• 3 months ago
see more from the Dallas Cowboys :
00:00:00And they're going to be in the
00:00:01eighties free as they take the
00:00:03field sold out today Dallas and
00:00:07Minnesota and let's take a look
00:00:10first of all at the standings
00:00:11down the NFC East the Giants
00:00:13have won their record is 10 of
00:00:15three Dallas then in a must win
00:00:17situation today.
00:00:20Pat Summer all here with John
00:00:21Madden and how is Dallas playing
00:00:22what's your what what are your
00:00:23thoughts about their performance.
00:00:25Well they're not really playing
00:00:27like Super Bowl champions yet
00:00:28and they know that and they
00:00:29admit that you know they started
00:00:31off slowly they didn't have
00:00:32Emmitt Smith and then they get
00:00:33Emmitt Smith back then Troy
00:00:35Aikman gets hurt and since Troy
00:00:36Aikman has gotten back they
00:00:38really haven't gotten on a roll
00:00:39Jimmy Johnson was saying last
00:00:40night that we thought that on
00:00:42Monday night in the first half
00:00:43we were starting to get back in
00:00:45the role he said but then we
00:00:46didn't he said the players
00:00:47didn't play well we didn't coach
00:00:49well and he wants to come in
00:00:50here to Minnesota today and get
00:00:52back on that championship role
00:00:55they face a tough task here at
00:00:57the Metrodome Minnesota
00:00:58involved in that very
00:00:59complicated NFC Central Division
00:01:01race Detroit and Green Bay at
00:01:02seven and five the Bears have
00:01:05lost to Tampa Bay today so their
00:01:06record drops to seven and six
00:01:08Minnesota needs to continue on a
00:01:10roll what do you think of their
00:01:12chances John.
00:01:12Well I don't know that their
00:01:14chances are really too good and
00:01:16that's what Dennis Green is kind
00:01:17of worried about he said you
00:01:18know he said I can't be patient
00:01:20anymore he said we just have to
00:01:21go out and get these guys and
00:01:23they have good defense but
00:01:24defense isn't going to be enough
00:01:26Jim McMahon is going to be the
00:01:28starting quarterback today and
00:01:29Dennis Green says we have to be
00:01:31able to throw the ball and we
00:01:32and he has to be able to hit the
00:01:34open guy he said if he doesn't
00:01:35hit hit the open guy then I'm
00:01:37going to have to go to Sean
00:01:38Salisbury because like he said
00:01:40now is no time for patience
00:01:42there's no more room for that we
00:01:44have to win this one today you're
00:01:47so right John we're getting down
00:01:48to the situation and the
00:01:49circumstance of the season where
00:01:52every game becomes more and more
00:01:54important if you're a contender
00:01:56and you're a contender as both
00:01:58of these are first meeting here
00:02:01in Minneapolis since 1983 between
00:02:03the Cowboys and the Minnesota
00:02:07Vikings they did play in
00:02:09preseason but neither team at
00:02:10that point was at full strength
00:02:13for the Cowboys Emmett Smith
00:02:15wasn't in camp Troy Aikman
00:02:17didn't play because of the bad
00:02:18back the first meeting ever
00:02:22under Jerry Jones and Jimmy
00:02:25Johnson and Dennis Green the
00:02:28Viking coach never played
00:02:29against the team coach by Jimmy
00:02:31Johnson the Vikings will have
00:02:34the first crack at a Jim McMahon
00:02:36and Eddie Murray kicks off
00:02:41Andre Ishmael hit down before he
00:02:46gets to the 20 17 Matt Vanderbilt
00:02:50down first McMahon will open a
00:02:53quarterback as John Madden said
00:02:54in front of him Daphne a new
00:02:57left tackle next to McDaniel
00:03:00Adam Stryber Todd Kalis and Tim
00:03:02Irwin the rest of the offensive
00:03:04line Scotty Graham and Anthony
00:03:06Carter Chris Carter his mail and
00:03:10Derek Tonell opens a tight end
00:03:16one set back three wide receiver
00:03:21Chris Carter
00:03:25and the Cowboys complete a
00:03:28little bit short of the first
00:03:29down Andre Ishmael on defense the
00:03:35Cowboys have Jeff code and
00:03:36Tolbert as the ends let and
00:03:38Casillas are the defensive
00:03:39tackle Charles Haley will play
00:03:42Darren Smith Ken Norton in the
00:03:44middle and Dixon Edwards the
00:03:45linebacker Brown and Kevin Smith
00:03:48the corners Everett Woodson the
00:03:51first down second and short
00:04:02Scotty Graham and Graham will
00:04:04get the first down for
00:04:06Minnesota just outside the
00:04:08Minnesota 30 yard line.
00:04:10Scotty Graham is an interesting
00:04:12Here's the guy who a month ago
00:04:14was working in a pharmacy in
00:04:16Columbus Ohio and now he's
00:04:18starting his first NFL game
00:04:21because he's starting because
00:04:23Robert Smith who was a teammate
00:04:24of his at Ohio State injured his
00:04:26knee last week and he's taken
00:04:28his place built very much like
00:04:30him at Smith but weighs about
00:04:33two sixteen to 17 down the
00:04:39sideline in Dallas territory to
00:04:41the forty three where he stepped
00:04:43out of bound Chris Carter from
00:04:46the first down.
00:04:47This is what Dennis Green was
00:04:49saying they had to do.
00:04:50This is what Jim McMahon said
00:04:51they had to do.
00:04:52They had a pass protect.
00:04:53They had to get guys open and he
00:04:55had to be able to throw the ball
00:04:57at the Vikings are going to win
00:05:00They're going to have to win it
00:05:01like this good mixture good
00:05:03mixture of throwing and running
00:05:05and then play in strong defense
00:05:07but not defense alone will beat
00:05:08this cowboy team throwing on
00:05:11first down as they've done twice
00:05:13so far first again at the forty
00:05:16nine that's three step down
00:05:21Scottie Graham good yarded stop
00:05:24by Thomas Everett.
00:05:26The other thing they were going
00:05:27to do is run inside and they
00:05:29were going to run traps once the
00:05:30attract watch Kalis here.
00:05:32Todd get it.
00:05:33He's going to pull and make the
00:05:34trap here and then the ball runs
00:05:36right after it.
00:05:37But this is what a trap is.
00:05:38See the right guard coming six
00:05:40to nine boom right there.
00:05:41There's a trap block and now
00:05:43you're running right off that
00:05:45trap block.
00:05:45Traveling on let me know that
00:05:47we're just getting ready to
00:05:49attack with a boom.
00:05:50Here comes Todd Kalis brings up
00:05:52second and two at the Dallas 40
00:05:57first five in the game.
00:06:02Scottie Graham first down
00:06:05Jeff Cole dragged him down.
00:06:06He's going to get it back.
00:06:07He's going to get it back.
00:06:08He's going to get it back.
00:06:22Dennis Green said I saw those
00:06:24guys I gave them an opportunity.
00:06:27They went in and didn't make
00:06:28anything happen.
00:06:29He said so I haven't seen Scott
00:06:31I just want to see what he can
00:06:33See if he can make something
00:06:35And I think he's going to be
00:06:36able to do that.
00:06:37He's going to be able to do that
00:06:39He's going to do that twice in
00:06:40passing today.
00:06:46I would send safety man had to
00:06:50make the tackle.
00:06:51Hailey's waiting there.
00:06:52They were going to play him on
00:06:53passing downs meaning a third
00:06:55down and the Vikings game plan
00:06:58today is to pass on first downs
00:07:00to not play into that hand.
