I got Married without you Full Episode 2024

  • 2 months ago
I got Married without you Full Episode 2024
00:00:30Maybe you can fill me in on your present.
00:00:32You brought Teddy back to me.
00:00:34He isn't scared.
00:00:35Scared of what?
00:00:36He doesn't need to hide behind a mask to love me.
00:00:38Take your mask off.
00:00:40Mr. Knight, who are you?
00:00:42What do I need to do so you don't marry him?
00:00:46Just tell me you love me.
00:00:49Rosalind, will you marry me?
00:01:00We've been trying to reach you for a month.
00:01:07Your congestive heart failure has reached stage 4.
00:01:10You have to prepare for a transplant.
00:01:13Without a new heart, Rosalind, I can't promise anything more than a few months.
00:01:30Should I tell Andrew I'm dying?
00:02:00I'm sorry.
00:02:30Teddy, no.
00:02:56Good morning.
00:02:58Andrew, if you have some time today, there's something that...
00:03:05I'm terminating your contract today.
00:03:13I'm terminating your contract today.
00:03:20Just give me a reason.
00:03:23I don't owe you an explanation.
00:03:25I purchased you.
00:03:27I own you, remember?
00:03:30I'm dying, Andrew.
00:03:32I just want to spend what little time I have left with you.
00:03:35Andrew, there's still a few more months left in our contract.
00:03:38Can we just...
00:03:40Crystal's coming back.
00:03:42I'm going to marry her.
00:03:44You could have just said that sooner.
00:03:53Get out of my place.
00:03:54Disinfect everything you've touched.
00:03:56I'm also coming back to a dirty house.
00:03:58Is that what I am to you?
00:04:03Did you even love me?
00:04:06Did you even care?
00:04:16I'm going to work on Monday.
00:04:29Dr. Connor, it's Rosalyn.
00:04:31I thought about it and I won't be needing that heart transplant.
00:04:35Rosalyn, you do know it's the only chance you'll have to live.
00:04:38I can't afford it.
00:04:43And honestly, if I had the money...
00:04:48I don't have much to live for.
00:04:53Please give this spot to another patient.
00:04:56Thank you for everything.
00:04:58Birth control pill, Ms. Bell?
00:05:06This is from Mr. Kingston for breaching your contract.
00:05:15I don't need this.
00:05:17Ms. Bell, Mr. Kingston simply doesn't want to see you out in the streets again.
00:05:21Tell Andrew, no, tell Mr. Kingston that I work a full-time job now and I am no longer his charity case.
00:05:26But your contract clearly states...
00:05:28The contract only mattered to him.
00:05:31I was never in it for the money or the contract, I just...
00:05:36I just wanted him to love me.
00:05:51You're back early.
00:06:02What's wrong?
00:06:07He ended our contract.
00:06:10He doesn't want me anymore.
00:06:14Here, sit down.
00:06:19You know what, screw Andrew, okay?
00:06:25We're going to go out tonight with my friend Jack and I'm going to introduce you to some hotties.
00:06:30No, I'm not in the mood.
00:06:32Oh, come on.
00:06:34It's going to be fun.
00:06:38Roz, could you pour me a glass of...
00:07:38Roz, are you having a baby in there?
00:07:50Let's go.
00:08:00Mr. Taylor, I didn't expect to see you here.
00:08:03Where's Jack?
00:08:04Who needs Jack when you've got Logan?
00:08:07Me, of course.
00:08:09You must be Rosalyn.
00:08:11Logan Taylor.
00:08:15Polly's a bartender down at my club.
00:08:19Polly's told me all about you.
00:08:21Only the best things, I'm sure.
00:08:25Polly, why don't you go grab us a couple bottles of Dom Perignon?
00:08:29Uh, but I'm off the clock.
00:08:32You want to be off the clock forever?
00:08:36Look at those bottles.
00:08:41So, Rosalyn, what do I got to do to get you to spend the night with me?
00:08:47Excuse me?
00:08:50Isn't that what you're here for?
00:08:54A wild night, huh?
00:08:58Logan, your date looks a little uncomfortable, don't you think?
00:09:06Logan, your date looks a little uncomfortable, don't you think?
00:09:09She looks fine to me.
00:09:12Well, keep it in your pants, Logan.
00:09:14This is still a professional setting.
00:09:17Andrew and I, we work together.
00:09:19We go way back.
00:09:20Come on, now.
00:09:21You run my nightclub.
00:09:23You work for me.
00:09:24Not with me, Logan.
00:09:29Okay, I'm going to go.
00:09:31Where are you going?
00:10:05So you do know each other.
00:10:07I thought something was up.
00:10:11I found the tension between you and Andrew quite interesting, so...
00:10:15Did a little digging.
00:10:17Cost me a shit ton, but you'll never guess what I found out.
00:10:21You're a high-end escort.
00:10:23Aren't you beautiful?
00:10:28I am not an escort.
00:10:30Can you imagine if all of Orion Global found out that you were getting paid to sleep with Andrew Kingston, a precious CEO?
00:10:37What do you want?
00:10:38Go out with me.
00:10:40I'll pay you.
00:10:43One dinner.
00:10:45And leave my job out of this.
00:10:47And I don't want your money.
00:11:00Good morning, everyone.
00:11:02I thought I'd say hi.
00:11:04I'm Crystal Moore, and from today on, I will be the CFO of Orion Global.
00:11:09Thank you for all you've done for the finance department, and I look forward to working with you.
00:11:14Hey, good to see you.
00:11:15How's it going?
00:11:16Okay, my office is right over there.
00:11:17If anyone needs anything, do not hesitate.
00:11:37Rosalyn, so good to see a familiar face.
00:11:41Sorry about that.
00:11:42He's normally more professional.
00:11:45Anyway, what can I do for you?
00:11:50Oh, what's this?
00:12:00You're quitting?
00:12:03Personal reasons.
00:12:05Rosalyn, you're one of the best analysts we have in the department.
00:12:08I was just reading some of your stuff.
00:12:11You can't quit right when I join.
00:12:14Mr. Kingston, say something.
00:12:16I really appreciate it, but...
00:12:18Is it the pay?
00:12:20I noticed you're due for a promotion.
00:12:22I can get that approved right away.
00:12:23Crystal, let her go.
00:12:28From my understanding, Rosalyn's more interested in climbing into Logan Taylor's bed than any sort of corporate ladder.
