Gen Z EP.25 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago


00:00That is why I have called you all here.
00:08There is one more reason for this celebration.
00:11Today I have met my old patient.
00:13Her name is Madam Jiyangli.
00:16Now I want to invite her here.
00:19So that she can give you all an opening speech.
00:22Please give her a round of applause.
00:30I want to thank Professor Ren. He has given me a new life.
00:38When I came to him, I was diagnosed with last stage cancer.
00:43He gave me courage. He told me, I can live as long as I want.
00:49And now look at me. I am absolutely fine. My cancer is gone.
00:54All of you, study hard. Become a doctor like Professor Ren.
01:00Treat the patients and make TCM proud.
01:04Excuse me, madam. Please don't say that.
01:06All the students will misunderstand. He is not a scientist.
01:09So what if he is not?
01:12I don't care about him. The one who saved me is a good doctor.
01:17Thank you for the speech.
01:19A big round of applause for him.
01:25Many of you don't know that the student who just said this is a western medicine doctor.
01:33He is also the leader of our TCM class.
01:36He is right.
01:38TCM is unscientific because he has studied this field.
01:47I don't know if you have read this book, Peng.
01:50There was a philosopher named Karl Popper.
01:54He wrote a book called Objective Knowledge.
01:58Many of you must have read it.
02:01He has explained the three worlds and their interrelationship in that book.
02:08He said that falsifiability is a flaw in science.
02:12You should know that the geocentric model, the heliocentric model was considered scientific at that time.
02:21Science is a process that helps us to know the truth gradually.
02:29We can measure it.
02:31We can calculate it.
02:33But can you tell me, Dr. Peng,
02:36but can you tell me, Dr. Peng,
02:40how do we measure music and painting scientifically?
02:44How do we measure the pain of a disease?
02:47Science has even made rockets.
02:49But a woman's heart still doesn't beat.
02:54Our world is divided into many different dimensions.
03:01Where it is subjective, it is also objective.
03:04We cannot consider only the subjective as reality.
03:07Nor can we consider the objective as reality.
03:11All of us humans have been made by combining two or three parts.
03:18One part is our body.
03:20And you all know this very well.
03:23Western medicine has made a lot of progress.
03:27It has made many fields of data to understand the human body.
03:32Bacteria and imaging have done a great job.
03:37But apart from this body, we also have a brain.
03:44While examining the health, we also examine the physical and mental health of humans.
03:52The body should have strength and the mind should be stable.
03:57Apart from these two, there is one more part.
04:02That is the soul.
04:08Which makes the health of our thoughts excellent and great.
04:13All of you must have heard of Madam Jian.
04:17Physically, her condition was very bad.
04:21Western medicine could not cure her.
04:25If she had not taken the help of TCM, she would have had to go through a lot of pain before death.
04:35Thank God it is TCM.
04:37I asked her to do puja.
04:39Did it make a difference?
04:41I am not a sadhu baba or a spiritualist.
04:44I just wanted her to establish a relationship with nature in her last days.
04:52She should be able to connect with the universe.
04:57She should be able to connect with humans and herself.
05:03It is better to live a peaceful life than to live in anger.
05:15She did physical activities by hiking and travelling.
05:20Am I right?
05:22You are right.
05:24It is better to live a peaceful life than to live in anger.
05:26Young energy is created by movement.
05:30It keeps us healthy.
05:33Let's give her a round of applause.
05:40According to TCM theories, the mind is stronger than the body.
05:48If a person's faith is strong and his intentions are firm,
05:54he can overcome any pain in his life and body.
06:02Let me give you an example.
06:04Dr. Peng,
06:06suppose there is a car parked outside.
06:10I will give you 10,000 yuan to pick it up.
06:14I cannot do it. I am not that strong.
06:18What if I give you 1,000,000 yuan?
06:201,000,000 yuan?
06:22I will try.
06:24Think again.
06:26If you don't pick up the car, I will beat you.
06:29I will not be able to pick up the car even if I use all my strength.
06:32What will you do if your own child falls under the car?
06:39I will pick it up.
06:41Mr. Ren, I can do it.
