Top Ten 4k transparent on hill amazing story all in world

  • 2 months ago
Top Ten 4k transparent on hill amazing story all in world


00:00A whole plate for me.
00:01But only if we find the treasure marked on this map.
00:03Motu was psyched.
00:05He loved treasure hunts.
00:06He loved samosas even more.
00:07His best friend Patlu had promised him a whole plate of samosas if they found the treasure.
00:11Let's go.
00:12Hold on, Motu.
00:13We need to pack some supplies first.
00:16What supplies?
00:17You know, Motu, things we might need on our adventure.
00:20Like what?
00:21A flashlight, some rope, a compass, and of course...
00:24No, Motu, not samosas.
00:26We need water.
00:26We can't go on a treasure hunt without water.
00:29Motu wasn't too thrilled about the lack of samosas, but he agreed.
00:33They had a treasure to find.
00:35Imagine piles of gold coins and sparkling jewels,
00:38and maybe, just maybe, a giant samosa made of gold.
00:42With that delicious image in his head,
00:43Motu grabbed his trusty backpack and waited impatiently for Patlu to finish packing.
00:48Patlu was a meticulous packer.
00:50He carefully folded a map and placed it in his backpack.
00:52He added a compass, a flashlight, and a first aid kit.
00:55He even packed a magnifying glass, just in case.
00:58What's that for?
00:59You never know when you might need to examine something closely.
01:02Motu rolled his eyes.
01:03He just wanted to get going.
01:05He imagined the treasure chest overflowing with gold coins.
01:08He would finally be able to buy all the samosas his heart desired.
01:12OK, Motu, let's go.
01:13They set off towards the edge of town.
01:15The old mansion stood on a hill overlooking the town.
01:18It had been empty for years, and rumours swirled about it being haunted.
01:22Motu wasn't scared.
01:24He had Patlu by his side, and besides, he was too focused on the treasure.
01:28As they walked, Patlu pointed out different landmarks.
01:31He explained how to use the compass to navigate.
01:34Motu tried to pay attention, but his mind kept wandering back to samosas.
01:38The sun beat down on them as they walked.
01:41Motu started to get tired.
01:42He wished they had brought some samosas to snack on.
01:45Are we there yet?
01:46Patlu just shook his head and kept walking.
01:48He knew they were getting close.
01:50The mansion loomed over them.
01:52It was even creepier up close.
01:54The walls were covered in ivy.
01:56The windows were boarded up.
01:58The front door hung open precariously, creaking in the wind.
02:02Motu felt a shiver run down his spine.
02:05He hoped this place wasn't actually haunted.
02:08This place gives me the creeps.
02:09Don't worry, Motu.
02:10It's just an old house.
02:11Let's go inside.
02:13They cautiously approached the front door.
02:15The steps leading up to it were covered in moss and dead leaves.
02:19Every step they took made a crunching sound that echoed through the silence.
02:23Motu peeked inside.
02:25It was dark and dusty.
02:26Cobwebs hung from every corner.
02:28The air was thick with the smell of decay.
02:31Are you sure about this, Patlu?
02:32We've come this far, Motu.
02:34We can't turn back now.
02:35He took out his flashlight and flicked it on.
02:37The beam of light cut through the darkness, revealing a grand staircase covered in dust.
02:42Holding the flashlight steady, Patlu led the way inside.
02:45The floorboards groaned under their weight.
02:47Every sound made Motu jump.
02:49They moved carefully through the entrance hall, their eyes adjusting to the dimness.
02:54Suddenly, a loud screech echoed through the mansion.
02:57What was that?
02:58Patlu quickly shone the flashlight in all directions, his heart pounding.
03:02He spotted a small black bird flying out of a broken window.
03:05It's just a bird, Motu.
03:08They continued their exploration, their nerves on edge.
03:11They checked every room they came across.
03:13The dusty dining room with its long, empty table.
03:16The abandoned library with shelves full of cobweb-covered books.
03:20Even the creepy old kitchen with its rusty pots and pans hanging from hooks.
03:24After what felt like hours, they finally found it.
03:26Tucked away in a dusty corner of the attic was a wooden chest.
03:29It was covered in cobwebs and looked ancient.
03:31This is it, Patlu.
03:32The treasure chest.
03:34Motu's eyes widened, excitement replacing his fear.
03:37Patlu hurried over, his heart thumping with anticipation.
03:40He carefully brushed away the cobwebs, revealing a sturdy lock holding the chest shut.
03:44We need a key!
03:46Motu exclaimed, looking around frantically.
03:48Patlu examined the lock closely.
03:50I don't think we need a key, Motu.
03:52He pointed to a series of strange symbols etched into the surface of the chest,
03:56surrounding the lock.
03:57What are those?
03:58It looks like some kind of puzzle.
04:00Patlu replied, his brow furrowed in concentration.
04:03He took out the magnifying glass from his backpack and began studying the symbols closely.
04:08Each symbol was different, some resembling animals,
04:10others like strange markings or cryptic letters.
04:13Motu, his patience wearing thin, started tapping his foot impatiently.
04:18Come on, Patlu, can you figure it out?
04:19I want to see the treasure!
04:21Patlu ignored Motu's impatience and continued to study the puzzle intently.
04:25He traced the symbols with his fingers, trying to find a pattern or a sequence.
