The Jungle Book Hindi Episode |25 | The Outlaw

  • 2 months ago
The Jungle Book


00:30What happened?
00:31There are sounds coming from the chicken coop.
00:32Look, let's go.
00:34Catch them.
00:35Catch them.
00:36Don't let them escape.
00:37Don't let anyone escape.
00:38Kill them.
00:40What happened?
00:41There are sounds coming from the chicken coop.
00:43Look, let's go.
00:45Catch them.
00:46Catch them.
00:47Don't let them escape.
00:48Don't let anyone escape.
00:49Kill them.
01:03What news have you brought?
01:05Very bad news, Bagheera.
01:07That rascal Jaggu first attacked the chicken coop.
01:10And now he is coming this way.
01:11What Jaggu?
01:12But who is this Jaggu?
01:14He is a very dangerous wolf, Mowgli.
01:17He was removed from the pack years ago.
01:20Because he refused to obey the law of the jungle.
01:32Why has the chief called this meeting?
01:34I don't know anything.
01:36Earlier the chief used to sit here and wait for us.
01:39How did he come late today?
01:43I don't know what happened.
01:45Look, he has come.
02:02Listen to me carefully.
02:04This is a serious matter.
02:10I have received a bad news that I want to tell you all.
02:14Some uninvited guests are going to come.
02:17We don't want to welcome them.
02:19Because they are not our friends, but our enemies.
02:22Who are these guests?
02:24It is a very old story.
02:25We had removed Jaggu from the pack.
02:28But after many years, he has dared to come back to this jungle.
02:33Is he so cruel?
02:34After all, who is he?
02:36He is very dangerous.
02:37We should not go near him.
02:39What is the matter?
02:42Keep quiet. Listen to me.
02:45We will not be able to find a solution to this problem.
02:50The eagle has informed me that Jaggu and his companions
02:54have attacked a chicken coop.
02:56And the humans have killed them.
02:58That's why they are coming to us.
03:02Those three will reach our area by tomorrow morning.
03:08Now we have to decide whether to take them back or not.
03:13Because they are not only mischievous, but also very dangerous.
03:18We should drive them away from here.
03:20It is easy to say, but how will you drive them away?
03:23We will see. We are more than them.
03:26But this is completely injustice.
03:28Let it be. He must have become old now.
03:30How dare he come to our area?
03:37Now don't waste time.
03:39First listen to the chief.
03:42Tell me chief, what should we do in your opinion?
03:46If we really want to fight,
03:48then first we have to think about our safety.
03:51If there is a fight, the outcome will be bad.
03:53Why don't we accept them and let them stay with us?
03:58You can't do that.
04:00They won't stay here.
04:02Okay, now don't waste time.
04:04Attack them.
04:06Hurry up.
04:07If you say, shall I also come with you?
04:09Yes, let's go.
04:15Be quiet all of you.
04:17Maybe you are right.
04:19No matter how bad Jaggu and his companions are,
04:22but the thing to think about is,
04:24whether they are our enemies or friends.
04:26We shouldn't attack them without any reason.
04:29Do you know what you are saying?
04:31I know Jaggu very well.
04:33If he comes back, it will be very bad.
04:36But this is not right.
04:37We should give him a chance.
04:39Maybe he has changed.
04:41He has become a good wolf.
04:46He is also a wolf.
04:47And he can stay in the pack of wolves.
04:49What nonsense is this?
04:51Remember this, Mowgli.
04:52If Jaggu comes back in the pack,
04:54the pack will be destroyed.
04:56That's right.
04:57Don't take any risk.
04:58So we have decided not to take him back in the pack.
05:01We have to keep an eye on him.
05:03Give this work to me.
05:04No, you are still a kid.
05:06I will do this work.
05:11Now I understand.
05:12They have kept a monkey.
05:14He is guarding the river bank.
05:16If he comes from here, he will be trapped.
05:19Isn't it?
05:21Yes, he will be caught like this.
05:23Now the wolves will fight with each other.
05:25I think the chief's uninvited guests
05:29will be welcomed with great enthusiasm.
05:32What do you say, Bagheera?
05:37You were right, Mowgli.
05:39When you meet a stranger for the first time,
05:42don't fight with him for no reason.