00:07:03Do not play into that hand where
00:07:04in a big rush second at five at
00:07:09the Dallas 28 Minnesota with a
00:07:14very attractive opening drive
00:07:23first down Minnesota Darren
00:07:26Wilson knocked him out of bound
00:07:31one thing Jim McMahon said
00:07:32yesterday Pat is when you play
00:07:35against the Cowboy defense this
00:07:37area out here what you call the
00:07:39flat area is the area that they
00:07:42always leave open now watch what
00:07:44happens here's a flat area right
00:07:46there you see there's no defense
00:07:48out there McMahon says if he can
00:07:50stay patient he thinks that he
00:07:52can take that flat area all day
00:07:55there is no way Woodson can get
00:07:56there or any safety man can get
00:07:58there from that spot here's
00:07:59McMahon to throw it no flag
00:08:03intended for Anthony Carter this
00:08:06time Kevin Smith on the
00:08:08coverage that's a good start for
00:08:12Jim McMahon again that was
00:08:14another first down pass and
00:08:15that's the thing because if you
00:08:17throw on first down then
00:08:19basically the Cowboys play run
00:08:21on first down so you're able to
00:08:23throw against a run defense and
00:08:26then they don't want the
00:08:27opposite they don't want to have
00:08:28to throw against the throwing
00:08:30defense now they've rolled this
00:08:36way with a two run to see Scott
00:08:52Graham's a powerful little guy
00:08:54if you watch him he's only five
00:08:55foot nine but he weighs two
00:08:57hundred and twenty pounds look
00:08:59at those legs and you know he
00:09:00has real power there and when he
00:09:02hits he brings a pretty good
00:09:04load he hits and he spins and
00:09:06takes about six seven eight guys
00:09:07to get him down third and five
00:09:11five carries twenty nine yard
00:09:15Derek to nail the tight end is
00:09:17on the right side here's McMahon
00:09:20and he's going to throw it is a
00:09:29first down Haley didn't play
00:09:32Kevin Smith the defender they
00:09:34roll right to that side you know
00:09:35they always worry about their
00:09:37left side of pass protection so
00:09:39they're going to roll to their
00:09:40right side their strongest
00:09:42blockers they did a good job of
00:09:44blocking Haley McMahon did a
00:09:46good job of finding a lane to
00:09:48throw the ball in.
00:09:49That's a big thing with today's
00:09:51football for the quarterback to
00:09:53find the throwing lane first and
00:09:55go just inside the 10 pursuit is
00:10:10What's in there first first guy
00:10:14there I think was Tony Tolbert
00:10:16who Graham really made mess.
00:10:18I mean he hit in there and kind
00:10:21of spun out at Tolbert's tackle
00:10:24and now Haley comes back in
00:10:26again the second second down as
00:10:29passing down second about nine
00:10:38and a half second stop by
00:10:48Norton Jim McMahon's an amazing
00:10:51guy Pat.
00:10:52He really is talking about a guy
00:10:54he has bad knees bad shoulders
00:10:56bad everything but you say what
00:10:58does he have.
00:10:59The guy is a competitor he knows
00:11:00how to play the game get back
00:11:02quickly just get rid of the ball
00:11:04before the rush gets there find
00:11:05the open guy.
00:11:07This has been a great offensive
00:11:09drive by the Minnesota Vikings
00:11:11third and goal from the two and
00:11:14Roger Craig three tight end set
00:11:24up for the Vikings.
00:11:37That's a tough thing about that
00:11:39roll out when you go to roll out
00:11:40there that kind of shrinks the
00:11:42field and when he went when
00:11:44Roger Craig went in motion he
00:11:46didn't have any threat of a run
00:11:47so they knew it was going to be
00:11:48a pass.
00:11:49Then he rolled and that just
00:11:50shrunk everything to that right
00:11:52side and there was no one to
00:11:53throw it to wide repairs will
00:11:56attempt to field goal with do
00:11:58some holding 21 out of 28.
00:12:02This will be from 20 yards.
00:12:03And the Vikings score first 20
00:12:08yard field goal by Reves they
00:12:10lead three nothing.
00:12:14The Minnesota Vikings three
00:12:16Dallas nothing earlier scores
00:12:18Tampa Bay beat the Bears the
00:12:20Giants over Indianapolis.
00:12:22Houston beat Cleveland.
00:12:27The one thing about the
00:12:28Minnesota Vikings is that they
00:12:30don't have a lot of time to
00:12:32the one thing about the
00:12:33Minnesota Vikings Pat their
00:12:35kickoff they're going to squib
00:12:37So if you look at the Cowboys
00:12:38here's their front five then you
00:12:40got a four man wedge.
00:12:42Now usually these guys are tight
00:12:43but now they're spread out
00:12:45because they're getting ready to
00:12:46return a squib kick.
00:12:48They would like those guys to
00:12:50catch it before it gets to the
00:12:51deep guy.
00:12:52Now Reves would like to kick it
00:12:54by that wedge to those deep guys
00:12:56but they're having trouble with
00:12:57their kickoff coverage and
00:12:59trouble getting the ball up in
00:13:00the air.
00:13:01So we expect him to squib kick
00:13:03Plus he's got a bad ankle.
00:13:04In fact he's got too bad ankle
00:13:06squib kick.
00:13:08And he landed just about where
00:13:10he wants to.
00:13:13Will set up the return and he's
00:13:14got some room.
00:13:20About the forty five.
00:13:22No matter how they kick it.
00:13:25They seem to bring it back.
00:13:27You have to blame that you can't
00:13:28blame that on a kicker.
00:13:30You can't blame that on a
00:13:31kicker for not enough height
00:13:32because he squib kicked it.
00:13:34That has just been not good
00:13:38Thirty nine yard return.
00:13:41Dallas takes over at their own
00:13:42forty five.
00:13:43Minnesota leads three nothing.
00:13:47Football League is sponsored by
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00:14:00And the man who directs with
00:14:02conditioners the serious band
00:14:03of shampoo.
00:14:09Will be led by Troy Aikman.
00:14:12In front of him.
00:14:14The regular offensive line and
00:14:15step nasty is starting at
00:14:30Brett Strickland brought him
00:14:32The Minnesota defense.
00:14:36A very quick front for Goldman
00:14:38and Barker the ends Thomas and
00:14:40Randall the tackles.
00:14:43Ex-cowboy Jack Del Rio in the
00:14:46middle Strickland and Jenkins on
00:14:47the outside.
00:14:49McMillan and Lee the
00:14:50cornerbacks Glenn and McGregs
00:14:52Lamar McGregs the ex-giant.
00:14:56And strong safety second and
00:15:15This is a waggle they started
00:15:17the running backs to the left
00:15:19Emmitt Smith to the left.
00:15:20Aikman comes to this side.
00:15:22Irvin again a guy who can run
00:15:25full speed and then stop and go
00:15:27the other way without losing a
00:15:29lot of steps.
00:15:30That's close.
00:15:33Phoenix and Detroit nothing
00:15:35Kansas City 7 nothing.
00:15:40First and 10 Dallas.
00:15:42Crowd booing they didn't think
00:15:43Irvin stayed in bounds.
00:15:45It was close.
00:15:55Barker and Thomas.
00:15:56Yeah this is the thing that
00:15:58these guys do so well is you
00:16:00take a Nate Newton you take a
00:16:02mark to an A you take step
00:16:04They really move the pile and
00:16:06just watch how they start and
00:16:08they get them going they get
00:16:09them there and then they get
00:16:11this guy double team and they
00:16:12get the movement back.
00:16:14They just knock him right out of
00:16:15there and then when you get
00:16:17movement like that on the line
00:16:18of scrimmage Emmitt Smith was
00:16:20always going to find that soft
00:16:23Second at eight.
00:16:26And that's what they did.
00:16:27They blitz a blitz statement hit
00:16:30him in the back just as he let
00:16:31it go.
00:16:34Intended for Emmitt Smith.
00:16:35That was a heck of a block by
00:16:37Darryl Johnston Fred Strickland
00:16:39came in and he was coming full
00:16:41speed right up the middle to get
00:16:44You want to see a block watch
00:16:46this one.
00:16:47Watch number 48 block number 53
00:16:49here comes Strickland full speed
00:16:51boom right there I'll tell you
00:16:53and then keep it going.
00:16:54See then he takes him turns him
00:16:56around and he's got him in the
00:16:57back of the bag.
00:16:58He's got him in the back of the
00:17:00That is the way a running back
00:17:03should block a blitz Darryl
00:17:05Johnston has been doing it for a
00:17:26In the opinion of Jimmy Johnson
00:17:29J.C. Pearson made the stop.
00:17:34Henry Thomas limping off and he
00:17:38was a guy that Dennis Green was
00:17:40worried about yesterday because
00:17:42he plays that cock nose tackle
00:17:44remember that double team we
00:17:45showed between Stepnowski and
00:17:47He was a guy that they double
00:17:49teamed on him and they got him
00:17:50moving and they got him going
00:17:52backwards and Danny Green said
00:17:54that you know that he takes so
00:17:55many hits playing at that
00:17:57position that he's going to have
00:17:59to substitute this guy here.
00:18:01Culpepper in some and some of
00:18:03the other guys in some for him
00:18:05because you just can't stand in
00:18:07that position and take those
00:18:09hits by those big offensive
00:18:10linemen all day.
00:18:11He was banged up going into this
00:18:13game Murray from 51 yards as
00:18:16long as this year is 50 Nova
00:18:19back homing that's going to get
00:18:32Dallas 3 Minnesota 3 4 57 left
00:18:44to play in the first quarter 3
00:18:473 score Dallas and Minnesota
00:18:493 4 the Giants with their
00:18:53victory today have clinched at
00:18:56least a spot a wild card spot in
00:19:00the playoffs.
