think they know what we're doing.
04:08I'll take a look from above.
04:11Don't stand out.
04:17It's too dark to see.
04:22Teru-chan, this way!
04:25What's wrong, Spirit-san?
04:28This way!
04:41What is this?
04:43Could it be the people inside?
04:46I'll take a look.
04:48Be careful!
04:52I-Is everyone okay?
04:55It depends on the quality of this place.
04:58Or maybe this is what happens when you stay in this space for a long time.
05:02It looks like they're alive because they're doing life activities.
05:07If it's the same as last time, we should be able to go back to the way we were.
05:11We should hurry now.
05:14Up there! Something's coming!
05:20Everyone, prepare to fight!
05:23There you are.
05:25How dare you sneak around!
05:28You annoying heroes!
05:32You're in the way.
05:37A-An ambush?
05:44I don't know what you're planning.
05:46As long as we're here,
05:48we won't let you do as you please!
05:52You're going to die?
05:53How could you do this to the people here?
05:56Of course it wasn't me.
05:58This is the place where we came from.
06:01I don't care what you're talking about!
06:05My name is Doki.
06:07I'm a raging dragon.
06:09I'm going to destroy you all!
06:15That's what I wanted to say.
06:19I don't need you guys.
06:21The princess over there is here to take you away.
06:26What do you want with me?
06:28It's not me.
06:30It's her wish.
06:33She's waiting for you on the tower.
06:36On the tower?
06:38I knew it.
06:40Are you coming?
06:42Or are you going to get destroyed by me?
06:45That's what we were trying to do.
06:51I knew Genkyo was on that tower.
06:54What are you going to do, leader?
06:57Are you going to go?
07:02Wait a minute!
07:06You want me to go to the tower, right?
07:08I'll go with you.
07:10Is there a problem?
07:14I'm going to take her with me.
07:17Is it okay if I go?
07:20You look like an idiot.
07:22I'll help you.
07:25I'm going to take her alone!
07:28I don't need you heroes!
07:30You're so noisy.
07:33Then what are you going to do?
07:35You're a cute lizard.
07:40What did you just say?
07:43Oh, you didn't hear me?
07:46You're a very cute lizard.
07:51That's right.
07:55Am I that cute?
08:00Even if you say that, I can't do anything.
08:06Follow me.
08:07I'll take you to the tower on a safe road.
08:13I thought he was an idiot.
08:16But he's so calm.
08:19He's not an idiot, he's a big idiot.
08:28Are these people safe?
08:32Yeah, they're still safe.
08:36But they're already in my heart.
08:40It'll be empty in an hour.
08:45I'm going to lose my heart.
08:48That's the nature of my heart.
08:52Did you say Mr. Doki?
08:56There's a boy named Utsuro on the tower, right?
08:59Why are you waiting for Ai?
09:02I don't know.
09:04We don't interfere with each other's hearts.
09:07We just help each other in our dreams.
09:11A dream?
09:13I have a dream, too.
09:16One day, I want to collect cute stuffed animals from all over the world.
09:22I want to take a nap in them.
09:26I'm so jealous.
09:31You're so girly.
09:37What did you just say?
09:41I said you're cute and girly.
09:46Cute and girly?
10:01You're so girly.
10:04You talk like a man shouldn't like cute things.
10:09It's so annoying that I want to kill you.
10:12You're trampling on my man's heart.
10:17I'm going to kill all of you.
10:25You did it again, Teru-chan.
10:34He was so useful.
10:37What's wrong with being cute?
10:43It looks like he's in a bad mood.
10:55Episode 2
11:00You're so girly.
11:04I'm going to destroy you and your rotten values.
11:09He's coming. Be careful.
11:18We're trapped.
11:22There's nowhere to run.
11:24Get out of here, heroes.
11:27What are you doing?
11:29Please back off.
11:31Ryu Min Ken.
11:33Shin Shin Sho.
11:38I can't move.
11:45Grendel, you're amazing.
11:47I just got a little numb.
11:50Leader, I'll take care of this.
11:54If he's right, we'll lose their hearts in less than an hour.
12:00We can't waste our time here.
12:04We can't stay here alone.
12:06We don't know what kind of power they have.
12:12I understand.
12:14I'll leave this to you.
12:16Are you serious?
12:18I know your strength.
12:21And I know you don't want to fight.
12:25But you said you'd stay and fight.
12:29The best thing we can do is to believe and move forward.
12:34I'll leave the rest to you, Mr. Mellon.
12:46I'm counting on you.
12:48Are you kidding me?
12:51I'll bury all of you in the ground.
12:56That's impossible.
12:59Because everyone's already gone.
13:05I won't forgive you for ignoring me.
13:10Why are you in Amaralilk?