05:44Who knows?
05:45Maybe he is a friend, not an enemy.
05:48Your father used to say the same thing.
05:51You have repeated what he said today.
05:53I am proud of you.
05:56Moti was so confident.
05:58I have never been able to match him.
06:00By the way, he had a great company.
06:03He was an extraordinary wolf.
06:05Say something else.
06:10Mowgli, you have to guard all night.
06:14It would be better if you reach your place before sunset.
06:18Be careful, son.
06:20Don't worry, mother.
06:21Akru will be with me.
06:23We will have a lot of fun.
06:24See you.
06:27Let's see how long he stays awake.
06:47Did you see anything, Mowgli?
06:50Maybe he is coming from that direction.
07:03Take some rest.
07:08Stay awake.
07:09We have to keep an eye on him.
07:12Stay awake.
07:13We have to keep an eye on him.
07:32What are you doing here at this hour?
07:34I just came here.
08:29There are only two ways to the jungle.
08:31And both were heavily guarded.
08:34Everyone was looking for him.
08:36But they didn't see him.
08:38This can lead to two things.
08:40Either he has left us.
08:43Or he has some other problem.
08:47I wish you were right, Bhalu.
08:49But I don't think so.
08:51He is only afraid of Sher Khan.
08:54But Sher Khan won't say anything to him.
08:56That means there is something else.
08:59I don't understand what it is.
09:02Shall I help you?
09:04Why do you think Jaggu and his friends want to return to Jhund?
09:08It's simple.
09:09They can stay in Jhund and share the prey.
09:12That's not the only thing, Bagheera.
09:14Why not?
09:16Listen, Bhalu.
09:17I know Jaggu very well.
09:20He is not only a scoundrel.
09:21He is also selfish.
09:22Bagheera is right.
09:24He is going to come to Jhund and play a big game.
09:29I think he will get rid of Akela.
09:32And he will become the chief and kill Jhund.
09:36I have never seen such a scoundrel.
09:40That scoundrel will dare to confront me?
09:44I will teach him a lesson.
09:52He is a big politician.
09:54Where is Mowgli?
09:55I want to talk to him.
09:57He must be gathering his men.
09:59We have to guard them tonight.
10:02What's the use?
10:03We stayed awake all night.
10:05And we didn't even see him.
10:08Let's sleep peacefully tonight.
10:11No one will sleep.
10:12We have to guard them.
10:14I don't care what you do.
10:16But I will sleep tonight.
10:19What will you do if he comes tonight?
10:21He won't come.
10:22He will come.
10:23He won't come.
10:24He will come.
10:25And he will come tonight.
10:26Shut up.
10:27Do you know everything?
10:29Do you know everything?
10:59I don't know.
11:29I don't know.
12:00Come on.
12:01Mowgli, Agadu...
12:02Where are you?
12:03Come fast.
12:04Mowgli, come fast.
12:05Agadu is hurt.
12:08Jaggu was here.
12:09He and his men attacked him from behind.
12:13Tell me.
12:14How is Agadu?
12:15We fought with him.
12:17But he was very strong.
12:19He was very brave.
12:20He was very brave.
12:21He was very brave.
12:22He was very brave.
12:23But he was very strong.
12:24He was very brave.
12:25He was very brave.
12:26He was very brave.
12:27He was very brave.
12:28But he was very strong.
12:29And Pakdu...
12:30Stop, Mowgli.
12:43It's hurting a lot, Pakdu.
12:45I am fine, Leela.
12:47Pakdu, are you alright?
12:50Look at me.
12:53It could have been worse.
12:55There were three of them.
12:56They attacked me from behind.
12:59I wish I had seen them.
13:01I would have taught them a lesson they will never forget.
13:04Which way did they go?
13:06As far as I remember, they went to the west.
13:09Yes, that way.
13:10That's the best place to hunt.
13:13They will definitely try to steal the prey.
13:15We should stop them.
14:01What? Did they hunt in our area?
14:05Not just that. They attacked us for no reason.
14:08How dare they?
14:10They are breaking the law.
14:12They should be ashamed.
14:14But I want to ask you all...
14:16...why didn't you inform us of their arrival?