00:19:02Ishmael was the man in the
00:19:19He stepped up and it was where
00:19:25Eddie Murray hit him not where
00:19:28Woodson got him.
00:19:30Ishmael makes a heck of a return
00:19:33See he starts up to the middle
00:19:34to invite the coverage to the
00:19:37Then he breaks to the outside
00:19:38gets out of a tackle there.
00:19:40Now all he has to do is beat
00:19:42Watch his right hand say he did
00:19:44He starts to go up like he did
00:19:46it and then he's going to go up
00:19:48like he did it and then he was
00:19:49trying to type run on that
00:19:52He just couldn't do it.
00:19:54He got out of bounds further down
00:19:56the field.
00:19:57That's the first place they
00:19:58really stepped out at the Dallas
00:20:00forty seven the third step after
00:20:02Murray hit a block by McDaniel.
00:20:13This is a fired up Minnesota
00:20:14Viking team.
00:20:15They better be.
00:20:16They got to be like like Dennis
00:20:18Green said there's no more.
00:20:20There's no more room for
00:20:23Yeah we just have to go out and
00:20:24get it if we're going to get it
00:20:25we have to start getting it
00:20:27They're coming out today to get
00:20:29The second and one Jeff told one
00:20:50of the tacklers but he had a lot
00:20:51of help.
00:20:52I like the way this tiny Graham
00:20:54I mean he doesn't wait he
00:20:56doesn't dance he doesn't run
00:20:57He doesn't run sideways.
00:20:58He doesn't look to avoid anything.
00:20:59He just boom.
00:21:00He just takes it and whaps it right up in there.
00:21:01Well, you asked him yesterday if he was nervous about starting.
00:21:02He said, no, I knew I was going to play last week.
00:21:04Last week, the Vikings were going to start to use some more two back with Scottie Graham
00:21:05and Robert Smith.
00:21:07They've been in a 15 to 20 position since they started.
00:21:08They're a really good team.
00:21:09They've been quitting wrestling for about six months.
00:21:10So they've done a good job.
00:21:11And also that they've been really good at serving.
00:21:12They've been doing the right things and doing the right things.
00:21:13He doesn't run sideways.
00:21:14He just takes it and whaps it right up in there.
00:21:15Well, you asked him yesterday if he was nervous about starting.
00:21:16He said, no, I knew I was going to play last week.
00:21:18Last week, the Vikings were going to start to use some more two back with Scottie Graham
00:21:19and Robert Smith.
00:21:20They were the chance for a while with the Steelers for a while.
00:21:21McMahon comes out of there.
00:21:22McMahon, bad knee, bad shoulder.
00:21:23Scrambles to the inside of the 25.
00:21:24The 25 a market you say bad knee
00:21:28bad shoulder but great
00:21:29competitor anytime he sees
00:21:33something I mean he probably
00:21:34shouldn't be running he probably
00:21:36shouldn't even be out there but
00:21:37here's the instinct there's a
00:21:38competitor he sees that hole in
00:21:40there he's going to take it at
00:21:42the end he even goes head first.
00:21:44I've always said Jim McMahon is
00:21:47a quarterback with the perfect
00:21:51personality of a nosedive last
00:22:07week McMahon hurt his knee and
00:22:09then he had an MRI where they
00:22:11stick him in a tube come out the
00:22:14tube and he said that he had a
00:22:16piece of torn cartilage in there
00:22:18and he had to go to the doctor
00:22:19and he said he had a piece of
00:22:20torn cartilage in there he said
00:22:22the only thing he cared about is
00:22:23a ligament he said not me he
00:22:24only has one ligament.
00:22:26So when he saw the pictures he
00:22:27just wanted to make sure he
00:22:28still had the ligament and if
00:22:30he still had the ligament he
00:22:30said heck I'll play with
00:22:31anything else here.
00:22:34He was also glad to get out of
00:22:35that too.
00:22:45Buffalo came back to beat the
00:22:47Rams and the Rams beat New
00:22:50Orleans Giants as we mentioned
00:22:53when Tampa Bay wins there in the
00:22:58fourth quarter Houston and
00:22:59Cleveland first and 10 Minnesota
00:23:03at the Dallas 24 Chris Carter in
00:23:07the fourth and I think he had a
00:23:28There was a push right about the
00:23:30five yard line.
00:23:32Boys are saying there was the
00:23:34Vikings and pushed Dale Hamer is
00:23:36the only one in the White Hat.
00:23:38I thought that Brown pushed
00:23:40Anthony Carter about the five
00:23:41yard line.
00:23:49That's an appearance for a 24
00:23:51and you see here's a push right
00:23:59there you see that's that's past
00:24:02five yards here right about the
00:24:03five yard line he pushed him
00:24:05pushed him right out of bound.
00:24:07That was a good call.
00:24:09You know maybe Brown had to do
00:24:11that because if he doesn't push
00:24:12him if Anthony Carter gets by
00:24:14him that could have been a
00:24:15touchdown because he was out
00:24:17there locked on him one on one.
00:24:19In any case it's first and goal
00:24:20that's something the Cowboys
00:24:21have been forced to do is put
00:24:25those quarterback those
00:24:26cornerbacks one on one a little
00:24:27bit more than they'd like to.
00:24:35They're going to have to get
00:24:36back to the plate.
00:24:37They're going to have to get
00:24:38back to the plate.
00:24:47Look early.
00:24:48That was one of the things that
00:24:49the Vikings talked about was the
00:24:52time of possession because one
00:24:53of the ways that everyone wants
00:24:55to play the Cowboys is keep
00:24:57their offense off the field and
00:24:59when you have time of possession
00:25:00like this you're successful in
00:25:02that area.
00:25:03Well they've had three offensive
00:25:04days in a row and they've had
00:25:06three offensive days in a row.
00:25:07I'll tell you and that
00:25:08frustrates you anywhere but it
00:25:10frustrates you more on the road.
00:25:12It seems bigger and bigger than
00:25:13it really is.
00:25:14Barry Ward is a deep back behind
00:25:17McDaniel nobody open and they
00:25:31tried to.
00:25:32That's the second time they
00:25:33tried to get a play pass.
00:25:35Here they're trying to go a play
00:25:37And again what do you do if
00:25:39you're an experienced quarterback
00:25:40and you look at a play pass and
00:25:42there's no one open.
00:25:44You just throw it right at a
00:25:45That's what I've always said.
00:25:46If there's no one open don't
00:25:48force anything.
00:25:49You see a camera.
00:25:51Just throw it right at the
00:25:52You get a good shot to the
00:25:53revolutions on the ball.
00:25:55That way you can count them.
00:25:57It was 72 revolutions on that
00:25:59one off the play path.
00:26:00But the thing is it was you know
00:26:02they put word in the backfield
00:26:03they put word in there make you
00:26:05think they were going to run
00:26:06fake the run the Cowboys didn't
00:26:07go for it.
00:26:08You can't it's 72.
00:26:09That is amazing.
00:26:13Three three guy back at the
00:26:17Metrodome in Minneapolis three
00:26:21three score but the Vikings have
00:26:23a third and goal at the two
00:26:26big man has had a visit in the
00:26:27sideline and Haley one of the
00:26:32three wide receivers for
00:26:35Graham is a lone setback.
00:26:36They've changed their offensive
00:26:38approach about twice.
00:26:54That was a perfect you're going
00:26:55to see a blitz right into this
00:26:57You know you have blitzes for
00:26:58the past blitzes for the run and
00:27:01you see the Cowboys blitz right
00:27:03into that hole.
00:27:04Ken Norton got Graham before he
00:27:06even had a chance to get
00:27:08That's just making the right
00:27:10call for the right play and play
00:27:12in the perfect defense for the
00:27:14run that was run.
00:27:16Reve is a 21 yard field goal
00:27:19attempt this time.
00:27:26Six three Minnesota the Cowboys
00:27:29have run only three offensive
00:27:31plays in the entire first
00:27:34They got a 51 yard field goal
00:27:36from Eddie Murray.
00:27:38Forty six seconds left in the
00:27:41If you watch this bad here's
00:27:43here's what they're they're
00:27:44reading they're going to run the
00:27:45ball in this hole.
00:27:46Norton just blitzes right in the
00:27:48hole that they're going to run.
00:27:50It's a perfect defensive call
00:27:53but you see the emotion starts
00:27:55Here comes Norton Norton home
00:27:57he's not blocked he makes a play
00:27:59that they didn't have a chance.
00:28:00Good play by Leon lead as well.
00:28:05Brock Marion got the assist.
00:28:09That's a good call defensively.
