Neighbours 29th July 2024-n

  • 3 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Nothing kills a hangover quite like applying for gas for mentorship.
00:05You know, the whole time that I was playing this other Wendy,
00:09never once did I question my life with you or say.
00:12The Wendy that I know, she's perfect.
00:15Because I like Mel too.
00:16Alright, what's going on with you guys?
00:18Just forget I said anything and I'm not going to act on it.
00:20What if I was to say that I didn't want you to go?
00:25I know what happened with Brent.
00:26The only person at fault here is me.
00:28And you're the one I can't work with.
00:29She'd get back together with you in a heartbeat.
00:31Yeah, I went on a few dates.
00:32And my own fault was that they weren't me.
01:00That's when good neighbours become good friends.
01:19I thought it was a surprise.
01:21I wasn't exactly planning that.
01:24Well, it happened.
01:28I guess now we figure out what it meant.
01:37Here you are.
01:39Oh, close but no cigar.
01:42Oh, sorry.
01:44It's alright.
01:45You've been a bit off your game lately, Aaron.
01:47Is everything okay?
01:48No, I'm fine.
01:49I think I just need my coffee.
01:51That's all.
01:53I thought a tequila shot was more your style these days.
01:56It's okay.
01:57I know when I'm being roasted.
01:59But I'm not ready to laugh about it yet.
02:01And that makes two of us.
02:03If we don't laugh, we'll cry.
02:05It's been enough of that, hasn't it?
02:09Well, I want you both to know that my partying is done.
02:13And study is my main focus now.
02:16Well, in fact, I might get some reading in before my shift starts.
02:20I am so behind because last week I spent so much time on my mentorship application
02:25and I'm...
02:26Anyway, love you.
02:28Love you.
02:34Have you thanked Kiri for playing with us today?
02:37Thanks, Kiri.
02:38Oh, you and Miss Sparkles are very welcome.
02:43I should head back in and get started on this mountain of laundry.
02:46Do you want to catch up later and get a drink and talk?
02:51Yeah, I do want to get a drink.
02:53It's just been a big day. Maybe tomorrow?
02:58I'm glad that you and I love Skip the Beach.
03:01Me too.
03:22We'll drop the rent even further.
03:26Come on, Rhett, there's got to be someone.
03:29Okay, well, it's non-negotiable.
03:31I want the site rented out of Sonya's nursery. That's it.
03:35Um, I've got to go. Bye.
03:39What was that about?
03:42Oh, it was just work. Nothing really.
03:44Um, Miss Bag Bowl is underway.
03:49Question is, to hot sauce or to not hot sauce?
03:57You alright there, Nellyfish?
04:01Come on. I can tell something's up.
04:05Why don't you talk to me?
04:10Dex isn't replying to my messages.
04:13And he and JJ have been weird since Luna Park.
04:19I think they're avoiding me.
04:22Did something happen?
04:24What did I know of?
04:26I don't know what I did wrong.
04:30Well, I'm going to guess that you didn't do anything wrong.
04:33The boys have probably got something going on that they haven't told you about.
04:36Translation, get over yourself or stop making it all about you.
04:39No, I didn't say that, did I?
04:43But, uh, it is unlike Dex not to reply.
04:48Why don't you just ask him, eh?
04:50It's better than wondering, right?
05:04Oi, Dex, did you get this random party invite too?
05:06I don't even know who it's from.
05:09No, I'm not surprised anyone's inviting you to their party.
05:12Okay, well I'm not surprised nobody even invited you.
05:14Why'd I ask?
05:16Okay, it's time for the unveiling of the brand new, better than ever before, sunroom.
05:22Woohoo! I'm excited.
05:27Yeah, whatever, Shaun.
05:30Come on, this is the moment we've all been waiting for.
05:34Okay, what is going on? Is this still about that manga book?
05:37No, it's not.
05:42Okay, come on, close your eyes.
05:44Everyone keep your eyes closed.
05:45Okay, keep them closed.
