• last year


00:00:00You're listening to KRCW Los Angeles for the news just in of a grisly homicide in Redondo Beach. Sonja Jacobson is live at the scene.
00:00:08That's right. I'm here in Redondo Beach where the LAPD are investigating the murder last night of 22-year-old Lisa Gonzales.
00:00:14They're not confirming any details, but officers I spoke to are saying that it has all the signs of a serial murderer they're calling the Window Killer
00:00:22and would rank his known tally of victims in the Southland over the last two years to 15.
00:00:27That nickname, by the way, is because he takes the victim's eyes with him as some kind of sick trophy.
00:00:32I'm being told now that the LAPD are going all out to find this maniac as we roll into the holiday weekend.
00:00:47What the fuck?
00:00:51Hi. Thank you.
00:01:15What the fuck?
00:01:18What the fuck is this?
00:01:24Jesus, what the fuck are you looking at?
00:01:29Move on, asshole.
00:01:49Move on.
00:02:02We're all clear.
00:02:18Move on.
00:02:38Can I help you, sir?
00:02:40I'm here to make a deposit.
00:02:45Five minutes, folks. Final weapons check.
00:02:47We did that already.
00:02:48And we'll do it again, Echo 3.
00:02:50It's a soft target. There's no guards, skeleton staff, handful of civilians.
00:02:55Nobody is getting shot today.
00:02:57That's all I want. Safety's on, chamber's empty.
00:03:01We might as well go in with squirt guns.
00:03:03Hey, you know what? I got a butter knife in my pocket.
00:03:05Try to chill the fuck out.
00:03:11I'm afraid we're not accepting deposits.
00:03:13Actually, as you can see, we're closing down.
00:03:16Didn't you get our letter?
00:03:18I don't get mail.
00:03:20I see.
00:03:24What about her?
00:03:26Well, she got our letter.
00:03:27We've asked all our customers to come in and empty out their boxes.
00:03:31What if they don't?
00:03:32Well, the feds come in and they take everything to a secret storage and then they trace the owners.
00:03:39I don't want that.
00:03:40Most of our customers feel the same way. But it is procedure.
00:03:44Why don't I take my stuff now?
00:03:46Well, you would need to have the letter.
00:03:48I told you.
00:03:49Yes, you don't get mail.
00:03:52Um, do you have ID?
00:03:57I have this.
00:04:03Well, Reverend, I'll tell you what.
00:04:07Come over to the counter and I'll sort you out.
00:04:11I'll sort you out.
00:04:15You go hot in five minutes.
00:04:18Masks on.
00:04:20Somebody wake up Diggs.
00:04:31Here you are.
00:04:32You can have that back.
00:04:35So, how long now?
00:04:39Uh, just a few moments.
00:04:40I'm sorry again, Mrs. Waxman.
00:04:42I know this has all been very inconvenient.
00:04:45I'm afraid that's not good enough, young man.
00:04:48I have had an account here for 50 years.
00:04:51That is no way to treat a customer closing down like this.
00:04:54Well, times change, I'm afraid.
00:04:56We're all very sad here.
00:04:57Now, if you want to take a seat, I'll call a cab to take you home.
00:05:02Fuck you.
00:05:05Yes, sir.
00:05:06The Reverend would like to empty his box.
00:05:09Is he on the list?
00:05:11Well, he didn't get the letter.
00:05:12But I've processed him and he's set to go.
00:05:16It's all very irregular.
00:05:19But I suppose it'll be all right.
00:05:22You can take him back as soon as I finish with Mrs. Gowen.
00:05:24Yes, sir.
00:05:25I need to do this now.
00:05:28As I'm sure has been said before,
00:05:30it's one at a time today.
00:05:33So if you don't mind waiting your turn.
00:06:01Thank you.
00:06:14I'm sure you won't mind if I go first.
00:06:21Well, I've been here for hours and I'm almost late for my Pilates class, so...
00:06:34Okay, if it's that important to you.
00:06:39And are you sure?
00:06:55You see?
00:06:56She's happy that I go first.
00:07:00If you'll follow me, I'll take you back.
00:07:06After you, sir.
00:07:52You really are in the process of closing up, so...
00:07:55I'm sorry about the mess down here.
00:07:58Watch your step here.
00:08:00Been, uh...
00:08:02Making it here long?
00:08:25Everybody stay right where you are!
00:08:56Echo two!
00:08:58Echo three!
00:09:00Echo two!
00:09:02Echo one!
00:09:07You know what this is.
00:09:09There's nothing here for you.
00:09:12We're closing down. Everything is gone.
00:09:14Not everything.
00:09:16You know who owns this place.
00:09:18I don't.
00:09:20I don't.
00:09:22I don't.
00:09:23You know who owns this place.
00:09:25Of course we do. It's half the fun.
00:09:35Sit down!
00:09:42What do you want me to do about them?
00:09:44I don't know.
00:09:46You gonna behave?
00:09:47Listen, young man.
00:09:48I wish you'd get on with whatever you're going to do because I don't want to sit here all day.
00:09:53Yes, ma'am. We'll be as quick as we can.
00:09:55Cuff him.
00:09:56Hey! Get your hands off me, bitch!
00:09:58Are you fucking talking to me, bitch?
00:10:01Where's your phone?
00:10:02I left it in my car.
00:10:03Oh, yeah?
00:10:13Listen, I've been tied up by better people than you.
00:10:16Oh, Christ, old lady. It's not a fucking competition.
00:10:20Where's your phone?
00:10:21I haven't had one for years.
00:10:24God, living in the dark ages.
00:10:26I'm all set here.
00:10:28Echo Five, is that everyone?
00:10:30We're missing two, boss.
00:10:32Two males. Employee, civilian.
00:10:35Where are they?
00:10:37I don't know what you mean.
00:10:39Stop wasting our fucking time!
00:10:46Keys, sir.
00:10:51A little stuffy in here.
00:10:56I switched off the A.C. last week, so...
00:10:59Do you have your key?
00:11:12I've got it from here.
00:11:14I'm supposed to stay with you.
00:11:21My possessions are very personal.
00:11:25I'd like privacy.
00:11:28I'm sorry.
00:11:30It's procedure.
00:11:35Stay here.
00:11:46What did I tell you?
00:11:47This guy is messing with us!
00:11:49Next one goes in your head. Where are they?
00:11:52In the back, in the vault.
00:12:19Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:12:22Are you looking for me?
00:12:26Oh, shit.
00:12:32Sorry, Danny.
00:12:39We weren't supposed to be here.
00:12:41Paul? What the fuck, man?
00:12:44Yeah, what the hell is going on here?
