African Safari

  • 2 months ago
20 Times African Safari Trips Went Horribly Wrong
00:00An African Safari Trip is a wonderful thing.
00:06To be up close and personal with all kinds of wild animals is a delight, and it reconnects
00:11us with nature.
00:16But getting that close to a wild animal can obviously backfire.
00:20This video proves exactly that.
00:22These are 20 Times African Safari Trips Went Horribly Wrong.
00:32Number 20.
00:34Angry Giraffe Charges at Truck Now, we may not think of the giraffe as being
00:39especially aggressive.
00:41But that does not mean that being chased by one is any kind of laughing matter.
00:45These wild animals are massive, and they can deliver a kick that could kill you completely
00:49dead in just one blow.
00:51And so, this carload of visitors to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya might want to change
00:57their amused laughter to saying their prayers.
01:03This furious giraffe has a point to make, and it is mad as hell.
01:08Chasing a car through the reserve, the animal can easily outrun a tiny little jeep, and
01:13it does.
01:14Once the giraffe gets in front of the car, the situation then becomes blood chillingly
01:18clear to the passengers.
01:20This giraffe is quite cross and enormous, and they are trapped.
01:24It's not exactly ideal, but how does it turn out?
01:27Well, nobody knows.
01:29Perhaps this is just found footage.
01:32Now it's time for the sweet topic.
01:34When a group of tourists went on an African Safari trip, they assumed the driver knew
01:38what he was doing and would ensure that they only drove through safe territory.
01:42In such a situation, you'd have no choice but to believe the same.
01:46They're experts, after all.
01:47But sadly, the driver on this occasion made a significant error.
01:51In fact, he made two.
01:52Not only did he get far too close to wild lions, but he also let one of the women in
01:57the car get out to get a closer look.
01:59Naturally, it backfired, and the lion attacked her.
02:02It could have gotten more serious, but thankfully, a nearby member of the local tribe raced out
02:07from the bushes to help.
02:08Well versed in how to handle wild animals, he was able to deter the lion with ease and
02:13save the woman's life.
02:15As always, let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below using the hashtag
02:23Rhino Bull Charges at Cars If you were a rhino, you may feel nervous
02:28around humans.
02:29It's not as if people are exactly unthreatening to the species.
02:34The few rhinos that are left in the wild are still at great risk of poaching.
02:37Their horns have been long considered valuable, even though their horn is made of the very
02:41same stuff as our fingernails.
02:45And the disgusting illegal trade in rhino horns has resulted in these animals being
02:49hunted to the verge of extinction.
02:55So it's no small wonder that these rhinos, as they appear to be protecting a young calf,
03:01charge at the vehicles.
03:02People are a threat, and they may well have encountered poachers at some point in their
03:07So they know the real danger that people can represent.
03:10However, rhinos are also ready to fight back and protect themselves.
03:14These animals typically weigh around 1,760 to over 3,000 pounds, but there have been
03:20some as big as 6,385 pounds, and you wouldn't want one of these chaps stepping on your toes.
03:27Equipped with two horns and an extremely strong and powerful frame, the rhino's strength
03:32lies in its ability to charge at potential aggressors and then overpower them with brute
03:37Unfortunately, the poacher still seems to have the upper hand, despite the rhino's
03:41apparent strengths, and these beautiful creatures are running out of time.
03:49Elephants Chase Tourists Seeing elephants in their natural habitat
03:53is a huge thrill for anybody.
03:55This group of German tourists were so super excited when a family group of elephants crossed
04:00the road in front of them as they drove through Kruger National Park in South Africa.
04:05It was a magical moment, then closer to their vehicle, they spotted two male elephants who
04:10had split off from the group and appeared to be acting in an aggressive way towards
04:15each other.
04:16Now, the people in the car are fairly sure that they're about to witness the bull elephants
04:20get into a fight.
04:25But suddenly, one of the elephants seems to spot the vehicle and takes umbrage with it.