06:43A mother can do it.
06:45A mother can do anything.
06:47A mother can do anything.
06:49A lot of mothers have done it.
06:51A mother can do more than human abilities.
06:54We all have a lot of potential.
06:57And we can risk our lives for our favorite things.
07:03We have so much potential.
07:06We can even sacrifice ourselves to save others.
07:11But this is a secret from a scientific point of view.
07:18That is why I believe that Western medicine is such a skill.
07:29It can be standardized and repeated on a large scale.
07:34But TCM is different.
07:35TCM is different.
07:37According to me, TCM is like farming.
07:42It is very simple.
07:46That is why I started this training class so that everyone can learn.
07:56Through this training class,
07:57I want to establish a relationship between a teacher and a student.
08:04I want to find such students who want to do good for the world like me.
08:11Only then will I be able to pass this skill of TCM on to the next generation.
08:27After giving scholarships for so many years, I got this service for the first time.
08:31I have to admit, professor.
08:33Your reach is far more than Mr. Ren.
08:36You are very shy.
08:38No, no, no. It's not like that.
08:40Don't compare me to him.
08:42He is a great man.
08:44The whole country is crazy about him.
08:46I am a small creature in front of him.
08:48I am only capable of solving the problem of your knees.
08:53Think about it.
08:54I am only capable of solving the problem of your knees.
08:57I am only capable of relieving swelling.
08:59Sir, I am your masseur 030158.
09:02I have come to give you a massage.
09:04Hello, sir. I am your masseur 030128.
09:13Mr. Wu, you?
09:15Why have you come here?
09:17Mr. Ren has started a new training class today.
09:21I have come here with him.
09:22I will go there later.
09:27What happened? Do you know him?
09:29Yes. Let me introduce you to him.
09:31He is Zhao Liquan.
09:33He is a very talented student of ECM University.
09:35He is a topper.
09:37Liquan, Mr. Zheng is our university's sponsor.
09:40And he is the one.
09:42The scholarship that you have got,
09:44he has given that scholarship.
09:46Thank you very much, Mr. Zheng.
09:48We have already got it.
09:51Did we meet in the scholarship award ceremony?
09:54Yes. And we had come to your house too.
10:04Yes. Yes. I remember.
10:06I had led that team.
10:08He is my favourite among all my students.
10:12Let me tell you one thing.
10:14Today's young generation is very talented.
10:17This boy is different.
10:19He was a graduate.
10:21But now he has done his master's degree.
10:23And he is different from other massage therapists.
10:26Whatever he has learnt,
10:28he applies it practically.
10:30He has magic in his hands.
10:32Yes. That's why I introduced him to you.
10:35So that you know
10:37what high quality medical service means.
10:39I can't wait to hear such praises.
10:42What's so special about it?
10:44You get a massage.
10:46Why are you standing? Get a massage. Come.
10:48Yes. Yes.
10:50Come. Get a massage.
10:53Can I sit?
10:55Yes. Please. Put your feet here.
10:57Is it too hot?
10:59No, sir.
11:01Sir, what do you want?
11:03Tea bag or salt?
11:05Tea bag is fine.
11:13Mr. Ren.
11:14You have said a lot about western medicine.
11:17From the way of testing and measuring diseases
11:19to subjective and objective.
11:22We can even scan the human body.
11:25But TCM is based on books.
11:29Books like Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic
11:32which are almost 500 years old.
11:36When humans are not like before,
11:38then why are old books being read?
11:40Forget about 500 years.
11:41If a person of 1980 comes in today's era,
11:45he will die as soon as he lives.
11:47Because everything has changed.
11:49He won't be able to understand the technical world.
11:51That's why in today's era,
11:53how can we treat with old books?
11:55Those which are thousands of years old.
11:58Look, Dr. Peng.
12:00You just said that
12:03TCM is many years old.
12:06It hasn't changed.
12:08You tell me.
12:09Technology has advanced a lot.
12:11But have humans changed?
12:13Humans haven't changed at all.
12:15They are still the same.
12:17They have changed.
12:19Humans have grown up.
12:21They have developed their brains.
