Space Angel - The Donavan Plan 1 (series)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:17and the story of The Donovan Plan.
00:24Wow, sure is a beautiful little ship, but why all the secrecy on this project?
00:42This is the Space Angel's new ship.
00:44Wow, no wonder.
00:45Hey, you suppose he'll come in and inspect it?
00:48I'd sure like to see him.
00:50We probably wouldn't know if he did, since no one knows who the Space Angel is.
00:55He could even be one of our workmen.
00:57Hey, who are the VIPs?
01:00That's Scott McCloud and his flight engineer.
01:02They're Space Force.
01:04Just a big megatomic engine with two seats on it.
01:07Those engine tests are fantastic, 10 million pounds of thrust.
01:12I can't wait to try them out, Skipper.
01:14Of course.
01:15DART 2 will have more thrust per pound of weight than any ship in the universe.
01:20And it won't be long now.
01:24Let's go over and see the chief about testing this baby.
01:29Will that be all, sir?
01:31Yes, Carter.
01:32Just see that we're not disturbed.
01:34Yes, sir.
01:35I'll be in microfilm if you need me.
01:36Now, let's get down to business.
01:38How does the DART check out, Scott?
01:40She's ready to go, chief.
01:42The new engine looks great.
01:44And we'd like permission to test her right away.
01:47That's what I want to talk to you about.
01:49This flight test would be a perfect cover-up for a top-secret project.
01:53What do you mean, chief?
01:55I mean the light ray, or death ray, better known as Project Flashlight.
02:02I didn't know Professor Mace was even close to the testing stage on Project Flashlight.
02:08The conversion crystal gave us the breakthrough.
02:10The ray is ready for testing now.
02:13I don't have to tell you the importance of secrecy on this project.
02:16Used as a weapon, the light ray could be the most destructive force in the galaxy.
02:22Misused, such a device could jeopardize the whole space organization.
02:27That's right.
02:28So we must proceed with utmost secrecy.
02:30People talk too much around here.
02:32Information has been leaking out.
02:34So we will conduct the test from the evening star.
02:37The light ray can be installed on the DART there.
02:39You will conduct your flight tests in sector seven near the asteroid belt
02:44and test the ray on asteroids.
02:46Yes, sir.
02:47We'll blast off within the hour.
03:03Clear the area of all equipment and personnel.
03:06DART tester from launch control, you are clear for blast off.
03:10Roger, control.
03:11Hold set, Taurus.
03:12I'll go here, Skipper.
03:14Blasting off.
03:34Where are you, Carter?
03:35Answer me, Carter.
03:36Sorry, Chief.
03:37I was busy filing and didn't hear you.
03:39What can I do for you, sir?
03:41As soon as you're finished, I've got some reports for you to file.
03:44Yes, sir.
03:45I'll be up in a few minutes, sir.
04:00It's a message from Carter.
04:05This is the information I've been waiting for.
04:08So they've perfected the death ray, eh?
04:12That's right, sir.
04:13The space angel will be testing it in the new DART in sector seven tomorrow.
04:17That is good.
04:19That is very good indeed.
04:21With the death ray in the DART, I will have a weapon that can control the galaxy.
04:28But, sir, the space angel is not to be trifled with.
04:32The space angel is only mortal like the rest of us.
04:36I will capture the DART and the death ray.
04:39I have a plan.
04:46Evening, Star.
04:48This is Starduster.
04:49Approaching on Earth's space link.
04:51Request landing instructions.
04:54Starduster, this is Evening Star.
04:56Correct angle of approach, three five degrees and switch to automatic landing control.
05:01Roger, Evening Star.
05:02Professor Mace, the Starduster is coming aboard in tube three, sir.
05:06Right, Control.
05:07Have the project flashlight crew report there for installation.
05:11And ask Scott and Torres to meet me in the briefing room.
05:20The basic principle of this device is simple.
05:23The same megatonic pack that powers the ship powers the light ray.
05:29The beam is directed by a lens system through the conversion crystal,
05:33which amplifies its power and projects it through a grid.
05:37That's all there is to it.
05:39You say that thing packs a wallet equal to a thousand megatons?
05:43The laboratory test was a complete success.
05:46The results were identical with the computer's predictions.
05:49That was under controlled conditions.
05:52How about the changing environments under normal operation?
05:55Its power source is independent of outside environment.
05:58Theoretically, its range is unlimited.
06:00But that's for you to check out, Scott.
06:02What about controls?
06:04Your control system is simple.
06:06You'll have plenty of time to check them out before blast-off.
06:09Blast-off is scheduled for 0900.
06:13Clear the tube for blast-off.
06:20Trapped in, gang.
06:21Go here.
06:22Aye, Skipper.
06:23Tube doors opening.
06:26Aye, make it a good one.
06:28Sector go.
06:29AB temperature going.
06:31Increasing power.
06:49We're entering sector seven, Scott.
06:51Take over control, Storis, and stand by for launch.
06:54Aye, Skipper.
06:55Wish I could go with you.
06:57Sure hate to miss this ride.
07:06There is a ship entering the area, sir.