00:12:46Should I tell them?
00:12:49This is my brother, Danny.
00:12:54You've got to be fucking kidding me.
00:12:56It's been a few years.
00:12:58Yeah, I thought I'd never see you again.
00:13:00We took different paths.
00:13:03I thought you had the day off.
00:13:04Checked the rota.
00:13:06Your assistant manager got sick, so I picked up for him.
00:13:08Is everyone okay? This is why I...
00:13:11I really need to go home. Please help me.
00:13:15Absolutely. I'm sure we all would.
00:13:17Look, this nice little family reunion, it's really fucking touching.
00:13:22But now what, Paul?
00:13:24Nothing changes.
00:13:26Stick to the plan, we're gone in ten minutes.
00:13:28Everything's fucking screwed up.
00:13:30You took off your fucking mask!
00:13:33Your face is going to be all over the ten o'clock news,
00:13:36and then how long before they figure out who the fuck we are?
00:13:38They shut off the cameras last week.
00:13:41Isn't that right?
00:13:42You're welcome to leave.
00:13:45And give up my share?
00:13:47You'd like that.
00:13:49Well, then I suggest that you shut up and do your fucking job.
00:13:55We're still missing a guy, boss.
00:13:59Any idea where they're standing?
00:14:01He's in the vault.
00:14:05Echo Three, get to the vault, secure the guy.
00:14:07Do your thing.
00:14:08Echo Five, get some cuffs on Danny here,
00:14:10and then you and Echo Four get everyone in the back room.
00:14:16Stick to the plan, people, and we're out in ten minutes.
00:14:19Walkie's on channel six.
00:14:22Hey, hey, hey, don't worry.
00:14:24When we're done here, I'm taking care of business.
00:14:26My way.
00:14:31Hey, Paul!
00:14:35Hey, Paul!
00:14:43Take a walk.
00:14:45We're all set, boss.
00:14:46Watch it.
00:14:47We're going on a walk.
00:15:00Well, that was fun.
00:15:06I guess we don't need these things anymore, huh?
00:15:23Damn thing is in.
00:15:35Hello, wherever you are.
00:16:06In this room here.
00:16:12Come on.
00:16:13Pick up your pace.
00:16:14Let's go.
00:16:15Now everybody sit on the floor.
00:16:18Not you.
00:16:21I cannot sit on the floor.
00:16:24Well, you get the fucking old battered chair.
00:16:30All right, here we go.
00:16:31You're a nice man.
00:16:33Thank you.
00:16:34You're welcome.
00:16:35Wow, you're a real boy scout.
00:16:37There's nothing wrong with being decent to people.
00:16:39You should try it.
00:16:40Says the armed robber.
00:16:42Shut up!
00:16:44You, mate.
00:16:47What's the story with you and your brother?
00:16:50Well, you'd have to ask our parents about that.
00:16:53Oh, you think you're smart, don't you?
00:16:56You think you're smart, don't you?
00:16:58You think you're smart, don't you?
00:17:01Yeah, with your stupid fucking little tie and your stupid fucking hairdo.
00:17:07You're not going to feel very smart when this is over.
00:17:10What does that mean?
00:17:12What she means is that you won't be leaving any witnesses.
00:17:16Whoa, whoa.
00:17:17The boss said...
00:17:18The boss?
00:17:19The boss is a fucking wuss.
00:17:21Tracy's going to handle things from here on out.
00:17:23You just used her name, Ally.
00:17:26What is this?
00:17:28I mean, I go four.
00:17:30Yeah, well, like the man said, it really doesn't matter, does it?
00:17:39Just sit the fuck down!
00:17:43I didn't sign up for this.
00:17:45Oh, yeah?
00:17:47Well, you'd just better figure out whose side you're on.
00:17:50This is bullshit, you know it.
00:17:57Echo 3, you in the vault yet?
00:17:59Yeah, I just got here.
00:18:01There's no sign of the missing civilian.
00:18:03What do you want me to do, keep on looking?
00:18:05No, we could search this place forever.
00:18:07We need to be out of here.
00:18:09Just get the stuff.
00:18:10Copy that.
00:18:41Echo 6, status report.
00:18:44Echo 6, status report.
00:18:51All clear.
00:18:53Echo 4, status report.
00:18:55We're having a party back here.
00:18:57Jeez, Echo 4!
00:18:59Jeez, you fucking self.
00:19:01All secure, okay?
00:19:04All clear?
00:19:05Quite a degree.
00:19:08How much longer?
00:19:10Oh, not much longer if she's as good as she says she is.
00:19:13I don't know about a girlfriend, but she's pretty damn good.
00:19:17How's it coming, Echo 3?
00:19:19How's it coming, Echo 3?
00:19:23Probably listening to their dumbass music.
00:19:26Echo 3, pick up your fucking radio.
00:19:28How's her focus?
00:19:30Echo 3, fucking status report now.
00:19:34Echo 3, status report.
00:19:39Want me to do it?
00:19:41Not yet.
00:19:44Echo 3, can you hear me?
00:19:49Echo 3.
00:19:55Why the fuck is she taking so long?
00:19:59Maybe she isn't so good after all.
00:20:02Fuck you.
00:20:06I didn't know we were at fucking Sunday school, you old fucking prune.
00:20:10Listen, you may be gangsters, but at least you can show some common decency.
00:20:18What the fuck is this, 1936?
00:20:20Don't be a bitch.
00:20:25I'm gonna smoke.
00:20:27Not in here.
00:20:29Jesus, woman.
00:20:38Stay focused.
00:20:41It's not like they're going anywhere.
00:20:44Come on.
00:20:49I need your phone.
00:20:51I don't know what you're talking about.
00:20:53Come on, it's in your backpack.
00:20:55I'll be right back, come on.
00:20:57Okay, fine.
00:20:59What are you doing?
00:21:01I'm texting 911.
00:21:03I didn't even know you could do that.
00:21:05What if they come back?
00:21:07You're gonna get us all killed.
00:21:09You shut up.
00:21:11At least he's doing something.
00:21:13You're supposed to be the manager here.
00:21:15I'm sorry, Mrs. Kelman, but this is all very irregular.
00:21:16Alright, let's get back in there.
00:21:21We gotta move on.
00:21:47Never mind.
00:22:01Chicken and extra avocado?
00:22:03Yeah, and you know what?
00:22:05Can you throw in some extra chiles there?
00:22:07Oh, you like the chiles, huh?
00:22:09I like the chiles.
00:22:11That'll be $15.20, please.
00:22:13$15.20? Are you kidding me?
00:22:14What, a wolfgang puck finally going to the taco business?