00:28:11Yeah that's the way defensive
00:28:13football or off football goes
00:28:14now you go out and play and you
00:28:16go over and sit in the bench and
00:28:18you get a drink.
00:28:19The coaches talk to the coaches
00:28:21from up in the booth.
00:28:23They talk to you down in the
00:28:24field by a phone and that guy
00:28:26brings a blackboard and he
00:28:27starts drawing plays and stuff
00:28:29on there.
00:28:30So you're getting coached all
00:28:32the time you're not playing.
00:28:36And then the head coach comes
00:28:37over and says what happened.
00:28:40He's even coaching and you got
00:28:42to these are the coaches here
00:28:43then you got your warriors and
00:28:45just stand up there and worry
00:28:46about what these guys are doing.
00:28:48So you got coaches coaching
00:28:50warriors worrying and then
00:28:52players playing.
00:28:54Neil Armstrong standing in the
00:28:56He's a warrior coach.
00:28:58He's been doing it a long time.
00:29:15The coverage by Minnesota much
00:29:17much better.
00:29:17Bobby Abrams.
00:29:18They just picked up last week
00:29:19down to make the stop.
00:29:21Yeah this is a big time of pro
00:29:22football and because they start
00:29:25because they start voting for
00:29:26the Pro Bowl that used to always
00:29:28be there was always voted for by
00:29:30the players and the coaches this
00:29:32year the fans get to vote.
00:29:34So in every stadium they're
00:29:36given out these ballots.
00:29:38You see the fans come in and
00:29:39they're given a ballot and they
00:29:40have to figure out how you how
00:29:42you do it and you have to punch
00:29:44out each one of those things.
00:29:46And so they don't give anything
00:29:47to punch.
00:29:48That's right.
00:29:56To about the 38th Brad Culpepper
00:29:59made the stop.
00:30:00Henry Thomas injured earlier.
00:30:04Culpepper has replaced him.
00:30:08If you look here you know Emmitt
00:30:09Smith once he gets the ball is
00:30:11going to take it anywhere but
00:30:13he's going to get his shoulder
00:30:14square and take it there quickly.
00:30:16Sometimes he cuts back sometimes
00:30:19he stakes he takes it right
00:30:20there and then after the guy
00:30:21tackles him he pats him on the
00:30:23head like he likes it.
00:30:24That's a bluff.
00:30:25It's going to happen in a hurry.
00:30:26Whatever happens.
00:30:28They've been going deep.
00:30:35Could be offensive interference.
00:30:48That's Benzie Glenn a free safety
00:30:50in the way he's pointing.
00:30:53That's going to be against Alvin
00:30:57See him push right there he put
00:30:58his right hand on on Glenn and
00:31:00pushed him.
00:31:01That's what they saw.
00:31:03I would have called that a non
00:31:05Harper did get his right hand on
00:31:07there but I don't think it was
00:31:08against Fancy Glenn but I really
00:31:10That's a good number 80.
00:31:12The ball was way short.
00:31:18The end of the quarter with the
00:31:20score Minnesota 6.
00:31:22Dallas 3.
00:31:27Starting the second quarter with
00:31:29Minnesota leading the Cowboys 6
00:31:31to 3.
00:31:32First quarter statistics.
00:31:34Eight first downs.
00:31:36For the Vikings and look how
00:31:37they dominated the game plot.
00:31:39You know one thing I've always
00:31:40said about that time of
00:31:43While you have it you've got to
00:31:44score points and the Vikings
00:31:45have only scored six points.
00:31:50Straight ahead outside the
00:31:51thirty five and a flag on the
00:31:54A late flag.
00:31:57Emmitt again says nice hit.
00:31:59After he picked up good yardage.
00:32:02Five yard.
00:32:03Number fifty five.
00:32:05All against Jack Del Rio Emmitt
00:32:07did say last night they'll be
00:32:08playing some games he and Jack
00:32:10Del Rio they used to play
00:32:12Yeah of course Jack Del Rio
00:32:14played for the Dallas Cowboys
00:32:15and Emmitt said in those days in
00:32:17practice Del Rio would always
00:32:19look at him and say he could
00:32:21tell where he was going and
00:32:22price I say they're running this
00:32:23way running that way.
00:32:25I said was it right.
00:32:25He says yeah it was right.
00:32:27He said David Schuller was the
00:32:28coach we had a simple offense
00:32:29and and Del Rio knew what we
00:32:31were doing.
00:32:32He said he'll think he'll be
00:32:33able to do it today but he won't
00:32:36be able to do it today.
00:32:38Second at seven.
00:32:39There are some mind games.
00:32:41That go on on the field as well
00:32:44Physical game.
00:32:45That's what Emmitt Smith says he
00:32:47said Del Rio is going to try and
00:32:48play a mind game with me but I
00:32:50won't play it.
00:32:52Del Rio had a big day last week
00:32:54he had three interesting
00:32:55interceptions right.
00:32:58Good player.
00:32:59You know a good a good athlete a
00:33:01smart player a tough guy always
00:33:03has been.
00:33:05As a result of the penalty it is
00:33:07still first down but it's first
00:33:09down and seven.
00:33:11It is not an automatic first
00:33:13It's not an automatic first down.
00:33:16I don't understand that one.
00:33:19Why is that.
00:33:20Why is it still first down if
00:33:21it's not an automatic first
00:33:26How is it first down seven.
00:33:27What was the three yard penalty.
00:33:29I don't understand that.
00:33:31At seven.
00:33:32I don't think I've ever said
00:33:34All the years I've been
00:33:39And that's Smith over the right
00:33:40side to about the forty five.
00:33:48I think what happened Pat on
00:33:50the first and seven that it was
00:33:51first and 20 before.
00:33:54Would that make sense.
00:33:56I just can't remember ever
00:33:57saying first and seven.
00:34:05Second and three.
00:34:06That's more like.
00:34:07That's more like it.
00:34:20May have it stopped by Lamar
00:34:23See Lamar McGregor is he is a
00:34:25strong safety number thirty
00:34:28And what they do when you want a
00:34:29gang up on a run you get eight
00:34:32men up.
00:34:33And the way you get eight men up
00:34:35is you bring a safety up.
00:34:36And when you do it on running
00:34:37down they're going to do it with
00:34:39number thirty seven Lamar
00:34:42So when you see him come up.
00:34:45Get inside.
00:34:46Then that's how they're going to
00:34:47play the eight man.
00:34:48Eight with a throw.
00:35:02Carl Lee is one of those guys
00:35:04who's been a Pro Bowl player
00:35:06for a long time and is a real
00:35:07smart player.
00:35:08You see Michael Irvin tried to
00:35:10bring him to the inside.
00:35:11Carl Lee really didn't go for
00:35:14He knew he was coming back out
00:35:16He waited for it.
00:35:17Time just jumped and just knocked
00:35:18the ball out of there.
00:35:20All those now our final score.
00:35:25Second and 10 here.
00:35:28Darryl Johnson split out wide to
00:35:30the left and Nova check in
00:35:31He's going to go for it again.
00:35:33He's going to go for it again.
00:35:34He's going to go for it again.
00:35:48I think earlier in the game
00:35:49Michael Irvin was given one of
00:35:51those in the sideline.
00:35:52He thought he should be given
00:35:54another one here.
00:35:56Again you have to come down with
00:35:57both feet.
00:35:58That second foot wasn't in.
00:36:00He was in the second one.
00:36:01He may be claiming that he was
00:36:03dragging that right foot before
00:36:05he stepped it out of that he was
00:36:07pushed out of bounds.
00:36:08Third 10 Irvin got a good block
00:36:29from Williams Kevin Williams.
00:36:32That was a big block by Kevin
00:36:35You know one thing about Michael
00:36:36Irvin I mean he's big he's
00:36:37strong he catches the ball.
00:36:39He's always thinking about
00:36:41making a big play.
00:36:42Then once that you know that and
00:36:45then the other guys on your team
00:36:46know that you're going to get
00:36:48the guys blocking down field for
00:36:50you like Kevin Williams.
00:36:52Watch him he gets the catch here
00:36:54and now he thinks take it to the
00:36:56end zone.
00:36:56So he takes it over here.
00:36:58Watch this block boom right
00:37:00That block by Kevin Williams
00:37:01gave Mike Irvin about 10 more
00:37:03yards first and then the
00:37:05hitchback is Henry Thomas back
00:37:14in the game with an assist from
00:37:16Andre McMillan made the stop.
00:37:18They didn't know last night if
00:37:20Mark Stepnowski was going to be
00:37:21able to play him and Smith was
00:37:23worried about that because he
00:37:25sees a lot of his runs off of
00:37:27Stepnowski Stepnowski had one
00:37:31of these things that Joe Johnson
00:37:32was that you know I just
00:37:33listened to it said OK.