04:30Before they realize what's happening, the huge five-ton creature is right beside the
04:35car and almost immediately has prodded at the rear window with a tusk.
04:40The force and strength of a cross-elephant's tusk is more than enough to cause a whole
04:45lot of damage to whatever might find itself in the way.
04:48In this case, the window shattered, but the tourists were very lucky to come away from
04:52the incident unharmed.
04:54Even commenting that they had lost the deposit on their hired car, does insurance even cover
05:00the act of an elephant?
05:05Cheetah Jumps Into Safari Car In a genuine squeaky bum moment, this safari
05:10tourist got slightly closer to the wildlife than was promised in the holiday brochures.
05:15While spending spring break in Africa on safari, photographer Peter Heisten captured some extraordinary
05:22images when the tour group he was leading had a close encounter with some cheetahs in
05:27Tanzania's Serengeti.
05:29The tour had stopped for lunch near a group of cheetahs, and as they were watching the
05:33animals, they realized that some of them were becoming quite interested in the vehicles,
05:38moving together directly towards the tourists.
05:44One of the cheetahs jumped onto the hood of a vehicle, which the guides assured the group
05:48was quite common as the big cats are looking for higher ground, so they can survey the
05:54area that's around them.
05:55What happened next was unusual though.
05:59Another cheetah suddenly leapt through a window and into the back of the car.
06:03With his heart no doubt in his mouth, tourist Britton Hayes managed to stay still and keep
06:08calm while he had his picture taken with a very close-up cheetah.
06:12Well, those were definitely some exciting holiday snaps to take home and show to his
06:21Hippo Attack In Botswana This bit of footage was captured by an American
06:26couple who were taking a safari in Botswana in 2023.
06:30They were out in a truck on the Okavango Delta when they happened upon a hippo.
06:35Now if you ever meet a hippo, the best thing to do is avoid that creature, they are not
06:40as friendly as they look.
06:41But this group of tourists decided to stop and take a bunch of snaps, and that could
06:45have ended up really badly.
06:47They initially thought that the animal was just doing a false charge, you know, kind
06:52of like a threat but a bit half-arsed.
06:55They realized that this hippo wasn't even pretending and wound up chasing the vehicle
06:58and biting the passenger door, stopping the people from beating a hasty retreat.
07:03And once a hippo bites onto something, they're not letting go all that easily.
07:08They were lucky and it did finally release them, but it had rendered that door and the
07:12window inoperable and added some substantial damage to the bodywork of the jeep.
07:17But here's some good news, hippos can't swim.
07:24These hefty mammals hang around in water like all the time, but they can't actually
07:28swim at all.
07:29They're really heavy and their hugely muscular bodies actually sink in the water, but they
07:33use this sinking to their advantage and can kind of run under the water by pushing off
07:39the bottom and propelling themselves forward using their immense strength.
07:43Even though it can't swim as such, the hippopotamus can move through the water at terrifying speeds.
07:49So if you're ever out hippo hunting and happen to catch the attention of a particularly grumpy
07:55hippo, you might want to speed your boat up a bit and just make a sharp exit.
07:58These animals don't mess around and they're notoriously dangerous.
08:02The last thing you want is an angry hippo catching up to you.
08:09Tiger Attacks Tour Bus
08:12Next up we have some janky looking footage of a bus on a safari somewhere unknown.
08:17It's spooky.
08:18Anyways, this tour bus appears to be a kind of cage in which the visitors sit and are
08:23transported through the very up close and personal experience of meeting the animals
08:27that live in the safari park or whatever sort of facility this may be.
08:32There may be a little confusion, however, because it seems that these tigers may vet
08:36the people on the bus as an exhibit.
08:42And frankly, given the fact that people are in a cage and the tigers are the ones stalking
08:47around outside and pressing their faces up against the wires to get a better look, well
08:52that could be the case.
