Percepat Pertumbuhan Ekosistem Hydroponic

  • 2 months ago
Sumber pangan dapat dihasilkan tidak melulu secara konvensional dengan menggunakan lahan luas, namun dapat bersifat adaptif, memanfaatkan lahan atau sumber daya yang ada di sekitar.

Apalagi, lahan yang tersedia bagi masyarakat perkotaan sangat terbatas sehingga pertanian perkotaan (urban farming) menjadi solusi untuk menghasilkan bahan pangan secara mandiri dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang terbatas namun dapat dimanfaatkan secara maksimal.


00:00Thank you, Mr. Mirza, for joining us on CreateUp Wiki.
00:02There's a lot of information about health problems,
00:06such as unhealthy food,
00:08unhealthy food products.
00:11I think if we try to do urban farming,
00:16hydroponics will be interesting, right?
00:17Interesting. And this ecosystem will continue to grow
00:21because there are so many emerging communities.
00:24And maybe there are companies
00:26that help the growth of the hydroponics ecosystem in Indonesia.
00:30This time, we will talk about the acceleration of the growth of the hydroponics ecosystem.
00:34It has been connected through a video conference.
00:35We have Mr. Ade Erhadian, CEO of Hydroponics ID.
00:39How are you, Mr. Ade?
00:41I'm good, Mr. Miki. How are you?
00:43Good. Thank you for joining us on CreateUp.
00:45Why does Indonesia need to accelerate the growth of the hydroponics ecosystem?
00:49What is the urgency, Mr. Ade?
00:52So, we know that Indonesia needs food security.
00:57We know that Indonesia is a large population country,
01:00and it's increasing.
01:01So, to increase the food supply,
01:04conventional farming methods are not enough.
01:08So, we offer hydroponics solutions.
01:12Then, land optimization.
01:16The fertile land is decreasing
01:18due to urbanization and climate change.
01:22So, hydroponics is one of the solutions.
01:28Yes, please continue, Mr. Ade.
01:31...water, especially in the dry season.
01:36So, that's it. Then...
01:40Yes, please continue.
01:41So, the next thing is high productivity.
01:43So, hydroponics plants grow faster than conventional,
01:47so the yield is higher.
01:50Then, in hydroponics,
01:54we can control the environment better.
01:57Because hydroponics allows us to control the environment better,
02:00such as temperature, humidity, and light.
02:03This reduces the risk of failure to harvest
02:06due to extreme weather conditions or hama attacks.
02:10Then, food security. This is important.
02:14As we know, in conventional farming,
02:17pesticides and herbicides are often used.
02:21In hydroponics,
02:23pesticides and herbicides can be minalized
02:27or even removed
02:30to produce safer and healthier food for consumption.
02:36Hydroponics is usually different from conventional farming.
02:40In conventional farming, the media is land-based.
02:43In hydroponics, it's water that contains minerals.
02:46But if hydroponics plants grow faster than conventional farming,
02:50what do you think, Mr. Ade?
02:56What do you think?
02:57The chance.
02:59The chance, right?
03:01The chance of hydroponics plants growing faster
03:04compared to conventional farming. What do you think?
03:07In conventional farming,
03:11what do you call it?
03:12Especially if we talk about the continuity of harvest,
03:17for example, vegetables.
03:19In conventional farming, it's a bit difficult to maintain continuity.
03:21For example, there's a hotel or a restaurant
03:26that has to feed 25 kilograms of vegetables every day.
03:30In conventional farming, it's a bit difficult to feed them.
03:33But in hydroponics, we can.
03:36Why? Because we can measure
03:41the yield of vegetables from seedlings, adults,
03:43and then we can measure the yield of young people, adults, and then harvest.
03:48So, for the continuity of harvest,
03:52we can monitor the yield every day.
03:55This is what makes it different from conventional farming.
03:58As I've explained earlier,
03:59maybe it's because of the safety of food.
04:03The use of pesticides and herbicides can be minimized.
04:07Or even eliminated.
04:09That's the important point compared to conventional farming.
04:13Mr. Ade, then what are the challenges for the community
04:15to do urban farming or hydroponics so far?
04:20So far, we've seen that the initial cost is high.
04:25In conventional farming, we can only do it with fertile land.
04:30But in hydroponics, it requires the cost of the installation of the system,
04:36the equipment,
04:38and then the water system, the pump, and so on.
04:43Then the second is knowledge and skills.
04:46This is our challenge.
04:47Because knowledge and skills in hydroponics
04:51are very minimal in Indonesia.
04:53Then, the availability of resources and equipment.
04:58This is also because some of the new materials,
05:03for example, the planting media from hydroponics is still imported.
05:07So the planting media is still imported.
05:10Yes, still imported.
05:11Mr. Ade, what is the solution from the hydroponics ID that was offered?
05:15We will review it in the last segment.
05:17Let's take a break for now, Mr. Ade.
05:20We will be right back.
05:22Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
05:23You are still in CREATE UP
05:24and we are still talking with Mr. Ade
05:30You said that there are a lot of challenges
05:33from doing hydroponics planting,
05:36such as the expensive media,
05:40then there are also parts that have to be imported.
05:43What solution did the hydroponics ID offer?