00:37:35He's praying his ankle getting
00:37:36out of bed.
00:37:38He got out of bed.
00:37:39He's waiting his uncle gave him
00:37:40a practice a good practice.
00:37:42He said I didn't even ask how or
00:37:43why he didn't think last night
00:37:46that he didn't get to play.
00:37:47There were some chuckles when he
00:37:48got out of bed this was a drive.
00:38:09It was a Dallas Cowboy drive.
00:38:11Good offensive line.
00:38:13Good pass protection.
00:38:14Michael Irvin making big plays
00:38:17good pass pattern using his body
00:38:19catching the ball and running.
00:38:21As you said Troy Aikman making
00:38:23that throw out.
00:38:24He threw it and got that ball in
00:38:27I have no idea.
00:38:28I think it shocked even Irvin
00:38:37Dallas takes the lead 10 six.
00:38:38Look at his throw and they're so
00:38:41There goes your time of
00:38:42possession right there.
00:38:43They didn't have it.
00:38:44But with guns like this they
00:38:46don't need it.
00:38:47They don't need to go to the
00:38:48other side.
00:38:50Dallas leads 10 6 11 56 left to
00:38:59play in the first half.
00:39:00Dallas 10 Minnesota 6 touchdown
00:39:04pass from Aikman to Irvin.
00:39:06Eddie Murray will kick it off.
00:39:10Dallas really their assignment
00:39:12John is very simple.
00:39:13Just win the rest of the game.
00:39:15Yeah, that's right.
00:39:16You said the Giants clinched a playoff berth,
00:39:19but they didn't clinch a division win.
00:39:23Because if the Cowboys win all their games, it'll be them.
00:39:27Yeah, you want to watch an amazing thing.
00:39:29Let's watch how accurate Troy Aikman is.
00:39:32And if we just stop it here, when he's ready to throw,
00:39:34here's Troy Aikman.
00:39:35This is what he sees.
00:39:37Here, again, is Michael Urban.
00:39:39But to have the confidence and the accuracy
00:39:42to make a throw like this, to me, is just utterly amazing.
00:39:45And then throw that ball in that hole,
00:39:48and if you need a definition for quarterback accuracy,
00:39:52there it is, or was.
00:39:56Murray's kickoff went out of bounds.
00:39:58There's Troy Aikman, of course, on the sideline.
00:40:00I was just going to say how cool he was,
00:40:02and then right then he broke out and just smiled.
00:40:05I'm sure he's talking to Norm Turner.
00:40:07Norm was asking him,
00:40:08are you sure that you saw an opening in there?
00:40:12Sometimes those young eyes.
00:40:14Maybe he said, how'd you do that?
00:40:15Here's Norm right there, and Norm is probably thinking,
00:40:18you know, how did you do that?
00:40:20He's probably asking, he said, I'm a lot younger than you are.
00:40:24Maybe he didn't say that.
00:40:28A screen pass.
00:40:30Stacked up by Ken Norton.
00:40:34Scotty Graham on the reception.
00:40:37And that's the thing,
00:40:38we were talking about the time of possession earlier,
00:40:40and the Minnesota Vikings had the time of possession,
00:40:43but when they had that time of possession,
00:40:45they had to settle for field goal.
00:40:47And when you play an explosive team like the Cowboys,
00:40:50you can't settle for field goal because they can go,
00:40:53and all they have to do is Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin,
00:40:55and Troy Aikman, they can give you that three all the way down
00:40:58the field in about a minute.
00:41:00Second and 12, Roger Craig's in the backfield
00:41:04with Scotty Graham.
00:41:07See if he had a reason to jump.
00:41:09Full start.
00:41:10Number 75 of the offense.
00:41:12Five yards.
00:41:14Still second down.
00:41:16It's a new left tackle.
00:41:20Yeah, here's what I was just talking about here.
00:41:22Minnesota has this, 12-4-3, but they only got this.
00:41:25These guys have six minutes, but they got this,
00:41:27so that will always beat that.
00:41:32Daphne is the new left tackle.
00:41:34Bernard Daphne.
00:41:37Lined up over opposite Haley.
00:41:42McMahon to throw it.
00:41:51See, that's what Haley does for you.
00:41:53Haley gives you that outside.
00:41:55If you watch Haley here, boom, he's going to take off,
00:41:57and then he'll take two blockers,
00:41:59and then he'll come Casillas, and he'll get McMahon
00:42:02just as he steps up.
00:42:04You see, Haley starts out.
00:42:05He feels that.
00:42:06Now he starts to step up.
00:42:08He has to stand right there, and there comes Casillas.
00:42:11I think that was a coverage set.
00:42:13He looked out there.
00:42:14He wanted to throw it.
00:42:15There was no one to throw to.
00:42:16He had to sit there and just take the set.
00:42:18Third and 21.
00:42:26And intended for Chris Carter.
00:42:28He did catch it.
00:42:30One-handed catch.
00:42:34Looked as if it was out of his reach,
00:42:36but look at this grab.
00:42:39That looks like something a baseball player would do.
00:42:42He didn't even use that left hand.
00:42:44He started to bring that left hand in
00:42:46and then decided to use the left hand to break the fall.
00:42:50That was a great catch.
00:42:51That's a highlight.
00:42:55Newsom is back to putt.
00:42:57First putt of the game.
00:43:01Kevin Williams back deep.
00:43:08And it goes out of bound in about the 36-yard line.
00:43:1131-yard line, make it.
00:43:1410-6 the Cowboys lead, 949 left in the first half.
00:43:19At the Metrodome in Minneapolis,
00:43:21Pat Summerall, John Madden.
00:43:25The other final scorers today.
00:43:28New England wanted second.
00:43:30Buffalo beat Philadelphia.
00:43:32Houston again a winner.
00:43:35Henry Thomas back in the game.
00:43:38From Minnesota.
00:43:46Gets about three.
00:43:47Henry Thomas cut him down with Roy Barker.
00:43:51Let's look at it here.
00:43:52You talk about Henry Smith.
00:43:53You see he's cocked in there.
00:43:55Here's Newton.
00:43:56Here's Stepnowski.
00:43:57Stepnowski's going to block him now.
00:43:59But that's a tough job.
00:44:00He tries to get as much of the ball as he can.
00:44:03If the center blocks him, he just takes the center,
00:44:06gets his hands on him, and then plays around him.
00:44:09That's good nose tackle play there by Henry Thomas.
00:44:12He handled that one.
00:44:13He is very close to being lined up offside
00:44:15with every play.
00:44:16Every play.
00:44:17Doleman jump.
00:44:19Aikman gets it out to Smith.
00:44:25Andre McMillan, Carlos Jenkins.
00:44:29Flag on the play.
00:44:39Henry Thomas is one of those guys, Pat,
00:44:41though, that plays nose tackle
00:44:43and is also a pass rusher.
00:44:45There's not many that have that combination.
00:44:47Both nose tackles are.
00:44:49Number 56 to the defense.
00:44:51Five yards.
00:44:52Still second down.
00:44:53Doleman jump.
00:44:54Yeah, 56 is right here at the bottom of the screen.
00:44:57You see him.
00:44:58And what Troy Aikman said that he was going to do,
00:45:01you talk about helmet to helmet.
00:45:03There's a helmet to helmet shot.
00:45:05But what Troy Aikman said that he was going to do
00:45:07is this Minnesota defensive line is a jumpy defensive line,
00:45:11and he was going to give them some hard count.
00:45:14And that was a hard count.
00:45:16Williams has replaced Harper as the wide receiver.
00:45:20This is Irvin, however.
00:45:22Michael Irvin.
00:45:25In Minnesota territory at the 44.
00:45:28Michael Irvin.
00:45:29Right now for an NFL update.
00:45:31Back to New York in our studios from Greg Gumbel.
00:45:34All right, Pat.
00:45:35In Tempe, Arizona, Eric Blount.
00:45:37Seven yards right up the middle for the touchdown.
00:45:39Phoenix breaks the scoreless tie.
00:45:41They lead the Lions 7-0,
00:45:42six and a half minutes to play in the first half.
00:45:46Ten to six here in Minnesota.
00:45:49Dallas on top.
00:45:51First down after the pass completion from Aikman to Irvin.
00:45:55Aikman on the draw play to Emmitt Smith.
00:46:03Inside the Minnesota 40 to about the 38.
00:46:07John Randall.
00:46:10That was interesting, Pat.
00:46:11I saw Norv Turner, the offensive coordinator of the Cowboys,
00:46:14out here in the hall just before the game.
00:46:16And I said, you know, what's up?
00:46:18What do you got?
