The Grey Partridge: Close Up HD Footage (Perdix perdix)

  • 3 months ago
The Grey Partridge, or Perdix perdix if you want to sound fancy, is a plump little bird you might spot in the countryside. These chaps are about the size of a small chicken and have grey-brown feathers with a splash of orange on their faces. They're not big on flying and prefer to scurry about on the ground, looking for seeds and insects to munch on.
Grey Partridges like to hang out in farmland and grasslands. They're pretty social birds and often stick together in groups called coveys. When it's time to have babies, the female lays a whopping 10 to 20 eggs! Both mum and dad look after the chicks, which is quite nice.
Sadly, these birds aren't doing so well these days. Changes in farming have made it harder for them to find food and good places to live. People are trying to help by creating better habitats and being more careful with pesticides. Let's hope these efforts give the Grey Partridge a fighting chance!

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