12:23Their thinking has changed.
12:25They have understood the mystery of life and death.
12:27And we have more control over the earth than before.
12:30I don't believe it, Mr. Ren.
12:33I don't believe it is development.
12:36Earlier, there was balance between the environment and everything on earth.
12:40But we humans have completely ruined its balance.
12:44We have damaged it so much that the earth is no longer the same.
12:47As soon as humans have control over the earth,
12:49their desires have also increased.
12:51To fulfill their desires, they harm the living beings.
12:55Look, there are two sides to everything.
12:57Good and evil are also connected.
13:00In the olden days, people used to see many layers of the galaxy
13:03because the environment was clean.
13:05But we have polluted it.
13:08These days, we can't even stay a minute without smartphones.
13:12It's like our lives are stopped without a phone.
13:16And even after leaving home, we are surrounded by technology.
13:21But there are many things that are exactly the same even after 2000 years.
13:26They haven't changed.
13:28One of them is
13:31One of them is
13:33human emotions.
13:36Even 2000 years ago, when someone died,
13:39everyone used to cry.
13:41Today, after so many years,
13:43having smartphones doesn't mean that
13:46no one among us cries when their parents pass away.
13:52When I ask you about logic, you talk about emotions.
13:56When I talk about emotions, you start telling me about rules.
13:58When I talk about rules, you discuss human nature.
13:59Can I get the right answer to my questions?
14:03Yes, you can.
14:05Western medicine and TCM are not the same.
14:10Because there is a difference between the earth and the sky.
14:16TCM has nothing to do with technology.
14:19If you ask me
14:21which herb will cure numbness
14:25and which herb will cure bleeding,
14:27I won't be able to tell you.
14:29It depends on your point of view.
14:31I can tell you that
14:33a person and medicine are interconnected.
14:35They understand each other naturally.
14:45I strongly believe in Professor Ren.
14:49Because for many years, I had faith in science,
14:53but I couldn't get cured.
14:54There are many TCM practitioners abroad.
14:59There are also specialists in natural therapies.
15:02The most interesting thing about East's philosophy is
15:06that they have many methods of exercise.
15:10One of them is yoga, which is very famous.
15:14Everyone must have known by now
15:16that Tao's concept is a combination of Yin and Yang.
15:19Technology has made a lot of progress,
15:22but it is nothing more than a small particle
15:25in the face of the development of nature.
15:28We can't say that science has only done everyone good.
15:32It has also caused harm.
15:34In the inner classic, it is said that
15:37there is no such thing as a perfect universe.
15:40There is no such thing as a perfect universe.
15:43It is written in clear words.
15:45In external pathogens,
15:47there is air, cold, heat, moisture, dryness, fire.
15:52In internal pathogens,
15:55there is happiness, anger, worry, overthinking, fear, sadness.
16:00No matter how much we progress,
16:02these factors never change.
16:06Mr. Ren, you are wrong again.
16:09Because in the olden days, people were fed up of hunger and cold.
16:13Now everyone has food and clothes.
16:15These factors don't even exist in today's world.
16:20You are right.
16:22You must have noticed
16:25that today's young generation
16:27wears less clothes even in winters.
16:30They wear shorts.
16:32They sit in air-conditioned rooms.
16:34They even drink cold drinks.
16:36Now everyone is used to winter.
16:40I don't understand the dressing style of today's generation.
16:44Even in winters,
16:46they keep their knees bare
16:48and wear torn jeans.
16:50I don't understand this strange fashion
16:52which has torn clothes.
16:54In the olden days,
16:56only beggars wore torn clothes.
17:03I don't have much sense of technology and fashion.
17:06But I have observed one thing very well.
17:09As long as everyone has a smartphone,
17:12Ms. Dong's cervical massage business
17:15will grow day and night.
17:18And remember,
17:20as long as beautiful women and young men
17:23wear less fabric clothes,
17:25our infertility clinic
17:28will do better than Ms. Dong's massage business.
17:31It's written in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic,
17:34that all diseases and wounds related to the heart
17:37first appear as skin diseases.
17:41But they cause emotional stress.
