The Hidden Diddy Reference in Justin Biebers Yummy Video You Missed1080p

  • 2 days ago
Justin Biebers Yummy Video


00:00It's hard for me being that young and being in the industry and not knowing where to turn
00:05And he knows better than me talking about the things that he does with Big Brother Puff on national television
00:10Diddy was one of Justin Bieber's mentors in the music industry when he was young and just starting out
00:15But now fans are doing a dive into his music and are linking it to Diddy
00:20For example online fans are convinced that Justin's music video for his song yummy is a reference to Diddy's crazy
00:28Parties where a lot of crimes took place now the music video was posted in
00:332020 and many people have called out how weird it was
00:36But now they're connecting the dots to Diddy and it's all making sense to them one user on tik-tok
00:42Speculated on the meaning of the video linking it to Diddy's infamous white parties user Alexis may dot XO
00:50Explained that the video starts with Justin arriving at a party full of the rich and full elites
00:56While a band of young people serve as the entertainment playing a symphony of instruments on stage
01:02Justin sits at a table that's covered in food and he's brought a silver platter with a sandwich on it
01:08Now the user thinks that this was arranged in a specific way
01:12Look at the placement of the bread the bread is set up like a shield
01:16Almost the tik-tok user said if you take a closer look at the sandwich
01:19There's actually a cherry there
01:21So the bread is set up to protect the cherry she continued saying Justin's innocence is represented by the cherry and it's how he was
01:29Before he had Diddy as a mentor later
01:32The sandwich resembles a face with a tongue sticking out and the cherry appears to be rotten
01:37The tik-tok ur said as the party continues and the lights go down
01:40Dancers dressed in skimpy white clothing emerge from under the tables
01:44Eerily resembling Diddy's notorious white parties the creator claimed. This is a white party
01:50This is a P Diddy white party
01:52She says now as the party ends alone
01:55Justin Bieber is left at the table looking distraught before a clear plate is shown featuring a photo of him as a child
02:03Symbolizing his innocence the tiktok ur says she then posted a second clip analyzing even more details and pointed out by viewers
02:11Ranging from claims about the true identity of a violin player shown in the music video
02:16To the meaning behind the other foods that appear now viewers also brought up the fact that Justin had an emotional
02:22Breakdown while filming the music video Justin addressed the yummy shoot in an episode of his docu-series
02:29Justin Bieber seasons. It was just a lot a lot of people a lot of dynamic a lot of stuff
02:34Justin said I was in my head a lot and it's hard for me to really enjoy it like that
02:39But I know that some days are just gonna be like that in any workspace
02:43There's gonna be those off days where you just kind of feel like I got a good crew. I should be good
02:48But today I just feel off. I think that day I was just a little off again though
02:54Viewers are convinced that this video has a secret meaning in relation to Diddy
02:59I mean Diddy was one of Justin's mentors and he spent a lot of time with him from a young age
03:04Now Justin was known to attend some of Diddy's parties
03:07But I guess the question is did he choose to go or was he forced to now a lot of creepy videos of Justin and
03:14Diddy have been coming to light recently
03:16But there's one that particularly stands out a young Justin was spending 48 hours with Diddy
03:21Here's having 48 hours with Diddy where we hang out and what we're doing. We can't really disclose
03:27Diddy says in the video, but it's definitely a 15 year old dream
03:32He signed to usher and I had legal guardianship of usher when he did his first album
03:36And he added I don't have legal guardianship of him aka Justin, but for the next 48 hours
03:43He's with me and we're gonna go full crazy. Now. This is just extremely weird in general
03:48But hey, maybe Justin used his music video to depict what he went through in these 48 hours
03:54Now I just want to know though what his mother was thinking leaving him alone with Diddy for that long
04:00Then there was also the time that Diddy literally scolded Justin on national TV in
04:062011 Diddy and Justin made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show where Diddy was constantly praising Justin
04:12But when Jimmy asked Justin if Diddy had given him any gifts things got awkward to say the least
04:18Justin said he got me a Lamborghini
04:20I haven't gotten it yet though and Diddy then said the Lamborghini for a day or two
04:25He had access to the house and he knows better than to be talking about the things that he does with big brother puff on
04:31National television everything ain't for everybody
04:35It was just really weird and I'm sure Justin felt like he got in trouble because that's how it came across
04:41Now Justin has not directly spoken out against Diddy but an insider speaking exclusively to
04:47Said that Justin has been completely thrown by the allegations and is trying to make sense of them as he and Diddy were so close
04:54I mean Justin collaborated with Diddy less than a year ago
04:58They are very well still in contact now the insider out of the Justin also deeply regrets having
05:04Collaborated with him so recently and that he would never done that had he known the allegations that have since come to light
05:10So do you believe that Justin was trying to send a secret message in his music video?
05:14Let us know in the comments down below and don't forget to Like and subscribe to our Channel
05:19I'm your host Emily and we'll see you next time