05:47Keep them closed.
05:48You've got to stop me.
05:49Stop, stop, stop.
05:50Come on, boys.
05:51Keep your eyes closed.
05:54Okay, open them.
05:57Oh, it's amazing.
06:00What's that?
06:02Oh, well, I carved myself a rooster.
06:07Well, I just wanted a centrepiece that could stay in the family forever.
06:11His name's Rufo.
06:14He's unique.
06:16Yeah, but also really lovely and thoughtful.
06:20Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
06:23See, Rufo, told you they'd like you.
06:42Perks of living here, you get to drink Haz's golden liquid every morning.
06:45Oh, as much as I love magnetic islands, the good brews are very few and far between.
06:51How are you feeling about the Yorokobi deal going south?
06:55I'm hoping that Leo will calm down and we can talk about it more, but I don't know.
07:00I really messed things up, didn't I?
07:03You were scared of losing something. I get it.
07:07I went around to Mum's this morning. Isla said she had heaps of fun yesterday.
07:11Yeah, it was a good day.
07:13With Nick as well.
07:15Oh, that's great.
07:17So you guys should get back together.
07:20Okay, look, I know that you mean well and I'm grateful for what you told me,
07:23but Nick and I need to figure this out by ourselves.
07:28Thanks for the coffee.
07:29No worries.
07:39Desperado much?
07:40I just really wanted to work out for them.
07:43And maybe me too.
07:46You have a date?
07:55You have not looked up from those notes all morning?
07:58Yeah, just trying to stay on top of things.
08:03Were you all good?
08:06You haven't spoken to any of us since the party?
08:09Yeah, we're totally fine.
08:12You know, just being slammed with all these assignments
08:15and trying to get my mentorship application in on time.
08:19You're doing it again.
08:21Doing what?
08:22Putting on a facade.
08:26We just want you to be you.
08:30You know, when I was your age it was more about faking it till you make it that vibe.
08:34I know, but that won't fly with us.
08:38And that makes sense.
08:39Hey, and this mentorship?
08:41Just be yourself.
08:43It'll all work out.
09:20Welcome back.
09:21Thank you, thank you.
09:22Remember where everything is?
09:23Ah, yes, yes, all the important things.
09:25Like the exits?
09:26Exactly, yeah.
09:28Hopefully I don't have too much work to catch up on because I do not feel prepared.
09:32Surely Miss Harris has a plan for you?
09:33Oh yeah, she does. I'm getting some extra tutoring.
09:35That'll do it.
09:36Yeah, yeah.
09:40Let me guess, it's your mum's making sure you actually got here?
09:44No, I keep getting these random party invites.
09:47I don't even know most of these people.
09:54Have you seen Dex around?
09:56Um, no, not since this morning.
10:06Um, I should get to class.
10:10See ya.
10:18Hey, Isla.
10:19Do you want to take Abby to the train set and show her your new track?
10:29Do you mind watching the girls for a little bit today?
10:32Oh, yeah, why? Where are you off to?
10:34Oh, just going to go meet up with Kiri and talk.
10:38It'd be kind of weird if you didn't.
10:39Nah, I like talk talk because, you know, like something happened.
10:44Something happened?
10:46What's happened?
10:47Oh, I just kissed.
10:48You what?
10:49On the mouth.
10:51Well, it's not that surprising, is it?
10:53Well, I mean, it kind of is.
10:56Wow, so wait, does this mean that you guys are...
10:59I don't know, like back on, yeah, I don't know.
11:01I think that's why we're meeting up to decide.
11:03Like, what do you think?
11:04Do you think that there's a chance?
11:07There's just not something for me to say.
11:10Look, I reckon that if you have a chance, you should take it.
11:16Do I look okay?
11:17You look fine. Just go.
11:18Okay, alright. Bye.
11:28Need a lunch, buddy?
11:31How did you know I'd be eating alone?
11:32Yeah, I had a hunch.
11:41I know you think you can't hang out with them, but I think you should.
