Pokemon Postgame 3:4

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00A small part of me wants a From the Ground Up remake, uh, but I'm still pretty happy
00:00:16with the remaster.
00:00:17I don't think a Ground Up remake is needed.
00:00:20I think, like, with the to- with- with, uh, I think there were enough changes to Mass
00:00:24Effect 1 for the Legendary Edition to basically make it so that it's not as clunky and awkward
00:00:29to play, but it's still, like, it's the one game in the trilogy that has that old-school
00:00:34RPG element, which a lot of people quite love.
00:00:59Oh, hi.
00:02:59They killed everyone.
00:03:01If I'd been behind the crates, I'd be dead too.
00:03:04Actually, here's a fun fact.
00:03:06Since Legendary Edition released, the original game releases that are on, like, Origin, uh,
00:03:12they're, like, if you have the original games on Origin, their DLC is all free.
00:03:17You can download all the DLC for them for free.
00:03:21Which I think is neat.
00:03:24Especially for Mass Effect 3, because Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is still online, and
00:03:28it's quite good.
00:03:31You get all the DLC except, I think, two.
00:03:33You get all the DLC except for Pinnacle Station for Mass Effect 1, because the source code
00:03:38for it was completely lost.
00:03:41And according to the dev team, it would take them about six months.
00:03:45It would have taken them six months to rebuild the whole thing.
00:03:50Which means six months after release, modders released Pinnacle Station.
00:03:56Let me just pause my recording for a sec.
00:03:59Turn on the display.
00:04:01M-E-L-E Nexus Pinnacle Station.
00:04:16There it is.
00:04:21Modders, this DLC was lost.
00:04:23It was not part of the PS3 release, because the source code was lost.
00:04:26And it wasn't part of the Legendary Edition, because, again, the source code was lost,
00:04:30and it would have taken simply too long.
00:04:32They didn't have the time or budget to rebuild it from scratch.
00:04:35So modders went and rebuilt it from scratch.
00:04:38And, in all fairness, it took them exactly as long as...
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00:05:47Here's something every parent, human parent, squirrel parent, can relate to.
00:07:34hide behind the crates they never had a chance I was already behind the crates
00:07:41when the attack started wait a minute you were hiding behind the
00:07:45crates before the attack I sometimes I need a nap to get through my
00:07:51ship I sneak off behind the crates to grab 40 weeks where the supervisor can't
00:07:56find you survived because you're lazy
00:08:02if you hadn't snuck off for that nap you'd probably be dead just like all the
00:08:06others yeah yeah I guess I don't really want to
00:08:12think about it we need to find that beacon before it's
00:08:16too late take the cargo train that's where the
00:08:19other turian went I can't stay here I need to get away
00:08:24from all this
00:09:08work smarter not harder
00:09:52mom pop your face out pop your face out pop your face out
00:10:02you weren't so lazy you would have died like all your friends and co-workers you
00:10:04say that like I'm supposed to be upset that I'm alive
00:10:15boss makes a dollar I make a dime it's my nap on company time leave no
00:10:20evidence that we were here
00:11:02demolition charges the death must have planted them
00:11:05hurry we need to find them all and shut them down
00:11:35hmm sarin is better than kai ling is a
00:11:38villain I mean I don't think kai lei I don't
00:11:40think sarin's supposed to be uh compared to kai I don't think kai ling is
00:11:44supposed to hold up to sarin I think he's supposed to hold up to matriarch
00:11:57what does the earth colonist and third one change aside from backstory
00:12:01uh there's a couple of different quests
00:12:05that are exclusive to that to the background
00:12:15I find that the spacer is the more is the more interesting one because you get
00:12:19multiple calls and letters from your mom
00:12:27hmm turns out even in mass effect 3 shepherd's mother's still alive and in
00:12:31citadel you get to have a you get to have a call with her right before the
00:12:57I'm gonna be a spacer when I've uh when I play then
00:13:01wholesome well given given how this game ends it's more
00:14:13oh I missed one of the charges uh-oh
00:14:46best actual plot rather than the rather than on the ground talks character
00:14:50banter since it's focused the least on Cerberus among other things that's a
00:14:54weird take
00:14:58unbelievable it wasn't doing anything like that when they dug it up
00:15:03something must have activated roger Normandy standing by
00:15:31chef no
00:16:10we identified the ship that touched down on Eden Prime the Normandy a human
00:16:16alliance vessel it was under the command of Captain Anderson they managed to save
00:16:21the car one of the humans may have used it
00:16:42this human must be eliminated
00:17:03it crashed it does that sometimes
00:17:21he said this human must be eliminated and he fucking meant it
00:17:28hmm demolition charges oh really oh that's just mean
00:18:32get down
00:19:17area secure
00:19:21normandy the beacon is amazing technology unbelievable it wasn't doing
00:19:33anything like that
00:19:39Roger Normandy standing by
00:20:10they don't let you skip this one
00:20:24did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it did it
00:20:44we identified the ship that touched down on Eden Prime the Normandy a human
00:20:49alliance vessel it was under the command of Captain Anderson they managed