00:12:38Excuse me.
00:13:02Why does it hurt so much?
00:13:20I got you something.
00:13:22Cost me $25,000.
00:13:25Impressive, right?
00:13:27I can't. It's too much.
00:13:30I just gave away your ignorance, you little peasant girl.
00:13:33I need you.
00:13:36To look expensive.
00:14:01I can walk alone just fine.
00:14:14So, Rosalyn, how long have you been with Logan?
00:14:16Yeah, Rosalyn, how long have you been with Logan?
00:14:19Oh, we're not...
00:14:20A while.
00:14:23Long enough.
00:14:27I made my mark.
00:14:30She's mine now.
00:14:36Well, be careful.
00:14:39I hear there's a lot of gold diggers out there nowadays.
00:14:44What is wrong with you?
00:14:46Great. Thank you, Mr. Kingston.
00:14:49Logan, a word, please?
00:14:58You knew about me and Andrew.
00:14:59Chill out, gorgeous.
00:15:01Just look at that ice on your wrist.
00:15:03I'm not going to go back in there until you tell me what's going on.
00:15:06That's not up to you.
00:15:09I could ruin your reputation in a split second.
00:15:12What do you want?
00:15:15I run Orion's nightclub downtown, which is fun, sure, but I want more.
00:15:21I want to be part of Orion Global itself, maybe even sit on the board.
00:15:24What does that have to do with me?
00:15:26You're my bargaining chip.
00:15:29I doubt that Andrew wants dear old Crystal to find out about you.
00:15:33Plus, I'm dying to know what you feel like.
00:15:38I heard that Kingston's a germaphobe when it comes to chicks, so someone that he'll pay for.
00:15:44You must feel good.
00:15:49I'd rather die than sleep with you.
00:15:58Listen, you little bitch, I can and I will
00:16:02tell Crystal that you're screwing her fiancé.
00:16:04Good luck keeping a job then.
00:16:06I quit.
00:16:07You can't threaten me with any more.
00:16:09Get your hand off of me.
00:16:13Threaten you?
00:16:15I heard that orphans that grow up together become family.
00:16:17Is that true?
00:16:19What are you saying?
00:16:20I also know that dear old Polly's a bartender at my club.
00:16:24I wonder how she'd feel if you both ended up jobless.
00:16:30Oh, I'm sorry.
00:16:32I didn't mean to intrude.
00:16:33I will...
00:16:34Call Red Hand in.
00:16:37You still act like you were in a frat house.
00:16:49You know what they were doing in there?
00:16:52It's like Logan never graduated from college.
00:17:00You know, I'm kind of jealous of them.
00:17:04I mean, even in college, you and I never had that kind of passion.
00:17:10You know, I'm a germaphobe.
00:17:14Let's eat.
00:17:17I lost my appetite.
00:17:22Listen to this, Rosalyn.
00:17:24You better get me on Orion Global's border or you are fucked.
00:17:27How do you want me to do that?
00:17:29You're a gold digger, right?
00:17:31Blackmail's part of the skill set.
00:17:33You got a week.
00:17:46Miss Bell, Mr. Kingston would like to speak to you.
00:17:50I don't have anything to say to him.
00:17:52Well, he would like to speak to you.
00:17:55And he has been waiting all night.
00:18:06I didn't know that you were that desperate.
00:18:10It's been what?
00:18:12Three days and you already found a new sponsor?
00:18:17He's not a sponsor.
00:18:19We're in love.
00:18:31Have you slept together?
00:18:34Yeah, of course we have.
00:18:36And it wasn't for the money, Mr. Kingston.
00:18:38It was out of love.
00:18:40That's something you'll never understand.
00:18:43Say that again.
00:18:45That I slept with Logan Taylor out of love?
00:19:08I don't...
00:19:11What do you want from me?
00:19:14You left me.
00:19:17You abandoned me like everybody else.
00:19:21And now you just won't let me go.
00:19:37Logan is no better than a roach.
00:19:41And to see him possess something that I once had
00:19:44is an insult to me.
00:19:48If you can fall in love with someone like that, Roz,
00:19:52then you're worse than him.
00:19:56You don't even understand.
00:20:01Get out.
00:20:03Get out of my car.
00:20:06You sicken me.
00:20:50Is everything ready?
00:20:52Yes, Mr. Kingston.
00:20:54The new bar manager, Logan Taylor.
00:20:56He's made sure that all the renovations are taken care of.
00:20:58Mr. Kingston, I've seen you on TV.
00:21:00Please help me.
00:21:01Please, I need to save a life.
00:21:03I need 350K.
00:21:05I'll do anything.
00:21:06I can pay you back.
00:21:07Please, I'll do anything.
00:21:08I can pull her away if you like, Mr. Kingston.
00:21:10I do have disinfectant.
00:21:12Please, I'll do anything.
00:21:19Um, are you clean?
00:21:25I'm not sure.
00:21:27Are you clean?
00:21:29Yes, yes.
00:21:30I'm an orphan, but I've never done anything that would...
00:21:34And you're willing to do anything?
00:21:38Mr. Kingston, please.
00:21:43Take her inside.
00:22:04Oh, shit.
00:22:15Stop following me, Teddy.
00:22:17Just leave me alone for God's sake.
00:22:19I'm not leaving you.
00:22:21But you are.
00:22:22You're going to Europe to study.
00:22:24Why Europe?
00:22:25The MBA programs here are just as good.
00:22:28You know what I think?
00:22:29I think you're trying to get rid of me.
00:22:32Ross, watch out!
00:22:45No, Teddy.
00:22:47No, Teddy, please.
00:22:48Please, please.
00:22:53Please don't die.
00:22:57Please, Teddy.
00:23:04Where's Teddy?
00:23:05Have you seen Teddy?
00:23:06I'm sorry, you're not his family.
00:23:07We don't have any family.
00:23:08Please, it's just...
00:23:09All we have is each other.
00:23:10Look, he's suffering from a severe traumatic brain injury.
00:23:13We need to see proof of funds to operate.
00:23:15Proof of funds?
00:23:16How much?
00:23:22I'm sorry.
00:23:37No, Teddy.
00:23:38Teddy didn't deserve you, Ross.
00:23:41You signed yourself away and what did he do?
00:23:45Got adopted by that stupid Rich Baker family.
