240727 Abekobe Boys #08

  • 2 months ago


00:00The moment he sat down, he was like...
00:04Yes, excuse me.
00:07Nice to meet you.
00:08Nice to meet you.
00:09Nice to meet you.
00:10I'm Izawa.
00:11Excuse me.
00:12Nice to meet you.
00:13Nice to meet you.
00:14Nice to meet you.
00:15I'm in the room where the Abe Kobe boys are waiting.
00:19Are you nervous?
00:20Yes, I am.
00:21You don't look that nervous.
00:23But I'm going to give you a quiz.
00:26Please write the kanji for Abe Kobe.
00:33The next guest is Mr. Takao Izawa.
00:38Isn't it difficult?
00:40What should I do?
00:41I think he knows everything.
00:43Let's have a quiz battle.
00:45If it's a battle, it's boring.
00:47That's right.
00:48The opponent will lose.
00:50What Mr. Ohiruhagi said was a good question.
00:54I want you to think about how to answer it.
00:57I see. How to make a problem.
00:59I want you to make a puzzle house.
01:02That's a good idea.
01:03It doesn't matter if it's small.
01:05If you can do something, it's interesting.
01:07I don't think the recording time will end.
01:10Write the kanji for Abe Kobe.
01:13I see.
01:16It's not like there's a kanji.
01:19That's right.
01:20I'm going to write this.
01:22It's a good question.
01:27This is Abe Kobe.
01:29Thank you.
01:33This program is a program where two people who are the opposite of each other become one and welcome guests.
01:40It's a program that aims to overcome the only thing in common, having few friends.
01:47Do you think it's natural to know this?
01:49It's a difficult kanji.
01:51I don't read this kanji.
01:53Ordinary people can't answer this.
01:56It's a good question.
01:58It's a good question, isn't it?
02:00These two people, who have a lot of friends in the top class of the entertainment world,
02:05Watch the two guests who have few friends in the bathroom and give feedback after recording.
02:12How many kanji can you write if you change this to four?
02:15Four kanji.
02:17It's an application.
02:18It's an application of Abe Kobe.
02:20It's close.
02:22It's close.
02:23It's close.
02:24It's close.
02:25That's right.
02:26That's great.
02:27That's great.
02:28Why do we have a quiz?
02:30It's a quiz.
02:32If you give me 10,000 yen, I want to give you 10,000 yen.
02:34That's great.
02:35Thank you.
02:36You can do it so quickly.
02:38This is the answer I used when I did the quiz in 1992.
02:42Do you know this?
02:43This is the answer I used when I did the quiz in 1992.
02:50This is the answer I used at that time.
02:52You have a very similar answer.
02:54This is very heavy.
02:56This is because the machine is inside.
02:58I had this on my head, so I had a stiff neck after recording.
03:03You have a stiff neck.
03:05You have a very good episode.
03:08This is the heritage of the quiz.
03:10Is this the start?
03:11This is the start of this button on my head.
03:15This Silk Hat was originally made in the image of the United States.
03:19The image of this Silk Hat was made after the American Overdose Ultra Quiz.
03:25We are interested in everything.
03:29When did you start liking the quiz?
03:31It was in the first half of the year.
03:32I've always liked sports, so I joined the futsal club, but I couldn't keep up with the club's level at all.
03:39So I quit, and the only club I was able to join was the quiz club, which was very weak and only had 8 members.
03:46Oh, that's...
03:48Anyway, if I joined, I was weak, so if I was lucky, I could beat my seniors.
03:54If you're lucky and you can win, if you try a little harder, you can win more, right?
03:58Oh, so you learned the feeling of winning.
04:01It's a habit of winning.
04:03So I kept getting into it, and when I realized it, I was the best in Japan.
04:07The quiz club, which was weak and had a small number of members, was the start.
04:11Here's the quiz!
04:12Oh, here it is!
04:14It's coming in all of a sudden.