00:46:19And he said, just run it to Emmitt and throw it to Michael.
00:46:22And that's about it.
00:46:24Got too many pencils for that.
00:46:26I don't know.
00:46:27You don't need all those pencils if you're only going to do two things.
00:46:29You only need two pencils.
00:46:32You need to sharpen them a lot, though.
00:46:34But that's not a bad game plan to have the offensive line.
00:46:38That's Emmitt Smith.
00:46:42Spun out of a couple of tackles, but still didn't get enough for the first down.
00:46:45Betsy Glenn.
00:46:47Because when that combination's going, you know, that's over half their offense.
00:46:52And then, you know, if you want to worry about Michael Irvin
00:46:55and you're going to let Emmitt Smith run,
00:46:58and then if you bunch up there to stop Emmitt Smith,
00:47:01then they're going to throw to Michael Irvin.
00:47:03Again, those things are all possible because of those guys,
00:47:07Troy Aikman's accuracy,
00:47:09and a good, a good offensive line that lets it happen.
00:47:13Third and two.
00:47:21Novacek, the intended receiver, and a penalty marker goes down.
00:47:27Lamar McGregs had Novacek in the coverage,
00:47:30and he might have had a little bit more than covering.
00:47:32Well, everyone this year seemed to have Novacek in the coverage.
00:47:35Number 37 on defense.
00:47:37First down.
00:47:39If there's anything that the Cowboys haven't done as well or done as much,
00:47:44it's throw the ball to their tight end.
00:47:46Here's Novacek right there.
00:47:49They want to move him more to try and get him open.
00:47:52They feel that he's a guy that they haven't been using enough.
00:47:56They want to get the ball more, too.
00:47:59That looked like good coverage to me by Lamar McGregs.
00:48:02He might have grabbed him just out of the break a little bit.
00:48:06He doesn't think so.
00:48:08Well, they've got to let him play a little bit.
00:48:11First to 10, Dallin.
00:48:15Reverse to Williams.
00:48:19Out of bounds at about the 22.
00:48:24That's the other thing North Turner told me.
00:48:26I have to tell you, Patrick, that we're going to run it down and throw it to Michael,
00:48:29run a few reverses, and run more crossing patterns.
00:48:33I just got the first two in.
00:48:37I'll tell you, Jimmy Johnson does a good job,
00:48:39but he's lucky to have an offensive coordinator like North Turner
00:48:43who I think will probably be, of the assistant coaches,
00:48:47will probably be the next head coach in this league.
00:48:50Dallin Williams, Jimmy was saying to me before the game,
00:48:53really coming along.
00:48:57God damn it, Smith.
00:49:01Stepped out of bounds just outside the Minnesota 12.
00:49:09Eric Williams dislocated his finger,
00:49:12and when you're an offensive lineman, Pat, they don't go through a lot of x-rays.
00:49:16See what they do is they just tape it.
00:49:18They just tape the thing together, pop it back in, tape it,
00:49:21and you go right back in.
00:49:23Eric Williams, to me, and I've said this every time I do a Cowboy game,
00:49:27but he's one of the best tackles in this game.
00:49:30And if I were starting a team, I may pick him to start building with.
00:49:44This guy's just a great runner.
00:49:46I mean, you look at Eric, he's got to have some flocking here
00:49:50that gets him started.
00:49:51It's a lead to the right, and when Emmitt Smith is running the ball,
00:49:55he can take it anywhere.
00:49:56It starts to the right, then it crosses to the middle,
00:49:59and then it ends up over on the left side.
00:50:03Someone got a good block there on Jack Del Rio,
00:50:06just as he was getting ready to tackle Emmitt Smith.
00:50:11Emmitt sees so much.
00:50:16Including the end zone.
00:50:19Nice down, Smith.
00:50:26The Vikings had the momentum.
00:50:28They had their chances.
00:50:30They had their time of possession, but they didn't score the points,
00:50:33and they left this for the Cowboys.
00:50:35The Cowboys got it started now.
00:50:37This is what Jimmy Johnson said.
00:50:39He said, we've got to start in a roll.
00:50:41He said, I think we're ready to, and I hope we do today.
00:50:44And now they look like they're starting that roll.
00:50:48Emmitt will keep that ball for his trophy case
00:50:51in his sports shop in Pensacola.
00:50:56Murray's extra point is good.
00:51:02He's just a good runner.
00:51:1315 left to play in the first half.
00:51:15Dallas 17, Minnesota 6.
00:51:18Eddie Murray set to kick it off.
00:51:20You know what I miss now in this Cowboy kickoff coverage, Pat,
00:51:23is Kenneth Gant.
00:51:24Remember how he used to get them all excited,
00:51:26go flying down there.
00:51:28He's out with a knee injury.
00:51:30Murray's kick to a one.
00:51:32The one-yard line to this man.
00:51:34Flag on the flag.
00:51:38Penalty marker down.
00:51:41Brock Marion made the stop.
00:51:44He's starting to play more and more of a part in the special teams,
00:51:48especially, as you mentioned, with the absence of Gant.
00:51:51Illegally blocked from the rear.
00:51:54Number 91 on the return.
00:51:5610 yards.
00:51:57First down.
00:52:01First down, Minnesota.
00:52:02Take a look at this.
00:52:04Yeah, this is what, in the 10 games, you know,
00:52:08since Emmitt Smith has been playing with Mike Gant,
00:52:11these guys combined for 61% of the offense.
00:52:16So, like North Turner says, just run Emmitt, throw it to Michael,
00:52:20and that's 61%.
00:52:23But look what they've done today.
00:52:25The two of them, 152 yards of the offense.
00:52:28The rest of the team is 16.
00:52:30That man.
00:52:33All right, Pat, in Phoenix.
00:52:35Eric Kramer to Herman Moore.
00:52:36Six yards and a touchdown.
00:52:38The Lions, with a win, get a chance to retain a share of first place.
00:52:41They're tied at seven in the second quarter in Phoenix.
00:52:44Pat and John.
00:52:46That's the first Detroit touchdown we've seen in a long time.
00:52:51Craig and Graham are the two backs.
00:52:55Fake to Craig.
00:52:56Big man chase.
00:52:58And caught from behind by Haley.
00:53:02That's the first Detroit touchdown we've seen in a long time.
00:53:06The Lions, with a win, get a chance to retain a share of first place.
00:53:09They're tied at seven in the second quarter in Phoenix.
00:53:12Pat and John.
00:53:14That's the first Detroit touchdown we've seen in a long time.
00:53:20Haley came around the corner.
00:53:22He went around Daphne, and he felt that one.
00:53:26Charles Haley has a herniated disc.
00:53:29And you think, but he loves to rush a quarterback.
00:53:32And if you just watch him, he's going to come from right here,
00:53:35just right around there, and at some point, he can feel McMahon,
00:53:38and then he really puts on the burners here.
00:53:42See, he just runs right around Daphne there.
00:53:44Now, right there, he knows he has him.
00:53:47He puts on an extra burn, and then Charles Haley always,
00:53:50always goes for the football.
00:53:53Third and 11.
00:53:56Haley rushes from the other side.
00:53:58This time the pass is complete.
00:54:00To Derrick Tunnell.
00:54:02That won't be enough for a first down.
00:54:06Bill Bates made a stop on Tunnell.
00:54:09And now the fans are booing because that's the thing that they don't like
00:54:12about this offense is, you know, again, that third down, you pass it,
00:54:16you complete it, but you still have to punt it.
00:54:19As you've often said, if you're going to throw it,
00:54:21why not get enough garnage for a first down?
00:54:24Yeah, I think what the Vikings had going early, you know,
00:54:27throwing on first down, being successful, being ahead,
00:54:30time of possession was working, but while they were doing that,
00:54:33they didn't score any points.
00:54:35And now they're in a fight.
00:54:37Evan Williams.
00:54:39Back for Dushan's punt.
00:54:41Good kick.
00:54:45Williams, got a little room.
00:54:48Got around the corner.
00:54:51But the coverage by Minnesota is good.
00:54:55Dallas will take over their own 43.
00:55:01The Cowboys lead the Vikings.
00:55:04At the Metrodome, 17-6.
00:55:07Time to take a shot.
00:55:11Here's the reserve.
00:55:13Reverse to Williams.
00:55:16Lost the ball, but it's going to remain in Dallas' possession.
00:55:19It went out of bounds.
00:55:21You know, an interesting thing about that reverse to Kevin Williams, Pat,
00:55:25I think Kevin Williams is in the process of replacing Alvin Harper.
00:55:29I mean, he's in there now for Harper, and he can do more of these things.
00:55:34Of course, if he does more of that thing, more of those fumbles,
00:55:37he's not going to be in there for Alvin Harper.