13:14Why do I have to talk to you about this?
13:19You don't look like a bad person.
13:24Why are you doing this?
13:29You guys are always like that.
13:31You think everything is good or bad.
13:35Do you know?
13:37Do you know how it feels to be insulted by the name of justice?
13:42Women like you don't know that.
13:46You can't accept who you are.
13:49You can't even ask for what you want.
13:53A cute woman like you.
13:55You can sleep with a stuffed animal in your arms.
13:57You can wear fancy clothes.
13:59You can accept everything in the world.
14:03I don't want a cute woman like you.
14:07I'm a man.
14:13You're a man.
14:14You're not supposed to be cute.
14:17Don't call me cute.
14:20Damn it.
14:21You're perfect for a stuffed animal.
14:26I'm not perfect.
14:29I want to be a strong and cool man.
14:33You're not cool at all.
14:37I want to be strong because I was born as a man.
14:40Shut up.
14:41A man should be cute.
14:44No, he shouldn't.
14:53Let's fight.
14:56I don't want to fight.
14:58I won't back down.
15:00Before justice and evil, this is...
15:03This is...
15:06The battle of men.
15:19It seems that time has come for the heroes.
15:24I'm so excited.
15:26I may have forgotten everything because I was so free.
15:31No problem.
15:32They'll come here one day.
15:35You can do whatever you want.
15:42Of course.
15:44My dream girl.
15:46Everything is for your wish.
15:50I'll purify the heroes.
16:01It's meaningless.
16:04I don't need a heart.
16:15What's that?
16:20I can't meditate.
16:23I don't want to be jealous of your attack.
16:29You said that you were rejected.
16:33Is that what you look like now?
16:37You like to irritate people.
16:41I don't want to make you angry.
16:44Why are you so obsessed with men?
16:48It's none of your business.
16:50Men are my way of life.
16:52You're just a trash who looks down on people.
16:57You're wrong.
17:00I think you're cool because you can see through your heart.
17:06I'm weak.
17:08So I can't see through myself.
17:11But I'm sure you're the opposite.
17:14You didn't give up your man.
17:17That's what you look like.
17:18Don't mess with me.
17:20You're cool.
17:21You're worthless.
17:22You're just a woman.
17:25I won't forgive you.
17:27I'll crush you.
17:29I can't be crushed.
17:32I'm a man, too.
17:35I'm a man, too.
17:45Belle, stop.
17:52It's a person.
17:54There was a man.
17:57Something's wrong.
18:00I found it.
18:02What's that?
18:05It's probably being controlled.
18:08Just like that time.
18:10It's dangerous to get caught.
18:12This way.
18:14It's coming this way, too.
18:16No way.
18:17What should we do?
18:19We can't beat it.
18:23Leave it to me.
18:25Ninja art.
18:28Ninja art.
18:30Sakura Gakure no Jutsu.
18:42Looks like we lost.
18:44That ninja art?
18:46It's amazing.
18:47It's amazing, but it doesn't work every time.
18:52If Tokimaru was here, we could have used another technique.
18:57What is he doing here at a time like this?
19:03But it's impossible to go through here.
19:07Is there a place where there are no people?
19:11There's no place where there are no people in this city.
19:17There is.
19:18There's no place where there are no people in this city.
19:22Is there a place like that?
19:29I see.
19:30Ordinary people don't go through the tracks.
19:36I'm sure it's close to the tower.
19:41We can get there without being seen by anyone.
19:48Ai-san, if it's too hard, I'll slow down.
19:52You won't catch up if you take a break.
19:56Do you think you can be a ninja with that strength?
19:59Hey, Pilz-san.
20:01It's okay, Teru-san.
20:03It's the truth.
20:05I had a big heart attack a long time ago.
20:09Since then, I can't stand intense exercise.
20:13I'm sorry.
20:14I said something bad.
20:16Forgive me.
20:21That's enough.
20:25I don't want to bother you.
20:27I'm confident in my legs.
20:30Come on, I'll speed up.
20:40It's straight ahead.
20:42Wait a minute.
20:58It's a toy train.
21:06Ladies and gentlemen!
21:11I'm Kufufu-san.
21:14I'm in charge of the railroad.
21:17That girl...
21:19She was with my mom.
21:24Do you know that the heroes have a problem with trucks?
21:29You're a crazy driver who doesn't know how to brake.
21:33There is a grave of five party people at the end of the separated railroad.
21:38You have to decide which way to go.
21:44What would you do if you were a hero?
21:47What are you talking about?
21:50Don't give me the answer.
21:52Because it's real.
21:55Let's go!
21:57Railroad train!
22:02No way.
22:03There are people in the grave.
22:08To be continued.
22:38Thank you for watching.
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