You Need 101% of Your Attention to Solve These Riddles

  • 3 months ago
Hey Bright Siders! Are you ready to put your thinking caps on and give your brain a serious workout? Check out "You Need 101% of Your Attention to Solve These Riddles." These puzzles are designed to test your wits and keep you guessing every step of the way. Grab some friends or family and see who can crack the riddles first. It's time to dive in, challenge yourself, and see just how sharp your mind really is! Don't miss out on the fun – watch now and start solving! #brightside

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00:00Psst, you, yeah, you, I really need your detective help with these riddles.
00:05Maria came to a beauty salon.
00:07She had two appointments – a manicure and a haircut.
00:10Suddenly she realized that one of the professionals working there was dangerous.
00:15Who was it?
00:16The hairdresser with huge stained scissors and brushes in the pocket of her apron?
00:21Or the nail tech with a nail file and suspicious red stains on her uniform?
00:35Look at the manicurist more attentively.
00:37In her bag, you'll notice a knife, a rope, and a tape.
00:41She's definitely dangerous.
00:45Look at these people waiting for their flight at the airport.
00:48Can you figure out which of them is a dog owner?
00:55It's the man on the left, sitting on a bench and reading a book.
01:03Have you been attentive enough to notice he's got a bone in his bag?
01:07It must be a gift for his page!
01:10Now look at these guys.
01:12One of them is a zombie.
01:13Can you figure out which one it is?
01:24When you think about it, you'll understand that zombies are into brains, not computers.
01:29Plus, the guy on the right has a weirdly shaped palm, and he's looking at the other guy's
01:34head too intently.
01:36The gamer should watch out!
01:39Now this might look like a lovely family portrait, but not all people depicted here
01:43are actually human.
01:45Can you figure out which family member is a ghost?
01:57Pay attention to the shadows.
01:59The man is the only person in this photo to have one.
02:02Sadly, the rest of his family are just ghosts.
02:08You've got to choose one room in which you'll have to spend one hour.
02:12One of the rooms is swarming with thousands of rats, another is almost completely filled
02:17with water, and the last room is an infinite pool with jellyfish.
02:22Which room should you pick?
02:32The second room is the safest option.
02:35If you manage to stay close to the surface, you'll be able to breathe since there's
02:39a bit of space between the ceiling and the water.
02:43Look at these hybrid animals.
02:45You're about to fight one of them.
02:47Think twice before picking your opponent.
02:49The wrong choice may cost you your life.
03:02Look for the hybrid of a shark and a jaguar.
03:05Such a bizarre creature won't be able to breathe on dry land, and you'll just need
03:09to wait a bit before the jury announces your victory.
03:14So you've just moved to a new town.
03:17It's so small that there are just two barber shops there.
03:20The barber working in the first one has an impeccable haircut.
03:24The hair of the barber in the second establishment looks quite messy, and still, you choose to
03:29go to the second professional.
03:32Well, if there are just two barbers in the town, it means the second barber gave the
03:45first one his perfect haircut.
03:48Look at these ladies attentively.
03:50All of them seem to be pregnant.
03:52But what if I tell you that one of them has just stolen a watermelon?
03:57Can you figure out who it is?
04:07The first lady has a visible belly button.
04:10The second one doesn't hold her belly at the moment, so it must be real.
04:14As for the third girl, she's holding her belly tightly, and we can see something green
04:19through her clothes.
04:20She must be the watermelon thief.
04:25Now let's check your logistical thinking and math skills.
04:28You have 3 empty cups and 10 sugar cubes.
04:32You need to distribute these sugar cubes between the cups in such a way that each cup contains
04:37an odd number of cubes.
04:48All you need to do is put 3 cubes in the first cup and 3 cubes in the second cup.
04:54After that, place the remaining 4 cubes and the second cup in cup number 3.
04:59This way, the first cup will have 3 sugar cubes, which is an odd number.