00:22:17Hey, puck off, lady.
00:22:19Look, I'm just trying to make a living, man.
00:22:21Hey, how about little less lady?
00:22:23It's detective to you.
00:22:25Oh, okay.
00:22:27Well, it's still $15.20, detective,
00:22:29so why don't you detect that money while I get your order, cool?
00:22:31You're a fucking comedian, aren't you?
00:22:331 William 6, 1 William 6.
00:22:441 William 6 receiving.
00:22:46Possible 211 in progress near your location.
00:22:49Okay, got it.
00:22:51I didn't know there was a bank there.
00:22:53It's a safety deposit vault that closed down two weeks ago.
00:22:56So who called it in then?
00:22:58It was a text 9-1-1.
00:23:00Are you kidding? You can actually do that?
00:23:02You are directed to attend the scene and evaluate the situation.
00:23:06Um, you know what?
00:23:08Send a black and white over and show me responding.
00:23:11Roger that.
00:23:121 William 6, be aware.
00:23:14This has been a sensitive ring call.
00:23:16Okay, I'm on my way.
00:23:18William 6 out.
00:23:23Hey, Dr. Remo, detective!
00:23:25I'm on it!
00:23:39So that's what $100 million looks like.
00:24:02I'm all done here.
00:24:04I got the stuff.
00:24:07About fucking time.
00:24:09Fuck you too.
00:24:34Put your hands where I can see them!
00:24:36Where the hell did you come from?
00:24:48I found our missing civilian.
00:24:50Okay, I'm on my way.
00:24:54Copy that.
00:24:59You're not going to tie me up, are you?
00:25:03We're going to do this my way.
00:25:05No witnesses.
00:25:07You could just let me go home.
00:25:09I have what I need.
00:25:11Yeah, what's in there?
00:25:13Just some personal items.
00:25:15Nothing of value to you.
00:25:17I'll be the judge of that.
00:25:29What the fuck?
00:25:55All call signs, eat.
00:25:57Say again, eat.
00:25:59Say again, eat.
00:26:03So you're it?
00:26:05Dispatch said it was a prank.
00:26:07So they sent me a couple guys out of kindergarten?
00:26:09Whoa. Everyone's out looking for that windows guy.
00:26:12We got this.
00:26:14Got your bachelor parties? No?
00:26:16I'm going in.
00:26:18With pleasure, detective.
00:26:21Who the fuck are you?
00:26:48We got badges. Three of them.
00:26:50Fucking hide. Hide, damn it.
00:27:00I just nicked your radial artery.
00:27:03You have about nine minutes to live.
00:27:05If I were you, I'd contemplate what you want to do with the rest of your life.
00:27:18Good afternoon.
00:27:20I'm detective Pascale with the LAPD.
00:27:22Got a report of a robbery at this location.
00:27:24A robbery?
00:27:26That sounds serious.
00:27:28And who might you be?
00:27:30I'm the assistant manager.
00:27:31This branch is closed.
00:27:34We're just packing things up.
00:27:36Nothing here to rob.
00:27:40You're the fucking windows killer.
00:27:43Leave Jesus out of it.
00:27:54Would you mind if we came in and took a look around?
00:27:57Company policy. Sorry. You'd need a warrant.
00:27:59Well, not if there's a crime in progress.
00:28:02Well, like I said, there's nothing going on here.
00:28:06You know, the funny thing is, the call came from inside this location.
00:28:12I don't see how that could have happened.
00:28:14Well, it was a text, so...
00:28:16Well, then it could have come from anywhere.
00:28:18Yeah, but...
00:28:20It's funny.
00:28:22I'll just show you.
00:28:27Thanks for your cooperation.
00:28:43I just severed your femoral artery.
00:28:46You have three, maybe four minutes to live.
00:28:50I'm no doctor.
00:28:52Your heart is actually pumping the blood out of your body.
00:28:57I'm not laughing at you.
00:28:59I'm laughing with you.
00:29:03This is a beautiful time.
00:29:05These are the last moments of your life.
00:29:07What does it feel like?
00:29:09What does it feel like?
00:29:11Do you feel the joy?
00:29:13May I see?
00:29:15May I see?
00:29:21The cops are coming.
00:29:25Oh, shit.
00:29:29Hey, what's up?
00:29:31Oh, fuck.
00:29:44Oh, fuck me, boss.
00:29:46You need to see this.
00:29:49Oh, shit.
00:29:50How are you doing?
00:29:51Hey, uh...
00:29:53You missed a spot.
00:29:55Uh, no.
00:29:56Can I help you?
00:29:57Get out of the van, sir.
00:29:59Whoa, whoa, look.
00:30:01Step out of the van.
00:30:03Come on, please. Give me a break.
00:30:04It's not a request.
00:30:05Out of the van.
00:30:06Shit, she made Rick.
00:30:20Let me help you.
00:30:23There you go.
00:30:36You have the safety on.
00:30:39Now try it.
00:30:56You fucking idiot.
00:31:20Gun, gun!
00:31:33You can cover me.
00:31:50Cover me.
00:32:03Cease fire!
00:32:04They're firing at us!
00:32:05There's civilians inside.
00:32:07He says he's not trying to kill us, you morons.
00:32:09We'd already be dead.
00:32:14This is 1 William 6.
00:32:16Shots fired at this location.
00:32:17Officers need assistance.
00:32:20Copy. Clear.
00:32:25You're gonna be okay, buddy.
00:32:34How's it look?
00:32:35Not good.
00:32:39You're alright.
00:32:45I can patch him up, but...
00:32:47Yeah, I know.
00:32:50God damn it.
00:32:52What the fuck is going on out there?
00:32:53We heard shots.
00:32:58The cops are here.
00:33:02It's okay. They're outside.
00:33:04We're inside. We planned for this.
00:33:06It's chill.
00:33:07Put your hand up.
00:33:11It's time.
00:33:22We're gonna need a stage mirror here.
00:33:25There's lead in it.
00:33:27They're not gonna stop you from bleeding.
00:33:29You'll be alright.
00:33:44The eye is the lamp of your body.
00:33:47So if the eye is healthy,
00:33:49your whole body will be full of light.
00:33:52But if the eye is bad,
00:33:54your whole body will be full of darkness.
00:33:57If, then, the light in you is darkness,
00:34:00how great, then, is the darkness?
00:34:23I did the best I could do.
00:34:27He's in the hospital.
00:34:29Yeah, I know.
00:34:32Okay, you stay here.
00:34:35Just keep watch.
00:34:36If we start killing cops,
00:34:38we could get missing.
00:34:40Shit's already missing.