00:20:54to save the car one of the humans may have used it
00:21:04I should have quicksave before interacting with the beacon
00:21:15this human must be eliminated
00:21:29there we go
00:21:34I think she's waking up
00:21:43you had us worried there chef how are you feeling
00:21:51minor throbbing nothing serious how long was I out about 15 hours something
00:21:58happened down there with the beacon I think it's my fault I must have
00:22:02triggered some kind of security field when I approached it you had to push me
00:22:05out of the way you had no way to know what would happen actually we don't even
00:22:11know if that's what set it off unfortunately we'll never get the chance
00:22:15to find out the beacon exploded a system overload maybe the blast knocked you
00:22:20cold Williams and I had to carry you back here to the ship I don't suppose it
00:22:24occurred to you that Eden Prime has medical facilities listen you're better
00:22:29off in this infirmary than in any hospital on Eden Prime physically you're
00:22:34fine but I detected some unusual brain activity abnormal beta waves I also
00:22:41noticed an increase in your rapid eye movement science typically associated
00:22:45with intense dreaming I saw I'm not sure what I saw death destruction
00:22:55happened really clear
00:22:59hmm I better add this to my report it may oh Captain Anderson how's our XO
00:23:06holding up all the readings look normal I said the command is going to be fine
00:23:10that's fever dreams honey I'll be in the mess if you need me
00:23:21sounds like that beacon hit you pretty hard you sure you're okay
00:23:27I'll live I won't lie things look bad Nylas is dead the beacon was destroyed
00:23:35and get her invading the council's going to want us hearing fem chef voice after
00:23:42playing male chef is a nice lemonade after running 15 miles Oh God yeah
00:23:47Jennifer Hale is commander Shepard I will not accept male male Shepard is not
00:23:52canon I don't care what anyone says the geth would have wiped out the whole
00:23:56colony if I hadn't stopped them I'll stand behind you and your reports you're
00:24:02a damn hero that's not why it's serious that other two sermons a specter one of
00:24:10the best a living legend but if he's working with the gift it means he's gone
00:24:16rogue a rogue specters trouble Sarah's dangerous and he hates you he didn't come
00:24:24to Eden Prime because he hates humans you're right Saren has allied himself with
00:24:30again I don't know how I don't know why but it had something to do with that
00:24:35beacon you were there just before that beacon self-destructed did you see
00:24:40anything any clue that might tell us what Saren was after just before I lost
00:24:45consciousness all I asked for mark me or to drink a Red Bull for once see the
00:24:49thing is is like I remember hearing fem chef was gonna be the only chef during
00:24:54early development oh really
00:25:40Oh no just like the early animation tests were done with a female model
00:25:46Shepard like fem chef was animated first
00:25:59we need to report this to the council
00:26:07what are we gonna tell them I had a bad dream we don't know what information
00:26:13fine he's just not a good fit for Shepard no no you see here's the thing
00:26:17male Shepard stilted toneless voice acting was completely intentional because
00:26:23male Shepard was designed for the play for the player to project onto whereas
00:26:28fem chef because Bioware kind of figured most players are going to be playing
00:26:33male chef and sadly they were right fem chef actually got to be a character
00:26:41I'll find some way to take him down it's not that easy
00:26:45he's a specter he can go anywhere do almost anything that's why we need the
00:26:50council on our side
00:26:55we prove Saren's gone rogue and the council will revoke his specter status
00:26:59I'll contact the ambassador and see if he can get us an audience with the council
00:27:04you'll want to see us as soon as we reach the citadel we should be getting
00:27:08close head up to the bridge and tell Joker to bring us into dock
00:27:38if you play male chef you're a boring guy that wants to project if you play
00:27:46fem chef you want a story character I when I first got the Mass Effect
00:27:51trilogy I was I think it was like
00:28:00it was like fuck how old was I
00:28:08first three games of the series released November oh yeah okay yeah 2012
00:28:17I got it 2012 yes I was yes I was 20
00:28:27I meant the trilogy compilation I have a I have a PC release of the trilogy
00:28:32compilation so this was like five years before I came out as trans and I played
00:28:39fem ship I refuse to play male ship
00:28:44hey commander looking for some extra supplies before you head up
00:28:54what have you got well as long as you don't know the licenses alone set me
00:28:59let's see what you got
00:29:30male ship looks like every game dude on boxes back then yep that's a trope
00:29:35action genre hero guy
00:29:43that was actually my initial reason for playing a fan for playing fem ship it was
00:29:48because I didn't want to play fem ship and I didn't want to play fem ship
00:29:52because I didn't want to play fem ship and I didn't want to play fem ship
00:29:56that was actually my initial reason for playing a fan for playing fem ship is
00:30:01just the fact which is the fact that every male character just looks the same
00:30:26I forget where I'm supposed to go
00:30:56I'll speak to Joker
00:31:26I remember people praising Nathan Drake for being different dark times oh yeah
00:31:42cuz Nathan Drake was like one of the original snark boys
