• 3 months ago
7 Scary Videos captured


00:00This video was shot by a farmer who heard the strange sounds on his property.
00:06This man is known as Gary Medlin from northern Pennsylvania.
00:10Gary owns a small farm next to a forest that is a part of the famous Appalachian Mountains.
00:16He often heard the strange noises from there, which didn't seem to odd him given to where
00:21he lived.
00:23However, on February 13, 2024, his chickens started to disappear.
00:29Gary found it strange because his chickens were well-secured.
00:33Since no one else lived nearby, he decided to wait one night and find out what was happening.
00:40And what he captured really disrupted him.
00:43See for yourself.
01:30Need to leave.
01:43Need to leave now.
01:45I don't think it's going to come around for a little bit.
02:01Think that'll keep it away for a while.
02:06Oh, God.
02:09I hope that does it.
02:12As you just saw, Gary thought he saw something.
02:16He took his gun and started filming.
02:19The camera repeatedly shows eye reflections and the silhouette of a strangely contorting
02:25man with unusual pale skin.
02:28The figure refused to leave Gary's property.
02:32But fortunately, Gary had a gun, which scared it away.
02:37Write to us about what you think it was, and we hope that nothing similar happens to Gary
02:44and his family again.
02:52This video was shot by a young man named Steve White.
02:56Steve lives near a forest, where he often goes to observe nature, which he likes to film
03:02and then post on his social media.
03:05However, on May 24th, 2021, something happened to him that he still can't explain.
03:13It happened in the morning, after rain, when Steve went to his favorite spot in the forest.
03:19Watch, or rather listen for yourself, to what happened.
03:24These look pretty big.
03:28Yeah, look how big that one is down there.
03:34It's got to be about 12 inches across.
03:37And this one looks like it has a bite out of it.
03:41And this one.
03:44And there's one over here.
03:47Looks like it's holding some water.
03:58I think it's time to go.
04:04In the video, you can hear a loud, long, terrifying scream.
04:09As soon as Steve heard it, he immediately stopped recording and ran home.
04:14This forest is very featured among the locals.
04:17It also crosses the well-known Appalachian Trail.
04:21Many strange incidents have been reported here, many describing a similar phenomenon.
04:26We believe it could be Wendigo, a tall figure with deer antlers on his head.
04:32But their arguments vary, so we will leave the final word to you.
04:43Unfortunately, we don't have much information about the next video.
04:48It was shot at night by an unknown man.
04:51The only information we have about this video is that it was captured somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains.
04:58And it is really scary.
05:00See for yourself.
05:22Back in there.
05:28Back in there.
05:30Here we go.
05:33As you saw, the man was probably walking on some field at night and noticed something strange.
05:40I don't know about you, but it reminds me a lot of the figure from the previous recording.
05:47Do you think there could be a connection between them?
05:50And should we actually believe it?
05:52Well, we are not sure.
05:54In any case, this video was very disturbing.
06:01Unlike the previous video, we do have a lot of information about this one.
06:06It was shot by a YouTuber named Creepy Outdoors, who films long videos where he's walking through the forest at night.
06:14He goes there very often, and usually nothing strange happens.
06:18Except for this video, released on October 25th, 2022.
06:23The video starts as usual, and nothing unusual happens.
06:27The man calmly walks until the light goes out.
06:32See for yourself.
06:36Man, this place is so lonely.
06:39Imagine just being lost out here.
06:43It feels like this would never end.
06:48What the hell?
07:06Oh, fuck.
07:07Oh, hi.
07:12What the hell?
07:14I need to get out of here.
07:17Oh, boy.
07:19As you heard, he definitely wasn't alone.
07:22In Appalachian Mountains, there is this rule.
07:25If you hear something, and you think that it's far away, it's actually very close.
07:31So that made me think, how close was the thing that made this scream?
07:37Even scarier to me is the fact that he didn't see anyone or anything.
07:42After this incident, the man left calmly, without any further problems.