00:23:49And erased us from his life forever.
00:23:52And he left us.
00:23:54And left you with that son of a bitch Andrew Kingston.
00:23:59He doesn't deserve you either.
00:24:06You're okay.
00:24:09There you are.
00:24:15I want to see Andrew.
00:24:18Okay, I'll go call him.
00:24:23Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message...
00:24:47How's Rosalyn?
00:24:55Rosalyn had a severe fever.
00:24:59Got it under control, but...
00:25:02For now.
00:25:08Got it under control, but...
00:25:11For now.
00:25:13Polly, will you go get me some water?
00:25:15My throat's super dry.
00:25:17Yeah, okay.
00:25:26You haven't been taking care of yourself, Rosalyn.
00:25:29There's no easy way to put this.
00:25:31Just tell me how long.
00:25:33Three weeks.
00:25:35Maybe a month.
00:25:38That's enough for me.
00:25:42I really hope you'll reconsider.
00:25:47I'll be back to check on you.
00:26:26Hey, superstar.
00:26:28How are you feeling?
00:26:29Never better.
00:26:31Come sit.
00:26:36Oh, I have something for you.
00:26:42Your birthday gift.
00:26:44I don't understand.
00:26:47This is a debit card, and my birthday isn't until the end of the year.
00:26:52It's all of my savings.
00:26:54I want you to have it.
00:26:58You're not dying, Ros.
00:27:01You're not dying.
00:27:02No, no, silly.
00:27:03I'm not dying.
00:27:05You've just been taking care of me since we were kids.
00:27:09I just wanted to do something nice for you.
00:27:35Who are you?
00:27:36Someone help!
00:27:37Someone help!
00:27:38I'm not here to hurt you.
00:27:46I don't know who that is.
00:27:49I'm here to tell you that all your medical bills are taken care of.
00:27:53Send me a message if you need anything.
00:27:58I don't even have your number.
00:28:00You know who I am.
00:28:03I sent you a message earlier.
00:28:05That was you?
00:28:07Save it under Knight.
00:28:11Mr. Knight.
00:28:13With a K.
00:28:18So you're single?
00:28:22Yes, but what does that have to do with...
00:29:02Hello, gorgeous.
00:29:04Just checking up on you and my seat on the board.
00:29:07Logan, I'm working on it.
00:29:10How about I got it done, honey?
00:29:11Doesn't that sound so much better?
00:29:13Logan, you gave me a week.
00:29:16I know, but a week is such a long time.
00:29:18I mean, I'm starting to notice all the little mistakes.
00:29:20And Polly's making it work.
00:29:22I'll get it done sooner, okay?
00:29:24Let's meet in person.
00:29:27Phones are traceable.
00:29:28Damn, she does have some brain.
00:29:32I'm down to meet.
00:29:35There's a parking garage downtown.
00:29:38Perfect for secret conversations.
00:29:42I like it.
00:29:45Tell me when and where.
00:29:46I'll be there.
00:29:48If I do this right, stage it like a carjacking or a mugging,
00:29:52I could get rid of Logan once and for all.
00:29:56I want to strip Selene naked.
00:30:01We're going to make sure that they pay for what they did to you.
00:30:03That and so much more.
00:30:09What the fuck? What the fuck?
00:30:11Top down in a parking lot? You're asking for it.
00:30:14Give me your car or I'll cut your damn throat.
00:30:16Okay, okay, take the car. Just leave me the fuck alone.
00:30:21Wait a minute.
00:30:26Well, I'll be damned.
00:30:28Oslin, what a fucking joke.
00:30:31What do you want? You want my car? Is that it, you bitch?
00:30:34I want you dead.
00:30:37Was this an attempt to assassinate me?
00:30:39Who do you think you are?
00:30:41You know what?
00:30:43Who care I want to shit? You're a fucking nobody.
00:30:45You thought you could fuck with me, huh?
00:30:56So I got this room because I know you don't like me.
00:31:00And your bed.
00:31:15Just forget my face.
00:31:17My hair helps.
00:31:21I'm not here.
00:31:44Please don't. Just try.
00:31:49I need to get this. It's important.
00:31:52One second, one second.
00:31:54Who care I want to shit? You're a fucking nobody.
00:31:57What's going on?
00:31:58You thought you could fuck with me, huh?
00:32:06You fucking bitch.
00:32:08As if my life wasn't complicated enough already
00:32:10and you gotta fuck everything up, huh?
00:32:15Are you kidding me? Now what?
00:32:19You're messing with the wrong girl.
00:32:23Wrong girl? What are you talking about?
00:32:25What is this? What is...
00:32:27Hey, fellas, listen. Do you know who I am?
00:32:30Do you know who I...
00:32:36Pass it.
00:32:47Remember tonight, Logan Taylor.
00:32:50You mess with her, I'll put you in a grave.
00:32:55Mr. Kingston, thanks.
00:33:01No, please stay.
00:33:04No, Daddy, please don't go.
00:33:13I'm sorry.
00:33:15I'm sorry.
00:33:17I'm sorry.
00:33:19I'm sorry.
00:33:21I'm sorry.
00:33:24Mr. Kingston, would you like to stay?
00:33:28She has been with me for three years
00:33:31and she won't stop saying Teddy in her sleep.
00:33:33Why? Who's Teddy, anyways?
00:33:36Mr. Kingston, I've had an opportunity to check into some familiar Teddies
00:33:39since you first brought this up and...
00:33:41Well, I think I may have found one.
00:33:43A Teddy Baker of the Baker family.
00:33:46He's your youngest son, similar to age to you.
00:33:48Not him.
00:33:50Too rich.
00:33:53Rosalind was penniless before we met.
00:33:55There's absolutely no way she was with a Baker kid.
00:33:59Mr. Kingston, I've heard, and this are only rumors, granted,
00:34:03but I believe Teddy Baker was adopted.
00:34:08That means he was an orphan, just like Miss Bell.
00:34:13Mr. Knight.
00:34:15You really came.
00:34:18I told you I would come.
00:34:21You saved my life, Mr. Knight.
00:34:24You're like my knight in shining suit or something.
00:34:29Tell me why.
00:34:32What were you doing with Logan Taylor?
00:34:35He found this compromise.
00:34:38What were you doing with Logan Taylor?
00:34:41He found this compromising information about me and threatened me with it.
00:34:45What did he want from you?