11:45No, I've had my fun, and now it's time to get serious.
11:49It shouldn't be one or the other.
11:52You shouldn't have to choose between grown-up Wendy and wild Wendy.
11:55I think you're both of those people.
11:58So, this is the secret Mr. Wendy Rodwell.
12:02Nice to officially meet you.
12:06We're going for drinks after class today.
12:08You guys should join.
12:11I'm game if you are.
12:14Okay, yeah, sure.
12:17We can finally see what was so shameful about this one that you had to keep him hidden.
12:25Yeah, we don't have to go.
12:27I want to hang out with your friends.
12:30Look, unless you don't want me there.
12:33No, no, no, it's not that.
12:36I'm just surprised that you're up for it.
12:39Surely wild Wendy remembers rowdy rudders.
12:41Oh, no, no, no.
12:42I used to do the-
12:43Yep, don't do that. No, no, no, no.
12:44Don't do that in front of them. No, no.
12:45Yep, you can do that later.
12:57I just wanted to-
12:58We should probably-
13:01You go.
13:02No, you go.
13:06I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed yesterday.
13:11Especially the, um-
13:16The kissing part?
13:18Yeah, that.
13:20I liked that.
13:21Yeah, me too.
13:23It felt like more than just nostalgia.
13:26Or am I completely off base?
13:29No, you're not.
13:32What are you thinking?
13:36Look, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about history repeating.
13:39That's a fair call.
13:42I'd also be lying if I said that you weren't a big part of the reason I came back.
13:49What does this mean?
13:53Well, if you're up for it, I'd like to try again.
14:14Oh, Dex.
14:16Hey, hey, stop.
14:19Okay, I know you saw me with Nell before.
14:21And you probably won't believe me, but she was actually asking after you.
14:24You're right. I don't believe you.
14:26I'm not stupid, JJ.
14:30Alright, why are you both acting so weird?
14:37If I've done anything, just tell me.
14:39It's not you.
14:40Yeah, it's just some dumb brother stuff.
14:44Do me a favour?
14:45Get over it.
14:46And start being my fun friends again.
14:58Dude, we've got to act more normal or she's going to figure out what's going on.
15:02I am acting normal.
15:04So you can't leave her alone.
15:11Are you sure you want me to crush this party?
15:13It'll be a surprise, but they'll be fine. Trust me.
15:16Trust me.
15:20Ah, so we're ordering fourth coffee then?
15:22Yes, we are.
15:25I bet you've heard horror stories about me.
15:28I just, I promise, I'm not actually, I'm not that bad.
15:32And we should get to know each other because it's like,
15:35we're like queer mums on Ramsey Street.
15:39Like we could have like a queer mum group.
15:42And it's crazy that like we haven't even hung out before.
15:46It is crazy.
15:48Yeah, we should, we should absolutely get to know each other.
15:56I really appreciate you meeting up with me.
15:58I know I'm not your favourite person right now, but there was something I wanted you to see.
16:08Are they back together?
16:12Which means the idea of working with both of them is even better than it was before.
16:16You know how much of a dynamic team they can be.
16:18Yeah, but they're not the problem. You are.
16:21I know you don't trust me.
16:23Okay, but I'll make it up to you, I swear.
16:26Please don't hurt yourself and your Kobe just because I did something stupid.
16:35So I rock up, I go to pull out my badge, right?
16:39I left my badge at the station.
16:42They think that I'm pretending to be a cop.
16:45Yeah, so pretending to be a cop at a hens party.
16:49Shame on you for keeping him from us. He's good value.
16:53I just, I didn't think that you'd want to hang out with this old married lady.
17:00Well, I hope you can see that we don't really care about that stuff.
17:03We just want to hang out with quality people, okay?
17:09And you can bring him anytime that you like.
17:13Well, I'm happy for you guys.
17:18Thank you.
17:19News travels fast.
17:21Yeah, I think Byron just wanted me to know in case I changed my mind with the partnership.
17:25Has it?
