Meditation in Real Sense

  • 2 months ago
What is considered as real meditation? After Self Realization how should we deal with the thoughts arising from our mind?
00:00When I try to meditate, I am clueless how to go beyond thought, because they always come.
00:09Whatever we are doing, it is not meditation, it is just concentration.
00:13For meditation, you have to watch what the thoughts are coming.
00:17See an observer, as an observer you have to watch what are the thoughts coming.
00:21And it will go, because mind has, mind is working, is functioning to give thoughts.
00:29And you are observer, both the things are separate.
00:32This is object and you are observer. Don't cancel it.
00:36Just watch what thoughts are coming and going.
00:39I am knower and seer. Then it is right meditation.
00:43Take Jnan, then you will understand I am pure soul and mind is of Vaidyanath.
00:50And mind never stops.
00:54We cannot stop mind, we cannot control mind.
00:57Just we can observe mind, it is discharge atoms.
01:02And we are, as a pure soul, knower and seer.
01:05So we have to keep equanimity.
01:08No, I don't want to get disturbed with mind.
01:10I am just keeping what observation and what they are coming and it will go.
01:16We are just knower and seer.
01:19So real meditation, we have to just observe what thoughts are coming.
01:24Thoughts are coming through tumors, anger, pride, deceit, greed,
01:29or only wherever we give an opinion, it is a tumor of mind.
01:35And in past life, wherever we have given opinion, it will remain as tumor in the mind.
01:41Now thoughts are coming through that mind.
01:44So we have to just observe.
01:46And now we have to keep ourselves, who am I and why this is happening?
01:51Just keep observation only.
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