Love Island S11 EP52

  • 2 months ago
Love Island S11 EP52
00:00Previously on Love Island...
00:05Let's go!
00:07That's my girlfriend!
00:09..the talent show...
00:13Oh, my God!
00:14The children show and kiss. tasty.
00:19Oh, you're smashing it!
00:21When I say secret, you say mission. Secret!
00:30I love it!
00:32Nice talent. Right there.
00:36Oh, my God!
00:38Was not expecting that.
00:44Yes, Mimi!
00:46There we go!
00:48And most importantly, the cream.
00:50Happy man!
00:52Mimi, giant strawberry goes to you.
00:54Thank you, love!
00:56We've got an all-time favourite for you just today, the sour dummy.
00:59I think we have a clear winner, guys.
01:01Clear winner, Jess.
01:13You're basically antagonising me.
01:15You are antagonising me.
01:17I'm getting antagonised, bro. You've antagonised me.
01:20This is hideous.
01:22Idiots, man.
01:24It's time to find out how the public ranks your relationships.
01:30Which couple is least likely to work on the outside?
01:35I'm so livid right now, guys.
01:50At the talent show, Mimi sang A Thousand Miles.
01:53Oh, Josh, tell Mimi what happened to the wine glass
01:56you were holding when Mimi hit that tricky high note.
01:59You smashed it.
02:01No, I didn't.
02:03No, honestly, you smashed it. I don't know where that came from.
02:06No. I knew you could sing. I was more nervous than you.
02:09Well, for me... Yeah.
02:11I was like, what if I mess up my pancakes and what if I mess up my hair?
02:14I was like, what if I mess up my hair?
02:16I was like, what if I mess up my hair?
02:18I was like, what if I mess up my pancakes and waffles?
02:20Really? No, you ate that.
02:22Yeah, did you like it? You gave me a ten, too.
02:26Thank you.
02:28Ah, man. What did you think of everyone else's performance?
02:31Sean, he was rude. That was a rude comment.
02:33I didn't appreciate that either.
02:35That's what affects me. I feel like I'm here to defend you as well.
02:38I don't want no-one to ever make you feel a type of way.
02:41When I see stuff like that,
02:43it makes you realise, OK, you're not really my type of person.
02:46So I'm going to distance myself. Yeah, same, yeah.
02:48I think Josh is mad.
02:50Josh is probably, like, aggy with me.
02:52Surely he's not going to be annoyed.
02:54I don't think he will. I think he'll be fine.
02:56He usually takes. Yeah.
02:58Don't pant off. It was a sweet roast.
03:00Yeah. You all right, bro?
03:02Yo, yo, yo.
03:04Proud of you guys. You actually smashed that.
03:06So proud of you guys, man.
03:08What did you think? You genuinely smashed that.
03:10That was so good. Where on earth did you get that passion to do that?
03:13I got trained by German circus professionals. Why?
03:16Why? How did you end up there?
03:18To walk in the Rugby World Cup parade in Leicester.
03:20What the heck?
03:22Did you think Josh took that? I don't know.
03:24Yeah, I'm not sure he was too pleased about that one.
03:27No, he don't look too happy, does he? No.
03:29He couldn't miss out on it. He couldn't miss out on it, yeah.
03:31I think the upsetting thing about it is it's not...
03:34It's not what we're saying.
03:36I think it's the reality and the truth that does hurt.
03:39It's quite a hard thing to sort of get on with.
03:42What, the terrace thing? Yeah.
03:44They've spoken about it, they've squashed it now.
03:46He's seen the clip.
03:48I think that he'll understand that it was obviously said
03:50in a light-hearted way that you called him a sour dummy.
03:53It was like a sweet roast, not like an absolute grilling.
03:58Because no-one got grilled.
04:01I feel like my performance tonight was very sweet, obviously.
04:05Dropped a few little things.
04:07Nothing major, though, in my opinion.
04:09And, yeah...
04:11Chat? No.
04:13No? No.
04:18Want to talk about that? Yeah.
04:21One second, I've got to have a chat with Sean. Hold on.
04:28Oh, shit.
04:32You can't be answering it.
04:34It's a conversation.
04:36To date. It's pointless at this point.
04:42Yeah. Yeah, obviously, after that...
04:45Uh-huh. can see that tension's pretty high.
04:49It was all quite light-hearted, so...
04:53I just felt like it was, erm...
04:56..a little bit uncalled for.
04:58Ideally, I would have preferred you not to have made a comment
05:01about such a touchy subject. Right.
05:03Because you enjoy major comments, secret mission, erm...
05:07Right, I appreciate that, and I apologise for that.
05:10You know, I felt like we all knew how we all felt about our couples,
05:14and I felt like all of that had actually been squashed.
05:17It was all quite light-hearted,
05:19and I didn't think it would actually spark this big a reaction,
05:22so I was thinking nothing by it.
05:24But if you moved on from it, why are you still making jokes about it?
05:27No, I thought you'd moved on.
05:29Like, everyone was aware of one another's couples and situations.