05:03The second cup will have 3 sugar cubes too.
05:06As for cup number 3, it will contain 7 sugar cubes, 4 of its own, and 3 from the second
05:15You have a box with multicolored marbles.
05:18All but 2 of them are red, all but 2 are blue, and all but 2 are green.
05:23How many marbles are there in the box?
05:34There are just 3 marbles in the box – blue, green, and red.
05:40A young lady has the same number of brothers and sisters, but each of her brothers has
05:45twice fewer brothers and sisters.
05:47How many sisters and brothers are there in the family?
06:00There are 4 girls and 3 boys in the family.
06:05Once a man decided to go on a fishing trip with his friends.
06:08He asked his wife to pack some things for him – a fishing rod, a fishing box, some
06:13clothes that would be enough for a week, and his favorite pajamas.
06:17The wife did so.
06:19After the man returned, he entertained his wife with funny stories about what had happened
06:23during the trip.
06:24Suddenly, he asked why his wife hadn't packed his pajamas.
06:28The wife immediately understood that her husband was lying to her – he hadn't been on a
06:33fishing trip.
06:34How did she understand that?
06:45The woman put the pajamas in the fishing box.
06:49And if her husband didn't find it, it means he didn't open the fishing box.
06:53What a weird fishing trip that was!
06:57Jack is participating in a challenge.
07:00He's made it to the last stage, which takes place in a desert.
07:04If he succeeds now, he'll win $1,000,000!
07:07Jack needs to get a key out of one of 4 pots.
07:10On top of the first pot, there's a bowl filled with a strong acid.
07:14The second pot is covered with a bowl full of venomous spiders.
07:18In the bowl placed on the third pot, Jack sees a raging fire.
07:23A viper is curled up in the bowl covering the fourth pot.
07:26Now Jack isn't allowed to drop the bowls to the ground or turn them over.
07:30Which pot should he choose?
07:41The guy should choose the third bowl.
07:44He can put out the fire with sand and get the key.
07:48Camilla was afraid of dogs.
07:50One day, while jogging in the park, she noticed a large dog sitting near the bench.
07:55It looked unfriendly.
07:57The leash attached to the dog's collar was 3 feet long.
08:01Camilla decided it would be safe to pass by if there were at least 7 feet of space between
08:06her and the animal.
08:07But even on a leash, the dog still managed to bite her.
08:11How come?
08:12Well, the leash wasn't tied to anything.
08:23Kevin, a security guard in an amusement park, found a boy standing near a roller coaster.
08:30The kid said his name was Nick.
08:32He didn't know where his father was.
08:35Kevin took Nick to his office and made an announcement.
08:38Soon after that, two men showed up at the door.
08:42The first exclaimed that he and his son had been in a cafe.
08:44But after eating his burger, the man felt so unwell he had to spend almost 20 minutes
08:49in the bathroom.
08:51When he got out, his son wasn't around.
08:54The other man interrupted him, saying that he had ridden a roller coaster with his son.
08:58Then he left the boy to wait there and went to get some hot dogs.
09:02Which man was Nick's father?
09:13Nick is too young to ride that roller coaster.
09:15Look at that sign stating that only those older than 14 are allowed to have a ride.
09:21It means the second man is lying.
09:23The boy's dad is the unlucky guy with food poisoning.
09:29A bank manager was missing.
09:31The only suspicious thing the police found was a note left on his office desk.
09:36There were four numbers on it.
09:38His colleagues John, James, and Otto claimed they had nothing to do with his disappearance.
09:44But the police thought otherwise.
09:46Who did they suspect?
09:57When you write the word 1, it starts with the letter O. 2 starts with T, and so does
10:03Then we have 1 again, that's the letter O. Together, we have the name Otto.
10:10And finally, a funny riddle might help you relax.
10:13Why should you never trust gravity?
10:25Because gravity will always let you down.
10:29Have a good one!