07:08It must be the Space Angel.
07:10Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.
07:17It won't be long now, will it, sir?
07:20Be patient, Vanilla.
07:22Be patient, Vanilla.
07:24Be patient.
07:30Engine run-up test looks good, Taurus.
07:33All systems go.
07:34I'll speed-run the new engine first.
07:37Then make a pass at the asteroid belt and test the light ray.
07:40Right, Skipper.
07:41I'm standing by to launch.
07:43Stay on course 7.05.
07:46That will keep you clear of the asteroid belt.
07:48I read you, Chris.
07:49Let her go, Taurus.
07:59Look at that baby go!
08:02At 50% throttle, all systems go.
08:06Increasing power to three-quarters.
08:15Speed, 86,000 and increasing.
08:18Better back off, Scott, or you'll be out of the test area.
08:21Aye, Skipper.
08:22You can't take that baby into the space lane at that speed.
08:27Firing retro rockets.
08:33What tremendous thrust that little ship has.
08:36She's slowing down.
08:38Soon the Space Angel will be testing the light ray gun.
08:42It is time to make our move, Vanilla.
08:45Soon that power will be mine.
09:07Taurus, I'm moving into the edge of the asteroid belt now to test the light ray.
09:12Lining up for a shot now.
09:14Got well in sight.
09:15Range 300 astrolines.
09:26The rain completely powdered that asteroid.
09:29Think I'll try a big one.
09:45There it is.
09:47It was at least two miles across.
09:50I'd say the light ray is a complete success.
09:53Hal, there's an emergency flare right in the middle of that asteroid belt.
09:57Somebody's in trouble.
09:59I'm going in to investigate.
10:01Now what in the blazes would anyone be doing out there?
10:04It's way off the space lanes.
10:07Well, it could be a prospector,
10:09but there are no records of any recent flights out there, Scott.
10:12Well, someone's out there.
10:14There goes another flare.
10:19There's something fishy about this.
10:21Watch your step, Skipper.
10:23Skipper, do you read me, Skipper?
10:25Come in, Skipper.
10:27It's no use, lass. We've lost him.
10:30There's too much interference on that frequency.
10:32I'll try to pick him up on a higher frequency.
10:35Good idea.
10:36I don't mind telling you, lass.
10:38I'm worried.
10:39This is the general area where I saw those flares.
10:42If it was a spaceship, I should have spotted it by now.
10:46Hold on. What's that up ahead? It looks like a man.
11:03Are you all right?
11:04Yes. I'm happy you spotted my flare.
11:08Well, climb aboard. I'll get you out of here.
11:11Starduster calling Dart 2. Come in, Scott.
11:14All I see is a bunch of gravel out there.
11:16Everything's moving.
11:18Starduster calling Dart 2. Dart 2.
11:21Scott, come in, please.
11:23There's still no answer to us.
11:25Too much interference in that asteroid belt.
11:27I think we'd better cruise out that way and take a look around.
11:30Yes. I was out here prospecting.
11:33I wrecked my ship on an asteroid.
11:35Lucky I was in this area.
11:37I'll see if I can contact my ship and rendezvous for a pickup.
11:41I wouldn't do that if I were you.
11:44What's the meaning of this?
11:46I have need of your ship and your secret light ray to carry out my plans.
11:52And just what are your plans?
11:55My plan is to destroy the Space Council
11:58and install the Donovan Plan for a perfect universe.
12:02You're mad.
12:04Genius is often mistaken for madness.
12:09Now you will get out of the ship.
12:11Without radio or flares,
12:13you will float for eternity in the asteroid belt.
12:16Just one of thousands of blips on a screen.
12:25Pick up anything, Chris?
12:27There are thousands of blips on that screen.
12:29I don't think we could find a freight train out there without some kind of signal.
12:52I'm not entirely helpless.
12:54Thanks to this little power pack.
12:56If the Starduster will just come into range to receive my signal.
13:04I'll be back.
13:22Chris, this is the area where Scott last contacted us.
13:25Taurus, I think I've got something.
13:27There's something traveling oblique to the asteroid belt.
13:30Good, lass. I'll close in on it.
13:52It's a ship, all right, but it's not the Dart.
13:54It's an Explorer ship, EX-47.
13:57Better contact and maybe they've seen Scott.
14:00EX-47, this is the Starduster.
14:03Come in, please.
14:04EX-47, this is the Starduster.
14:07Come in, please.
14:09I guess we'd better answer.
14:11This is EX-47.
14:13Go ahead, Starduster.
14:15EX-47, have you seen a small ship in this area?
14:19Negative, Starduster.
14:21We haven't seen a thing.
14:23Thanks, EX-47. Starduster out.
14:26This scope is useless, Taurus.
14:28I think I'll try the audio system.
14:30Good idea, lass.
14:31If Scott is in trouble, he'd signal us on the emergency frequency.
14:35Come on, Taurus. Get in range.
14:39Taurus, I've got him.
14:41A very weak signal bearing 3-7 degrees.
14:44Good girl, Chris.
14:45Altering course to 3-7 degrees.
14:54Come on, Taurus, Chris.