05:32How can you say we're over something and you're still talking about it?
05:35You know what I'm saying? Well, I thought everyone was over it,
05:38to be honest with you. Nah.
05:40But, bro, honestly, if it's a thing where this is you apologising,
05:44I don't feel like taking it, to be honest,
05:46because I just genuinely don't believe you're not going to bring it up again.
05:49I don't feel like it's sincere.
05:51Josh is upset about, like, me mentioning the whole terrorist situation.
05:55I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm upset. What, the secret mission?
05:59I'm just fed up.
06:03Why is everyone gathering around the fire pit?
06:06Why is IO going over there? Cos he's going to mediate it.
06:10It's IO, innit?
06:12I just thought everyone was in a strong position,
06:14like, by saying it would cause anything, cos everyone was...
06:18Everyone was aware of everyone's situation.
06:21But, Sean, if you say to me, Josh, you're a dummy,
06:24do you think I'm just going to laugh at that?
06:26Do you know what I'm saying?
06:28Get a closer listening.
06:33This was always bound to happen.
06:35Sean said you're a dummy, and that's...
06:37For someone like Josh to hear another man call him a dummy,
06:40he's going to take that. Of course. Do you know what I mean?
06:43I don't personally think it's that steep that you need to get so upset about it.
06:48I get it. You're a rep, and you're saying,
06:50everyone's saying secret mission, secret mission.
06:52It's like, all right, cool, you lot are just, you lot are buzzing.
06:55Because he's light-hearted. It's not really.
06:57For Josh's sake, I understand where he's coming from,
07:00which was a touchy subject to others.
07:02It's not really that hard.
07:04Got to a point where I'm just fed up when it comes to YouTube
07:07because you're antagonising me, bro.
07:09You're basically antagonising me, bro.
07:11No, no, no, I'm not antagonising you, mate.
07:13I'm getting antagonised, bro. You've antagonised me a few times, mate.
07:16But, Sean, my bro, you are one of the main culprits when it comes to this
07:19that keeps bringing it up, whether it's your opinion or not.
07:22Because what you need to understand is, yeah, it's not just me, bro.
07:25It's Ayo, it's Jess, it's me, me, bro.
07:28If the people involved are backing each other...
07:31Why are you still pressed about the situation?
07:34It's just jarring, though.
07:36She keeps saying, it's left, it's left, it's left.
07:39But every chance you get, you poke, you poke, you poke.
07:42And now people are upset. Don't be shocked.
07:44The main point is just that every time, it is jarring to hear.
07:48But, Ayo, that's why I feel like... I feel like...
07:51You know what it is, Ayo? I feel like we've had this conversation so many times.
07:54It's tedious, it's tiring. That's why I just feel like it is what it is.
07:58My rap surely has not upset you.
08:00Don't patronise me, bro. Stop patronising me, bro.
08:03I feel like time will tell if you are sincerely sorry.
08:06Bro, mate, I'm so done with it. Bro, it's a laugh, mate.
08:09OK. It's a laugh. OK, Joey.
08:11I can't believe this even needs to be explained. Again!
08:14Again and again and again. How many times? How many times?
08:18Listen, guys, listen, I'll be...
08:20Do you know what I'm saying? Personally, I think it's a laugh,
08:22but if it's that deep and everyone's so upset about it...
08:24Guys, I'm done with the combo. Cool.
08:29Idiots, man.
08:38Bunch of idiots, bro. I swear.
08:40But I don't know how you stayed there for that long.
08:42I don't know how I stayed there myself for so long, bruv.
08:44How are you saying sorry to me about something for the same time
08:46and then keep doing it?
08:47I'm not going to give you the reaction you want, bro.
08:49You just make yourself look dumb when you keep bringing up a situation
08:52and trying to apologise for it over and over and over again.
08:55Everyone reacts different.
08:56You deal with things differently, Joey,
08:58to the same way Josh will deal with things differently.
09:00That's all it is. I don't feel like it's more so of an argument.
09:03He's just trying to let his feelings be known
09:05and be allowed to feel the way he feels.
09:07I think that's it. Mm-hm.
09:11How can you patronise me on something and tell me why I'm upset about it?
09:14Do you know what I'm saying?
09:16I'm barking you 100%. I was fine.
09:18And then you bring it up, you're trying to rub salt in the wound.
09:21You're not going to give me the reaction you want, bro.
09:23Well, I think it's clear to say that no-one wants to talk to us.
09:30I think everyone made that quite clear.
09:34Someone's got a text.
09:36You are joking me.
09:38I've got a text.
09:40Got a text.
09:42Jessie, as the winner of tonight's talent show,
09:45you have won a night in the hideaway retreat.
09:48Hashtag eyes on the prize.
09:52Come on.
10:03Oh, my God, what that was going to be.
10:05I'm so buzzing. That's so sick.
10:07I'm so excited to go into the hideaway.
10:09Just spend some time alone with Joey. I'm really excited.
10:20Jessie, this is going to be so...
10:23Are you actually joking?
