Hajjaj Hindawi Surah Qaaf 2015

  • 2 days ago
00:00In their faces is a look of happiness.
00:03We are filled with the light of a written letter.
00:05Its end is a kiss.
00:07And in that is the fruit of a competing competition.
00:10Dear brothers and sisters,
00:11For us, Islam is a great, good, and blessed gift
00:13for the verses of the Wise Remembrance
00:15and the recitation of the Holy Qur'an
00:17which they recite to us.
00:19That is in the world of the Qur'an, in Zaha'a.
00:22Thank you, the author, Sheikh Haggag Al-Hindawi.
00:25The author of the book of Zaha'a in Arabic
00:27is the one located in Cairo.
00:29May Allah grant him success.
00:31And for us and for you, a good listening.
00:33You are welcome. Thank you.
01:30I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
01:46In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
01:59In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
02:10Indeed, We have created everything in a decree.
02:22And Our command is only one,
02:41And We have destroyed all forms of you, so be on your guard.
03:11And everything they do is in plan.
03:20And every patient and great is capable.
03:31Indeed, among the righteous is he who will enter Paradise and the Hereafter.
03:55Indeed, We have created everything in a decree.
03:59And We have destroyed all forms of you, so be on your guard.
04:16Indeed, We have created everything in a decree.
04:33And Our command is only one,
04:46And We have destroyed all forms of you, so be on your guard.
05:04And We have destroyed all forms of you, so be on your guard.
05:22And everything they do is in plan.
05:36And every patient and great is capable.
05:47Indeed, among the righteous is he who will enter Paradise and the Hereafter.
06:18Indeed, among the righteous is he who will enter Paradise and the Hereafter.
06:39In a seat of truth,
06:50In a seat of truth, with the Sovereign, the Exalted.
07:08Indeed, the righteous will be in Gardens and Gardens,
07:29In a seat of truth, with the Sovereign, the Exalted.
08:00In a seat of truth,
08:04In a seat of truth, with the Sovereign, the Exalted.
08:24In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
08:54In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
09:24Allah has taught him to speak the truth.
09:38Indeed, the righteous will be in Gardens and Gardens.
10:09In a seat of truth, with the Sovereign, the Exalted.
10:23In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
10:53In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
11:11I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
11:22And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
11:36And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
12:06And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
12:36And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:06And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:19And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
13:32That you not transgress in the balance, and establish the balance with justice, and do not break the balance.
14:02And establish the balance.
14:33That you not transgress in the balance, and establish the balance with justice, and do not break the balance.
14:54That you not transgress in the balance, and establish the balance with justice, and do not break the balance.
15:24That you not transgress in the balance, and establish the balance with justice, and do not break the balance.
15:42And the earth, He has put it for safety.
15:54And the earth, He has put it for safety.
16:06And in it are fruit, and dates, and date-palms, and date-palms, and date-palms.
16:36So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
16:51So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
17:21So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
17:41The Lord of the East and the Lord of the West.
17:59The Lord of the East and the Lord of the West.
18:14So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
18:37So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
19:02So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
19:17So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?
19:47And to Him belong the goods which He willed, in the sea, like mountains.
20:02And to Him belong the goods which He willed, in the sea, like mountains.
20:32And to Him belong the goods which He willed, in the sea, like mountains.
21:02And to Him belong the goods which He willed, in the sea, like mountains.
21:22And to Him belong the goods which He willed, in the sea, like mountains.
21:52In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
22:23Indeed, in that is a sign for whoever wills.
22:39Will you be stronger in creation or in death?
23:00Bana Haa
23:28Rafa'a salkhaha fasawwaha
23:37Wa aghtasha laylaha
23:42Wa akhraja buhaha
23:47Wa al-arda ba'da dhalika bahaha
24:17Will you be stronger in creation or in death?
24:35Bana Haa
24:47Rafa'a salkhaha fasawwaha
24:57Wa aghtasha laylaha
25:07Bana Haa
25:10Rafa'a salkhaha fasawwaha
25:17Wa aghtasha laylaha
25:22Wa akhraja buhaha
25:26Wa al-arda ba'da dhalika bahaha
25:56Wa al-arda ba'da dhalika bahaha
26:23Wa al-arda ba'da dhalika bahaha
26:32Wa al-arda ba'da dhalika bahaha
27:02Faitha ja'at al-tammatu l-khudara
27:29Yawma yada dhakkaru l-insanu ma sa'a
27:38Wa burri zaki l-jaheemu l-layyara
27:48Fa'ammaa man fadhaa
27:56La ta'raa al-khayata al-dunyaa
28:03Fa'innaa al-jaheema hiya al-ma'uwa
28:18Wa'ammaa man fadhaa
28:25La ta'raa al-rabbihi
28:29Wa'ammaa man fadhaa
28:33La ta'raa al-rabbihi
28:36Fa'innaa al-jaheema hiya al-ma'uwa
29:07Wa'ammaa man khaaf
29:19Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
29:28Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
29:39Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
29:51Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
29:59Fa'innaa al-jaheema hiya al-ma'uwa
30:21Fa'innaa ja'at al-taammatu al-kubara
30:32Yawma yatadhakkaru al-insanu ma sa'aa
30:38Wa burrizati al-jaheemu liman yaraa
30:44Fa'ammaa man fadhaa
30:48Wa'athara al-hayata al-dunya
30:51Fa'innaa al-jaheema hiya al-ma'uwa
30:57Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
31:03Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
31:13Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
31:23Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
31:33Wa'ammaa man khaaf maqaam rabbihi
31:42Wa'allahu akbar
31:49wa lillahi l-hamd
31:56Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
32:12La ilaha illallah
32:20wa Allahu akbar
32:24wa lillahi l-hamd
32:28Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
32:37Innaa baynaaka kawthar
33:08Innaa baynaaka kawthar
33:22Innaa baynaaka kawthar
33:42Fasalli l-rabbika wa yankaru
33:48Inna shani akaru wa l-agharu
33:58Sadaqallahul azeem