00:31:47look at the size of that ship the essential flagship of the Citadel fleet
00:31:52he was Indiana Jones by way of Dane Cook
00:31:55why so touchy Joker I'm just saying you need firepower too
00:32:00look at that monster its main gun could rip through the barriers on any ship in
00:32:04the Alliance fleet good thing is on our side then
00:32:07Citadel control this is SSD Normandy requesting permission to land
00:32:11stand by for clearance Normandy
00:32:15clearance granted you may begin your approach transferring you to an Alliance
00:32:19operator Roger Alliance Tower Normandy out
00:32:24Normandy this is Alliance Tower please proceed to dock 422
00:32:42this looks so pretty oh yeah
00:32:51in terms of sheer size and scope Mass Effect is one of the best RPGs ever made
00:33:11I demand action you don't get to make demands of a council ambassador
00:33:16Citadel security is investigating your charges against Saren we will discuss
00:33:20the CSEC findings at the hearing not before
00:33:26Captain Anderson I see you there are times I wish I could wipe my memory of
00:33:30this game and play it like it was the first time again
00:33:32yeah I don't know if there's any game people see a lot of people say that
00:33:36about Mass Effect they do not say that about any other game
00:33:41sounds like you convinced the council to give us an audience
00:33:44they were not happy about it Saren's their top agent they don't like him
00:33:49being accused of treason
00:33:52I'm not gonna sit on my ass just because the council doesn't want to do anything
00:33:56they won't stop Saren I will
00:33:58settle down commander you've already done more than enough to jeopardize your
00:34:02candidacy for the Spectres the mission on Eden Prime was a chance to prove you
00:34:07could get the job done instead Nihlus ended up dead and the beacon was
00:34:11destroyed that's Saren's fault not hers
00:34:14then we better hope the CSEC investigation turns up evidence to
00:34:18support our accusations otherwise the council might use this as an excuse to
00:34:22keep you out of the Spectres
00:34:25come with me captain
00:34:26I can agree for me the biggest special moment is going from Mass Effect 1 to
00:34:29Mass Effect 2 when I finally got my shoulder charged
00:34:33I'll make sure you have clearance to get in
00:34:38and that's why I hate politicians
00:34:41I always highlight Baldur's Gate 2 as the best RPG ever made but Mass Effect
00:34:46would probably be probably be a close contender
00:34:50but Mass Effect is like when people talk about CRPGs Baldur's Gate is usually it
00:34:55Mass Effect is more of a third-person shooter
00:34:59I haven't heard it for something like BG3 and you never will because the thing
00:35:09about Mass Effect is people like Mass Effect for the whole package everything
00:35:12about it is good for a lot of people BG3 is just a dating simulator with an
00:35:17occasion with with some occasional combat
00:35:50no let's head over here I don't actually need to record for a while so we can
00:35:57turn all the stream elements back on
00:36:06Gingertail hey Gingertail I haven't seen you in a while
00:36:26if Ultima ever had good
00:36:36crashed again oh she crashed again
00:36:58on the plus side you get to see this art you get to on the plus side you get to
00:37:02see Ren's adorable face
00:37:49there we go
00:37:52Michaela's wonderful art that too
00:38:06welcome to the Presidium
00:38:25if I wanted to see myself insert smooch carlack for $60 I could commission
00:38:29Michaela I get the exact same experience without needing to wait through a
00:38:32mediocre RPG for 60 hours
00:38:37I never hurt my heart race more than at the end of the battle of Mass Effect 2
00:38:41oh yeah
00:39:04yeah I don't yeah I don't see anyone really like making that about boulders
00:39:09gay three like oh I wish I could erase my memory of it and and experience it
00:39:13for the first time in fact like most games people don't have that response a
00:39:17lot of people say that about Mass Effect about Mass Effect
00:39:58let's see
00:40:30bg2 of the once I beat bg2 for the first time I might actually put my money
00:40:35where my memes are just to drive the fucking point home what do you mean
00:40:39what do you mean
00:40:48the one scene I have fresh eyes the scene between Anderson and Shepard at
00:40:51the end of Mass Effect 3 oh yeah
00:40:59that music is Pavlov'd in my brain
00:41:05in fact because I feel like hurting all of you
00:41:34let's turn the game music down turn the
00:41:45speakers up
00:42:58a little melancholy but enchanting this plays in Mass Effect 3 during your last
00:43:03conversation with Admiral Anderson before he dies where he tells you how
00:43:10you've done good and he's proud of you
00:43:25actually you know what track I think is genuinely underrated
00:43:34I don't know
00:43:37neighborhood's trying to catch this dang hog
00:44:07I need to look this one up it has such a specific atmosphere yep it's called the
00:44:24catalyst it plays during your conversation with the catalyst which
00:44:28honestly I think might be God I think the catalyst is God
00:45:01the catalyst is God is an AI who made God oh the Leviathans the Leviathans made
00:45:18I'm getting God vibes on this catalyst teller actually you know funnily enough
00:45:22somebody somebody asked me to describe the plot of Mass Effect in as concise
00:45:25words as possible and I basically said it's it's like if the book of
00:45:29Revelations happened but somebody said fuck no
00:45:41the plot of the plot of Mass Effect is a Navy SEAL is going to personally stop