00:34:47A seat on Ori and Global.
00:34:50Crazy, isn't he?
00:34:52Why didn't you help him?
00:34:55There's someone.
00:34:59There's a stakeholder that I was trying to protect.
00:35:19Have you ever heard of Phantom of the Opera?
00:35:22Why? Is your face deformed?
00:35:26Something like that.
00:35:29I don't know.
00:35:33Is your face deformed?
00:35:36Something like that.
00:35:41I didn't take you for the superficial type.
00:35:43No, no, it's not that. It's just...
00:35:48I just thought you were someone else.
00:35:50Who? Teddy?
00:35:52What? No.
00:35:54How do you even know about Teddy?
00:35:57What's there to know? Tell me.
00:36:00I... I don't know what you're talking about.
00:36:04After all I've done for you, and you still can't be honest with me.
00:36:12You look fine.
00:36:14You should go to your own place tomorrow.
00:36:33Thank God you're home.
00:36:35I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.
00:36:37No shit I was worried.
00:36:39I got home from the club at 3 a.m. and you still weren't here.
00:36:43Where were you?
00:36:45Did you see this?
00:36:50I didn't see it.
00:36:52I didn't see it either.
00:36:55Where were you?
00:36:57Did you see this?
00:37:00Nightclub owner Logan Taylor was severely injured during a carjacking incident
00:37:05late at night in an open parking lot in the heart of Los Angeles.
00:37:08What? Let me see that.
00:37:12I gotta make a call.
00:37:26Make this quick.
00:37:28I saw the news. How did you get Logan Taylor to say it was a carjacking?
00:37:32I didn't.
00:37:34That weasel probably just doesn't want to show face.
00:37:37Better to get roughed up by some carjackers than a woman.
00:37:40But if he comes back for me...
00:37:42He won't if he values his life.
00:37:46Mr. Night, who are you?
00:37:49Looks like we both have secrets.
00:37:56Mr. Kingston.
00:37:58Teddy Baker has accepted your invite to the banquet.
00:38:01He flies in tonight.
00:38:08Hi. Miss Moore, you asked to see me?
00:38:10Yes, I wanted to see you, Roz.
00:38:13Can I call you Roz?
00:38:16I would really, really like you to stay.
00:38:19Have you considered my offer?
00:38:23It was a generous offer, really.
00:38:26I'm flattered and I really appreciate it.
00:38:28I just... I... I have to resign.
00:38:33It's always a choice.
00:38:36We choose to stay with someone we love or leave with someone we don't.
00:38:40We choose to take an opportunity or to miss out.
00:38:44You're making the wrong choice here, Roz.
00:38:47It's not a choice.
00:38:50It has nothing to do to health issues.
00:38:52What health issues?
00:38:54Andrew, what a surprise! I was just going to call you after this.
00:38:57I have about an hour for lunch, so we can...
00:39:01I'm actually here for Roz.
00:39:06You're here for me? I don't understand.
00:39:10There's a banquet tonight with all the big players from the West Coast.
00:39:13I need you there, Roz.
00:39:16We're already going, so I think we have enough representation.
00:39:20Crystal's new in town.
00:39:22Rosalind's worked in sales for over a year.
00:39:24She's met most of these people.
00:39:27Okay. If you say so.
00:39:31Sorry, but I won't go.
00:39:34Pardon me?
00:39:35I resigned.
00:39:37Miss Moore and I were actually just talking about that.
00:39:40Today will be my last day.
00:39:42I don't remember signing your resignation letter.
00:39:45What? You're not even my...
00:39:47Crystal won't sign it either.
00:39:54Like it or not, you're coming.
00:39:59I've got a long day ahead.
00:40:01We'll get lunch another day, Crystal.
00:40:12So, Mr. Klein, as I was saying about Orion Global,
00:40:15we are having a very good quarter.
00:40:17We're confident that the numbers are...
00:40:18Rozalind, you look great.
00:40:21Mr. Klein, it's been a while.
00:40:23How are you doing?
00:40:25You're late.
00:40:26You're lucky our main guest isn't later than you.
00:40:29Who is it?
00:40:31Sorry I'm late, everybody.
00:40:33I came straight from LAX.
00:40:34God, that place is a mess.
00:40:36Uh-huh. It's no worries.
00:40:37Welcome to LA.
00:40:38Thank you.
00:40:39Hi, Mr. Baker.
00:40:40I'm Crystal Moore, CFO of Orion Global,
00:40:42and, well, Andrew's fiancee.
00:40:44Oh, congratulations.
00:40:46I'd say that's a match made in heaven.
00:40:50Uh, excuse me, are you all right, ma'am?
00:40:54Do I know you?
00:40:57I'm sorry, I have to go.
00:41:16So he really is your Teddy, huh?
00:41:18Andrew, you don't understand.
00:41:25I took you in because I thought you were helpless.
00:41:29But this whole time you had Teddy in the back of your mind?
00:41:34It's not what you think.
00:41:39Andrew, what's going on?
00:41:41What are you guys doing?
00:41:43Is Rosalyn okay?
00:41:53Is Rosalyn okay?
00:41:59What happened?
00:42:00What's the matter with her?
00:42:01I don't know.
00:42:02Don't touch her.
00:42:03She's not breathing.
00:42:04We need to get her to a hospital.
00:42:05I said don't touch her.
00:42:06What the hell is the matter with you?
00:42:20Andrew, you touched her.
00:42:23I saw it.
00:42:25I've known you forever.
00:42:27You've never touched me like that.
00:42:32Let's just go to dinner.
00:42:54No, not Teddy.
00:42:56I can't let you die for me.
00:42:58I'll save you.
00:43:01Damn it, get out of my head.
00:43:05Teddy, is everything okay?
00:43:07I came as fast as I could.
00:43:10I'm sorry to bother you, Dr. Sue, but this is an emergency.
00:43:13She fainted at dinner.
00:43:14I don't know what happened, but I trust you more than anybody at any hospital.
00:43:18I see.
00:43:19Does Miss Baker know that she's here?
00:43:21No, and I'd like to keep it that way.
00:43:23Please, Dr. Sue, you know how my mother gets.
00:43:26Okay, sure, Teddy.
00:43:29Do you know her name?
00:43:31It's Rosalyn.
00:43:33I didn't get her last name.
00:43:36Rosalyn, and have you seen her before tonight?