14:19They attacked Pakdu from behind.
14:21That means they passed by the place...
14:23...where Maya and Akdu were guarding.
14:26But I'm sorry. We were asleep at that time.
14:30Let it be. What's done is done.
14:32There's no point in regretting now.
14:35Jaggu has proved to be our enemy.
14:37We have to think of a way to get rid of him.
14:41Although it's not that easy.
14:46I'm coming to meet you, chief.
15:12You and here?
15:14Yes. It's been a long time, chief.
15:17That's why I came to meet you.
15:21You were thrown out of here a long time ago.
15:25You broke the law. You have no right to stay here.
15:28Forget that, chief. It's a long time ago.
15:31I was a child then.
15:33I spent a very interesting life roaming in the jungle.
15:37But now I'm tired.
15:39I think I should settle down here once again...
15:41...and help all of you.
15:43That's out of the question.
15:45You have been thrown out. Go away.
15:47Wow! What a welcome!
15:49I didn't expect this from you, chief.
15:52I remember it very well.
15:54You used to say that all wolves should live together.
15:58I still say the same thing.
16:00But there's no place for you in this pack.
16:02Don't get carried away.
16:07Think about it.
16:08Do all the people in the same pack like to fight with each other?
16:15You have such a nice pack.
16:18What's this? A human child in a pack of wolves?
16:22I couldn't even imagine that.
16:24It would be good for your health, Lallu...
16:27...that you run away from here.
16:29I may be a human being...
16:31...but I have always been in the pack of wolves.
16:36And don't you dare call me Lallu.
16:38Wow! So much anger?
16:40That's not good.
16:42I forgive you for the first time because you are a child.
16:45Now sit down quietly, children.
16:48Chief, we didn't come here to trouble anyone.
16:51We just want to be included in the pack.
16:55It's not possible, Jaggu.
16:57We are not mad to include an enemy like you in the pack.
17:00Which law have I broken?
17:03You know it very well.
17:05And you know that it is your duty to follow the rules of the jungle.
17:09Don't teach me my duty.
17:11Chief, we have made a request.
17:13Tell us what your answer is.
17:15Will you include us in the pack or not?
17:22Leave me.
17:31Leave Leela.
17:37I ask you for the last time, chief.
17:39Before I lose my temper...
17:42...make a decision quickly.
17:44And tell me, will you include us in the pack or not?
17:48Make a decision quickly.
17:50And tell me, will you include us in the pack or not?
18:03Leave Leela first.
18:05Answer my question first, chief.
18:08If you like her, we will leave her.
18:10No, leave Leela first.
18:12I promise to keep you here in the pack.
18:15Don't make excuses, chief.
18:17You can refuse later.
18:19That won't happen. I will include you in the pack.
18:22Let me talk to them first.
18:24Are you sure?
18:30Oh, my child.
18:32Leela, are you alright?
18:37Now listen to me carefully.
18:39We have decided...
18:41...that we will stay here and hunt wherever we want.
18:45None of you will stop us.
18:49We have always been free and will always be free.
18:52No, I have promised to include you in the pack.
18:55I will do that.
18:56But I don't accept your other conditions.
18:58They are against the rules of the jungle.
19:00Stop your nonsense.
19:02Rules of the jungle? Law?
19:04I have gone mad after hearing this.
19:06I will give you an advice, chief.
19:08If you want peace in the jungle...
19:10...then listen to me carefully.
19:12Otherwise you will not be the chief.
19:14Listen to me.
19:30Chief, what do we do now?
19:32We can't accept their conditions.
19:35But Akru, I don't understand anything.
19:39Still, we have to find a way out, chief.
19:42Jaggu started the fight.
19:44But I will end it.
19:46He called me a fool.
19:48He threatened the chief.
19:50What does he think of himself?
19:52I will deal with him.
20:12I will have to keep an eye on them.
21:01They have asked for some time.
21:03You have taken your time.
21:05But will they listen to you?
21:07Yes, why not?
21:08We will hear the rest later.
21:11I am very hungry.
21:13Tabaki must have made some arrangements for our food.
21:16Let's go.
21:18Seeing them together, I sense danger.
21:21It will be difficult to deal with them, but...