05:49The first thing we did was in the SARAK program.
05:54We are called Gerakan 1 Juta Petani Hidroponik.
05:58So we do education and training.
06:01There are two training programs.
06:04The first is offline, directly in the greenhouse.
06:08So from Sabang to Merauke,
06:10we have worked with several greenhouses.
06:13Those who are interested will be trained directly in the greenhouse.
06:17Then materially, online education.
06:21So that our target in 2030,
06:26the movement of 1 million hydroponics will be achieved.
06:29Then the next solution is access to technology and resources.
06:34This is access.
06:35We are building a hydroponics ID application.
06:38Then, what is it called,
06:41in the application,
06:45anything about hydroponics
06:47can be solved in the application.
06:50The future plan is like that.
06:51But for now, we are still in the process of education
06:56about hydroponics in the application.
06:58Okay. Please continue, sir.
07:01Yes, then we want to disrupt
07:04the big ones in the field of hydroponics.
07:05Because hydroponics, the main challenge is the electricity problem.
07:11If we talk about electricity in Java, maybe it's not a problem.
07:14But if we talk about it in Indonesia,
07:15electricity will become a barrier.
07:17So we make a hydroponics tool,
07:21a hydroponics system without electricity.
07:24How far has the progress been, sir?
07:27This is just a beta prototyping
07:32that has been done in several of our greenhouses.
07:34There are three greenhouses in Jogja that we have done.
07:38And it's amazing.
07:40It can minimize production costs
07:45up to 35%.
07:48Okay, the target can be distributed to East Indonesia, maybe.
07:53When will the hydroponics actors be available, sir?
07:56Next year, we will be able to do it.
07:59Because we are still in the beta prototyping stage.
08:03But in November, we will do it in Kupang, NTT.
08:11If you don't use electricity, what power do you use?
08:14We use a technology called hydrography.
08:18So, with the graphy,
08:21we make it look like this.
08:24With the graphy, we can create a pump.
08:32So, there is a system called gravity.
08:36Actually, it's just a simple calculation of gravity.
08:39But we focus on the hydroponics system,
08:44especially the NFT and DFT systems in hydroponics.
08:50At least, you don't have to pay for electricity
08:52if you use this method without electricity
08:55for the hydroponics needs.
08:57Okay, what is the feedback from the community so far?
08:59And if you look at the business model,
09:02because is a business entity,
09:07you have to ensure the continuity of the entity.
09:11What is the business model like, Mr. Dik?
09:15The business model that we are doing now,
09:18the first one is education.
09:23There are paid and free education.
09:25Then, there is one more thing I haven't told you.
09:28In hydroponics, there is a nutrition called ABmix.
09:33This is a report.
09:35This is also an obstacle in the hydroponics field
09:37because to make this ABmix,
09:41it requires about 15 fertilizers.
09:44And if one of the fertilizers is not available,
09:47that's a problem.
09:48So, we make a new nutrition.
09:50Just one nutrition,
09:52which we call hydromix.
09:54Later, from this hydromix, the business model will be seen.
09:58Why? Because the nutrition is very dependent.
10:03Hydroponics is very dependent on nutrition.
10:06Okay, but the fertilizer is more,
10:10is it still imported?
10:11No, the fertilizer is from NAPATI.
10:13In Tokyo, we have several agricultural facilities,
10:16several communities that we cooperate with.
10:18Is it cheaper than ABplus?
10:20It's cheaper and more cost-effective.
10:25Okay, Mr. Ade, there was one more question from the wiki earlier
10:27about the community that you said targeted 1 million.
10:31The feedback so far for,
10:34workshops, and so on, what was it like?
10:39Yes, the feedback from the participants,
10:43the first thing they said was positive.
10:48There were some participants,
10:49because it was their first time,
10:51their enthusiasm was extraordinary
10:53because they saw there was potential in the future
10:55for productivity and efficiency in agriculture.
11:01Good luck for,
11:04especially the prototype about saving electricity.
11:07I hope it can be distributed according to the target for next year.
11:11See you again, Mr. Ade.
11:13Thank you, Mr. Ade, good luck.
11:14Thank you.
11:16Before we end my presentation,
11:18we will show you the data update from Bursa Efek Indonesia
11:21on trade in the first session
11:24until 9.28 p.m. Western Indonesia time.
11:27Yes, this SGS is moving forward
11:31with 0.48% growth at level 7,322.904.
11:35And the top gainers are Puri, BSBK, Kepik,
11:39BP, PSAB, ASA, BCML, Antam, DSSA, and Dian.
11:43Then the top losers,
11:44Pemirsada SOTS, Gunahil, SPRE, OPMS, Suri,
11:49Bless, MANG, LABS, and Park,
11:53where SOTS fell 17%,
11:56Gunah fell 11.89%.
11:59That's it for today's short review, Mr. Meersa.
12:01That's the trade update for now.
12:06We've been with you for 90 minutes on Power Breakfast.
12:09I hope today's discussion can be a reference and source of information for you.
12:13Stay tuned for more information only on IDX Channel,
12:15Your Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
12:18And don't forget to tune in to Market Review,
12:20which airs at 10 p.m. Western Indonesia time.
12:23Yes, Mr. Meersa, and because the future is in our hands,
12:26I, the investor of Prisa Sambur Dato, will take my leave.
12:29I'm Adrian. See you.