00:43:42No, but I feel like I should know her.
00:43:46I feel like I did know her.
00:43:51Okay, why don't you step outside for a moment?
00:43:55I'm going to examine her, okay?
00:43:57I'll be right with you.
00:44:21So, what's wrong with her?
00:44:23Teddy, I know this isn't something that you want to hear, but it's not looking good.
00:44:27It's late-stage congestive heart failure.
00:44:30It seems like she wasn't doing anything about it.
00:44:34Congestive heart failure?
00:44:35What does that mean?
00:44:36What's going to happen to her?
00:44:38Well, I think she doesn't have much time left, especially not like this.
00:44:43Maybe a couple of weeks?
00:44:56I need to save her.
00:44:58Dr. Su, please save her, whatever it takes.
00:45:02May I ask why?
00:45:04She's no one to you.
00:45:07I know.
00:45:09I know.
00:45:10I don't know, and she just...
00:45:13She just feels important to me.
00:45:21Oh, God.
00:45:34I didn't ask for that, Norman.
00:45:36No, but I thought you might need it, Mr. Kingston.
00:45:50Thought I was her savior.
00:45:54But turns out, I was just her type.
00:46:00She's just like every other gold digger.
00:46:14Norman, can you find out what's wrong with her?
00:46:19I can't believe I still care.
00:46:24Mr. Kingston, I've known you for a very long time, and I'm quite certain I think you can find out for yourself.
00:46:37As if I could...
00:46:50What? Where am I?
00:46:54My place.
00:46:58What the hell is this, Teddy? Is this some sort of joke to you?
00:47:02Uh, yeah, okay, I don't...
00:47:04You think you could throw me away one minute and then take me back the next?
00:47:08I gave up my life for you, Teddy.
00:47:10I signed my life away to some heartless douchebag to save your life, and...
00:47:15Shh, calm down. I need you to breathe.
00:47:17Don't touch me.
00:47:19Okay, just relax. I need you to breathe.
00:47:27You left me, Teddy. You abandoned me.
00:47:30Why did you leave me?
00:47:33I don't remember. I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about.
00:47:42I don't remember. I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about.
00:47:51You really don't remember me?
00:47:56I was in a car accident three years ago and lost my memory.
00:48:02Did it have something to do with you?
00:48:06Who are you?
00:48:11What do you remember?
00:48:18But last night, seeing you did something to me.
00:48:22I keep having these migraines and keep hearing voices.
00:48:28I think yours, screaming, crying my name.
00:48:34Help me remember. I want to.
00:48:39What if the truth hurts you? What if I hurt you before?
00:48:46I have a feeling you can never do that, Roz.
00:48:56Sorry to interrupt, Teddy. There's a Mr. Knight here for Miss Rosalyn.
00:49:02Mr. Knight is here?
00:49:05Mr. Knight, what kind of name is that?
00:49:08Who is this guy? Do you know him?
00:49:10He's a friend.
00:49:15Okay, you stay here and I'll go deal with him.
00:49:33Mr. Knight. What a name.
00:49:38Where is Rosalyn?
00:49:40Knight with a K.
00:49:42It's so unique. I'd almost say it sounds fake.
00:49:45I asked you, where is Rosalyn?
00:49:48And what's it to you? Some kind of psychopath? Stalker?
00:49:54Rosalyn knows about this. My face is deformed.
00:50:00I'm a loyal friend. A protector, you might say.
00:50:05Thank you for taking care of her, but I can take it from here.
00:50:09Are you crazy? I'm not handing her over to some masked vigilante.
00:50:13The only reason I haven't called the cops is because she trusts you.
00:50:16So give her to me.
00:50:18Take your mask off.
00:50:22Take your mask off.
00:50:24One day I will, and you will regret asking me to do so.
00:50:30Where were you? With Rosalyn?
00:50:34That's my bed.
00:50:36I'm well aware.
00:50:44I also know I'm not supposed to be here, but I can't help but think we're both doing things we aren't supposed to.
00:50:50We agreed to get married.
00:50:53We agreed to get married for the sake of business.
00:50:56You have no role in my private life.
00:50:59So let's get married.
00:51:04I don't even need a proposal. I just want a press conference.
00:51:26Good morning, Dr. Su.
00:51:28Where's Teddy?
00:51:30Here, take these. They'll help with heart pain and breathing.
00:51:45Whatever Teddy Baker forgot, he forgot it for a reason.
00:51:49Maybe it's best that you just let things be.
00:51:57Oh, good. You're up. You look great.
00:52:00Rest here today. Dr. Su can get you anything you need.
00:52:05Actually, there's a few things I need to take care of at work.
00:52:11In this state, you shouldn't be working at all.
00:52:14Really, it's okay. Don't worry.
00:52:17I'm just going for closure.
00:52:20Closure? With Mr. Knight?
00:52:24What are you talking about?
00:52:27Dr. Su, some privacy, please?
00:52:33Dr. Su, some privacy, please?
00:52:42You know you can tell me anything.
00:52:47If you're not comfortable bringing up our past,
00:52:51maybe you can fill me in on your present.
00:52:56I'm not entirely sure, but...
00:53:01I kind of think Mr. Knight is somebody we both know.
00:53:18Thanks for the ride.
00:53:26Norman, disinfect the car.
00:53:33Rosalind, follow me to my office.
00:53:48We're getting married.
00:53:54I know you don't mean that, but thank you.
00:53:58Still waiting on your good news?
00:54:01Send us wedding invites.
00:54:03I don't understand.
00:54:05There's no shame in clinging on to rich, powerful men, Ros.
00:54:09You're quitting because you found an easy, comfortable life.
00:54:12You can quit.
00:54:14You're quitting because you found an easy, comfortable life.
00:54:17You could have just said so.
00:54:19That's not true.
00:54:21No? So you're not staying at Teddy Baker's mansion right now?
00:54:40He can't even hide his feelings for you.
00:54:44I'm not stupid.
00:54:46I know that something happened between you when I was gone.
00:54:48Miss Moore, nothing happened.
00:54:49Stop insulting me.
00:54:52But you know what?
00:54:55It doesn't matter.
00:54:57Because I'm the one sitting in this chair,
00:55:00wearing a diamond ring from him,
00:55:03not you.
00:55:07It will never be you.
00:55:11You're free to go now.