00:45:45the rapture
00:45:58play a role in the next game I don't know God that's perfect what a noble
00:46:33the hearings already started come on there's a lot of really weird religious
00:46:38symbolism in these games which I don't think was meant to mean anything I think
00:46:43just in the back of someone's mind they were like okay sci-fi game but it's
00:46:48about ending the rapture it's like of perfect like the entire backstory of the
00:46:55Asari is basically ancient aliens
00:47:14you always seem to be involved when humanity makes false charges against me
00:47:18and this must be your protégé commander Shepard the one who let the beacon get
00:47:28you're the one who destroyed the beacon then you tried to cover it up shift the
00:47:32blame to cover your own failures just like Captain Anderson he's taught you
00:47:37and they worship ancient aliens too no I mean literally if you take Javik on to
00:47:44the mission on Thessia
00:47:48basically every time Liara tells you a story about like the goddess of fame
00:47:54Javik will put will Javik will interject and basically saying literally every
00:47:59mythology you have is the Protheans making sure you don't die
00:48:07I've been into analysis of evangelical Christianity at some point and
00:48:22apparently the idea of a rapture trauma type is a lot of kids are growing in
00:48:26these cults
00:48:29admission into the specters is not the purpose of this meeting
00:48:33this meeting has no purpose the humans are wasting your time counselor
00:48:43you can't hide behind the council forever there is still one outstanding
00:48:47issue commander Shepard's vision it may have been triggered by the beacon are we
00:48:52allowing dreams into evidence now how can I defend my innocence against this
00:48:57kind of testimony I agree our judgment must be based on facts and evidence not
00:49:02wild imaginings and reckless speculation do you have anything else to add
00:49:07commander Shepard you've made your decision I won't waste my breath
00:49:15so three is so cathartic I as much as I love Liara I think they I think she
00:49:19needs a way to know what needed that wake-up call
00:49:25I don't know the the Asari are kind of like one half space elves and so I'm
00:49:30generally never really been fond of the of fantasy of like fantasy stories
00:49:35basically taking this approach of like man the elves are such arrogant bastards
00:49:39they need to be knocked down a peg like now they're arrogant bastards for a
00:49:45it was a mistake bringing you into that hearing you and Sarah granted the
00:49:50concept of elves are played straight with the touring and I know said he's
00:49:55working with the get for one reason to exterminate the entire human race
00:49:59every colony we have is at risk every world we control is in danger even earth
00:50:04isn't safe we need to deal with sarin ourselves as a specter he's virtually
00:50:10untouchable we need to find some way to expose their cool idea plagued by horny
00:50:15men yeah I honestly think the Asari should have been more androgynous
00:50:18looking that's right he was asking for more time to finish his report seems
00:50:24like he was close to finding something on sarin see like the thing is is that
00:50:29Mass Effect draws a lot of inspiration from old sci-fi and basically well the
00:50:36hot blue alien lady is just a trope of old sci-fi any idea where we could find
00:50:41him I have a contact in C sec who can help us track their ass down his name is
00:50:47Harkin forget it they suspended Harkin last month drinking on the job I won't
00:50:53waste my time you won't have to I don't want the council using your past history
00:50:58with seven as an excuse to ignore anything we turn up Shepard will handle
00:51:02this I'll take care of it I need to take care of some business captain meet me in
00:51:10my office later Harkin's probably getting drunk at Cora's
00:51:15Den it's a dingy little club in the lower section of the woods I thought you
00:51:19said he was a drunken loser couldn't hurt to go talk to me just be careful I
00:51:24wouldn't call them reliable I should go good luck I'll be over in the
00:51:29ambassador's only are but yeah sexy blue lady I think it's funny how they
00:51:33literally made Liara like they what they designed Liara entirely around sex
00:51:38appeal and who did most people who did most people love more the fucking bird
00:51:45bird man and the girl with a fishbowl on her head
00:52:05garrison tally I think it really helps the garrison tally are the only
00:52:09companions you have in every single game
00:52:15who did you romance on my Vanguard which is usually my main garris my adept is
00:52:33Liara my soldier is Caden I don't know who the engineers gonna be that reminds
00:52:43me a little bit like how PB's presented in Andromeda I didn't care for PB
00:53:08PB is diet Liara yeah I honestly think PB should have been a Korean the fact
00:53:15that there are no Koreans and Mass Effect Andromeda boring
00:53:25trainers cute oh yeah trainer is cute
00:53:30trainer reminds me of Lolo
00:53:52in light of the recent attack on Eden Prime many colonial investors are
00:53:57pulling their support for future projects proponents have expanded human
00:54:01college how good is Talley's romance actual actually I think it's good case
00:54:05nevertheless colonist enrollment has dropped sharply
00:54:35a salarian excavation team has run into an unexpected problem after unearthing a
00:54:40protein you should have infiltrator ship date her
00:54:47well I got a sort out engineer Shepard first the excavation team has appealed to