07:47It didn't even stop him from doing such things again.
07:51A brave person.
07:52However, this mystery will probably remain forever unexplained.
07:59Did you also manage to capture something paranormal?
08:02Or found a scary video that deserves to be in our next video?
08:06Don't hesitate and send the videos or links to our Instagram DMs.
08:11And don't forget to include some info about the situation.
08:15Well, I'm not gonna waste another minute, so let's get to the next video.
08:21This video was shot by a woman named Eva Lemons from Tennessee.
08:25Eva set out on the famous Appalachian Trail in early spring 2020,
08:31which is hiked by thousands of tourists annually.
08:34As you probably know, this area is a birthplace of various terrifying and paranormal phenomena.
08:41For Eva, it was her life's work.
08:44This is a birthplace of various terrifying and paranormal phenomena.
08:48For Eva, it was her third day of walking without any problems so far.
08:53Around 10 a.m. she heard a strange aggressive sound on the trail,
08:58so she went off the path a bit.
09:00And from there, she managed to capture this.
09:14I'm just not sure.
09:15Here, let's see if you guys can tell.
09:20I'm just, I'm so startled right now.
09:22I'm so startled.
09:27Yeah, it looks, it looks like there's two bigfoots.
09:31I don't know, I don't know.
09:33It looks like he's got a dead deer in his arm or something, I'm not sure.
09:36As you just saw, two figures resembling some kind of ape were captured, but much more massive.
09:46We believe it could be Bigfoot, which matches this description.
09:50And there is a lot of evidence for its existence in these mountains.
09:54However, it could also be a hoax that only deceives with poor video quality.
10:00Unfortunately, we don't have any more information about Eva.
10:05And as always, it's up to us to decide if we will believe it.
10:10In any case, this recording is very disturbing.
10:16This recording was made somewhere off the road E81 between the towns of Hranáka and Blagsburg.
10:24Again, there isn't much information.
10:26A man traveling to Blagsburg noticed a strangely standing pale man by the road.
10:32It isn't typical to move around here like that, so the driver stopped to possibly help this strange man.
10:38But what happened next, no one could have expected.
10:42See for yourself.
11:03What's up, dude?
11:12The man filming this video fortunately drove off quickly.
11:15But what was it?
11:17Not only the sounds this creature made, but its movements.
11:21I really wouldn't want to be in this driver's place.
11:24Again, I can't help but think of the figure seen in one of the previous videos.
11:30I'm really starting to believe it might be a special species living in these mountains.
11:35Write to us about what you think.
11:38And we will move on to the next video.
11:44This video was shot by a boy who repeatedly heard strange sounds during his visit to the forest.
11:50According to the information we received, these sounds were initially very faint.
11:56But over time, they kept getting louder.
11:59Max Clinton, the boy who shot this video, said they got to the point where they were audible on a camera.
12:07And he hopes he never finds out who these sounds belong to.
12:12See for yourself.
12:29This video was shot by a boy who repeatedly heard strange sounds during his visit to the forest.
12:35According to the information we received, these sounds were initially very faint.
12:41But over time, they kept getting louder.
12:44See for yourself.
12:47This video was shot by a boy who repeatedly heard strange sounds during his visit to the forest.
12:58As you heard, Max immediately ran to safety after finishing the recording.
13:03Interestingly, the sound echoes equally from all sides, so it's impossible to pinpoint exactly where it's coming from.
13:11When we thoroughly examined the recording visually, we couldn't find anything that could explain this sound.
13:18Honestly, I would have more doubts about authenticity of this recording if I didn't know it was captured in the now famous Appalachian forests.
13:28We have seen many figures and strange things today, so I believe Max really managed to capture something terrifying.
13:38Thank you so much for watching this far.
13:41I would like to offer you subscribing to this channel, so we can maybe see each other again sometime.
13:47If you still haven't had enough, here are some similar videos you can check out.
13:52I'm Bart from Bobon Cravin, and so, hopefully, see you next time.