00:55:17Leave our company and don't come back.
00:55:41We've been here for ten minutes.
00:55:49How many times did you sleep with Teddy Baker?
00:55:52What? That's what you wanted to ask me?
00:55:55The answer's none.
00:55:56You're full of shit, you know that?
00:55:58I'm not full of shit!
00:56:00You lied to me about Logan, too.
00:56:03How do you even know about that?
00:56:06I'm gonna ask you one more time.
00:56:08How many times did you sleep with Teddy Baker?
00:56:12Why do you even care? You're marrying someone else.
00:56:15Looks like we both have secrets.
00:56:20Mr. Knight?
00:56:22Who are you?
00:56:23Looks like we both have secrets.
00:56:27If we want honesty, Andrew,
00:56:29tell me this.
00:56:34Are you Mr. Knight?
00:56:38Are you Mr. Knight?
00:56:44Who is that?
00:56:51I see.
00:56:54That's all I needed to hear.
00:56:59God, I'm an idiot.
00:57:01I don't know why I keep getting my hopes up.
00:57:05That's it, Andrew. I want to see you.
00:57:13Leave me alone and let me go.
00:57:16No, no.
00:57:18What are you gonna do without me?
00:57:20You need me.
00:57:21Not anymore.
00:57:23You brought Teddy back to me.
00:57:25And Teddy, he isn't scared.
00:57:27Scared of what?
00:57:29He doesn't need to hide behind a mask to love me.
00:57:57Is it cold?
00:57:59A little bit.
00:58:10Miss Baker is coming back from Europe tomorrow.
00:58:13It'll be fine.
00:58:15She just doesn't know you yet, Roz.
00:58:17I'm sure she'll love you.
00:58:18Piece of my past.
00:58:20You really don't remember anything?
00:58:24I'm sorry, Roz. Not yet.
00:58:27Teddy, a word in private, please?
00:58:30Will Teddy's adoptive mother accept someone like me?
00:59:00This won't work out, Teddy.
00:59:21You're overthinking it, Dr. Sue.
00:59:23I thought about it, and if my mother just gives Roz a chance, she'll...
00:59:27You do not understand.
00:59:29I don't get it.
00:59:31Do you know something I don't?
00:59:34You're the one who worked on my brain injury, Dr. Sue.
00:59:36Is there something you're not telling me? Something I don't remember?
00:59:39Just drop it.
00:59:40Drop what? What are you hiding?
00:59:48I'm not hiding anything.
00:59:50It's just that...
00:59:51All I know is that I...
00:59:54I got into some kind of accident as a penniless orphan
00:59:58and woke up being adopted by Mrs. Baker
01:00:00because I look like her dead son.
01:00:04What does that have to do with Roz?
01:00:06Tell me. What am I missing here?
01:00:07Teddy, please.
01:00:08Let your lost memories stay lost.
01:00:11You were happy without Rosalyn, and you will be again.
01:00:14Trust me.
01:00:16Just let her go.
01:00:30I'm Teddy's mother, dear.
01:00:32Miss Baker, of course. I...
01:00:34I'm Rosalyn.
01:00:36I know.
01:00:37I was watching you sleep, and it got me thinking.
01:00:41Do you know why cockroaches are so unbearable?
01:00:47Because they just won't die.
01:00:51Kind of like you, Rosalyn.
01:00:53Listen, cold digger.
01:00:55I will find you a compatible heart and stuff it into your cheap little body,
01:00:59but you stay away from my son.
01:01:01I will not let him marry a lowly orphan. No.
01:01:04What? How can you say that about me when Teddy himself is an orphan?
01:01:07Don't you say that, you bitch!
01:01:08Teddy is not an orphan! He's my...
01:01:10He's my son!
01:01:11He's my son!
01:01:12He's mine!
01:01:14Teddy! Your house!
01:01:15Mother! Mother, that's enough!
01:01:16He's my son! He's my...
01:01:21My baby, Tyler.
01:01:23You're here. You're here.
01:01:25Mother, that's enough. Tyler's dead.
01:01:27He's been dead for years.
01:01:29You adopted me after my accident because I look like him.
01:01:32No! No! Shut up! Shut up!
01:01:34You can't be adopted! You can't be!
01:01:38It's you.
01:01:41When Teddy lost his memory, you kept him here,
01:01:43away from everyone in his past so you could pretend he's your dead son.
01:01:47What happened? Tell me the truth.
01:01:51No, Teddy!
01:01:59Rose, watch out!
01:02:03No! No, Teddy!
01:02:14You're awake. Thank goodness.
01:02:17Where is this?
01:02:18Who are you?
01:02:20This is home, Teddy.
01:02:22I'm your mother.
01:02:23From now on, you're a family.
01:02:28Oh my God, you scared me.
01:02:30Rose, you...
01:02:32I remember now.
01:02:34I remember all of it, Rose. You...
01:02:40Rose, you...
01:02:42I remember now.
01:02:44I remember all of it, Rose. You...
01:02:46You saved my life. You saved me.
01:02:51What happened to you?
01:02:54When I woke up, why didn't you come find me?
01:02:56I did. I came as soon as I heard.
01:03:01I cried and cried and cried, but the butler wouldn't let me in.
01:03:05I told him to tell you my name, that you would never leave me outside in the night, but...
01:03:09he came back out with a letter from you.
01:03:21He said you'd never want to see me again, Teddy.
01:03:24The handwriting was yours.
01:03:26It had your signature.
01:03:28I can never write that. How could I ever?
01:03:31Of course you didn't.
01:03:33I had someone forge the letter, Teddy, my dear.
01:03:40You don't know what's good for you, but I do.
01:03:42And it isn't her.
01:03:44You know nothing. You're insane.
01:03:46I'm insane?
01:03:47You're going to inherit the Baker family fortune, and you want to be with that?
01:03:51My Tyler would never have...
01:03:53I will never be your Tyler, but if you want me to stay playing house with your mother,
01:03:56you'll let me be with Rosalyn.
01:03:58What do you mean?
01:04:00It's your son and Rosalyn.
01:04:02Or no son at all.
01:04:04Your choice.
01:04:09You'll regret this.
01:04:26Dr. Su?
01:04:28The plan's changed.
01:04:29I need you to perform Rosalyn's surgery and fail it.