00:34:45I'm gonna go to the vault and sort this shit out.
00:35:12Stop, Biggs!
00:35:15Oh, you motherfucker.
00:35:19We're getting jumpy back here.
00:35:21What the hell is going on?
00:35:24They shot Rick.
00:35:25What the fuck?
00:35:27Somebody must have made a call.
00:35:29A call?
00:35:31Oh, that fucking Danny.
00:35:33I knew he was up to something.
00:35:34I'm gonna kill him.
00:35:36It's best not to, okay?
00:35:37We need all the hostages.
00:35:39For what?
00:35:40We're making a last stand
00:35:41at the fucking hospital.
00:35:42We're making a last stand
00:35:43at the fucking Alamo here.
00:35:46We need time.
00:35:48Time for what?
00:35:49Biggs has got a plan.
00:35:51I've always got a plan, AJ.
00:35:53What's in your bag?
00:35:57I mean...
00:35:59Wait, what about Tracy?
00:36:00Did she get the stuff?
00:36:02Better ask Paul.
00:36:04He's looking into it.
00:36:06Looking into what?
00:36:08What the fuck, Biggs?
00:36:12Screw this.
00:36:13We should rush them.
00:36:16Are you kidding?
00:36:17As long as we've got shotguns
00:36:18in the car.
00:36:20What, do you guys have, like,
00:36:21a death wish or something?
00:36:22There's at least three guys
00:36:23in there with M4s
00:36:24who aren't afraid to use them.
00:36:25There are probably more inside.
00:36:26Not to mention an unknown
00:36:27number of hostages.
00:36:28God, what did they teach you
00:36:29about hostage situations
00:36:30at the academy?
00:36:31Deploy overwhelming force.
00:36:34You two don't look
00:36:35so overwhelming.
00:36:36So what, we just sit here
00:36:37and wait for backup?
00:36:38Like, you guys want to be useful?
00:36:39Why don't you go check the perimeter,
00:36:40see if there's a back way
00:36:41You can handle this alone?
00:36:43Probably feel a little safer,
00:36:45Okay, we're on it, detective.
00:36:56This is Detective Pascal,
00:36:57robbery homicide,
00:36:58badge number 5397.
00:37:00Go ahead.
00:37:01I want to text you a photo
00:37:02for facial ID.
00:37:03Copy that.
00:37:04All right, thanks.
00:37:05I'm sending you out.
00:37:08Good morning, mister.
00:37:11Good morning.
00:37:59What the fuck?
00:38:37Jesus Christ.
00:38:38Jesus Christ.
00:38:41All right, heads up, heads up, everyone.
00:38:42I'm in the vault.
00:38:43Tracy's dead.
00:38:46What do you mean Tracy's dead?
00:38:47I mean dead.
00:38:48She's been fucking killed.
00:38:49She's in the vault with me.
00:38:52Who did it?
00:38:53Best guess is it's the guy
00:38:54we never found.
00:38:56I think he's moving around
00:38:57in the air vents.
00:38:59A place like this,
00:39:00there's a whole network of them,
00:39:01they're plenty big enough.
00:39:04Well, then let's go
00:39:05fucking get him.
00:39:06Negative, Hallie.
00:39:08Time for a wild goose chase.
00:39:10We fucking killed Tracy.
00:39:11Okay, well, we can get the guy
00:39:12or we can get out of here.
00:39:13We can't do both.
00:39:14I'm sorry, but that's the choice.
00:39:16Now that we know
00:39:17what we're up against,
00:39:18we can stop him
00:39:19if he tries anything.
00:39:21I'm so fucked up.
00:39:23We're bottled up
00:39:24in a fucking bank.
00:39:25What about the stuff?
00:39:27Are you serious?
00:39:28That's the fucking reason
00:39:29we came here, isn't it?
00:39:30I've got the stuff.
00:39:33That's okay.
00:39:35So now what?
00:39:36We go to plan B.
00:39:37Vince is already working on it.
00:39:39Just need a couple hours.
00:39:42In the meantime,
00:39:43stay frosty.
00:39:45May only be one guy,
00:39:46but he took down Tracy,
00:39:48so he's no pussy.
00:39:51One more thing.
00:39:54He's handy with a knife.
00:39:55He's some kind of sicko.
00:39:57We gouged out Tracy's eyes.
00:40:07Oh, man.
00:40:08This keeps getting better.
00:40:13I need to go to the bathroom.
00:40:15Well, you're just going to
00:40:16have to hold it, you old bag.
00:40:17No, I mean,
00:40:18I really need to go
00:40:19to the bathroom now.
00:40:20What, you forget your diapers,
00:40:21did you?
00:40:23Come on, guys.
00:40:25What harm can it do?
00:40:26He's right.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:28I'm sorry.
00:40:29I'm sorry.
00:40:30I'm sorry.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:40:32I'm sorry.
00:40:33I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:40:35He's right.
00:40:37I think we're going to be here
00:40:38for a while.
00:40:40Damn it.
00:40:42Come on, Grandma.
00:40:43I'm open.
00:40:47Where's the bathroom?
00:40:48It's all the way down the hall.
00:40:49Take a left.
00:40:52Move it.
00:40:54Come on.
00:41:06Anything up?
00:41:07She keeping her head down.
00:41:10No more cops?
00:41:11Not yet.
00:41:14she'll have called for backup
00:41:15so it'll get busy soon enough.
00:41:17Shit's really fucked up, ain't it?
00:41:20But we still
00:41:21going to get out of here, right?
00:41:22Yeah, that's the plan.
00:41:27What, is you two
00:41:28separated at birth or something?
00:41:32We're actually really close.
00:41:33We grew up together.
00:41:34Happy family.
00:41:35So what happened?
00:41:37We joined the military.
00:41:38Same unit?
00:41:39No, we
00:41:41deployed at the same time
00:41:42but I was in the Corps.
00:41:45he was always better than me
00:41:46at everything so
00:41:47he ended up in the Rangers.
00:41:48Well, you go in as brothers
00:41:50and you come out as what?
00:41:52I don't want to talk about it.
00:41:53Oh, come on, man.
00:41:54You ain't got nothing better to do
00:41:55for the next hour or so.
00:41:56Go on ahead.
00:41:57Humor me.
00:41:58Other than dodge
00:41:59a fucking psycho serial killer
00:42:00on the list?
00:42:02Then it's that.
00:42:09This is the men's room.
00:42:10So take a fucking dump
00:42:12in the urinal, fucking bag.
00:42:15Thank you.
00:42:16Oh, it's cold.
00:42:35we both saw some pretty fucked up shit.