04:15What club was Shouri Sato in when he was in junior high school?
04:18You can't answer this!
04:20I mean, that's...
04:22Even the best man in Japan can't answer this quiz, right?
04:24Are you ready?
04:26That's fast.
04:27Baseball club.
04:28Final answer.
04:30Final answer.
04:32Baseball club.
04:36That's correct!
04:38Wait a minute. Why? Why?
04:39Did you know?
04:40That kind of thing comes up in advance.
04:43I was born on October 30, 1996.
04:46I was born on June 15, 1995.
04:49Oh, I'm scared!
04:53Here's the quiz!
04:54Yes, go ahead.
04:55What club was I in when I was in junior high school?
04:57I looked it up, but it didn't come up.
04:59Can I ask you two questions?
05:01Was it a sports club or a culture club?
05:03It was a sports club.
05:04I see.
05:05Wasn't it basketball?
05:07In terms of body shape?
05:08It was basketball, yes.
05:09Was it a sport where height was important?
05:16That's good!
05:18It's almost a double-edged sword.
05:19I'll answer.
05:21Basketball club.
05:23Are you sure?
05:25Your final answer is always weak.
05:27Are you sure?
05:28Basketball club.
05:29Basketball club.
05:36That feels good!
05:37When I heard he was tall, I thought it was over.
05:41That feels good!
05:44That feels good!
05:45That's good.
05:46It's cool to be able to do quizzes.
05:49That's why you can marry an idol.
05:52That's right.
05:53It might be the coolest job right now.
05:55What do you do on your day off?
05:58It's a basic quiz.
06:00What do you do on your day off?
06:02It's a hobby quiz.
06:03A hobby quiz?
06:04Whatever I do, it leads to a quiz.
06:06For example?
06:07When I do foot salchow,
06:09I think about the names of the positions.
06:14Don't think about it!
06:16I also did a sauna.
06:18I think about how I can raise my body up to 100 degrees.
06:23Don't think about it!
06:24You can't do anything!
06:25The quiz idea spreads more in the sauna.
06:28So, you think about how to stay up all night without doing anything.
06:31That's right.
06:32I want to stay up all night.
06:34I make time to stay up all night.
06:36How do you make time?
06:38Here's the quiz!
06:41What do I do on my day off?
06:45That's a good one!
06:46That's a good one!
06:47I'll ask you two more questions.
06:48Two questions.
06:49I'll ask you two questions.
06:50Do you do it at home or outside?
06:53At home.
06:54At home!
06:55At home.
06:57Do you use any kind of tools?
07:02It's a game, anyway.
07:04Can I say that it's a tool?
07:06I see.
07:07It's something you have.
07:09It's not something you move with.
07:11It's something you use.
07:16It's not something you hold in your hand.
07:21It's a movie!
07:25It's the final answer.
07:26Oh, no!
07:27I don't think it's right.
07:30Oh, no!
07:31I was wrong!
07:33Okay, okay, okay.
07:35I can tell by the way you said the final answer.
07:37The answer is a game.
07:39That was close!
07:40You like to profile yourself, don't you?
07:42I do.
07:43I like to ask questions.
07:45You like to guess.
07:46Well, I just say what I know.
07:49So, I guess I like to guess what I don't know.
07:52What's your favorite food?
07:55Recently, I like cooked rice.
07:58You like cooked rice.
08:00Yes, I do.
08:01I like it a lot.
08:02In the first place, rice is delicious.
08:04But I put the best flavor in it.
08:07So, it can't be bad.
08:09I see.
08:10We prepared something special for you.
08:14Thank you!
08:16I'm going to make a luxurious paella-like takikomi.
08:20So, I'm going to cut zucchini.
08:24I'm going to cut the bottom of the shrimp.
08:26I'm going to use a paper towel.
08:33I'm going to cut it like this.
08:36There are a lot of seasonings.
08:38But I'm going to use tenopi.