08:54Let's just hope that the distinctly clunky looking old bus doesn't break down or it
08:59looks as if these curious tigers might be able to figure out how to break into that
09:07Lion Opens A Car Door
09:10Lions are pretty smart animals, that's clear enough.
09:13But did you know that these guys have figured out how to open car doors?
09:18It's kind of worrying for all of you safari fans, I'm sure.
09:21While this inquisitive lioness seems to be very interested in this particular car as
09:26a row of traffic waits in Kruger National Park in South Africa, she's looking very
09:31intently at the car door and it turns out that she's just figuring out if she can
09:36open it.
09:37No biggie.
09:38I mean, from the inside, the safety of a car, most people feel fairly confident that lions
09:44and other massive predators that they might encounter in Kruger Park are not an immediate
09:49danger to them.
09:53But I wonder just how many people are driving around with their car doors unlocked.
09:58I guess that all those tasty looking humans driving through the park might just look like
10:03easy prey if only the lions could figure out how to get those wrappers off.
10:08Well that's just what some of them are learning how to do.
10:13It kind of makes sense if you think about it though, lions in a safari park are constantly
10:17observing human behavior and picking up a few ideas along the way.
10:22So it just makes you wonder what else they may be learning.
10:30Buffalo Crashes Into Vehicle
10:33Having a lion sink its teeth into your rump is an extremely discombobulating experience.
10:38This buffalo was in the midst of fighting for its life when a bunch of bloodthirsty
10:42tourists on a safari rocked up in their jeeps and thought they had gotten the chance of
10:48a lifetime to video a massacre in action.
10:51Great because that's what we all dream of.
10:53This buffalo frantically attempts to escape the stalking pride of lions that are working
10:58together to isolate and bring it down.
11:01But this beast is not giving up without a fight.
11:06It tries everything from spinning round and round to running back and forth.
11:10And eventually, as it is panicking and trying to shake the predator off its back, the buffalo
11:15slams into the side of the safari jeep.
11:17The impact is enough to knock the lion from its back and the buffalo makes a run for it.
11:22Unfortunately, the lions all follow in hot pursuit and we don't see whether or not the
11:27buffalo managed to tire those big cats out enough to get away.
11:32Seems unlikely to be honest, but it was a valiant effort nonetheless.
11:40Lion Jumps Into Truck
11:42Are you beginning to get the feeling that open jeeps are perhaps not the most sensible
11:46option when it comes to transportation in and around a bunch of extremely dangerous
11:52wild predators?
11:54Here we are again with a massive lion just jumping into a vehicle that's full of people.
11:59Who would have ever expected such a thing to happen?
12:03This group of students were out snapping pictures of the wildlife in, you guessed it, the Kruger
12:08National Park in South Africa when all of a sudden a large white lion leaps into the
12:15Now, before you worry that there will be a mauling, this did end perfectly peaceful.
12:23The tour guide urges the students to relax, saying that this lion was raised by humans
12:28and simply sees all cars as toys.
12:31Well, although it's not entirely reassuring that a big cat thinks of humans as playmates
12:37and has not even a healthy dose of caution in their company, at least no one was hurt
12:42in this occasion.
12:44Although relaxing enough to take a selfie with the lion, like one guy seems to be doing,
12:49that might just be ever so slightly reckless, but who could possibly say?
12:57Giraffe Smashes Car Window One of the first rules of a safari park is
13:02to keep your windows up.
13:04You know, so the massive animals don't stick their heads in your car or eat you or whatever.
13:10I mean, it's not rocket science, but perhaps it is too much for some people's particularly
13:16smooth brains.
13:18This video captures the moment that an especially dopey woman does an especially dopey thing
13:23at the West Midlands Safari Park in the United Kingdom.
13:26The giraffe pokes a curious head into the open window to reach for some food, and the
13:31woman in the car evidently fails to engage her brain and begins to close the window.