00:42:37At least I know I did
00:42:38and I think Danny had the same.
00:42:40Maybe worse.
00:42:41We both came back in one piece but
00:42:44you know, something like that
00:42:45changes a man.
00:42:46A lot of vets are really fucked up
00:42:47in the head.
00:42:48Me, I just learned that life is
00:42:50short and crappy
00:42:51and you gotta take what you can
00:42:52while you can, you know?
00:42:53That's the life of crime.
00:42:56And your brother?
00:43:00And your brother?
00:43:02I guess after all the mayhem and chaos
00:43:04he just wanted something
00:43:05to structure in his life,
00:43:06a little bit of order.
00:43:08Did he know
00:43:10about you
00:43:11before today?
00:43:12No, no, I don't.
00:43:14No, no, really.
00:43:15He, uh,
00:43:16he knew I fell off the map.
00:43:18So let me get this straight.
00:43:20Why are we out here doing
00:43:21all this felonious bullshit?
00:43:24Your brother playing superhero
00:43:25holding back the tides of chaos.
00:43:28Yeah, I never pegged you
00:43:29for a philosopher,
00:43:30but yeah, I guess, uh,
00:43:31I guess we're two sides
00:43:32of the same coin.
00:43:47Time's up, old woman!
00:43:55Oh, fuck, I'm coming in.
00:43:58I'm coming in.
00:44:10Having a few problems, are ya?
00:44:49I'm coming in,
00:44:50you son of a bitch.
00:45:29Come on, Howie.
00:45:30What the fuck?
00:45:31I don't think they're coming back.
00:45:33Shut the fuck up.
00:45:39They've been gone a long time.
00:45:41Something's moving around up there.
00:45:43You don't know shit.
00:45:44I know you need to keep
00:45:45your eye on that vent.
00:45:46I know you need to shut
00:45:47your fucking mouth
00:45:48and let me handle this, okay?
00:45:50I'm just trying to help.
00:46:18They're everywhere.
00:46:44And so it began.
00:46:47Biggs, update.
00:46:52We're about done here.
00:46:53Machine room's next.
00:46:55I'll know when I get there.
00:47:01Took you long enough.
00:47:03Yeah, we had to stop for donuts.
00:47:06So, what do we got, detective?
00:47:08Well, we've got multiple
00:47:09perps with automatic weapons.
00:47:11We know how to use them, too,
00:47:12so I'm thinking some kind
00:47:13of military background.
00:47:15Possible hostages.
00:47:17Any comms?
00:47:18No, not yet,
00:47:19but I did talk to one of them.
00:47:20Yeah, I know.
00:47:21That photo you emailed
00:47:22really got them excited
00:47:23at headquarters.
00:47:24The feds are taking
00:47:25a big interest in these guys.
00:47:28What are they doing here?
00:47:30A.J., Allie, update.
00:47:34This is A.J.
00:47:36What is it?
00:47:37Allie's gone, man.
00:47:39What do you mean, gone?
00:47:41She took the old lady
00:47:42to the bathroom,
00:47:43down the hall,
00:47:44and she never came back.
00:47:46Now you're telling me!
00:47:49Hey, guys.
00:47:51I think you're gonna wanna
00:47:52come in here and listen to this.
00:47:55So, I've been scanning frequencies
00:47:58in case they're using radios.
00:47:59Hey, I'll put it on speaker.
00:48:01Yeah, okay.
00:48:04Okay, A.J., sit tight.
00:48:06We're getting out of here.
00:48:07We'll find Allie after, okay?
00:48:09Sit tight.
00:48:10We're being picked off
00:48:11like flies here.
00:48:12We gotta do something.
00:48:13Like what?
00:48:14There are four of us
00:48:15and one of him.
00:48:16We've got automatic weapons.
00:48:17He's got a fucking knife.
00:48:19Be patient, A.J.,
00:48:21so I'll be over soon.
00:48:22All right.
00:48:23But if he does one more thing,
00:48:25if anything else happens,
00:48:27I'm going after him.
00:48:28I love your eyes, man.
00:48:30It's fucking disgusting.
00:48:31You don't think?
00:48:33Since I lay,
00:48:34nothing shocks me anymore.
00:48:49This is time to talk to the cops.
00:48:53Hey, detective.
00:48:57What's this?
00:49:00Looks like you need to go
00:49:01and talk to him, detective.
00:49:03Last time that didn't go so well.
00:49:06Well, then it sounds like
00:49:07you've already got a report.
00:49:14You surrendering?
00:49:16We need to talk.
00:49:17I'm unarmed.
00:49:23All right.
00:49:25So why didn't you tell me
00:49:26what the hell's going on here?
00:49:28We got hostages.
00:49:31How many?
00:49:33I can't tell you that.
00:49:36How many are you?
00:49:37I can't tell you that either.
00:49:39Well, that's great.
00:49:41Quite the turnout you got here.
00:49:44Yeah, when the LAPD
00:49:45gets its head out of its ass,
00:49:46we throw a real good party.
00:49:50So, we have demands.
00:49:53I'm sure you do.
00:49:56I'll play.
00:49:58747 at LAX.
00:50:00Space shuttle, maybe.
00:50:02Just a school bus.
00:50:04And a medic for my guy.
00:50:05You'll have two hours.
00:50:07School bus.
00:50:09You want to take me?
00:50:10I can't tell you that.
00:50:11Of course you can't tell me that.
00:50:15So what happens if we don't?
00:50:17Then we start shooting hostages.
00:50:21Yeah, I don't really think you're the type.
00:50:23You don't know my type.
00:50:26I'm guessing you served.
00:50:32My husband.
00:50:37He didn't come back.
00:50:39IED out of Baghdad.
00:50:42I'm sorry.
00:50:44Which is why I don't understand
00:50:46why guys like you do bullshit like this.
00:50:48I mean, you made it back.
00:50:53You should be doing something good.
00:50:55We all have our reasons.
00:50:58Sorry about your friend.
00:51:00I'll work on getting you a medic.
00:51:02Thank you.
00:51:03What about the bus?
00:51:05What do we get?
00:51:06You give me the medic,
00:51:07I'll start releasing hostages.
00:51:10Fair enough.
00:51:13I'm going to go back inside now.
00:51:18Semper Fi, detective.
00:51:30Big status update.
00:51:38It's going to be a few minutes.
00:51:40All right.
00:51:41We need to get the hostages ready.
00:51:43Go help AJ bring them down.
00:51:45What about Allie?
00:51:46Hostages first, then we look for Allie.
00:51:51Hostages first.
00:52:00Hey, detective, we're out back,
00:52:03but there's no doors, just a window.