08:41I'm going to put asai in it.
08:43It looks like curry.
08:45That's right.
08:46I'm going to cut it like this.
08:52I'm going to arrange them like this.
08:56It's going to be fun when I open it.
08:59I'm going to turn it on.
09:01I'm just going to cook it normally.
09:03So, I'm going to wait for an hour.
09:05Since we're here, let's go with the smell.
09:09The moment when it opens.
09:10Yes, it smells good.
09:12All the ingredients are different.
09:15That's right.
09:21It won't open.
09:24I see.
09:25From now on, I'm the quiz master.
09:29Izawa and Shoryu will be the answerers.
09:32You have to find the key to open the rice cooker.
09:37This is the pose of the quiz master.
09:41Don't go ahead.
09:43You have to eat it fresh.
09:45So, you have to solve it quickly.
09:47The number to open this key.
09:49This time, we asked Seven Wonders, a quiz company, to help us.
09:55We asked them to come up with a quiz that will give us the knowledge of victory.
10:01This looks fun.
10:03First of all, what do you use when you prepare rice?
10:07This is...
10:09This is a character.
10:12There is something written on it.
10:16Let's see where there is an example of victory.
10:20However, it is said that flowers and fortune-telling are linked to Sato.
10:26I got it.
10:27You two, please solve it.
10:29So, flowers and fortune-telling are linked to Sato.
10:34I'm going to lose my rice cooker.
10:36But the kanji is not linked.
10:38I got it.
10:40Did you get it?
10:41I got it.
10:42Sato and U are three characters.
10:44This is also a kanji with three characters.
10:46So, each character corresponds to something.
10:50If you look for Sato, To, and U,
10:53Do you see it?
10:54In this kanji.
10:56It's true.
10:57Kusakamuri is...
10:58Kusakamuri is Sa.
10:59Uranau is To.
11:00Ukamuri is U.
11:02Sato is U.
11:04Let's look at this.
11:06If you look at this vertically,
11:08There are two kanji, Me and Ro.
11:11Let's see where there is a melon.
11:13I see.
11:14Let's look for a melon.
11:16Isn't it amazing?
11:18It's amazing.
11:20I found it.
11:21Is this it?
11:22This is it.
11:23Let's see this.
11:24Let's take a picture.
11:25Let's take a picture.
11:26Oh, there is something.
11:28Open the Sunku-Torake.
11:31Shikoben Abe-da equals Abe-Kobe Danshi.
11:36In other words, anagram it.
11:39What was it?
11:40Trunk case.
11:42Open the trunk case.
11:44Trunk case?
11:45Trunk case is easy.
11:47Oh, it's over there.
11:48I see.
11:49It's fun.
11:50It's good.
11:51It's a good question.
11:52I was able to answer it.
11:53I'm used to solving quizzes.
11:56The number of questions is different.
11:58Ready, set, go.
12:00I got it.
12:01Well done.
12:02The first number of the key is 4.
12:05Look at the back.
12:08Red 2 equals 4.
12:10Blue 3 equals 2.
12:12Look at the number of 22, 2, and 3.
12:16This is probably related to everyone.
12:20It's a group of three and a group of six.
12:27It's Stone's Senpai.
12:30And our TimeLesson.
12:32Stone's TimeLesson.
12:34Is it related to the member color?
12:35Yes, it is.
12:36I see.
12:37I'm red.
12:38You're red.
12:39Red 2 equals 4.
12:42The second letter of victory is 4.
12:44The third letter of Juri is Ri.
12:47It's a member color.
12:49I got it right away.
12:51It's Puma.
12:54Ma, San, Zu, Kuro.
12:57It's Hokuto's K.
12:59And the pink color is?
13:01It's Taiga.
13:03It means Bringma.
13:05This means the number 22.
13:07You should've known
13:11because of Juri's guess.
13:14It was not my guess.
13:16The number 22.