17:44The human body and mind cannot be separated.
17:48A few days ago,
17:50I attended a lecture of a western medicine expert
17:53who has become a renowned doctor in the Air Force.
17:56He said that
17:57many patients suffering from psoriasis
18:00actually show external manifestations of their emotions.
18:04This is very similar to TCM's theory.
18:08That's why I think
18:10that western medicine and TCM
18:13are not opposites.
18:15They are very different from each other,
18:18but they have a lot in common.
18:21I think that
18:23western medicine and TCM
18:25have a lot in common.
18:31Professor Song is right.
18:33Let me give you another example.
18:35In my office,
18:37there are two plants of tomatoes.
18:39You must have seen them.
18:41When I was not there,
18:43I had grown them then.
18:45And later, when I took care of them,
18:48put fertilizer in them,
18:50took care of them,
18:52those plants began to wither.
18:53But when I stopped taking care of them,
18:56they became green again.
18:58That's why I believe that
19:00in cases of emergency,
19:03like cancer,
19:05I support surgical intervention.
19:08Because if you don't get a surgery,
19:10your disease will become like a heavy truck without brakes
19:14that is running at full speed on the highway.
19:18The truck will become uncontrollable.
19:21And what will be the result?
19:23There will be an accident.
19:25That's why it is very important to get a surgery.
19:28So that the patient
19:30can get some time.
19:32Then later,
19:34we push that truck
19:36a little bit from the outside.
19:39So that the patient's
19:41self-repair continues.
19:44Always remember,
19:46TCM and
19:48western doctors are not God.
19:50They are common people
19:52who try to cure the patient.
20:01I know that
20:03doctors try to cure the patient
20:05in every possible way.
20:07Do you remember when you met me for the first time?
20:10I had lost hope.
20:12I could see the end of my life clearly.
20:15You gave me a remedy
20:17that gave me hope.
20:18I kept looking for those tiles for many years.
20:21Now I realized that
20:23you told me to look for the 300-year-old tiles
20:26so that I don't have to sit and curse my fate.
20:29So that I don't get scared and stay calm in my sorrow.
20:32So that I don't hurt myself.
20:36Thank you for taking care of me at that time.
20:41when I was working in your medical center,
20:44I met many different people there.
20:46Many of them were very healthy from outside,
20:49but they were mentally ill.
20:51And some of them had both physical and mental illnesses.
20:54There is no happiness in this world.
20:57Everyone has some sorrow.
21:00Many mothers have lost their children
21:03and they have to live with this sorrow all their lives.
21:06When I compare myself to them,
21:09I consider myself lucky.
21:11Professor Ren,
21:13I had lost hope in that difficult moment.
21:16I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
21:19for giving me hope.
21:22Now that I know that I am alive,
21:25I am really very lucky.
21:36Zushiya is right.
21:39Everyone has some sorrow in this world.
21:43If their sorrows are not solved,
21:46they will become mentally ill.
21:48If they are not physically ill,
21:50they will become mentally ill.
21:55I know how much you like freedom.
21:59But now you are trapped in a wheelchair.
22:03You have to make a promise to me.
22:05You will not lose hope.
22:07As long as we are together,
22:09no problem can defeat us.
22:12Whether I get those tiles or not,
22:13you will always be mentally strong.
22:28You are looking for 300-year-old tiles?
22:32Then why didn't you tell me earlier?
22:34I know a place where there are many old houses.
22:37You will find houses older than 300 years.
22:40I am sure you will find the tiles.
22:41I will take you there.
22:43Thank you. I will definitely go.
22:45Are you planning to travel again?
22:47Professor Ren has said that
22:49by doing movement,
22:51you get young energy.
22:53And by helping, you get good deeds
22:55which will make your life long.
23:11all the elders sitting here
23:13and all the brothers and sisters of your age
23:17all want to tell you
23:19an important thing
23:21that you should never
23:28lose hope.
23:32You will get many new reasons
23:34to love life.
23:44no disease
23:46can be cured.
23:48If you are determined,
23:50you can find a solution to every problem.
23:53And you can get rid of every sorrow.
