Fiverr Complete Course Part 16 | Saving Your Ratings On Fiverr | Mentor - Rishabh Sharma

  • 3 months ago
Protect your reputation and maintain a high rating on Fiverr!
In this video, we'll share expert tips and strategies to help you:

- Respond to negative reviews and turn them into positive experiences
- Manage client expectations and prevent misunderstandings
- Showcase your excellent customer service skills
- Keep your rating high and attract more clients

Don't let one bad review hurt your business. Watch this video to learn how to save your ratings and thrive on Fiverr!
00:00Welcome back, and in the last video I told you how to deliver an order, so that if there
00:24is any issue, you can talk to him.
00:27it can happen that the user is troubling you a lot, he is not accepting it, you have
00:34delivered it, you have made changes and delivered it, he is saying that there is still an issue,
00:40I don't need it, I don't need it, you didn't work properly, I want a refund, I want to
00:45cancel the order, right, now let's say it's an order of 50 dollars or 100 dollars, you
00:51have taken a day, you have also taken time, everything is fine with you, there are two
00:57ways, either you fight with him or you tell him that it is okay, I will cancel it, because
01:03there is no point in fighting him, you are the seller, he is the buyer, you have to deliver
01:11the order, let's say he has also accepted it, then he has an option to give a review, when
01:18he gives a review, if you have a rating of 10 5 stars and 1 1 star rating, then your rating
01:24will go straight up to 4.7, there is no use of this, such users who are there, 1 out of
01:31100 comes, I would say only 2 out of 100 come, so if you understand these people, he will
01:38give a bad rating, you cancel his order, if you don't cancel the order, then he will
01:45take your profile, this happened to me, I made a new hit on my profile, it was going
01:51very well, the profile reviews were also coming, everything was going well, now that user,
01:57we took the delivery from him, in which the milestone delivery is done, now he did not
02:03understand, we did half the work and we said that your work is done, now we will do it
02:09, he said that you have not done any work, he has eaten a lot of brains, now he had an
02:16option to give a review, then we delivered the whole order again, even then he gave us
02:22a rating of 1, now that gig on which around 1000 impressions were coming daily, it came
02:29straight down to 200 impressions and then on 100, 50, it kept spinning like this, until
02:36we made other custom orders on that gig, then it slowly came to 4.9, so it is very easy to
02:46spoil the rating, it is very difficult to increase the rating, so you have to keep your mind
02:52clear that such users will come, how to treat them, you will find out in a few days that
02:59this user is fine or not, if you feel that the user will give a bad rating, it is better
03:05to cancel the order, because if you have an order, he gave you a review, then you will
03:11not get orders in the future, in the beginning I used to get very angry that he has done
03:16work for free, but there is no use of all these things, there are losses in every business,
03:24so you have to understand it in the same way, in our profile, we have almost done 1,90,000
03:29dollars, out of which I think there are 7,000 cancel orders, so now we have got used to
03:38that some users will come who are useless, there are many types of people in the world,
03:45there are not five fingers, so you should understand that how this user is, some users
03:52are very good, you can sell a lot from them, you can make a lot of money, some users are
03:58like this that no, I want the cheapest one, it is like this, they will be very angry, you
04:04have to treat them accordingly, you will find different types of people on Fiverr, you have
04:09to talk to them in different ways and talk well so that at the end of the day you are
04:16earning money, and in the beginning days, there is a little more issue, the reason being
04:21that if the orders are less, then you also need reviews, later it does not make much difference,
04:27right, so I am telling you these small details because they will differentiate you in becoming
04:33a good seller and like most people say that orders are not coming, work is not going on,
04:40all the videos I have made so far, all the small points I am saying, because of all this,
04:45we have earned so many crores of rupees, so soon, so that's what makes you different from
04:51a loser and a winner, right, even when I used to do blogging, so I searched a lot of keywords,
04:57made a bank link, did this and that, I went a lot further than the rest, in that too I
05:04had earned up to $ 1,000, right, because I have those small points that people leave
05:10on java, I kept that in mind that the speed should be good, the content should be good,
05:16put an affiliate link here, do this, do that, take out the maximum ROI, okay, so you have
05:22to think according to that that no, this is my business, I will run it like a business,
05:28if you think that it is kept aside, it is fine, it is gone, it is not going on, then it
