Supermarkets: Are items doubling in price?

  • 3 months ago
Are items in supermarkets doubling in price?
00:00Well, according to that food inflation tracker from Which, products at Sainsbury's have the
00:05highest level of inflation, with prices up 5.9% on the year in the month of May. On the
00:10other hand, products at Aldi were reported to be cheaper than a year ago, with inflation
00:14at minus 0.8%. This was the first time Which have seen negative inflation for a supermarket
00:20in their tracker.
00:23Which is campaigning for supermarkets to step up to help shoppers with the cost of living
00:27crisis. Their Affordable Food for All campaign calls on supermarkets to commit to clearer
00:31pricing and better access to budget ranges.
00:34Unusually, it was also found that budget range Own Label Food and Drink has by far the highest
00:40rate of inflation compared with other ranges, with prices up 9.3% on own brand products
00:45year on year in the month of May.
00:47Yes, it's the all important question, the one that all the supermarkets vie for to be
00:51the top of the list. It was Aldi, which was found to be the cheapest supermarket in June,
00:56averaging £118.41 on average for a shopping list of 65 popular grocery items. Little
01:02came in close second, with their basket costing £2.90 more. The most expensive supermarket
01:07was revealed to be Waitrose, should be no surprise there, where a basket was found to
01:11be 28% more expensive than at Aldi.
01:14Well, a food inflation tracker produced by consumer researcher Which has found that the
01:18prices of everyday household items like soft drinks and juices are in fact rising faster
01:23than any other type of supermarket groceries. The research found that energy drinks had
01:28the highest average annual inflation at around 6.6%, followed by bottled water at 6.2%, fizzy
01:35drinks at 5.5% and juice drinks and smoothies at 5.3% in the one month to the end of May
01:42But it will come as good news to British consumers to hear that inflation is in fact dipping
01:46overall after reaching one of its highest levels in more than 40 years. Though, according
01:52to figures from the Office for National Statistics, while the rate of food price inflation is
01:56also falling, it's still higher than the overall level of inflation.