13:18Where is it?
13:21The number 22, the yellow car!
13:23There it is!
13:25What is this?
13:27Let's look under the car.
13:29Let's lift it up.
13:31Is it in the back?
13:33There it is!
13:35There's water in the bus.
13:37Water drop.
13:39Bus water drop.
13:41One drop.
13:43Let's say one drop!
13:45Let's say one drop!
13:47There's only one place to say one drop!
13:49Let's go!
13:51Let's go!
13:55Where is it?
14:03There it is!
14:05I can't see it!
14:07The second number of the key is 8.
14:09Let's look under the car.
14:11Let's look under the car.
14:13Is this really okay?
14:15Is this really okay?
14:17It's getting worse.
14:19There's nothing that seems to be related.
14:23The set doesn't matter.
14:27You can find the answer only by looking at the question paper.
14:31Master, you're great.
14:33You can find the answer only by looking at the question paper.
14:39I found it at the same time as the hint, so I don't need to look for the hint.
14:43After the red,
14:45after the blue,
14:47after the blue,
14:49after the blue,
14:51after the blue,
14:53That's the red.
14:55That's the red.
14:57Is this the color of ash?
14:59Is this the color of ash?
15:01Is this the color of ash?
15:03Is this the color of ash?
15:05Is this the color of ash?
15:07Wow, you're great!
15:09Thank you.
15:11I don't know why I was given the answer.
15:15It's true.
15:18It's unnatural.
15:20I don't use a night light.
15:22I see.
15:23That's why it's unnatural.
15:25Let's go.
15:27It's still there.
15:29It's still there.
15:30It has a compass.
15:31S is south, south.
15:33E is east, east.
15:36Red is two.
15:38The number is after the alphabet.
15:41I feel like the number is giving instructions to the alphabet.
15:44I see.
15:45Na, yo, su, ha.
15:47I don't know anymore.
15:52I can't eat cooked rice at all.
15:55I want to eat cooked rice so much.
15:58I don't want to answer like this.
16:00I think it's good to have two answers.
16:04It's overcooked.
16:07It's overcooked.
16:09It's overcooked rice.
16:11It's a riddle.
16:13It has a compass.
16:14It has a compass.
16:17It has a compass.
16:18And the number.
16:20Ta, san, he, ga, shi, yon.
16:22The direction of the east and the direction of the south.
16:28I got it.
16:29This means that the IEO table is divided into three or four squares.
16:37If you move three squares from TA to the east, it becomes TA, SA, KA, A.
16:44If you move four squares from A to the south, it becomes IEO.
16:50Then, it becomes O.
16:52If you move three squares to the east and four squares to the south, it becomes O.
16:57Please remember the first letter, O.
16:59If you move three squares from KA to the south, it becomes KI.
17:03Then, it becomes GI.
17:05Ogi, na kara, yottsu shita, nani, nune, no.
17:10Ogi no, ka, yes, ikkai, dakara, ikkai, a, ni, te, i, ika.
17:15I, to, nani, ne, mi, yo.
17:18Ogi no isu wo miro.
17:20Ogi no isu wo miro.
17:25What is that?
17:26Ogi no isu wo miro?
17:28This is?
17:30Is this correct?
17:32This is a big move.
17:33Do you remember the numbers?
17:34Yes, exactly.
17:35One more to go.
17:38I hope this is correct.
17:40Ogi no isu wo miro is correct.
17:43Have you ever walked around the studio?
17:45No, I haven't.
17:46I've never made such a big move.
17:48Let's go.
17:50Excuse me.
17:51Excuse me.
17:52What is this?
17:53Let me check the chair again.
17:56There it is!
17:57There it is!
17:58There it is!
18:01It was in a place like this?
18:03I didn't even notice.
18:04You did it.
18:05I didn't even notice.
18:06Here it is.
18:07Is it a number?
18:08Yes, it's 4.
18:09Well done.
