A Different Kind of Poor: The American Experience

  • 2 months ago
A Different Kind of Poor: The American Experience
Full Video On Youtube - https://youtu.be/X9qTU2rhSXw


00:00Whenever you visit the States, I think my biggest thing,
00:04I mean, even though I'm from the United States,
00:06I didn't grow up in the United States all the way.
00:08And the biggest thing that I've noticed
00:09about the United States is there are issues with finances.
00:13There are people that are poor here,
00:14but American poor is not the same as Nigerian poor.
00:18It is not the same as Taiwanese poor.
00:20It's not the same as China poor.
00:23Homeless people in the United States
00:24oftentimes have smartphones.
00:26It's not something that you're gonna see
00:28in other countries still.
00:29And I'm not saying that they have an easy life at all.
00:30I'm not saying, oh, they shouldn't complain
00:32because there's definitely things that are bad here.
00:34But in the United States, by and large,
00:36I noticed that people don't like to go without
00:38and we like to be comfortable.
00:39So when you see somebody that makes above minimum wage
00:43as a single person with no kids,
00:45if you are good with your money,
00:47I think you can be much more comfortable
00:49in the United States and slowly make your way up.
00:52But I think we have a culture here
00:53of feeling like a lot of people deserve something.
00:57So there's a lot of complaints I hear from other Americans
01:00about how much they don't make money,
01:01but I think like, wow, other countries
01:03don't make anything close to what we make.
01:05Like my friend from Nigeria right now,
01:07I would love if you talk to him sometime,
01:09but I think he makes $9 an hour at the moment,
01:12which most Americans would not be okay with.
01:14It's very low pay for us, but he has an apartment.
01:17He has fast internet.
01:18He has a brand new iPhone.
01:20He has AirPods.
01:20He has nice Nikes.
01:22He's got these things he never had before
01:24and it's affordable to him.
01:27Yeah, I think you can if you're smart about it.
01:30And if you're from a country
01:31where you're used to going without things,
01:34that's a lot easier for people
01:35to come to the United States and work hard.
01:37We're not used to going without here.
01:39So if we have no AC in our house,
01:41it's like the end of the world.
01:43If the internet doesn't work, end of the world.
01:45But my friend King, he's from a country right now,
01:47Nigeria has blackouts everywhere.
01:48There's protests going on, you know?
01:50So there are constant blackouts.
01:51There's no such thing as blackouts in the United States.
01:54That would be like the end of the world
01:56if we had blackouts here.