13:36Now, if you close a car window on a giraffe's head, what do you really think is going to
13:42Well, you might not anticipate that glass would shatter all over the place.
13:46This is a surprising outcome, but the other option is that the giraffe's head just gets
13:51stuck in the window.
13:52Neither are exactly all that great, least of all for the poor giraffe.
13:57Having its head all squished and then glass smashed all over the place is not really a
14:01great outcome, however you may look at it.
14:04Honestly, some people.
14:09Nosy Camel While visiting a safari park in Alexandria,
14:14Louisiana, this guy got a little bit more intimate with the wildlife than he'd ever
14:18expected and with hysterical results.
14:21The friends are traveling through the safari park in their car when they reach the camel
14:27The camels know exactly what a car with open windows means, food, and they aren't messing
14:32about either.
14:33AJ and Callie are laughing hysterically as they drive through the enthusiastic camel's
14:39The camels stick their heads through the car window to get at the cups of food they have
14:43in and they poke in their inquisitive noggins right into the car, sending AJ into a total
14:49freakout as he scrambles to get away by jumping into the back seat.
14:54Callie just continues to laugh her head off all through the event and the camels keep
14:59pursuing their car through the safari park and the hilarity just goes on and on.
15:04Oh, these crazy kids.
15:10Gorilla Attacks Woman On Honeymoon Why was this woman honeymooning with a gorilla?
15:15That's the real question here, surely.
15:18Well, boringly, it turns out that she had not actually married the gorilla, rather he
15:23was the entertainment on her honeymoon safari.
15:26And I must have gotten all my ideas of honeymoons confused, I think.
15:30But I guess this is how we do them these days.
15:33As you watch the massive and apparently disgruntled silverback gorilla pounding on his chest,
15:38you probably get the feeling that something is going to go wrong here.
15:42When a male gorilla does this, it's usually a sign that they are angry about something.
15:48They're generally giving several warnings before they actually engage in anything directly
15:53And although he does get a little shirty about things, it could have been much, much worse.
15:59All limbs remained attached and the honeymooning woman was pushed over by a huge gorilla.
16:04I mean, how many people can make that claim?
16:07There's a story for the grandchildren, you know.
16:09Oh, and the whole of the internet as well, naturally.
16:16Leopard Encounter All the way back in 2018, when people were
16:20just going on vacation all willy-nilly, this tourist took a trip to Botswana for a spot
16:25of safari excitement.
16:27And that is precisely what he had.
16:29This is a close encounter with a young leopard in northern Botswana, in Akavango Delta.
16:35The safari vehicle had stopped to peer at a young leopard that was resting after catching
16:39an impala and enjoying a bit of dinner.
16:42Then, the leopard was clearly a bit less stuffed full than anticipated as it got up and came
16:47over to investigate the jeep along with all of its contents.
16:51Although the leopard might look a bit like a big pussy cat, it is actually a dangerous
16:57apex predator that could take you down with one swipe of a paw.
17:01So this casual guy just hanging out while leopard paws at him is probably just a tiny
17:07bit of daredevil and perhaps slightly dramatic to boot.
17:10I mean, he did call the tabloids to share the story of how he was scratched by a leopard,
17:16the poor chap.
17:20Lion Bites Tire If you're a lion, well, you can pretty much
17:24lay down wherever you damn well please.
17:26I mean, who's going to argue with you?
17:28Kruger National Park in South Africa is home to a lot of lions.
17:32They are one of the reasons that so many people visit that park every year, just hoping to
17:36catch a glimpse of these beautiful animals.
17:38So to encounter a whole pride of lions just lounging about on the asphalt, that's a treat
17:44that no visitor would care about having a traffic jam in order to witness.
17:48It looks like these lions were just warming themselves in the afternoon sun, enjoying
17:52a bit of a catnap when all of the vehicles began turning up to have a look.
17:57The pride then began to shift around a bit, perhaps slightly irritated with having their
18:01snooze interrupted.