01:04:33Ros, we'll get engaged first, then when Dr. Su finds you a compatible heart,
01:04:38you'll have your surgery and be healthy again.
01:04:41You want to get engaged?
01:04:43Of course I do.
01:04:45I can't wait.
01:04:48Um, look.
01:04:50Look, Teddy, I have something to tell you, and...
01:04:54even if it means you stop loving me...
01:04:57Ros, nothing will stop me from loving you, ever.
01:05:00Nothing will stop me from loving you, ever again.
01:05:05Okay, um...
01:05:09On the night of your accident, the hospital asked me for proof of funds.
01:05:15It was 350K.
01:05:18So I, um...
01:05:21I found Andrew Kingston.
01:05:24Mr. Kingston?
01:05:27I didn't know it, but he's this big germaphobe who hates being touched,
01:05:30and when I touched him, he realized my touch was somehow okay.
01:05:35Ros, where is this going?
01:05:41Teddy, I'm so sorry.
01:05:43I signed a contract with him, I gave my virginity to him,
01:05:46and I stayed with him for almost three years.
01:05:58It's all my fault.
01:06:00Ros, you did all that for me, and I don't even remember.
01:06:08You still want to be with me?
01:06:11I'm not leaving you, Ros.
01:06:15Nothing bad will ever happen to you again.
01:06:29I appreciate you coming out, I know it's a lot to ask.
01:06:32Well, you made it!
01:06:35Well, kind of. Pre-game too hard?
01:06:40Teddy Baker, you're real goddamn funny, you know that?
01:06:44Andrew, what is wrong with you?
01:06:47Everyone is staring.
01:06:50Are you seriously drunk?
01:06:51You want to know who the funniest person in the world is?
01:06:55You want to know why?
01:06:57Because I'm the joke.
01:07:00I'm the whole joke itself.
01:07:02This whole time, I thought you were here...
01:07:05We'll be right back.
01:07:17What do I need a drink for?
01:07:20What do I need to do so you don't marry him?
01:07:26Why are you doing this?
01:07:28All I ever did was love you, why can't you just let me go?
01:07:31Just let me go!
01:07:37I can't.
01:07:39I can't, because I...
01:07:48Rosalind, what do I need to do to stop this?
01:07:53What do I need to do so you don't marry him?
01:08:01Just tell me you love me.
01:08:03I love you.
01:08:11I hate you, Andrew.
01:08:13I hate that you treat me like some dirty secret.
01:08:16And you don't.
01:08:17And I hate that I still love you.
01:08:18I hate that.
01:08:19I hate you.
01:08:20I don't mean that.
01:08:21I hate that I still love you.
01:08:22You don't mean that.
01:08:23I hate you.
01:08:24You don't mean that.
01:08:26I hate you.
01:08:56Beep, beep, beep.
01:08:57Beep, beep, beep.
01:08:58Beep, beep, beep.
01:08:59Beep, beep, beep.
01:09:01Beep, beep, beep.
01:09:26Mr. Kingston.
01:09:27I have a letter from Miss Bell.
01:09:30I have no interest in what she has to say.
01:09:32Mr. Kingston, I don't think you understand.
01:09:36Miss Bell...
01:09:39She passed.
01:09:44Miss Polly found this letter in her room.
01:09:53If you're reading this, it means I've left you.
01:09:56For good.
01:09:57If you're sad for me, don't be.
01:10:01I'm happier here without all of the pain.
01:10:05I was living for the hope of one day calling you mine, but...
01:10:08my days have run out.
01:10:10And that's okay.
01:10:13Promise me that you'll forget about me.
01:10:16Forget and start a new life with Crystal.
01:10:19Learn to laugh more.
01:10:21Learn to love.
01:10:24I'll always love you, Andrew Kingston.
01:10:27But if there's a next life, I hope we never meet.
01:10:48I thought you were heartless.
01:10:51But I was wrong.
01:10:54I'm sorry.
01:10:58You do have a heart.
01:11:00It just doesn't beat for me.
01:11:24We're more similar than you think.
01:11:32Neither of us deserved her.
01:11:36I don't know what to do.
01:11:39I feel...
01:11:42empty inside.
01:11:46Almost like...
01:11:48I have nothing left.
01:11:50Almost like...
01:11:52I have nothing to live for.
01:11:56It's because you loved her.
01:12:07Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
01:12:11Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.
01:12:15Hey Teddy.
01:12:16You didn't make it to the funeral.
01:12:19Oh, yeah.
01:12:23I got tied up with something out of state and...
01:12:26What could possibly be more important than Ross' funeral?
01:12:32Yeah, I don't need a loan.
01:12:34Thank you.
01:12:35Bye now.
01:12:39I saw the news.
01:12:40Andrew's not doing so well.
01:12:42Crystal ended their engagement and...
01:12:45he's been drinking and...
01:12:47Mrs. Baker will literally kill you if she finds out Dr. Sue let you live.
01:12:53We cannot go back.
01:12:55You need to forget about him.
01:12:57About that life.
01:13:08She was funny too.
01:13:09Dr. Sue started joking around with Ross at the end.
01:13:12She actually has a fantastic sense of humor.
01:13:15Hard to believe, but she does.
01:13:20So what's Dr. Sue been up to?
01:13:22I haven't been able to reach her at all.
01:13:30Since she messed up Rosalind's surgery,
01:13:33Dr. Sue's probably hiding in shame.
01:13:42Tell me the truth!
01:13:43Tell me the truth!
01:13:44Tell me the truth now or you'll lose another son forever!
01:13:48What are you talking about?
01:13:49Tell me the truth!
01:13:50Ross didn't die, did she?
01:13:51Tell me!
01:13:54I'll tell you.
01:13:57Dr. Sue.
01:13:59Plan's changed.
01:14:01I want you to perform Rosalind's surgery
01:14:03and fail it.
01:14:05I'm sorry, Mrs. Baker.
01:14:07I'm afraid I can't do that.
01:14:09Name a price.
01:14:11It's not about the money.
01:14:13I'm a doctor.
01:14:14I save lives, not take them.
01:14:17But listen, we can meet in the middle.
01:14:31She's alive?
01:14:34My Ros is alive in Texas?
01:14:37This whole time with Paul?
01:14:40Yes, son.
01:14:42Surgery went well.
01:14:57It's so good to see you.
01:14:58You look great.
01:15:15I didn't get the chance to give you this
01:15:18at our engagement party,
01:15:32will you marry me?