04:30He remembered reading about ancient ciphers and codes in one of his detective books.
04:35Could this be one of those?
04:36Suddenly it dawned on him.
04:38I think I've got it!
04:39He exclaimed, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.
04:42He pointed at the symbols.
04:44These symbols represent letters.
04:46And look, if you arrange them in this order...
04:48He rearranged the symbols in his mind using the logic he had gleaned from his detective books.
04:52Slowly but surely, a word began to form.
04:55The word is open.
04:56As soon as he said the word, something incredible happened.
04:59The lock on the chest clicked open.
05:01Motu gasped.
05:02The chest creaked open.
05:04Inside, nestled on a bed of faded velvet, was another map.
05:08Another map?
05:08Where's the treasure?
05:09Motu's jaw dropped, deflated.
05:12Patlu, however, was intrigued.
05:14He carefully picked up the map.
05:16It was even older than the first one, made of a strange, leathery material.
05:21This map had no pictures, only lines and symbols.
05:24It looked more like a puzzle than a map.
05:26Don't worry, Motu.
05:27This is even better than a treasure chest full of gold.
05:30How can it be better than gold?
05:32Motu whined, confused.
05:33This, my friend, is a treasure map to a hidden room.
05:36He pointed to a particular symbol on the map that resembled a crescent moon.
05:40This symbol represents the mansion.
05:41And this line...
05:42He traced a line leading away from the crescent moon symbol.
05:46Leads to a hidden room within the mansion itself.
05:48Excitement bubbled up inside Motu.
05:50A hidden room?
05:51Do you think it's filled with samosas?
05:53He asked, his eyes wide with hope.
05:55Patlu chuckled.
05:56Maybe, Motu.
05:57But more likely, it holds a different kind of treasure.
06:00They carefully studied the map, tracing the lines and symbols with their fingers.
06:04The map seemed to depict a secret passage,
06:07leading from the attic to somewhere deeper within the mansion.
06:11Following the map's guidance, they discovered a loose brick behind a dusty old portrait.
06:16As soon as they removed the brick, a section of the wall swung inward,
06:19revealing a dark and narrow passageway.
06:22With Patlu leading the way, flashlight beam cutting through the darkness,
06:26they cautiously entered the passage.
06:28The air was musty and cold, sending shivers down their spines.
06:32The passage twisted and turned, but they pressed on,
06:35their hearts pounding with anticipation.
06:37Finally, the passage opened up into a small, dusty room,
06:40and there, in the centre of the room, was a sight that took their breath away.
06:44It wasn't gold coins or jewels that awaited them, but something far more valuable.
06:49Piled high on a table were stacks of books, maps, scrolls and artefacts.
06:53It was a treasure trove of knowledge and history,
06:56and leaning against the table was a note.
06:59Patlu picked up the note and read it aloud.
07:01To whoever finds this treasure, know that true wealth lies not in gold or jewels,
07:05but in knowledge and the joy of sharing.
07:08Motu, initially disappointed by the lack of gold,
07:11found himself captivated by the room's treasures.
07:16He carefully picked up a book filled with colourful illustrations of far-off lands.
07:21Wow, Patlu, look at this!
07:23He exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.
07:25He had never seen anything like it.
07:27Patlu smiled.
07:28He knew that the real treasure wasn't the gold they had initially sought,
07:32but the knowledge and history contained within this room.
07:35They spent hours exploring the hidden room,
07:38marvelling at the ancient artefacts pouring over the maps and scrolls,
07:43and reading passages from the books.
07:45They learned about forgotten civilisations,
07:47ancient myths and scientific discoveries that predated their time.
07:52As the sun began to set, they knew it was time to leave.
07:55They carefully closed the secret passage,
07:58making sure to leave everything exactly as they had found it.
08:01Back in the attic, they looked at each other,
08:03a silent understanding passing between them.
08:06You know, Patlu, that note was right.
08:08This treasure is way cooler than gold.
08:11Patlu nodded in agreement.
08:12And the best part is, we get to share it with everyone.
08:15And so they did.
08:16They returned to town, not with pockets full of gold,
08:18but with hearts full of excitement and stories to tell.
08:21They shared their discovery with the townspeople,
08:24who were amazed by the tales of the hidden room and its treasures.
08:28The townspeople, inspired by Motu and Patlu's adventure,
08:31came together to transform the old mansion into a museum and library.
08:36They carefully moved the books, maps and artefacts
08:39from the hidden room to their new home,
08:41where they could be preserved and enjoyed by everyone.
08:44The town held a grand opening celebration for the museum,
08:48with music, dancing and, of course, plenty of samosas.
08:51Motu, true to his nature, ate his fill of the delicious treats,
08:55but even the samosas couldn't compare to the feeling of satisfaction he felt.
08:59They had found something far more valuable than gold.
09:02They had found adventure, knowledge and the joy of sharing.
09:05And that, they knew, was a treasure worth more than all the gold in the world.
09:09As they sat together watching the townspeople celebrate,
09:12Patlu turned to Motu with a mischievous grin.
09:16So Motu, ready for another adventure?
09:18Always, Patlu, always.
09:19And so the two friends returned to their everyday lives,
09:22but they knew that adventure was always just around the corner,
09:26waiting to be discovered.