23:55We just need to change our perspective.
23:58Keep your mind strong and your hope alive.
24:01Every problem will be solved.
24:03If you want help,
24:05ask God.
24:06Ask Him with so much hope
24:08that He will not refuse.
24:10The more you feel sorrow,
24:12the more it will increase.
24:14If you want to be strong,
24:16no disease can stop you.
24:36No disease can stop you.
24:38If you want hope,
24:40ask God.
24:42Ask Him with so much hope
24:44that He will not refuse.
24:46If you want to be strong,
24:48ask Him with so much hope
24:50that He will not refuse.
24:52Our ancestors told us
24:54that it is impossible
24:57to win the battle of love.
25:00We should never
25:02give up hope.
25:04We should never
25:06I don't know what you're talking about.
25:09When he came to meet me for the first time,
25:12he said he was very talented.
25:15Today, I want to meet him.
25:18I want to meet him.
25:20I want to meet him.
25:22I want to meet him.
25:24I want to meet him.
25:27I want to meet him.
25:30I want to meet him.
25:33I want to meet him.
25:35Today, I believe that thoughts can change everything.
25:40At that time, I didn't believe it.
25:43But today, after listening to everyone's speech,
25:46I have understood.
25:48He is really a great man.
25:52Ms. Jiang is right.
25:54Even a doctor is God.
26:01I have come to know.
26:03You are not like a teacher at all.
26:05And you are like him.
26:06You applaud every lie he tells.
26:08When did he lie?
26:10He always speaks the truth.
26:12I have never seen a person like him in my life.
26:16He fulfills all his promises to people.
26:20But there is one promise that he will never fulfill.
26:23You don't know anything.
26:26Which promise?
26:28Tell me too.
26:30I won't tell you.
26:31Tell me.
26:33You are all liars.
26:34I won't tell anyone.
26:36Your father also told me a secret.
26:41What secret did your father tell you?
26:46I can't tell you.
26:48I have promised.
26:50Then I will also tell you a secret.
26:52A very big secret.
26:53A secret instead of a secret.
26:55What do you think?
27:04Give me the board.
27:06Come on.
27:13My father has a girlfriend.
27:18Now you tell me.
27:22Don't lie.
27:25He is not such a person.
27:29You are lying, right?
27:30You are lying because you want to fool me.
27:35My father's girlfriend's name is Little Lock.
27:39Pakshi's name?
27:41What kind of name is this?
27:43Only a person like you can lie like this.
27:47You are too much.
27:49Why did you put this?
27:51Remove it.
27:55You said it yourself.
27:58I said remove it.
28:01Didn't you hear me?
28:04I am not worthy of this board.
28:07And I am not that great.
28:10Jiyang madam doesn't think so.
28:17I can cure diseases.
28:19But I can't change my fate.
28:21And Jiyang madam has recovered because of her will power.
28:25I cure someone's disease.
28:26The next day it comes again.
28:28People can't get out of this cycle.
28:31Zhu Chang Ming, he is exactly like that.
28:34There is only one way to get out of this cycle.
28:37Will power has to be strengthened.
28:39And old habits have to be changed.
28:42Do you know why I didn't accept this board?
28:45Because I didn't cure Jiyang madam.
28:53Why did you accept at that time?
28:56It was the first day of my business.
28:58I couldn't refuse.
29:00She brought this gift for me with great enthusiasm.
29:02Okay, I will put it behind the chair.
29:05She will also like it and you won't feel bad.
29:11Keep it down.
29:22I am going.
29:32Now our fate is in your hands.
29:36Whether you win or lose, it's up to you.
29:46Master, I never believed that hard work can change your fate.
29:51Because delivery riders like me work very hard.
29:56But I have never seen them succeed.
30:06But now I have faith that it is possible.
30:14Because I have seen Zhu Xia, Madam Jiyang, Chang Ying.
30:18All of them have changed their fate.
30:22They are still struggling.
30:25But they didn't give up.
30:28They continued the struggle.
30:30That's why I think I can also make TCM famous.
30:36What happened?
30:40You don't believe me?
30:49Tell me.