01:16:10Come on.
01:16:22Just give us a minute.
01:16:37You're really here.
01:16:40You're still hiding.
01:16:44I can't face you.
01:16:47After all I've done,
01:16:49I don't have the right.
01:16:53Mr. Knight,
01:16:56I want to see your face.
01:16:59But you don't.
01:17:02If you get a second chance,
01:17:06you deserve someone
01:17:07who will always be there.
01:17:11Someone who loves
01:17:13and laughs.
01:17:29That's not me, Rosalind.
01:17:31I'm not that guy.
01:17:33I don't even know why I showed up here.
01:17:35I'm just...
01:17:38I'm sorry.
01:17:50Ros, let's go.
01:17:56Please, just stay.
01:17:58Just stay just a little bit longer.
01:18:01It's too late, Knight.
01:18:03We got your goodbye.
01:18:04Let her go.
01:18:07Let her go.
01:18:29I was thinking about
01:18:30when we could have our wedding.
01:18:33Summer might be nice,
01:18:35fall is also romantic.
01:18:37No rush?
01:18:40Teddy, I think I'm gonna grab some air.
01:18:44I won't go far.
01:18:54Ah, Miss Bell.
01:18:56I'm sorry.
01:18:57I didn't mean to bother you.
01:19:00I'm here off the job.
01:19:03I was wondering if maybe we could
01:19:04chat just for a bit.
01:19:08I guess you could
01:19:09join me on my walk?
01:19:11Thank you, Miss Bell.
01:19:14You know,
01:19:15I watched Mr. Kingston growing up.
01:19:22He was always neglected.
01:19:25On one hand, he had everything
01:19:26anyone could ever want,
01:19:27and on the other hand,
01:19:28nothing at all.
01:19:32His parents were only interested
01:19:33in his potential.
01:19:35His intellect.
01:19:37They never once asked
01:19:38if he was happy,
01:19:40even how he felt.
01:19:44What I'm trying to say is that
01:19:48nobody ever taught him
01:19:49what love was
01:19:52until you, Miss Rosalind.
01:19:54He simply lost without you.
01:20:04It's too late, Norman.
01:20:07It's too late for all of us.
01:20:11I'm sorry.
01:20:13I can't let Eddie lose me again.
01:20:23But Andrew lost you as well.
01:20:38I told you to stop
01:20:39spying on us, Mother.
01:20:41I'm just looking out
01:20:42for you, son.
01:20:44I know what I want.
01:20:46I want Rosalind.
01:20:48It's settled.
01:20:50But does she want you?
01:20:51Even I can see that she's
01:20:52in love with that
01:20:53Andrew Kingston.
01:20:55She might be with you,
01:20:56but her heart is
01:20:57somewhere else, dear boy.
01:21:00You can marry her
01:21:01all you want,
01:21:03but just know that
01:21:04she'll never truly be yours.
01:21:05Are you done?
01:21:08Just think about what I said.
01:21:30Are you ready for this?
01:21:33You're supposed to say yes.
01:21:37What are you doing here?
01:21:44you look
01:21:45absolutely amazing.
01:21:48If you're here to mess things up,
01:21:49I... No, no, no.
01:21:50I just want you to be happy.
01:21:53I've been thinking a lot
01:21:55over the last few months
01:21:57since the airport,
01:22:00and I think I finally understand
01:22:01what love is.
01:22:05What is it?
01:22:10because you're laughing.
01:22:13Even if I have to let you go.
01:22:18I love you,
01:22:25I won't hide it anymore.
01:22:28I know it's too late,
01:22:30but I just have to let you know
01:22:32I have to let you know.
01:22:35Andrew, I...
01:22:37It's okay.
01:22:38It's okay, Ros.
01:22:45Go be happy.
01:22:57Let's go.
01:23:02Let's go.
01:23:21Teddy Baker,
01:23:22do you take this woman
01:23:23to be your wife,
01:23:25to love her,
01:23:26cherish her
01:23:28in sickness and in health
01:23:30for the rest of your life?
01:23:40I can't.
01:23:43I love you,
01:23:45I loved you
01:23:46even when I didn't remember you,
01:23:49I hurt you.
01:23:52I let you sign your life away
01:23:53for three years
01:23:54just to save mine,
01:23:56and then I forgot about you.
01:23:58I wasn't there
01:23:59when you were sick.
01:24:00I couldn't protect you
01:24:01from Logan Taylor,
01:24:04Mr. Knight could.
01:24:06Teddy, please.
01:24:07He was there.
01:24:10Wasn't he?
01:24:12No matter what,
01:24:13the man behind the mask
01:24:14loves you
01:24:17just as much as me,
01:24:18if not more.
01:24:25you're the love of my life,
01:24:29but I think he's yours.
01:24:37Go before I regret it.
01:24:41Just left.
01:25:01What are you doing?
01:25:02Andrew Kingston,
01:25:03I'm gonna ask this one time
01:25:04and one time only.
01:25:07What are you talking about?
01:25:08What's going on?
01:25:09Do you love me,
01:25:11even if I'm a nobody
01:25:12and even if I'm not clean?
01:25:18Yes, Rosalyn.
01:25:20I do.
01:25:22I do love you.
01:25:31I do.
01:25:55Oh, Mrs. Kingston.
01:25:57Mrs. Kingston.
01:25:59My apologies.
01:26:00I don't think I'm quite used to this yet.
01:26:03I came to deliver a letter
01:26:05from Teddy Baker.
01:26:19Hey, Ros.
01:26:21Sorry I didn't call.
01:26:22I can't bear hearing your voice just yet.
01:26:24I'm writing to tell you
01:26:25that I'm heading back to Europe.
01:26:27Just gonna stay there for a while.
01:26:30Recover from all this.
01:26:32I've never seen you happier
01:26:33than these past few months with Kingston.
01:26:36And as jealous and murderous as I feel.
01:26:41if you're reading this,
01:26:42just know I could always take her from you
01:26:43if I wanted to.
01:26:45Ros, I'll never forget again.
01:26:48I will always be yours.
01:26:54If you're having second thoughts...
01:26:56Don't say that.
01:26:58I'm not having second thoughts.
01:27:01You can't leave me, Ros.
01:27:04You own me now.
01:27:06I'm yours.
01:27:07Oh, how the tables have turned.