France Defeats USA at the Paris Olympics: Match Insight

  • 3 months ago
00:00it was the host nation in the gold medal favorites that being France taking on
00:07the United States national team at the u-23 level and France did what they were
00:13expected to do a hefty favorite in the match again the favorites to win the
00:17gold medal they hammered the Americans 3-0 what are we doing in soccer man yeah
00:24now let's let's get to the point here right you want to editorialize I can do
00:28it right now for you in the past we've seen and sometimes arguments for and
00:32against they don't deserve equal pay the men's team and the women's team the
00:35women would argue forget about the actual dollars that are coming in we're
00:39so far better than the men's team we should just be paid accordingly and some
00:43people might say that's ridiculous it's just about revenues I'm here to tell you
00:46right now the women were right all along at this point and I'm at the point right
00:49now where the men should give up every cent they have and just give it to the
00:54women's soccer team because for the past 40 years what have we been doing
00:58wasting money hundreds of millions of dollars probably spent since like 1990
01:03till now on a product that is getting more horrendous on a year-to-year basis
01:07except the women's team always providing the excitement they have the medals they
01:12have the World Cup victories here give them all the money and shut down
01:17American soccer you know what I'm looking at you too I don't want to see
01:20you on my TV screen anymore just women's soccer professionally and amateurs that's
01:25all we need in this country take the men out of the equation defund it defund the
01:31men's soccer team and give it all to the women here so I can actually enjoy a
01:36sport or we might be able to compete how about that