31:05It smells so good.
31:07This wine is amazing.
31:09Pour some more.
31:11I have two good news today.
31:13I am going to drink a lot today.
31:15Papa, where did you get two good news?
31:19My house is safe from being sold today.
31:23This is the first good news.
31:25And the training class has started again.
31:29This is the second good news.
31:31Celebration is a must.
31:33Master, your daughter took the papers from me.
31:38She said she will sell her house.
31:40But she didn't tell you on purpose.
31:41And she refused me too.
31:43So that she can trouble you.
31:47Listen, Master.
31:49This wine is for you.
31:51I want to thank you for supporting me.
31:55You never left me alone.
31:59Where is your feet, Master?
32:01No, no, no. Don't do this.
32:03If you want to thank me, give me more wine.
32:06Don't touch my feet.
32:08If you want to touch my feet,
32:09touch my wife's feet.
32:11She is not a woman, she is a goddess.
32:13Okay. Where are your feet?
32:15No, no.
32:17We have become old.
32:19Your wife is the one who will support you in the future.
32:23Keep her happy.
32:25Tell me your feet.
32:27You should thank me.
32:30You have tolerated me for many years.
32:32You have forgiven all my mistakes.
32:34You are great.
32:44I couldn't control myself.
32:46That's why I drank a little.
32:50Someone was asking for my feet.
32:53What happened?
32:55Come on, touch my feet.
32:57Mani, touch my heart.
33:01Don't fill your eyes like this.
33:03Fill it.
33:11Every day when I see you at home,
33:14I lose my mood.
33:16I don't know how I got married to such a man
33:20who is not strong
33:22and who doesn't earn money.
33:24He creates new problems every day.
33:27My luck is bad.
33:30But still,
33:31Professor Ren,
33:33when you were giving a lecture there today,
33:36I fell in love with you again.
33:42I am telling the truth.
33:44I am not joking.
33:46Do you know?
33:48People like you who dedicate their whole life
33:51to one goal,
33:54they are great.
33:56And such people are religious people.
33:58No, I mean...
34:00Your daughter is drunk.
34:02I haven't started drinking yet.
34:06Let me speak,
34:08otherwise I will forget what I said.
34:10Then until I remember what I said,
34:13I won't be able to sleep the whole night
34:16and I will be restless.
34:18So I was saying that you are special.
34:20I am happy that you are my life partner.
34:23That's why I love you.
34:25Please drink wine every day.
34:26Please drink wine every day.
34:29But you don't let me drink.
34:31Drink today.
34:37No, no, no, Papa.
34:39I drank one more while talking.
34:41You just need an excuse.
34:43Let me tell you one thing.
34:45Never wander around me in the future.
34:49Stand there on the stage
34:51and give lectures every day.
34:52Then there will be no fights in our married life.
35:00Mom loves you a lot.
35:02This is not love.
35:04Come here.
35:06I will tell you the truth.
35:08Whenever I scold you,
35:10I am very sad from inside.
35:12Because I feel that you are an angel
35:14whom God has sent here.
35:16But when I scold your father,
35:19I feel that he deserves it.
35:22Did you see?
35:24How women behave with their son
35:26and someone else's son.
35:28Yes, you are absolutely right.
35:30This is for you.
35:34This is for Master.
35:38Papa, you won't drink anymore.
35:40Everyone else can drink.
35:44You also cheers.
35:46But don't drink too much.
35:52Shumang can't drink.
35:56You pretend to drink.
35:58You also drink less.
36:00Just one sip.
36:02Look at him.
36:04Just one more glass.
36:06Very good wine.
36:09Let's eat this.
36:11Eat everything together.
36:13Leave some for me too.
36:16Who has come?
36:18I will see.
36:20Where are you going?
36:23Who will eat this?
36:29How did you come here?
36:37How did you come suddenly?
36:42she hasn't gone to school for a year.
36:45And anyway,
36:47she is better than before.
36:49We want her to join school again.
36:50This will be good.
36:52She is not completely recovered.
36:54It can be very risky for her to go to school.
36:56We also came here to take her home.
37:00We have to get her used to our home.