14:56We've got to warn the Space Council.
15:01They spotted me.
15:02Boy, what a beautiful sight.
15:11Skipper, what happened to the dot?
15:13Scott, are you all right?
15:14Get the evening star, quick.
15:17But, Scott, I don't understand.
15:20How could you lose the dot?
15:21No time to explain now, Professor.
15:23Just stop the Space Council meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
15:26Scott, I can't do that without going through channels.
15:29You know...
15:30Take my word for it.
15:31It's a matter of life or death.
15:32Stop that meeting.
15:34All right, Scott.
15:35If you say so.
15:36Out here.
15:37Man your stations, kids.
15:39We're heading back at flank speed.
15:52And that's the whole story, Professor.
15:55I know the man, Scott.
15:57That's Donovan.
15:59He had a plan to make all people more efficient through the use of computers.
16:03He called it the Donovan Plan.
16:05The Space Council expelled him ten years ago.
16:08The Chief's calling you, Scott.
16:09Oh, knock her in for it.
16:12Go ahead, Chief.
16:13How the devil could you let a weapon like that fall into the hands of that madman?
16:17Sorry, Chief.
16:18An old prospector floating in space just didn't seem like a potential menace.
16:23It wasn't entirely your fault, Scott.
16:26You remember Carter, my aide?
16:27Yes, Chief.
16:28He was Donovan's agent.
16:30I'm scrambling the whole space force with orders to blast the dart on sight.
16:34It won't do any good, Chief.
16:36I'm afraid Donovan has the ultimate weapon.
16:39He can strike wherever and whenever he pleases.
16:42We are helpless.
16:43That's right, Chief.
16:45The light ray could blast them all before they could get in range to use their space cannons.
16:50We'll have to find another way.
16:52You'd better, or Donovan will control the galaxy.
16:57If only I had known then that the dart was inside that explorer ship.
17:02That's it, Taurus.
17:03Maybe we can get to Donovan and the dart through that ship.
17:07Scott, we couldn't attack that ship.
17:09If we got within range, Donovan would launch the dart and blast us.
17:12Professor Mace, where would you say that Donovan's base was?
17:16Well, he attacked you in the asteroid belt here.
17:19And in a few hours, he will blast the space council on Jupiter.
17:22I'd say his base must be on one of the moons of Jupiter.
17:26Chris, get me the Chief again.
17:29You left me, lad.
17:30I can't see...
17:31Keep talking, Scott.
17:32What is it, Scott?
17:33Chief, I have a plan.
17:35It may cost us a building,
17:37but I think we can get Donovan before he strikes again.
17:40Well, go ahead. I'm game for anything.
17:43Well, Donovan will put his ship in a parking orbit around Jupiter
17:46and launch the dart from there.
17:48After the launch, and while he's blasting the empty space council building,
17:53we'll move in and take over the mother ship.
17:55When he returns, we'll have a surprise for him.
17:58It's going to take mighty close timing and a lot of luck.
18:01His crew could warn him.
18:03Not if we surprise them before they could get a message out.
18:06Well, it's worth a try.
18:07We've got to do something.
18:09Okay, Scott.
18:10We've got to know the second Donovan launches.
18:13Have all the Jupiter tracking stations watch for that Explorer ship, EX-47.
18:18Right, Scott.
18:19And good luck.
18:26Got an unidentified weapon, Sector 1.
18:28That's it, all right. EX-47.
18:30Notify the Space Angel.
18:35Starduster, this is Jupiter tracking station.
18:37This is the Starduster. Go ahead.
18:39We have your bogey in Sector 1.
18:41Sector 1?
18:42Sector 1.
18:43Tell them we're on our way.
18:44Keep all ships clear of that area.
18:56We're getting close, Taurus.
18:57Can you spot him?
18:58Don't get too close or they'll spot us.
19:01Got him.
19:02They're on orbital approach.
19:04They'll be launching in the dark any time now.
19:07We'll wait here till he does.
19:09Stella, stay in this orbit till I return.
19:12And if you're challenged, you know what to say.
19:36He's launched, Skipper.
19:38Stand by to take the controls.
19:39And Chris, contact the ship for a routine identification.
19:43I'll go overboard as soon as we get alongside.
19:49I've been waiting ten years for this moment.
19:52Goodbye, Space Council.
20:08Okay, Chris, do your stuff.
20:10Explorer 4-7, this is the Starduster.
20:13You are off the space lane.
20:15Are you in trouble?
20:17We are making minor repairs.
20:19We'll be underway soon.
20:20No assistance required.
20:22Roger, 4-7.
20:23Starduster out.
20:38So is the boom, Vanilla.
20:40I'll be coming in.
20:57Aha, Vanilla, I...
20:59Oh, no, the Space Angel.
21:02That's right, Donovan.
21:03You failed again.
21:05That was an empty building you blasted.
21:07Now we'll head back to Earth.
21:09You can try out the Donovan Plan in prison.
21:13Starduster returning to base.
21:15And so ends the story of the Donovan Plan.
21:19Don't miss the next exciting adventure in outer space
21:22with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