18:10What was it?
18:11The third digit of the key is 4.
18:12In other words,
18:134, 8, 4.
18:14All right.
18:15Excuse me.
18:16Excuse me.
18:17Excuse me.
18:18What is this?
18:19What is this?
18:21What was the number you pointed out?
18:234, 8, 4.
18:244, 8, 4.
18:254, 8, 4.
18:264, 8, 4.
18:27Now that we have all three,
18:29let's go.
18:31We did it!
18:32We did it!
18:33We did it!
18:34We did it!
18:35Thank you very much.
18:36Thank you very much.
18:37Thank you very much.
18:42Let's do it.
18:43Let's do it.
18:45Here it is.
18:46Wow, amazing.
18:47Is this cooked rice?
18:49Isn't it very luxurious?
18:50The spicy smell of the moment you open it is the best.
18:53The smell is amazing.
18:54It smells really good.
18:55This must be delicious.
18:57It looks delicious.
18:59It looks delicious.
19:00This must be delicious.
19:02Let's eat.
19:05The rice part seems to soak up the flavor.
19:08With the tomato.
19:10It's not Japanese style.
19:12No, I love it.
19:14Thank you very much.
19:15Let's eat.
19:22It's delicious.
19:24This must be delicious.
19:26This is amazing.
19:27It's very delicious.
19:28It's spicy, but the flavor of the seafood is soaked up.
19:33It's delicious.
19:34I'm glad.
19:35There are a lot of seafood.
19:37When I eat something delicious,
19:39Mr. Izawa seems to be a little different from the previous one.
19:45He seems to be absorbed in it.
19:47I don't think about the quiz right now.
19:50That's right.
19:52If I find it, I'll eat the victory meal.
19:55I'll be in the most relaxed mode.
19:58This smells very good.
20:01I agree.
20:02I'll eat this.
20:08It's very delicious.
20:11While I was eating, I hosted a quiz.
20:16How was it?
20:17It was very delicious.
20:18It was delicious?
20:19That's the impression of the rice, isn't it?
20:21This is very delicious.
20:23It's delicious.
20:24Zucchini is very delicious.
20:26The taste of seafood is very good.
20:32This is very delicious.
20:34It's not as good as I thought it would be.
20:39I thought it would be a good meal.
20:40That's right.
20:41It's just right.
20:43I'm glad that the Japanese quiz literacy has improved a little through this program.
20:49I'm glad.
20:50I've been holding back, but it's a little weird.
20:54It's hot.
20:57Thank you for your hard work.
21:00I'm tired.
21:01I'm tired.
21:02What's wrong with you?
21:03It's too difficult.
21:05I'm tired.
21:06How many rice did you cook?
21:09I cooked too much rice.
21:12That's right.
21:13I wanted you to eat it right away.
21:14I got a lot of good questions, so I wanted to use all of them.
21:17It's like a personal quiz.
21:21IZAWA did a lot of things for me.
21:24I don't want to tell anyone the next day.
21:27I don't want to use it at all.
21:29I don't use it.
21:30I'm glad you answered the questions in a fun way.
21:34Thank you very much, JURY and SHORI.
21:37The score of this quiz is 91.2.
21:43This quiz is a give-and-take.
21:45It was more fun to be able to answer each other's questions.
21:52The remaining 8.8 points are your quiz skills.
21:59Thank you very much.
22:01Thank you for the meal.
22:04The quiz was terrible.
22:07It was terrible.
22:13What is the next guest?
22:15I'm nervous.
22:17What if there is something?
22:18I'm afraid I'll be beaten.
22:20It's a violent show.
22:21All the members of this family are like that.
22:25We are similar.
22:26We are the Tadakai family.
22:28I'll make it.
22:29Thank you.
22:30It's delicious.
22:32SHORI, do you know that?
22:34You can watch this program on FURU and TVER.
22:39You can watch the behind-the-scenes of the show on FURU.