00:54:52hen our representatives on the Citadel to reach a diplomatic solution
00:55:34sorry I'd love to chat but I've got spaces to be by
00:55:40hello clan no doubt you've just come back Kelly Chambers and or trainer may
00:55:45have you been supplies show me what you've got most excellent
00:55:51I am sure
00:56:28hello there welcome to more lands famous oh you will be pleased I think
00:56:35goodbye yes all right then good tidings to you human hello there welcome to
00:56:40more lands famous shot oh you will be pleased I think very good things I have
00:56:48you are in a minute I'll upgrade
00:56:52that's her I first thought for Miranda was a her engineer was Miranda Miranda's
00:56:57mail ship only
00:57:01back off Rex this told me you were going to kill me
00:57:28back off Rex this told us to take you down if you showed up what are you
00:57:33waiting for I'm standing right here this is this only chance if he's smart he'll
00:57:39take it he's not coming out Rex end of story this story is just beginning
00:57:49out of my way humans I have a world view what was that all about who knows let's
00:57:54just try not to get caught in the middle
00:58:00hey there sweetheart looking for some fun I gotta say that soldier get up looks
00:58:05real good on that body yours why don't you sit your sweet little ass down
00:58:11beside old heart have a drink see where this goes I'd rather drink a cup of acid
00:58:19after chewing on a razor blade you trying to hurt my feelings you got to do
00:58:24better than that 20 years of CSEC I've been called every name in the book
00:58:28princess call me princess again and you'll be picking your teeth up off the
00:58:32floor now tell me where Garris is okay okay just relax Garris you must be one
00:58:40of Anderson's crew
00:58:44I know where Garris is you gotta tell me something first the captain let you in
00:58:49on his big secret just tell me where Garris is before this gets ugly but it's
00:58:54all related don't you see the captain used to be inspector didn't know that
00:58:59did you it was all very hush-hush the first human ever given that honor and
00:59:05then he blew it screwed up his mission so bad that kicked him out of course he
00:59:11blames Sarah says the Turian set him up just tell me where Garris went Garris
00:59:19was sniffing around dr. Michelle's office she runs the med clinic on the other
00:59:23side of the wards I'm out of here yeah good go
00:59:34a little bit I'd rather drink a cup of acid after chewing on a razor blade
00:59:40tell me princess one more time and you'll be picking your teeth up off the
00:59:58did that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that
01:00:03that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that
01:00:16I didn't tell anyone I swear that was smart
01:00:21no if Garris comes around you stay smart keep your mouth shut who are you let her
01:00:37take cover
01:00:57perfect timing Shepard gave me a clear shot at that basket you took him down
01:01:01clean sometimes you get lucky dr. Michelle are you hurt no I'm okay thanks
01:01:08to you all of you I know those men threatened you but if you tell us who
01:01:13did you just get a level up for Garris killing that guy very cool yes yes I did
01:01:22insanity as usual boss yes
01:01:43he's an agent for the Shadow Broker not anymore now he works for Sarah the
01:01:49Shadow Broker isn't too happy about this to be trade the Shadow Broker stupid
01:01:55even for him Sarah must have made him quite the offer the quarry must have
01:02:00something Sarah wants something worth crossing the shadow she must have
01:02:06something that proves he's a traitor did the quarry and mentioned anything about
01:02:10Sarah or the gap she did the information she was going to trade she said it had
01:02:16something to do with the gap she must be able to link Sarah to the gap there is no
01:02:21way the council can ignore this
01:02:27time we paid fist a visit this is your show Shepard but I want to bring Sarah
01:02:32down as much as you do I'm coming with you welcome aboard Garris you know we
01:02:37aren't the only ones going after fist the Shadow Broker hired a Krogan bounty
01:02:41hunter named Rex to take him out yeah we saw him in the bar the Krogan might come
01:02:47in handy last I heard he was at the CSEC Academy what's he doing there fist
01:02:54accused him of making threats we brought Rex in for a little talk if you hurry you
01:03:00can catch him at the Academy before he leaves move out
01:03:07I'm foaming at the mouth right now really why Oh Rex there's no way the
01:03:33council can ignore this the council of course ignored this
01:03:36your biotics aren't impressive lieutenant I'm surprised that you can stop using the
01:03:40L2 configuration with results like yours my addicts can be pretty bad and I'm one
01:03:46of the lucky L2 implants the L3s are safer humanity will be judged by the sacrifices
01:03:53its people are willing to make lieutenant the Turians would have kept the L2 implants
01:04:03witnesses saw you making catgirl since for three people Lily Garrison Rex in that
01:04:18order I don't take orders from you this is your only warning Rex you should warn
01:04:23this I will kill him you want me to arrest you I want you to try go on get out of here
01:04:37do I know you human my name's Shepard I'm going after fist thought you might want to
01:04:44come along
01:05:15when it comes to Nature Valley which camp are you in two bars in one pack or
01:05:26two cravings packed into one bar sweet and salty Nature Valley sweet and salty