37:06You are absolutely right.
37:10We will bring her here for regular check-up.
37:16Thank you very much.
37:18Thank you very much.
37:20And thank you too.
37:22You treated my daughter like your own daughter.
37:25But still,
37:27she has to go with her parents.
37:29And she has to concentrate on her studies.
37:32Only then she will be able to move forward in life.
37:34You are right.
37:42eat on time and sleep on time.
37:44My phone will always be on.
37:45Call me whenever you need me.
37:49I will come to meet you.
38:12Has Shumeng left?
38:13Has Shumeng left?
38:15She forgot her doll.
38:17Return it to her tomorrow.
38:19But this is her favourite doll.
38:21Return it to her tomorrow.
38:35good or bad, everything has an end.
38:38It's good
38:40that she left for her home.
38:41She left for her home.
38:44Come on, eat.
38:46You too, eat.
39:12I don't understand.
39:14She used to be so calm.
39:16She never used to talk.
39:18But after she left,
39:22I am missing her.
39:41I am missing her.
40:03Room service.
40:05I am not hungry.
40:11Then teach me how to open my social media account.
40:14I haven't been able to open my account for many days.
40:16I am getting bored.
40:17Help me.
40:18Come on.
40:26But first, have dinner.
40:28While eating,
40:29talk to me.
40:32Grandpa, I told you I am not hungry.
40:35Yet you came.
40:44how did your hunger die?
40:46What happened?
40:48Are you sick?
40:49I am fine.
41:11I am fine.
41:42I am fine.
41:43I am fine.
41:44I am fine.
41:45I am fine.
41:46I am fine.
41:47I am fine.
41:48I am fine.
41:49I am fine.
41:50I am fine.
41:51I am fine.
41:52I am fine.
41:53I am fine.
41:54I am fine.
41:55I am fine.
41:56I am fine.
41:57I am fine.
41:58I am fine.
41:59I am fine.
42:00I am fine.
42:01I am fine.
42:02I am fine.
42:03I am fine.
42:04I am fine.
42:05I am fine.
42:06I am fine.
42:07I am fine.
42:08I am fine.
42:09I am fine.
42:10I am fine.
42:11I am fine.
42:12I am fine.
42:13I am fine.
42:14I am fine.
42:15I am fine.
42:16I am fine.
42:17I am fine.
42:18I am fine.
42:19I am fine.
42:20I am fine.
42:21I am fine.
42:22I am fine.
42:23I am fine.
42:24I am fine.
42:25I am fine.
42:26I am fine.
42:27I am fine.
42:28I am fine.
42:29I am fine.
42:30I am fine.
42:31I am fine.
42:32I am fine.
42:33I am fine.
42:34I am fine.
42:35I am fine.
42:36I am fine.
42:37I am fine.
42:38I am fine.
42:39I am fine.
42:40I am fine.
42:41I am fine.
42:42I am fine.
42:43I am fine.
42:44I am fine.
42:45I am fine.
42:46I am fine.
42:47I am fine.
42:48I am fine.
42:49I am fine.
42:50I am fine.
42:51I am fine.
42:52I am fine.
42:53I am fine.
42:54I am fine.
42:55I am fine.
42:56I am fine.
42:57I am fine.
42:58I am fine.
42:59I am fine.
43:00I am fine.
43:01I am fine.
43:02I am fine.
43:03I am fine.
43:04I am fine.
43:05I am fine.
43:06I am fine.
43:07I am fine.
43:08I am fine.
43:09I am fine.
43:10I am fine.
43:11I am fine.
43:12I am fine.
43:13I am fine.
43:14I am fine.
43:15I am fine.
43:16I am fine.
43:17I am fine.
43:18I am fine.
43:19I am fine.
43:20I am fine.
43:21I am fine.
43:22I am fine.
43:23I am fine.
43:24I am fine.
43:25I am fine.
43:26I am fine.
43:27I am fine.
43:28I am fine.
43:29I am fine.
43:30I am fine.
43:31I am fine.
43:32I am fine.
43:33I am fine.
43:34I am fine.
43:35I am fine.
43:36I am fine.