00:52:05Is it big enough to get through?
00:52:07I'm sure we could work it out.
00:52:09You know what?
00:52:10You guys stay there.
00:52:11If this thing goes off,
00:52:12you might need to go inside.
00:52:15In here.
00:52:16Get him on his feet.
00:52:17Let's go.
00:52:18I heard him.
00:52:19Come on, move.
00:52:20Let's go for a walk.
00:52:21Let's go.
00:52:22No ideas, okay?
00:52:24I guess you talked to Paul about me, huh?
00:52:27Yeah, we're not the same.
00:52:28Yeah, I got that.
00:52:29You were with the Rangers, right?
00:52:31Yeah, so you got that field medical training.
00:52:32You can stitch, right?
00:52:34Sure, but...
00:52:35So when I get your ass downstairs,
00:52:37you gonna take care of my boy, Rick?
00:52:39You gonna try?
00:52:41You gonna take care of my boy, Rick, or not?
00:52:44You got a trauma bag?
00:52:45I got a first-aid kit.
00:52:47Well, then he needs a hospital.
00:52:48There's nothing I can do.
00:52:49See, that's the wrong answer.
00:52:51When I get your ass downstairs,
00:52:52you gonna take care of my boy, Rick.
00:52:53You gonna stabilize him.
00:52:55Now, they sending in a medic,
00:52:56and that's what you gonna do.
00:52:57Let's go.
00:53:00Let's go.
00:53:03I'm the medic I get with the bus?
00:53:05Yeah, seems too simple.
00:53:08What's your take?
00:53:11I think they're up to something.
00:53:13I just get the feeling we're about to be hagged.
00:53:20Easy, Rick.
00:53:22Looks like the feds are crashing our party.
00:53:36Captain Franklin.
00:53:39It's Detective Pascal,
00:53:40since first on the scene.
00:53:42I'm Sinclair, and this is Chen.
00:53:44These two, Smith and Jones.
00:53:45Where are the others coming?
00:53:47We're it.
00:53:48One team, one crisis.
00:53:49That's not SWAT protocol.
00:53:51We're not SWAT.
00:53:52Then who the fuck are you?
00:53:57What the hell happened to SWAT?
00:53:59SWAT is who cops like you call
00:54:01when you get into trouble.
00:54:03Who do you think SWAT calls?
00:54:05I just smell the testosterone from here.
00:54:08Let me tell you what we got.
00:54:10I know what you got.
00:54:11You got him.
00:54:13You know him?
00:54:15Been chasing him for years.
00:54:17When your detective sent the photo through for ID,
00:54:19all the lights went red, so here we are.
00:54:21All right, Chen, you go up high.
00:54:24Up there should be good.
00:54:26All right, Chief.
00:54:27Smith, you're it.
00:54:29Two minutes.
00:54:30Jones, you're with me.
00:54:31So what is a master criminal doing
00:54:33in a rinky-dink dump like this?
00:54:35I mean, the place isn't even open anymore.
00:54:37You don't know, do you?
00:54:39There's $100 million in bearer bonds
00:54:41in a safety deposit box.
00:54:42It's cartel money.
00:54:44Doesn't sound like a cartel operation.
00:54:46It's not.
00:54:47Our guy's been making a career
00:54:49ripping off the cartel.
00:54:51Must have a death wish or something.
00:54:53Anyway, this should have been an easy job for him.
00:54:56Something must have gone wrong inside.
00:54:58Our lucky day.
00:54:59Yeah, about that, there's been a development.
00:55:02I'm listening.
00:55:03There's a possibility there's a wanted serial killer
00:55:06at Windows operating on the inside.
00:55:09Sounds like he's taken out a couple of your man's crew.
00:55:12And you know this for sure?
00:55:13We intercepted their radio traffic.
00:55:15Good to go, Chief.
00:55:17We heard they want a medic inside.
00:55:18Smith's going in.
00:55:19Now, wait just a minute.
00:55:21This man is wanted by the LAPD.
00:55:23That makes this an LAPD operation.
00:55:25I'm not gonna stand here and argue jurisdiction.
00:55:28With you, Captain.
00:55:29You don't have positive confirmation
00:55:31that this Windows guy is even in there.
00:55:33And the radio calls you heard
00:55:34could be deliberate misinformation.
00:55:36What I know for sure is that there is
00:55:38a very dangerous armed criminal inside.
00:55:41And your men do not have the training
00:55:43or equipment to take him on.
00:55:45We do.
00:55:46You've got a problem,
00:55:47take it out of the chain of command.
00:55:49Until then, this is our operation.
00:55:51It's new.
00:55:57Have it your way.
00:55:59But this is still a joint operation.
00:56:02Detective Pascal will act as liaison.
00:56:07Get me headquarters.
00:56:09Welcome aboard, Detective.
00:56:17Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
00:56:19Let's go, let's go!
00:56:20Come on, come on!
00:56:21Move, move, move!
00:56:25Not you.
00:56:26Come with me.
00:56:28Sit down.
00:56:29Don't fucking move.
00:56:30There he is.
00:56:31He's over there.
00:56:45Must have been the picture the detective took.
00:56:47Shit's about to get interesting.
00:56:50So what's the plan?
00:56:52Smith will go in as a medic
00:56:54and get into him.
00:56:56Chen will take over, watch and shoot out bad guys.
00:56:59Once he gets a clean shot, Jones and me will breach.
00:57:02What about the hostages?
00:57:04We don't know that there are any hostages.
00:57:06Smith will tell us.
00:57:07But it doesn't matter a whole damn, we're gonna breach anyway.
00:57:10This is pretty much the worst idea I've ever heard.
00:57:12There's gonna be a bloodbath in there.
00:57:14You're playing with the big boys now, Detective.
00:57:16This is how we roll.
00:57:18Whatever happens in there
00:57:20is on you.
00:57:21Damn right it is.
00:57:23What happens if Windows is actually in there?
00:57:26It will take him down too.
00:57:28He's our caller.
00:57:29I'm going in with you.
00:57:33Then you better get a vest on, Detective.
00:57:48Sorry about this, man.
00:57:50You should have thought about that sooner.
00:57:53Best laid plans.
00:57:55You might want to come see this.
00:58:04Here we go.
00:58:11Put your hands behind your back.
00:58:17You are?
00:58:18The medic you asked for.
00:58:20No, you're not. You're Sinclair's guy.
00:58:22AJ, take this medic to the back room.
00:58:26You don't understand.
00:58:27Yeah, I do.
00:58:28We've all read the same manual.
00:58:30Get upstairs, fuckface. Let's go.