00:55:39But I think that Kevin Williams is going to be playing more
00:55:43and more on regular downs,
00:55:45and Alvin Harper playing less and less on regular downs.
00:55:49Big Lincoln Coleman is the deep back now for Dallas, 2nd and 11.
00:56:03First down, Cowboys.
00:56:07Lamar McGregs.
00:56:09You know, Irvin's always thinking of making a big run.
00:56:12You see, he's going to make this catch, and then they have him surrounded,
00:56:16and he's trying to go out the back door on him.
00:56:18See him catch the ball here, and now he's trying to see,
00:56:21as they're surrounded there, he tries to make it get out that back door,
00:56:25and McGregs didn't let him.
00:56:26But again, this is what makes it all possible, Pat,
00:56:29this good pass protection.
00:56:31They have Johnston in there helping, and giving him time.
00:56:34And the other thing is, they give him passing lanes.
00:56:38Daitlin got away from the rush.
00:56:40Shuttles it to Darryl Johnston.
00:56:46Even though we're in Minnesota, the cry of the moose goes up.
00:56:50There's the moose.
00:56:51Yeah, Darryl Johnston is getting so big,
00:56:53anytime he runs a ball or catches a ball, they get that moose noise.
00:56:58You expect it when they're playing in Dallas.
00:57:00You don't expect it when they're playing in Minnesota.
00:57:03Second and six.
00:57:08Look at this guy.
00:57:09Part five, he's unbelievable, isn't he?
00:57:11You know what Jimmy Johnston said about him,
00:57:13he has the worst habits of an overachiever.
00:57:18An overachiever, you think about being an average player
00:57:22who's worked hard to maintain a position,
00:57:24but this guy is a great player who's trying to get better,
00:57:28and is getting better.
00:57:30Two minutes.
00:57:33Championship both winning once.
00:57:36The Penguins of Youngstown State.
00:57:40I'll tell you, it's hard to beat a Penguin when they get mad.
00:57:44Yeah, it is.
00:57:45Yeah, when a Penguin gets mad and fired up, whoa!
00:57:48They're hard to knock down.
00:57:50They're hard to knock down.
00:57:55Something happened.
00:57:58Third down for Dallas.
00:58:02Minnesota saying that they were pulled offside.
00:58:07Dale Hamer hasn't said it yet.
00:58:11Dale Hamer looks like he's been working out or something.
00:58:14He looks like he's sweating or something.
00:58:16Full start.
00:58:17Friday the snap.
00:58:18Number 85 in the offense.
00:58:20Five yards.
00:58:21Still third down.
00:58:22I think he's working down there.
00:58:23He sounds a little out of breath.
00:58:24Yeah, he does.
00:58:25Like he's just been running like a half a marathon.
00:58:27Like he just run a 10K.
00:58:32Those guys have to work out there.
00:58:34Those officials.
00:58:35They got to blow that whistle in and they got to move and run
00:58:38and keep their eyes on everything
00:58:40and not let anything happen.
00:58:42Stay on their axes.
00:58:44I think he's got his whistle taped up.
00:58:47They do that.
00:58:48They take the whistle up.
00:58:57It was there.
00:58:59There's a three step drop in the drill.
00:59:03I mean, he really drilled that one into Harper.
00:59:05You wonder why they're taking a three step drop.
00:59:07It's the same thing.
00:59:08They're third and 10.
00:59:10If you're going to throw a slant, a baby on first down.
00:59:14See, here's the official worker.
00:59:15See how they work.
00:59:16I mean, they got to move.
00:59:17They got to move.
00:59:18They got to move.
00:59:19They got to talk.
00:59:22And then they got to get that thing where your where your
00:59:24veins pop out of your neck.
00:59:25You get so excited.
00:59:26You like what you see.
00:59:28And then you got to blow the whistle.
00:59:30I still wonder why he threw that slant on third down.
00:59:33But this is the first time the Cowboys have won today, Pat.
00:59:36Jets kick.
00:59:41Bounds into the end zone.
00:59:43They'll bring it back to the 20.
00:59:50The Cowboys leading the Vikings.
00:59:52144 left in the first half.
00:59:54Coming up on the NFL Today Halftime Report.
00:59:57Greg and Terry will have all the scores and highlights.
00:59:59Plus, who did the fans vote as their favorite team and favorite player?
01:00:04Find out as Greg and Terry reveal the results of the
01:00:07Nationwide and CBS Sports Poll.
01:00:10Who's your favorite player?
01:00:11I'll tell you what.
01:00:12I'll bet you there's one of my favorite players right there.
01:00:15Eric Williams.
01:00:16I mean, he's a...
01:00:17You talk about a big guy.
01:00:19There is a big guy.
01:00:22You know, if you want the guys that make the plays,
01:00:25those two guys are pretty good there.
01:00:29Hey, Clint would have to get some support.
01:00:31That's Roger Craig.
01:00:32Jerry Rice.
01:00:35Yeah, I bet the Cowboys will be the favorite team though.
01:00:40Phil Simms will get some support.
01:00:44Every time we do a Cowboy game on the road,
01:00:48you always go to the lobby and they always have the most people in the lobby.
01:00:52Yeah, no question about that.
01:00:54There's Kevin Goggin.
01:00:57Headed for the locker room.
01:00:58I hope it's a big locker room.
01:00:59Well, it is.
01:01:00When you're that big, when you're as big as Goggin,
01:01:02you have to get an early start on it.
01:01:05There's Nate Newton.
01:01:06He was in an automobile accident earlier in the week.
01:01:11There's a McMahon being chased.
01:01:13Jeff Coats.
01:01:16Couldn't find anybody.
01:01:19Hey, McMahon and the Vikings really got off to a good start.
01:01:23I mean, they were really good in that first quarter.
01:01:25Then in the second quarter, they weren't very good.
01:01:28And the fans are bullying them now.
01:01:31McMahon's yelling at the fans.
01:01:33And this is starting to get ugly.
01:01:37Newsom is in the game to putt for Minnesota.
01:01:39Back deep is Williams for the Cowboys.
01:01:42They have all three of their timeouts left and a minute left.
01:01:4559 seconds to be exact.
01:01:50This guy is dangerous.
01:01:54He doesn't fumble.
01:01:58Flag on the play.
01:01:59They took too much time.
01:02:05Offense, five yards, still 4,000.
01:02:10I'll tell you, he's going to have to go in at halftime
01:02:13and have a cool drink and kind of sit down for a while.
01:02:15Or get some oxygen, maybe.
01:02:17I think McMahon's going to have to go in and have a cool drink, too.
01:02:19That time, you know, the quarterback gets blamed for everything.
01:02:22I mean, he's out there trying to find a guy.
01:02:24Couldn't find a guy open.
01:02:26No one gets open.
01:02:27You know, every pass, it takes good protection.
01:02:30And the guys have to get open.
01:02:31The quarterback has to see him, get him the ball,
01:02:33and they have to catch him.
01:02:37Newsom's came in.
01:02:42Makes the Cowboy bounce out of bounds at the 42-yard line.
01:02:47It'll be first to 10 there.
01:02:50There's a guy who does a heck of a job.
01:02:52Really does.
01:02:53You talk about Emmitt Smith and the yards that he gains running.
01:02:57He gains a lot of them with the help of Nate Newton.
01:03:00And Nate Newton has the help of the guy next to him, Mark Toonay.
01:03:03I think he's probably the most underrated player on that team.
01:03:07But these two guys right here really give a lot of protection
01:03:12to Troy Aikman and a lot of running room to Emmitt Smith.
01:03:17Mark Toonay's been out there doing it for 11 years,
01:03:20and if there's anyone that doesn't get the credit he deserves on this team,
01:03:24I think it's Mark Toonay.
01:03:26First and 10.
01:03:28Aikman back to throw.
01:03:30Dolan behind, and the pass is going to be, or should have been,
01:03:34intercepted by Carl Lee.
01:03:38And if there's any way to put a jinx on a guy, that was it right there.
01:03:43Just talking about Mark Toonay.
01:03:45Chris Dolman runs right around him.
01:03:48And watch him.
01:03:49He's just going to throw.
01:03:50This is Mark Toonay's man right there.
01:03:53That's Chris Dolman.
01:03:54Came in there, knocked that ball out of Aikman's hand
01:03:57just as he was throwing it.
01:03:59Watch him.
01:04:00He's going to come from the bottom of the screen here.
01:04:02See Dolman come around.
01:04:03Watch him go for the ball and hit it just as Troy Aikman threw it,
01:04:07and that should have been an interception.
01:04:09But again, it was all Chris Dolman.
01:04:12Irvin hangs on.