05:33will not work, there are a lot of people like this, but all the top sellers on it, they
05:38must have worked very hard and after hard work, the results are very good and very easy,
05:43I have never got an income as easy as fiber in my life, that too so much, so this is what
05:50I am telling you, talk to all the users of this type, okay, if it is too much, then
05:57cancel the order, now how to cancel, let's say now the user has put a review on it again
06:04that I do not want revision now, you go here, it is coming to you on the side, visit the
06:10execution center, now see, now let's say you need time to work, you will go here, extend
06:19delivery, go to others, click any of these, if you have not done enough information, then
06:25this, otherwise do not do this, I would say because their algorithm will know that there
06:30is a click issue, I will do it, I will do the changes in a few, in some time, if you
06:42have talked to the user that you have to extend the time, then you go here and extend the
06:47two days, I will do it soon, I will do the changes soon, the more you can explain and
06:58tell people, the more you will benefit, because if you have a good conversation with them,
07:05you convey your message to them, then there will be no issue, the reason our profile is
07:11because our conversation is very good, now see, now they are not listening, then what
07:23will we do, go to the widget, view request, okay, this will not happen, let me request
07:31the order, because I want to tell you about the cancellation in this video, so I also
07:45told you about the extended delivery, offer additional revisions, if you have given only
07:50one revision, then you can say that pay me more, then I will do the revision, I have not
07:56used this option till date, I have not even used modify the order, ask the buyer to cancel,
08:02I get the money added to it, but I never say that I will take more money, if it is a very
08:10big job, then I definitely take money, it is not like sitting for free to work, because
08:17at the end of the day, how is the user experience here, it will be seen, okay, ask the buyer
08:23to cancel this order, the buyer is not responding, the buyer will order again, I am too busy,
08:28buyer was not satisfied, buyer request for additional revisions is not in the scope of
08:34original work, okay, let's continue, see, now what is coming, loss of revenue, weaken
08:42your order completion rate, order completion rate will be reduced, listing placement could
08:49change, listing placement could change means that your ranking can go down because your
08:54completion rate will be reduced, so we have to use this only when there is a lot of issue,
09:01my main profile has an order completion rate of 98%, means 2 out of 100 people's orders
09:10were cancelled, at some time it was around 94-95% because at that time we were two people
09:17working and a lot of orders used to come and we could not do it, it used to be cancelled,
09:23we could not do it later, so gradually we worked hard to fix things and increased the
09:29order completion rate, right, so you have to use it only when there is a lot of issue,
09:36okay, I can't do this work, thanks for choosing me, see, recently I will tell you an incident,
09:55I ordered from a person, it was a client's work, I was not able to do it, so I asked
10:03him to do it, he said okay, I will do it, it will cost $30, I said okay, he made an order
10:11for me, it took 3 days, I gave him time, I told him to do it quickly, I have to give him
10:16time, still he took 3 days, there is no reply, there is no conversation at all, now I told
10:22him to do it, he said that I could not do it, there was no light, he was making excuses,
10:29okay, later I told him to cancel the order, then I declined the request that I will not
10:37cancel the order, he took another day, then he told the customer support to cancel the
10:42order, so the customer support cancelled my order, till then I was looking for another
10:47person, so don't do this that you took the order and cancelled it, it will have a bad
10:53rating, and if let's say he made my order and did not work well or did not talk to me
11:01properly, then I would have spoiled the rating, so it is better than taking a bad rating that
11:06he cancelled the order, okay, so when you do 4-5 orders of this thing, you will understand
11:17that either we do the order quickly, talk to him, or cancel his order, or we say that
11:25you apologize for this, we do it quickly, if your support is good, then half of the things
11:31will be solved, okay, so you have to take care of this thing, and if there is a lot of
11:37issue, then the order is cancelled like this, when the order is cancelled, then the money
11:42will go back to the buyer's account, and your order will be cancelled, that's it, okay,
11:47so this was in this video, that this is a very major thing, which will define your success
11:54and failure, if you keep everything right, the rank is also there, the order is also
12:01coming, but you did not understand this thing, which order to cancel, which order to take
12:05review from, then there is no use, your profile will go down, okay, so this is it for this
12:11video, thanks a lot for watching, see you in the next video, bye-bye.