00:58:32Move! Move!
00:58:36Hurry up, assholes.
00:58:42What's the next play, Danny?
00:58:44Why is she back here?
00:58:45Come on, you used to be good at this stuff.
00:58:49They're gonna breach.
00:58:51They just sent a real medic otherwise, man.
00:58:56We need to get him up.
00:58:57He's barely breathing.
00:58:59He's better off out there than he is in here.
00:59:04He's like you're going home.
00:59:06Come on. I got you, right?
00:59:08Come on. Come on, baby.
00:59:10There you go.
00:59:12You okay?
00:59:15Hold him steady.
00:59:17Take care of him.
00:59:19All right.
00:59:25Hey, Captain, we got you some hostages.
00:59:30Team two, go get them.
00:59:31Everyone else, cover.
00:59:44What about me?
00:59:45No, you we need.
00:59:49Come on.
01:00:10Now's your time to shine, boys.
01:00:11I want you to go in the back and tell me what you can see.
01:00:13Yeah, we're on it, Detective. What if we make contact?
01:00:16Observe and report only.
01:00:17Do not engage these guys. Do you hear me?
01:00:19Observe and report, my ass.
01:00:21Yeah, fuck that. We're going in.
01:00:23All right.
01:00:24Get down.
01:00:25One, two.
01:00:28Now, you listen carefully.
01:00:29You want to live, you do everything I say.
01:00:32Yeah, yeah, tough guy.
01:00:33Shut the fuck up and stand right there.
01:00:35Fuck you.
01:00:36Fuck you.
01:00:38You do everything I tell you and you won't get killed.
01:00:41Sit down!
01:00:59How you doing up there, champ?
01:01:01Found my spot. Setting up now.
01:01:03Copy. Let me know when you're ready.
01:01:08I could kill you with my fucking teeth.
01:01:10Oh, that's great, because I can kill you with my fucking gun.
01:01:30On your knees.
01:01:33I said on your knees, asshole.
01:01:35I just need a moment of your time.
01:01:37Take one more step and you die.
01:01:46You killed my friends.
01:01:48I saved them.
01:01:49You cut out their eyes.
01:01:51I just want to go home.
01:01:53You should leave me alone.
01:01:58Found an x-ray.
01:01:59Good shot.
01:02:01Stand by.
01:02:04You good?
01:02:06Let's go.
01:02:16What have we got here?
01:02:47It's taking him so long.
01:02:49Thanks, TikTok.
01:02:51Two minutes.
01:03:10All systems go, boss. All systems go.
01:03:17I should kill you right now.
01:03:19Why don't you?
01:03:20I'm not a murderer. I'm not like you.
01:03:23We're all the same in God's eyes.
01:03:25Just fucking shoot him!
01:03:28I'll be with you in a minute.
01:03:29Shut up.
01:03:30Come on! Shut the fuck up!
01:03:34It took me a long time to understand that we're all the same.
01:03:38The street punk, the professional, like you,
01:03:43the cop, the banker, we're all the same.
01:03:50And then God spoke to me.
01:03:52Oh, yeah?
01:03:54What's he sound like?
01:03:56You wouldn't understand.
01:03:58It was like I suddenly knew what I had to do.
01:04:04You're fucking crazy.
01:04:08I've been told so.
01:04:09I've been told so.
01:04:12But you know what?
01:04:14Maybe I'm the only one who isn't crazy.
01:04:18Do you think about that?
01:04:19When God spoke to me, he told me to save souls.
01:04:24As many as I could.
01:04:26Does that sound like a bad thing to do?
01:04:28God told you to cut people's fucking eyes out?
01:04:31Couldn't just preach? Join a fucking church?
01:04:34He told me the eyes were the windows of the soul.
01:04:39And it was my destiny to collect souls.
01:04:43You see? It's very simple.
01:04:48God just spoke to me.
01:04:52About fucking time.
01:04:55The x-ray's about to execute a hostage.
01:04:57Green light. Repeat, green light.
01:05:05Say hello to Tracy for me.
01:05:17God protects those who serve him.
01:05:28I just need a moment of your time.
01:05:33X-ray down. X-ray down.
01:05:37Time to saddle up.
01:05:38You decide whatever happens.
01:05:39I don't know about that.
01:05:40Listen, it's gonna be crazy enough without your men blundering around.
01:05:43Just stay out of our way.
01:05:45Alright, when things start going south, we're coming in.
01:05:48Fair enough.
01:05:52It's showtime.
01:06:45Fuck you.
01:07:01Hey, Paul.
01:07:03You still with us?
01:07:05That's you, Sinclair?
01:07:06You know this guy?
01:07:07We go back a long way.
01:07:09So our mutual friends and I were wondering, did you get the stuff?
01:07:13Oh, I got it.
01:07:15It's right there on the counter.
01:07:17So it is.
01:07:19Doesn't look like much.
01:07:21Well, it's all there.
01:07:22Shame you won't get to spend it.
01:07:24And you will, Sinclair?
01:07:26You bring up a good point.
01:07:28I don't think they'll miss it.
01:07:30What's going on, Sinclair?
01:07:32Just one of those macho moments you like so much, Detective.
01:07:36So, Paul, you know the boys aren't too happy with you.
01:07:39Fifth time you've ripped them off.
01:07:41Six, actually.
01:07:43Trent, that was you.
01:07:45We get around?
01:07:48That's enough.
01:07:53Until I figure out what the hell's going on, you're under arrest.
01:07:56I can see the wheels turning, Detective.
01:07:58Just let me guess, you're not really DOD?
01:08:00He's cartel if you hadn't already figured it out.
01:08:04Is that true?
01:08:05It's a gray area.
01:08:07But at least you nailed a dangerous criminal.
01:08:09We only realized what was going on when you sent that photo through.
01:08:11So thanks for that, Detective.
01:08:14You're welcome.
01:08:33What did you say?
01:08:34You said run.
01:08:41Looks like the Calvary's arrived.
01:08:44Hey, Detective.
01:08:45Just in time, boys.
01:08:48Like I told your boss, Detective, stay out of our way.
01:09:05Over here.
01:09:15Don't move.
01:09:16Easy for you to say. You don't have a fucking family.
01:09:27Drop it.
01:09:30Drop it.
01:09:32We can all get something out of this.
01:09:35We'll just say Paul got away with the money.
01:09:39We'll split it three ways. It'll be a pretty good payday for all of us.
01:09:42Good luck spending it on Fossum, asshole.
01:09:44It was just a thought.
01:09:46I wouldn't worry about me, Detective.
01:09:55Give it up, Paul.
01:09:56There's two of us and one of you.