01:05:31bars and delicious flavors like dark chocolate peanut and almond people often
01:05:36ask me when's the best time to start investing for my future and I always say
01:05:42there's no time
01:06:13that looks really hot
01:06:17whenever you're ready
01:06:19are there any sticks
01:06:25here we go
01:06:27it's time to push your limits
01:06:29you're doing great
01:06:31is that a buffalo
01:06:33I guess it's time
01:06:35the Subaru Crosstrek wilderness adventure on the edge
01:06:38the Subaru Crosstrek wilderness adventure on the edge
01:06:42on average we spend 93% of our lives indoors
01:06:47but can you imagine missing a moment like this
01:06:52life happens out there
01:06:57group that had accused the genetics corporation of fraud
01:07:02group had contracted binary helix to perform studies with a long-range goal
01:07:06of curing their genetic sterilization the group later sued for a return of
01:07:10investment money when the study produced no viable results
01:07:15I want to play Mass Effect again after my next Haven replay
01:07:22I haven't actually played a new game in a while
01:07:27I mostly just play older games from like 10 years ago or more
01:07:32I guess it's like modern games
01:07:34I don't know if it's just me
01:07:36I haven't actually played a new game in a while
01:07:38I mostly just play older games from like 10 years ago or more
01:07:43I guess it's like modern games have just been kind of crap lately
01:08:09I think the newest game you played is sadly BG3
01:08:12actually the newest game I've played is the Coffin of Andi and Lele
01:08:42enemies everywhere
01:09:00all clear
01:09:02stop right there don't come any closer
01:09:04warehouse group
01:09:06all the real guards must be dead
01:09:08stay back or we'll shoot
01:09:11this would be a good time to find somewhere else to work
01:09:14I've been on a slow tour kick for three weeks now replaying the female Sith Inquisitor
01:09:18I love the little psychopath
01:09:22it would have been quicker to just kill them
01:09:24shooting people isn't always the answer
01:09:40replaying the whole Kingdom Hearts game has been holding me up
01:09:43oh yeah
01:10:11she's not here I don't know where she is that's the truth
01:10:14he's no use to you now
01:10:16let me kill him
01:10:18wait wait I don't know where the quarian is but I know where you can find her
01:10:21I gotta accept the university
01:10:25face to face? impossible
01:10:28even I was hired to an agent
01:10:34nobody meets the Shadow Broker ever
01:10:37even I don't know his true identity
01:10:39but she didn't know that
01:10:41I told her I'd set a meeting
01:10:43but when she shows up
01:10:45it'll be Saren's men waiting for her
01:10:51tell me where that meeting is before I blow your lying head off
01:10:56here on the wards
01:10:57the back alley by the markets
01:10:59she's supposed to meet them right now
01:11:01you can make it if you hurry
01:11:07what are you doing?
01:11:08the Shadow Broker paid me to kill him
01:11:10I don't leave jobs half done
01:11:12a lot of people died because of him
01:11:14he had it coming
01:11:15now let's move
01:11:16we have to save that quarian
01:11:31look out!
01:11:32they're getting the target
01:11:38I'm on him
01:11:40enemy is everywhere
01:11:46I will destroy you
01:11:56all clear
01:12:07did you bring it?
01:12:08where's the Shadow Broker?
01:12:10where's Fist?
01:12:11they'll be here
01:12:12where's the evidence?
01:12:13no way
01:12:14the deal's off
01:12:22hostile spotted
01:12:26soft kill deployed
01:12:32I'm on him
01:12:33I'm on him
01:12:34I'm on him
01:12:35I'm on him
01:12:36I'm on him
01:12:49just set me up
01:12:50I knew I couldn't trust him
01:12:53you've got proof Saren's working with the Geth
01:12:55hand it over
01:12:57not so fast
01:12:58who are you?
01:13:00my name's Shepard
01:13:01I'm looking for evidence to prove Saren's a traitor
01:13:04then I have a chance to repay you for saving my life
01:13:07but not here
01:13:08we need to go somewhere safe
01:13:10we can take it to the human dens
01:13:20you're not making my life easy Shepard
01:13:22firefights in the wards
01:13:24an all out assault on Korra's den
01:13:26do you know how many...
01:13:30who's this?
01:13:31a quarian?
01:13:32what are you up to Shepard?
01:13:35the study of the English language or of literature composed in English
01:13:40composed in English
01:13:41oh English literature
01:13:46you want to prove Saren's a traitor
01:13:48this is it
01:13:51maybe you better start at the beginning miss
01:13:54my name is Tali
01:13:56Tali Zora Nariah
01:13:57we don't see many quarians here
01:13:59played as sorceress I got the imperious title
01:14:01yeah your quest doesn't determine your title
01:14:03it's the moral choices you make
01:14:33what kinds of things do you look for?
01:14:44it could be resources like food or fuel
01:14:47or some type of useful technology
01:14:49or even knowledge that will make life easier on the flotilla
01:14:53through our pilgrimage we prove that we will contribute to the community
01:14:57rather than being a burden on our limited resources
01:15:04tell us what you found
01:15:08during my travels I began hearing reports of geth
01:15:11since they drove my people into exile
01:15:14the geth have never ventured beyond the veil
01:15:17I was curious
01:15:20I tracked a patrol of geth to an uncharted world
01:15:23I waited for one to become separated from its unit
01:15:26then I disabled it and removed its memory core
01:15:29I thought the geth fried their memory cores when they died
01:15:32some kind of defense mechanism
01:15:34how did you manage to preserve the memory core?