17:28I don't know.
17:30I'd love to work with Nick at the vineyard.
17:32Yeah, and I think you'd be great.
17:34But my problem's with Byron.
17:36My investment's tied to his.
17:42Alright, look, I'm willing to go ahead with the deal, but I have one condition.
17:49So, the moral of the story is, if you want to get out of a speeding ticket, leave your cat out of it.
18:03Can I just interrupt for a sec?
18:04Yeah, sure.
18:09Thank you for being so great today.
18:11Your friends are cool.
18:14Yeah, they are.
18:18And I've taken your advice, and I'm not going to close myself off on them.
18:24It's good to hear.
18:26So, you can just back off now.
18:31Oh, no, no, it's just, if I'm going to have this full uni experience, I just need to do it separately from you.
18:37Yeah, look, okay, I totally get it.
18:42Sorry if I was a little bit too involved.
18:43No, no, no, no, no sorries, babe.
18:46It's all good. Look, I've got some errands to run anyway, and I'll see you at home.
18:52See you, everybody. Nice to meet you.
18:53See you, mate.
18:54Nice to meet you.
19:05You're the actual worst.
19:06What now?
19:07You're waiting by Nell's locker.
19:09No, I was just killing time before my next class.
19:11I'm sick of you lying to me.
19:13I'm sick of being accused of stuff I'm not doing, Dex.
19:15Come here.
19:22Just admit you're going after her.
19:24I'm just living my life, Dex. Would you like me to stay locked up in my room?
19:26I could join the army or move to Bar- it would barely be far enough away for you.
19:29Anything would be better than waiting in front of Nell's locker.
19:32My next class is right here. You're being paranoid.
19:35I can't believe how blind I am. You've been hitting on her for ages.
19:38And making stuff up about her asking about me.
19:40That's the truth.
19:41That's low.
19:42That's the truth.
19:43Yeah, right.
19:44Ask Nell.
19:45Ask me what?
19:48I want to know what's going on, and you're going to tell me.
19:57So, I've got some news. The deal's back on. With you and I as co-investors.
20:02I feel like there's a buck coming.
20:04Yeah. Leo doesn't want you to have an active part in the business.
20:09Meaning you'd be a silent investor.
20:11Hang on, so what? He wants my money, just not me?
20:14It's not uncommon.
20:16Christy said you can keep your job at the hotel.
20:18I don't want to work at the hotel.
20:20Look, I know, and I'm on your side. But I think we have to agree to his terms for now.
20:26You should probably lay low for a bit. You go up to Queensland, spend some time with Mum for a week or two.
20:31Just give him some time to cool off.
20:33Oh, wow, OK, so now I'm getting run out of the state?
20:36Maybe Nick is right. I mean, a bit of distance could do the trick.
20:40Pretend you're OK with it, then go to ground. You can't stay angry forever.
20:45Yeah, and I still think we can change his mind. I just think we should be strategic about it.
20:51Well, I'll look at flights.
20:57There's my two favourite girls!
21:03I'll be back in a sec.
21:11Hey, how are you?
21:13I'm good. I was actually thinking about giving you a call. How have you been?
21:17I've had better days. And sorry, this isn't exactly a casual call. There's something I need to tell you.
21:24Look, it's OK. It's me. I'm listening.
21:27Someone who I was with before we were just told me that they have Hep B.
21:34Logan, I am so sorry. Are you OK?
21:38Thanks, yeah, I'm OK. I've been vaccinated, but my body can't produce the antibodies.
21:46I'm not sure I understand what you're saying.
21:49I've been exposed, and if you haven't been vaccinated, there is a chance that we might both have Hepatitis B.
21:56I'm sorry.
22:22Coming up on Neighbours.
22:23Friends. But friends don't keep secrets.
22:26The mentorship's been posted today. I think this is it.
22:30Check it.
22:31While you're waiting, it might be a good idea for you to lean on your family for support.
22:34No, Remy, no one can know about this. This is just between me and you.