الشيخ حجاج الهنداوى النغم كله ربع سورة لقمان ده عزاء فتحى البسيونى كفر الباجور منوفية 5-3-2016=

  • 3 months ago


01:00A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
01:29Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
01:53Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are Gardens of Pleasure.
02:23Therein shall they abide, and Allah's promise is true, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
02:53He created the heavens without any work which you could see, and He has placed firm mountains on the earth, that you may be of those who are firm in faith.
03:23He created the heavens without any work which you could see, and He has placed firm mountains on the earth, that you may be of those who are firm in faith.
03:53And He has spread therein, and He has spread therein every kind of fire.
04:17And We have sent down rain from the sky, and We have spread therein every kind of rain.
04:48This is the creation of Allah.
05:06This is the creation of Allah.
05:13So show Me what those have created besides Him.
05:30Indeed, the wrongdoers are among the wrongdoers.
05:49Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
05:57Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are Gardens of Pleasure.
06:27Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them are Gardens of Pleasure.
06:58They will abide therein for ever, and Allah has chosen the best of them.
07:13And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
07:28He created the heavens without any work which you could see,
07:38and He has placed firm mountains on the earth, that you may be of those who are firm in faith, and He has spread therein every kind of fire.
08:09And We have sent down rain from the sky,
08:29and We have spread therein every kind of rain.
09:00This is the creation of Allah.
09:12This is the creation of Allah.
09:34This is the creation of Allah.
09:43So show Me what those have created besides Him.
10:04Indeed, the wrongdoers are in manifest error.
10:16And indeed, We have given them the Weapon of Wisdom, that they should not enter into error.
10:46And indeed, We have given to the people of the Lord much of that which is due to Allah.
11:17And indeed, We have given to the people of the Lord much of that which is due to Allah.
11:38And indeed, those who disbelieve disbelieve only because they have believed.
11:51And whoever disbelieves, then indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise.
12:37O my Lord, O my Son, do not leave me in the Fire.
13:07What is that?
14:07And We have enjoined upon man two things.
14:49That he be with his father and with his mother.
14:58To Me is the return.
15:32I thank You and I repent to You.
15:40To Me is the return.
16:32O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord.
17:02And if you do not leave me, I will not leave you.
17:17O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord.
17:47And follow the path of those who have returned to Me.
18:08And follow the path of those who have returned to Me.
18:20Then to Me is your return, so be aware of what you used to do.
19:18And if you are from among a group of people from among the people,
19:30and you are in a group or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will come to you.
20:30And follow the path of those who have returned to Me.
20:57And follow the path of those who have returned to Me.
22:16Indeed, that is of the mightiness of matters.
22:46And follow the path of those who have returned to Me.
23:11And be patient in that which I have ordained for you.
23:41And be patient in that which I have ordained for you.
30:50Even if Satan were to call them to the punishment of Hellfire.
31:06Even if Satan were to call them to the punishment of Hellfire.
31:36Even if Satan were to call them to the punishment of Hellfire.
32:06Allah is the Greatest.
32:20Allah is the Greatest.
32:51And whoever disbelieves, let not his disbelief disgrace you.
33:05Allah is the Greatest.
33:20Allah knows what is in the hearts.
33:35Allah knows what is in the hearts.
34:05Allah knows what is in the hearts.
34:35Allah knows what is in the hearts.
34:45Say, All praise is due to Allah.
35:11Say, All praise is due to Allah.
35:38Say, All praise is due to Allah.
37:08Say, All praise is due to Allah.
37:37Say, All praise is due to Allah.
37:47Say, All praise is due to Allah.
38:11Say, All praise is due to Allah.
38:41Say, All praise is due to Allah.
39:01Say, All praise is due to Allah.
39:31Say, All praise is due to Allah.
39:50Say, All praise is due to Allah.
40:20Say, All praise is due to Allah.
40:50Say, All praise is due to Allah.
41:20Say, All praise is due to Allah.
41:40Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise.
41:52There is no creation or resurrection except as it was in the beginning and the end.
42:07There is no creation or resurrection except as it was in the beginning and the end.
42:29Indeed, Allah is Hearing and Seeing.
42:41Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
42:58Say, All praise is due to Allah.
43:20Say, All praise is due to Allah.