01:04:13The ball was a little bit behind him, but he made the adjustment.
01:04:17Casey Pearson, the defender.
01:04:20Dallas with three timeouts left, and now they have two.
01:04:25Forty seconds left to play in the first half.
01:04:28Cowboys leading the Vikings 17-6.
01:04:33Pat Summerall, John Madden to Metrodome in Minneapolis.
01:04:3917-6, Cowboys leading third and three
01:04:43with 40 seconds left to play in the first half.
01:04:48Kevin Gogan, we saw him headed for the locker room a minute ago.
01:04:51He's got the flu.
01:04:53That's why they send him in early.
01:04:57Here's Aikman.
01:04:59As to Harper is complete.
01:05:02To about the 40, and Harper might be shaken up a bit.
01:05:07Talk about accuracy, though, and zip.
01:05:10Troy Aikman has zipped that in there with accuracy.
01:05:16But you're going to see Williams coming in motion.
01:05:18Harper's up at the top.
01:05:19See him coming to slant, and then right there,
01:05:22he zipped that thing in there with accuracy.
01:05:25And then, again, Harper was up in the air when he took that hit.
01:05:30But Roy Barker, the defensive end, was right on Aikman
01:05:34as he threw that one too.
01:05:36Harper, in obvious pain, looked as if he got hit on the right hip.
01:05:42Yeah, that's the second.
01:05:43Remember that third down slant earlier?
01:05:45He took a pretty good hit on that one.
01:05:47This one was a deeper slant, and he took a good hit on that one.
01:05:54Michael Irvin and Emmitt Smith.
01:05:58Charles Haley checking things out.
01:06:00Final scores from earlier in the day.
01:06:02You'll see highlights, of course, of all these at the half.
01:06:06Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Bears.
01:06:08The Giants won again.
01:06:10Houston won again.
01:06:12The Rams beat the Saints.
01:06:19But you see, here's the hit again.
01:06:21Alvin Harper is up in the air.
01:06:24Lamar McGregs comes and makes the hit there.
01:06:27And I don't know if it was the hit or as he went down,
01:06:30you know, he did the splits and his one foot kind of got caught.
01:06:34I don't know if it was the hit that did it or the artificial turf
01:06:38or the coming down on the turf that did it.
01:06:41Lamar McGregs' helmet seemed to hit him right on the right hip.
01:06:48But you could be right.
01:06:50Yeah, that's the thing that I really hate, or all the players hate,
01:06:54about this artificial turf is that your foot can get caught
01:06:58and different things can happen as you're going up
01:07:01and as you're planning and as you're coming down.
01:07:06First and ten.
01:07:08Dallas now only has two wide receivers.
01:07:12Williams and Irvin.
01:07:14Aikman goes to work behind Emmitt Smith.
01:07:17That might have been deflected by Dolman.
01:07:22Dolman's playing pretty well on this drive.
01:07:24It was Dolman that hit Troy Aikman on that pass.
01:07:28It really should have been an interception.
01:07:30And it was Dolman that, you know, tipped that ball there.
01:07:34That was right after we were talking about what a good job Mark Tuine was doing.
01:07:40You can see here's Dolman right here, number 56.
01:07:43You see, they get the rush, and the defensive linemen are getting so good at that today.
01:07:47Rush to a point.
01:07:49When a guy's ready to throw, get your hands up.
01:07:52Here's Aikman.
01:07:55Pornova check, incomplete.
01:08:00They just haven't been able to get Jay Novacek open this year.
01:08:03And Jimmy Johnson thinks part of it is not having Alfredo Roberts,
01:08:07where they used to be able to play Roberts as a tight end,
01:08:10and Novacek as the second tight end or move guy.
01:08:14And now that they haven't been able to, Novacek is playing a real tight end,
01:08:18and they're playing him like a regular tight end,
01:08:21and he doesn't get open that way.
01:08:23They've tried a lot of guys at tight end, brought in a lot of people.
01:08:26Seven of them, I think.
01:08:31And Jimmy Johnson wants to get the ball to him.
01:08:34In fact, he's even looking for a penalty here.
01:08:36Illegal formation on the offense.
01:08:38Number 71 was not on the line of scrimmage.
01:08:40Five yards, repeat second down.
01:08:44I think to Dolman for that, 2 and 8 has to block him.
01:08:47Yeah, that's the thing here.
01:08:49You see what happens is he didn't get on the line of scrimmage.
01:08:52He's where he's lined up, back here.
01:08:54And you have a guy like Dolman, he starts giving you trouble.
01:08:57You start worrying about your pass protection,
01:08:59and you start backing up and backing up.
01:09:02Second at 15.
01:09:05Aitman gets to Irvin.
01:09:13Ball is picked up by Carlos, by Chris Dolman.
01:09:17But they'll bring it back.
01:09:18Incomplete pass.
01:09:20Yeah, one thing, one thing,
01:09:22these Cowboy receivers are really taking hits here.
01:09:25The secondary is doing a good job on him.
01:09:28But here comes Michael Irvin across.
01:09:31He's going to get the ball right there.
01:09:33I think that's a fumble.
01:09:35I think he had control and a fumble.
01:09:37And watch when Dolman picks this thing up,
01:09:39he knows what to do with it.
01:09:41He high-stepped that one into the end zone.
01:09:43I think if we had instant replay,
01:09:45we would have had an instant replay.
01:09:48I think if we had instant replay now,
01:09:50they would come back and say that this is a fumble.
01:09:53He has control there,
01:09:55and then the ball is knocked down by Carlos Jenkins.
01:10:01Ooh, the Cowboys caught a break there.
01:10:04Because that not only would have been a fumble,
01:10:08that would have been a touchdown.
01:10:13Referee's coming over here to explain it to Denny Green.
01:10:16I don't know what he's going to explain
01:10:18or what Dennis is going to buy about that one.
01:10:24See what happened to Aikman on that play.
01:10:26The word on Harper, by the way,
01:10:28is that he has injured his right knee.
01:10:30That's all we have so far.
01:10:32You see, Aikman, one thing,
01:10:34they're going after these Cowboys at both ends.
01:10:37They're going after the quarterback end
01:10:39where he's throwing it,
01:10:40and they're going after it at the receiving end.
01:10:43That doesn't look like his right knee.
01:10:46It looks like a knee, though.
01:10:48Left knee.
01:10:49I don't know what they could be talking to Dennis Green about.
01:10:53He's arguing, and he's right.
01:10:56I mean, that looked to me like a catch,
01:10:59a strip, a fumble, a pickup, and a touchdown.
01:11:06Three of their wide receivers, the Cowboys, I'm speaking of.
01:11:09Yeah, they had those three guys inactive today.
01:11:13Then they lose Harper.
01:11:17Now they're down to two.
01:11:21I'll tell you, as long as they have Emmitt Smith,
01:11:24Troy Aikman, and Michael Irvin,
01:11:27they're still going to move the ball.
01:11:29Brings up a third down as Harper heads for the locker room.
01:11:35Third, and about 15.
01:11:39Long count by Aikman.
01:11:50Go for it.
01:11:51Fire the snap.
01:11:52They're using Derrick Lassit as a wide receiver.
01:11:56Now, their third wide.
01:11:59I'll tell you, Mark Touanet is having a tough drive here.
01:12:03Dolman has beaten him a couple times.
01:12:07He's had two penalties.
01:12:10All in this drive, and that's what a great pass rusher
01:12:13can do to an offensive tackle.
01:12:15I'll tell you, being on the road with this noise
01:12:18is tougher and tougher to play that time.
01:12:20Third and 20.
01:12:21Aikman back to throw.
01:12:24Now it's out to Emmitt Smith.
01:12:27To the Minnesota 35.
01:12:29They keep him in bounds, and the clock will run.
01:12:36Timeout Dallas.
01:12:37That's their last one in this half.
01:12:39Five seconds left.
01:12:47Five seconds left.
01:12:49Five seconds left.
01:12:56Five seconds left in the first half.
01:12:58Murray and Novacek back to hold for Murray,
01:13:04who will attempt a 52-yarder.
01:13:06He made one from 51.
01:13:11Completion to Emmitt Smith set it up.
01:13:13You know, this isn't a bad place to fake either,
01:13:15because with five seconds to go,
01:13:18even if it doesn't work,
01:13:19the Vikings aren't going to get the ball back.
01:13:21So you kind of have a two-way go.
01:13:23You either go for the kick,
01:13:25or it's a good position to fake the kick.
01:13:32He's going to get it there again.
01:13:35And he's good again.
01:13:37From 52 yards out, Eddie Murray hits.
01:13:44That's the end of the first half
01:13:46with the score Dallas 20, Minnesota 6.