01:15:37my people created the geth
01:15:39if you're quick, careful and lucky
01:15:42small caches of data can sometimes be saved
01:15:45most of the core was wiped clean
01:15:47but I salvaged something from its audio banks
01:15:53Eden Prime was a major victory
01:15:55the beacon has brought us one step closer to finding the conduit
01:16:02that's Saren's voice
01:16:03this proves he was involved in the attack
01:16:08Saren won't get out of this one
01:16:10wait, there's more
01:16:12Saren wasn't working alone
01:16:18Eden Prime was a major victory
01:16:20the beacon has brought us one step closer to finding the conduit
01:16:26and one step closer to the return of the reapers
01:16:32I don't recognize that other voice
01:16:34the one talking about reapers
01:16:39I feel like I've heard that name before
01:16:41according to the memory core
01:16:43the reapers were a hyper-advanced machine race
01:16:46that existed 50,000 years ago
01:16:48the reapers hunted the protheans to total extinction
01:16:51and then they vanished
01:16:53at least, that's what the geth believe
01:16:55sounds a little far-fetched
01:16:59the vision on Eden Prime
01:17:02I understand it now
01:17:04I saw the protheans being wiped out by the reapers
01:17:07the geth revere the reapers as gods
01:17:10the pinnacle of non-organic life
01:17:12and they believe Saren knows how to bring the reapers back
01:17:16the council is just going to love this
01:17:24unable to distinguish accents, wish I could
01:17:26alright, let's take a look here
01:17:28Tali's accent
01:17:30an unidentifiable pseudo-eastern european
01:17:34uses an accent
01:17:36oh god
01:17:38Sroka uses an accent described as
01:17:40unidentifiable pseudo-eastern european
01:17:42korean roma
01:17:44that's not the word she used
01:17:46but it's the correct word
01:17:48to voice the character
01:17:50Sroka described Tali as being an
01:17:54so yeah, it's just
01:17:56vaguely Romani
01:18:25what about her?
01:18:27the quarian?
01:21:07mister who?
01:21:09mister who?
01:21:47I'm sorry, it's a Russian word
01:21:49I'm just losing it
01:21:51heh heh
01:22:07I wish Ashley was more unhinged
01:22:09you mean Ashley Williams
01:22:11or the other one?
01:22:13it's what you call your dad when you're friends
01:22:15it's what you call your dad when you're friends with him
01:22:17oh, neat
01:23:25it's very informal but in an endearing way
01:23:27oh, neat
01:24:23she's already a pretty fucking boring character
01:24:25gonna make her even more boring?
01:24:53for his crimes. I recognize the other voice, the one speaking with Saren. Matriarch
01:24:59Benezia. She must be working with the geth too.
01:25:03Matriarch Benezia is a powerful biotic and she had many followers. She will make
01:25:07a formidable ally for Saren. I'm more interested in the Reapers. What do you
01:25:12know about them? Only what was extracted from the geth's memory. The Reapers were
01:25:17an ancient race. You didn't mean to hurt anyone. You didn't hurt anyone, it's just I told
01:25:20you to stop. Then they vanished. The geth believe the Reapers are gods and Saren is the
01:25:28prophet for their return. We think the conduit is the key to bringing them back.
01:25:32Saren's searching for it. That's why he attacked Eden Prime. Do we even know what
01:25:38this conduit is? Saren thinks it can bring back the Reapers. That's bad enough.
01:25:43Listen to what you're saying. Saren wants to bring back the machines that wiped
01:25:48out all life in the galaxy? Impossible. It has to be. Where did the Reapers go?
01:25:52Why did they vanish? How come we found no trace of their existence? If they were
01:25:58real, we'd have found something. I tried to warn you about Saren and you
01:26:03refused to face the truth. Don't make the same mistake again. This is different.
01:26:08You proved Saren betrayed the Council. We all agree he's using the geth to search
01:26:13for the conduit, but we don't really know why. The Reapers are obviously just a
01:26:17myth, Commander. A convenient lie to cover Saren's true purpose. A legend he is
01:26:22using to bend the geth to his will.
01:26:31Fifty thousand years ago, the Reapers wiped out all galactic civilization. If
01:26:35Saren finds the conduit, it will happen again. Saren is a rogue agent on the run
01:26:40for his life. He no longer has the rights or resources of a Spectre. The Council has
01:26:44stripped him of his position. That is not good enough. You know he's hiding
01:26:49somewhere in the Traverse. Send your fleet in. A fleet cannot track down one
01:26:55man. A Citadel fleet could secure the entire region, keep the geth from
01:27:01attacking any more of our colonies. Or it could trigger a war with the Terminus
01:27:05systems. We won't be dragged into a galactic confrontation over a few dozen
01:27:09human colonies.
01:27:14I can take Saren down. The Commander's right. There is a way to stop Saren that
01:27:26doesn't require fleets or armies. No, it's too soon. Humanity is not ready for the
01:27:32responsibilities that come with joining the Spectres. It was a Turian Spectre who
01:27:39betrayed this Council, and it was a human who exposed him. I have earned this.
01:27:56Commander Shepard, step forward.
01:28:19Mobilize our entire armada to hunt down one man? George W. Bush, is that you?
01:28:29Spectres are not trained, but chosen. Individuals forged in the fire of
01:28:34service and battle. Those whose actions elevate them above the rank and file.
01:28:39Spectres are an ideal, symbol, the embodiment of courage, determination, and
01:28:44self-reliance. They are the right hand of the Council, instruments of our will.
01:28:49Spectres bear a great burden. They are protectors of galactic peace, both our
01:28:55first and last line of defense. The safety of the galaxy is theirs to uphold.
01:29:01You are the first human Spectre, Commander. This is a great accomplishment
01:29:06for you and your entire species. I'm honored, Counselor.