01:09:58It's time, don't you think?
01:10:00You know he's right.
01:10:21Well, you nearly did it.
01:10:24Ten minutes in and out, split it up.
01:10:27Ten minutes in and out. It's supposed to be an easy one.
01:10:31A place like this, I didn't think they'd miss it.
01:10:33What was the backup? The elevator?
01:10:35How'd you know about that?
01:10:37I'm not an idiot, Paul.
01:10:39I read the building plans.
01:10:41But you got it working?
01:10:43Yeah, they bricked it up, but they left everything there.
01:10:47Not smart enough, obviously.
01:10:51That's right, Paul.
01:10:57So this is it, huh?
01:10:59Yeah, worth the trouble, don't you think?
01:11:01Oh, yeah.
01:11:03Sorry about your brother.
01:11:04Go fuck yourself.
01:11:07I'm starting to see the family resemblance.
01:11:09But what are we gonna do with you?
01:11:11If you're doing what I think you're gonna do,
01:11:13I'm the least of your problems.
01:11:15But you can't be too careful.
01:11:43I'm here. I'm here.
01:11:52It was hopeless.
01:11:54I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
01:12:27Are you okay?
01:12:28I've been better.
01:12:32I got this, Detective.
01:12:38Do me a favor.
01:12:45Call it in.
01:13:24What the fuck?
01:14:03Danny, is that fucking you?
01:14:05Don't fuck with me, Danny.
01:14:47Who the hell are you?
01:14:56Yeah, that fucking windows guy.
01:14:58I just wanna go home.
01:15:02I saw what you did to my men.
01:15:04You should leave me alone.
01:15:06Oh, yeah?
01:15:10Well, I think I'm gonna do LAPD a favor.
01:15:16Allow me to explain.
01:16:56The eye is the lamp of the body.
01:17:00The lamp of the body.
01:17:04So if your eye is healthy...
01:17:43Stop right there.
01:17:46You gotta be fucking kidding me.
01:17:56Looks like you and me had a pretty bad day, Danny.
01:17:58That windows guy.
01:18:00That's a bit of a handful, huh?
01:18:02Yeah, not anymore.
01:18:06Good for you.
01:18:09So now what, Danny?
01:18:11You taking me in?
01:18:13Those aren't my orders.
01:18:15Your orders?
01:18:17You too, huh?
01:18:19There's desks like this all over the country.
01:18:21There's always someone like me.
01:18:25Keep an eye on things.
01:18:27And you'd have stopped him?
01:18:30Your own brother?
01:18:31If I had to.
01:18:34That's cool.
01:18:38That's a lot of money, Danny.
01:18:40And then what?
01:18:41Like I said, there's always someone else.
01:18:45Someone like me.
01:18:48You shouldn't have killed Paul.
01:18:50It's a bad world all around.
01:19:16I'm sorry.
01:19:17I'm sorry.
01:19:18I'm sorry.
01:19:19I'm sorry.
01:19:20I'm sorry.
01:19:21I'm sorry.
01:19:22I'm sorry.
01:19:23I'm sorry.
01:19:24I'm sorry.
01:19:25I'm sorry.
01:19:26I'm sorry.
01:19:27I'm sorry.
01:19:28I'm sorry.
01:19:29I'm sorry.
01:19:30I'm sorry.
01:19:31I'm sorry.
01:19:32I'm sorry.
01:19:33I'm sorry.
01:19:34I'm sorry.
01:19:35I'm sorry.
01:19:36I'm sorry.
01:19:37I'm sorry.
01:19:38I'm sorry.
01:19:39I'm sorry.
01:19:40I'm sorry.
01:19:41I'm sorry.
01:19:42I'm sorry.
01:19:43I'm sorry.
01:19:44I'm sorry.
01:19:45I'm sorry.
01:19:46I'm sorry.
01:19:47I'm sorry.
01:19:48I'm sorry.
01:19:49I'm sorry.
01:19:50I'm sorry.
01:19:51I'm sorry.
01:19:52I'm sorry.
01:19:53I'm sorry.
01:19:54I'm sorry.
01:19:55I'm sorry.
01:19:56I'm sorry.
01:19:57I'm sorry.
01:19:58I'm sorry.
01:19:59I'm sorry.
01:20:00I'm sorry.
01:20:01I'm sorry.
01:20:02I'm sorry.
01:20:03I'm sorry.
01:20:04I'm sorry.
01:20:05I'm sorry.
01:20:06I'm sorry.
01:20:07I'm sorry.
01:20:08I'm sorry.
01:20:09I'm sorry.
01:20:10I'm sorry.
01:20:11I'm sorry.
01:20:12I'm sorry.
01:20:13I'm sorry.
01:20:14I'm sorry.
01:20:15I'm sorry.
01:20:16I'm sorry.
01:20:17I'm sorry.
01:20:18I'm sorry.
01:20:19I'm sorry.
01:20:20I'm sorry.
01:20:21I'm sorry.
01:20:22I'm sorry.
01:20:23I'm sorry.
01:20:24I'm sorry.
01:20:25I'm sorry.
01:20:26I'm sorry.
01:20:27I'm sorry.
01:20:28I'm sorry.
01:20:29I'm sorry.
01:20:30I'm sorry.
01:20:31I'm sorry.
01:20:32I'm sorry.
01:20:33I'm sorry.
01:20:34I'm sorry.
01:20:35I'm sorry.
01:20:36I'm sorry.
01:20:37I'm sorry.
01:20:38I'm sorry.
01:20:39I'm sorry.
01:20:40I'm sorry.
01:20:41I'm sorry.
01:20:43So if the eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.
01:20:49But if the eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.
01:20:58If then the light in you is darkness, how great then is the darkness?
01:21:13I'm sorry.
01:21:14I'm sorry.
01:21:15I'm sorry.
01:21:16I'm sorry.
01:21:17I'm sorry.
01:21:18I'm sorry.
01:21:19I'm sorry.
01:21:20I'm sorry.
01:21:21I'm sorry.
01:21:22I'm sorry.
01:21:23I'm sorry.
01:21:24I'm sorry.
01:21:25I'm sorry.
01:21:26I'm sorry.
01:21:27I'm sorry.
01:21:28I'm sorry.
01:21:29I'm sorry.
01:21:30I'm sorry.
01:21:31I'm sorry.
01:21:32I'm sorry.
01:21:33I'm sorry.
01:21:34I'm sorry.
01:21:35I'm sorry.
01:21:36I'm sorry.
01:21:37I'm sorry.
01:21:38I'm sorry.
01:21:39I'm sorry.
01:21:40I'm sorry.
