First Deadpool & Wolverine Reactions Say It All

  • last month
Who would have thought it would take a bloody, profanity-ridden buddy comedy to get the MCU back to its former glory? But early critical reviews all agree that "Deadpool & Wolverine" gets the job done.
00:00Who would have thought it would take a bloody, profanity-ridden buddy comedy to get the MCU
00:04back to its former glory?
00:05But early critical reviews all agree that Deadpool and Wolverine gets the job done.
00:10When early footage reactions to Deadpool and Wolverine dropped on the platform formerly
00:13known as Twitter a few weeks back, the consensus was overwhelmingly positive.
00:17The limited pool of critics and audiences privy to the 35-minute sneak peek praised
00:21the film's irreverent humor while expressing hope for the rest of the latest MCU flick.
00:26And now, it seems, their wait is over.
00:28As the first reactions to director Sean Levy's Deadpool debut are finally here.
00:32It's Wolverine.
00:33You're damn straight it is.
00:34Disney brought him back.
00:35They're gonna make him do this till he's 90.
00:37The finer details of Deadpool and Wolverine are under wraps, for good reason.
00:41But we do know that the movie sees the time-variance authority spurring Deadpool and Wolverine to
00:45team up in an effort to save Deadpool's universe from certain destruction.
00:49Wolverine proves reluctant to intervene, but is soon swept off by the urgency of the existential
00:54threats that unfold.
00:55The events of this movie involve both the Fox-verse and the MCU, paving the way for
00:59droves of fun cameos, some of which were revealed in an official trailer released last week.
01:04You were always the wrong guy.
01:08Till you weren't.
01:09So what are critics saying about the latest MCU movie?
01:12SlashFilm's very own Chris Evangelista praised Hugh Jackman's performance in a tweet, but
01:16expressed disappointment over subpar filmmaking and humor.
01:19Noting that audiences will doubtless have fun with the movie, despite its flaws, he
01:24"[Hugh Jackman is doing really good work here.
01:25Too bad the rest of the movie sabotages that at every turn, with flat filmmaking and even
01:29flatter jokes."
01:30This emphasis on fun was reiterated by SlashFilm's B.J. Colangelo, who praised every performance
01:37"...funny and hot and heartfelt."
01:38while tweeting,
01:39"'Now this is a superhero movie.
01:41Everyone is funny and hot and heartfelt, and you'll scream, oh my god, hell yeah, at least
01:46three times.'"
01:47Let's give the people what they came for!
01:49Critics have also praised the movie's quality as well as the surprise cameos, underlying
01:53the sheer entertainment value of this latest Deadpool movie.
01:56In verses, Jacob Kleinman stated that Marvel really dug deep by surpassing expectations
02:00surrounding those cameos, but criticized the action sequences and the film's drab color
02:06He wrote,
02:07" for the bad news.
02:08Sean Levy is not good at directing action sequences, and visually this movie looks very
02:11washed out.
02:12It's like Loki meets Mad Max, but with all the color and style drained out of it."
02:16However, Kleinman maintained that the franchise is now three-for-three for making outrageously
02:20fun superhero cinema.
02:22"'You mind putting your mask back on?
02:24Super hard to eat while I'm wearing it.
02:25It's super hard to eat when you're not.'"
02:27Some people were much harsher with their criticisms.
02:30Robert Daniels, a critic and associate editor at, simply called it
02:34" of the worst-made movies of the year,"
02:36while critic Jeff Nelson described it as
02:38" overall pretty unfunny grading film."
02:40On the other hand, Next Best Pictures' Matt Naglia described Deadpool and Wolverine as
02:46"...shot in the arm for the MCU,"
02:47praising the film's unabashed approach to its subject matter and the heartfelt tribute
02:51it pays to the Fox-era of superhero movies.
02:53Although Naglia acknowledges that the story's messiness stems from its multiverse shenanigans,
02:58he says that the end result is exciting and worth the wait, creating a fresh sense of
03:02anticipation for the franchise as a whole.
03:04The Mary Sue associate editor Rachel Leishman echoed a similar sentiment, writing,
03:08"...Deadpool and Wolverine is a beautifully sexy beast, funny as s— and hot."
03:13Critic Michael Lee also praised the overboard nature of the cameos.
03:18He said,
03:19"...Deadpool and Wolverine is a deliciously self-deprecating, ruthlessly violent, absolutely
03:22hilarious buddy road trip action comedy with a sick soundtrack."
03:26Critic and editor Lyra Hale urged audiences to
03:29"...go in blind, to make the best out of the superhero experience," calling it
03:33"...Marvel's f—ing love letter to comics and the characters in it, from start to finish."
03:38The term love letter has cropped up a few times in these early reactions.
03:41Collider's Ross Bonham described the movie as
03:44A true love letter to the 20th century Fox era of Marvel, and such a weird, bloody, surprising
03:50Thanks, Marvel Jesus.
03:51To wrap things up, Fandango's Eric Davis highlighted the epic cameos and surprises,
03:56noting how impressed he was at the movie's respect for its characters.
03:59He even went so far as to call it the