18:03They slowly began to get up and saunter off.
18:06Quite at their own pace though, nobody tells them what to do.
18:09They're not called the kings of the jungle for nothing, you know.
18:12And amongst the lazing lions, there was a curious lioness.
18:20She's feeling a bit nosy and decides to investigate one of the stopped vehicles.
18:25And she pokes about the front, sniffs around a wheel, and then seems to decide to taste
18:29a tire.
18:30As you would if you were a curious beast.
18:33Only the combination of the air-filled rubber and the super sharp incisors ends up being
18:38a bad match and the tire suddenly bursts and sends the lion scampering away.
18:44Curiosity did not kill the cat on this occasion, but it certainly did startle it.
18:51Monkeys Damaged Car There's one thing that is all but certain
18:55if you visit the monkeys at a safari park.
18:58If you linger around, well, that's a surefire way to have some car parts rearranged.
19:03And that is exactly what happened to this vehicle when this dad drove it into the baboon's
19:08area at Knowsley Safari Park in the UK.
19:11These bad monkeys set to work about twiddling the windscreen wipers, a classically easy
19:16thing for a monkey to vandalise, and a time-honoured tradition amongst their kind in safari parks
19:21all over the world.
19:23These baboons really did a number on the guy's car, fiddling with the wipers, gnawing on
19:27the wing mirrors, and generally causing the driver all kinds of sweaty and slightly shouty
19:44Angry Buffalo Is this big buffalo approaching the safari
19:48vehicle out of curiosity?
19:50Or is it perhaps a bit peeved about something?
19:52Well, it is starting to look as if it's kind of mad.
19:55Perhaps you shouldn't hang around?
19:57Oh, there you go.
19:58Top tip, if a buffalo seems to be angry with you and decides that it really doesn't like
20:03your vehicle, it's best to beat a hasty retreat.
20:06Because these animals are seriously powerful.
20:09The African buffalo is a heavyweight in the animal kingdom, weighing in at up to 1,840
20:14pounds, and with a tendency to hang around in a massive herd, these beasts are powerful
20:19by their sheer size and numbers alone.
20:22The main thing with an African buffalo is that these animals are generally considered
20:26prey by a whole bunch of predators, as well as trophy hunters of the human variety.
20:31Getting under attack from every conceivable angle can make you just a teeny bit paranoid,
20:36and these buffalo are a nervous sort of creature.
20:42Combine those nerves with a temperamental personality and some of the bulkiest bodies
20:46out there, and then you have the perfect combination for one dangerous beast.
20:51Oh, and they do have massive horns to poke you with as well.
20:55With the ability to run at 37 miles per hour, buffalos have a few powerful defensive weapons
21:00up their sleeves.
21:01In a herd between 50 and 500, these animals are a stampeding powerhouse.
21:06A gang of these guys thundering in your direction is a terrifying event on an epic scale, and
21:11they can even take out a pride of lions if they catch them unaware.
21:15Individually though, the buffalo does still have huge bulky mass, surprisingly fast running
21:20speed, and horns that are built for impaling, along with a tendency to be unpredictable.
21:26Those big game hunters that go out in search of buffalo can sometimes get their asses handed
21:30to them, and not always in the metaphorical sense either.
21:40The area of Cape Point in South Africa is home to some huge numbers of baboons.
21:45These animals are a frequent sight in this region of the country, and can often be found
21:49doing random vehicle inspections alongside the road.
21:53I mean, seriously, these monkeys get the most of their food from encounters with humans
21:57on the road.
21:58They've learned to search vehicles with extraordinary efficiency, and if they do spot
22:02a vehicle slowing down, they'll be on top of it within a matter of moments, performing
22:07a search as extensive as border guards with a cocaine tip off.
22:15These baboons do mean business, and they will not take no for an answer.