01:29:11We're sending you into the Traverse after Saren. He's a fugitive from justice, so you are our hostage, and he is necessary to have we handled with him.
01:29:18I'm going into college and still watching your videos. It's been a while, but I'm happy you and your videos have been a part of my life.
01:29:22I look forward to what the future holds, and I also wish the best for you and
01:29:24everyone here in chat. Aw, thanks, Kika.
01:29:28I'll go find him. This meeting of the Council is adjourned.
01:29:38Congratulations, Commander. We've got a lot of work to do, Shepard. You're going to need a ship, a crew, supplies...
01:29:44You'll get access to special equipment and training. You should go down to the
01:29:49C-Sec Academy and speak to the Spectre requisitions office.
01:29:52Anderson, come with me. I'll need your help to set all this up.
01:29:59I thought the Ambassador would be a little more grateful. He didn't even thank you.
01:30:08What do you expect from a politician? Come on. Right behind you, Shepard.
01:30:21Lily, what's your favorite SCP?
01:30:23My favorite SCP is the one that stays on topic for the stream.
01:30:28How do you do?
01:30:32What's going on?
01:30:34I've been waiting to talk about our next course.
01:30:37Me too.
01:30:39I'm sorry, Kiki.
01:30:41I got in too much trouble,
01:30:44I can't be right in time to speak.
01:30:47I'm a little busy right now,
01:30:50so I'll stay for a bit.
01:30:53It'll be over soon,
01:31:27Let's see.
01:31:47Let's see.
01:32:07Where did that thing go?
01:32:37Where did it go?
01:32:57Where did it go?
01:33:17Where did it go?
01:33:27Where did it go?
01:33:47Where did it go?
01:34:07Where did it go?
01:34:27Where did it go?
01:34:47Where did it go?
01:34:57Where did it go?
01:35:07Where did it go?
01:35:27Where did it go?
01:35:47Where did it go?
01:35:57Where did it go?
01:36:07Where did it go?
01:36:27Where did it go?
01:36:47Where did it go?
01:36:57Where did it go?
01:37:07Where did it go?
01:37:27Where did it go?
01:37:37Where did it go?
01:37:47Where did it go?
01:37:57Where did it go?
01:38:07Where did it go?
01:38:27Where did it go?
01:38:37Where did it go?
01:38:47Where did it go?
01:38:57Where did it go?
01:39:07Where did it go?
01:39:17Where did it go?
01:39:27Where did it go?
01:39:37Where did it go?
01:39:47Where did it go?
01:39:57Where did it go?
01:40:07Where did it go?
01:40:17Where did it go?
01:40:27Where did it go?
01:40:37Where did it go?
01:40:47Where did it go?
01:40:57Where did it go?
01:41:07Where did it go?
01:41:17Where did it go?
01:41:27Where did it go?
01:41:37Where did it go?
01:41:47Where did it go?
01:41:57Where did it go?
01:42:07Where did it go?
01:42:17Where did it go?
01:42:27Where did it go?
01:42:37Where did it go?
01:42:47Where did it go?
01:42:57Where did it go?
01:43:07Where did it go?
01:43:17Where did it go?
01:43:27Where did it go?
01:43:37Where did it go?
01:43:47Where did it go?
01:43:57Where did it go?
01:44:07Where did it go?
01:44:17Where did it go?
01:44:27Where did it go?
01:44:37Where did it go?
01:44:47Where did it go?
01:44:57Where did it go?
01:45:07Where did it go?
01:45:17Where did it go?
01:45:27Where did it go?
01:45:37Where did it go?
01:45:47Where did it go?
01:45:57Where did it go?
01:46:07Where did it go?
01:46:17Where did it go?
01:46:27Where did it go?
01:46:37Where did it go?
01:46:47Where did it go?
01:46:57Where did it go?
01:47:07Where did it go?
01:47:17Where did it go?
01:47:27Where did it go?
01:47:37Where did it go?
01:47:47Where did it go?
01:47:57Where did it go?
01:48:07Where did it go?
01:48:17Where did it go?
01:48:27Where did it go?
01:48:37Where did it go?
01:48:47Where did it go?
01:48:57Where did it go?
01:49:07Where did it go?
01:49:17Where did it go?
01:49:27Where did it go?
01:49:37Where did it go?
01:49:47Where did it go?
01:49:57Where did it go?
01:50:07Where did it go?
01:50:17Where did it go?
01:50:27Where did it go?
01:50:37Where did it go?
01:50:47Where did it go?
01:50:57Where did it go?
01:51:07Where did it go?
01:51:17Where did it go?
01:51:27Where did it go?
01:51:37Where did it go?
01:51:47Where did it go?
01:51:57Where did it go?
01:52:07Where did it go?
01:52:17Where did it go?
01:52:27Where did it go?
01:52:37Where did it go?
01:52:47Where did it go?
01:52:57Where did it go?
01:53:07Where did it go?
01:53:17Where did it go?
01:53:27Where did it go?
01:53:37Where did it go?
01:53:47Where did it go?
01:53:57Where did it go?
01:54:07Where did it go?
01:54:17Where did it go?
01:54:27Where did it go?
01:54:37Where did it go?
01:54:47Where did it go?
01:54:57Where did it go?
01:55:07Where did it go?
01:55:17Where did it go?