22:19It appears that the baboons are not only after the cars, they're also fairly aggressively
22:23chasing down the people who have ventured, perhaps somewhat foolishly, outside of their
22:29Although the footage captured does show the animals lining the roadside as if waiting
22:34for a Disneyland parade, it's still a menacing sight, which if you squint a little bit, feels
22:39just like the Planet of the Apes.
22:46These people narrowly avoided a big cat-astrophe when out for a casual drive by the forest
22:52in India.
22:53What grief!
22:54This is a heart-stoppingly anxious few seconds of film.
22:57You can only imagine how it must feel to be pursued by a tiger.
23:01These people actually know how it feels.
23:04To begin with, the tiger seems to be ending its own business as it skulks around in the
23:09long grass.
23:10This is a good opportunity to see how well its camouflage actually works in this natural
23:16It can be difficult to spot exactly where the big cat goes, but after a bit, the tiger
23:20appears to take umbrage with the loitering jeep and its nosy parker people, and it comes
23:26rather too close for comfort.
23:27The tiger didn't appreciate the noise and disruption in its personal space, and performed
23:32what appears to be a mock charge in order to suggest to the people that it was probably
23:37time they left.
23:39Tigers can run up to 40 miles per hour, which is as fast as this jeep could go on its dirt
23:46So, there's no doubt that the tiger was just showing that it could have gotten them
23:51if it really wanted to.
23:56Angry Hippo Attacks These big beasts are really aggressive, but
24:00they mostly use their jaws to eat plants, up to 80 pounds of grass per day.
24:05Hippos are generally herbivores, although they do sometimes eat a dead animal, including
24:09the occasional hippo.
24:12The grumpy hippo will show its displeasure by opening its mouth really wide, in a super
24:16threatening manner, or by charging toward the source of its irritation.
24:21Either way, they may look cute, but keep a safe distance, because these creatures can
24:25be fatally bad-tempered.
24:27Apart from the hippo's mighty jaw, their immense weight is another source of their
24:32A charging hippo is a scary sight to behold, and they can, and do, frequently squash living
24:37things to death, even if by accident.
24:40And even though that looks like a grin, these guys are not as friendly as they may seem.
24:49Interactions with humans can be fatal.
24:52Hippo attacks kill as many as 500 people a year, and these animals are fiercely territorial.
24:58They will defend their space with the use of deadly force without a second thought.
25:02And so, this group of people who were traveling along a road when a hippo took umbrage with
25:06their vehicle were well right to be alarmed.
25:09They were stopped in Vellwater to watch the hippo from what they thought was a safe distance.
25:14That hippo didn't enjoy being peeped at, and was quick to let them know.
25:18The people were lucky to be able to beat a hasty retreat in their car, and the hippo
25:22was apparently tranquilized and then relocated, which seems a tad bit unfair to be honest.
25:31Monkey Business
25:33Well, if you let a monkey into your car, you can expect to have some sort of monkey business
25:39to ensue.
25:40It seems that this guy allowed a monkey to get into his car, and then rummage about through
25:44his backpack.
25:45The monkey appears to find something that it likes, and then it scampers off.
25:49The guy begins hollering that the monkey had stolen his egg.
25:55Now what kind of egg could be that precious that the guy needs to chase a monkey down
26:00like that?
26:01I can only assume it was a priceless Fabergé egg, because any other kind just seems to
26:07be a little bit pointless.
26:09The monkey naturally outsmarts the guy, and not only gets away with its prize, but then
26:14heads off up a tree to gloat about it.
26:16It's just standard monkey business in the end.
26:19Well, that's all from the dangerous and quite unpredictable world of the safari trips.
26:25Have you ever been on a safari?
26:26I never have.
26:28Tell me how it was.
26:29Did the monkeys steal your wing mirrors?
26:31Go ahead and share all of your stories in the comment section down below.
26:35You should also be sure to check out the other cool stuff that's showing up on the screen.
26:39And I will see you next time.