10:25Literally, he's perfect.
10:27Yes, Joey Roy!
10:29You know what time it is.
10:31Yes, Roy! You know what time it is. Come on.
10:33You're the luckiest man alive right now.
10:43Yes, girl!
10:45What's going on?
10:49Wow, you look good.
10:51Thanks. You look nice. Wow, OK.
10:53Well, you've dressed up nice.
10:56Couldn't leave the feathers behind.
11:03Have a nice night!
11:05Bye, Joey! Have fun!
11:07Have a nice night!
11:10Lead the way.
11:12Oh, baby, you lead the way.
11:14Ladies first.
11:20I literally haven't even seen this place yet.
11:25This bed.
11:27How beautiful.
11:29We've got champagne.
11:31Have we?
11:32Are we going to pop it?
11:34Shall we?
11:35Go for it.
11:36Oh, my God, baby.
11:38How special.
11:39I know. Probably I even won.
11:41All because you won.
11:51You are so lucky, my man.
11:54So let's cheers, first of all... Mm-hm. the future. Mm-hm.
11:58Let's cheers... To the journey. the journey, to us... To us. being there for each other.
12:04Cheers to us.
12:05Cheers, babe.
12:07Joey, can we go out here?
12:09Are you going out here?
12:14This is so cute.
12:20Can you believe that on that first day,
12:22we'd end up being here?
12:24I knew it in my head and my heart that it was only you
12:28and I was never, ever, ever, going to...
12:30Ever ever gonna my head was never gonna turn after I knew that really of course soon. She saw me 100%
12:36Yeah, of course
12:38I'm just looking forward to having a night away with you about the others. You know, it's good job
12:42I'm so talented so talented and you told me you had no talents
13:00So the talent shows over and it was a big success an agent saw Jesse's stilt act and spotted real talent and a
13:08Choropodist saw Matilda's foot puppetry and spotted three Veruca's and a bunion
13:20What do you think during Jesse there right now lips in lips in and grips in
13:32Do you think you should just come straight to us it you just want me to move straight into yours
13:38Making a six-gallon of me
14:13Last night tonight away Jesse felt something long and hard under the derby
14:19I've no idea why Joey decided to put Jesse's stilts on
14:25Or sleep in it every night me too
14:35Don't know the job
14:39Grease over my backside and from that yoga
14:43Jesse and Joey in the hideaway. Oh, I wonder how they're not boys
14:55Proud of all you how's your night? It's so nice man. Give your taste what it's gonna be like on the outside
15:26Hate the moment after something like that and my people might be a little bit Aggie
15:30Not whatever. It was a joke. It was a talent show in the garden
15:36Relax bro. I am relaxed. I just think other people need to relax
15:41Listen to me. You're letting it get to you. You know, what kept the moon is cool
15:44I feel like I kept going around in circles. I thought I handled it calm. No, I think you didn't
15:59Oh go for a child's your breakfast choice, you know, I'm gonna make this
16:15How is the hideaway it was really cute
16:18What's he haven't had any like alone time with Joey since I got here?
16:21Yeah, and just like I haven't been the hideaway. So I'm on the terrace for a bit
16:32Hearted yeah, I was really sweet. I really enjoyed it. Oh my god. So happy for you. Go
16:36I hope everyone gets to go in there though. It was really nice. Yeah, so I love the performance. I know
16:41I mean
16:43These toes aren't loyal at the end of the day. I was gonna put some stuff about Casa, but I thought I don't think I've got
16:50Enough toes. I thought I'll let me keep it like harder. Yeah
16:53Yeah, shame. He didn't get the memo. Yeah
16:57Well, he never does. I think Sean does feel a bit gutted this morning. Does he yeah
17:03Stunned. I mean, yeah, he was just jarred because she is just done now. Yeah, I
17:08Actually don't normally agree with Joey and Sean but I do think it was just supposed to be like in a roast
17:13You know, like where you roast some people or you're doing a wrap
17:17Yeah, I didn't think that Josh needed to buy as much I don't know girls I disagree I think after
17:25So many comments you keep provoking you can't be shot when people react like it's not nice and I think I
17:31Think the main thing is is that they apologize and then do it again. It was a joke
17:36Talent show in the garden
17:38We were a laugh. It's just that they're just tired of hearing it when certain people
17:44Still felt aware by it like you mentioning that it's gonna trigger certain people and we've just reacting the way he's reacted
17:51It's not mainly of the basis of him
17:54It's like how Mimi's probably feeling about it too because they're together. I'm gonna say so she's probably tired of hearing about it, too
18:02That's just at this point I just couldn't care less what they have to say now
18:06Because they just bring up stuff and then come back and apologize again
18:10Just looking like idiots and I just think why I apologize if you're gonna if you've purposely done something
18:15Apologies, you've done something by accident or unintentional
18:18I'm saying I generally don't give a fuck it about your body
18:26Let the chuckle brothers at this point, you know, I'm saying
18:29At the end of day I'll stand around the fire pit in tight pants with an apron on chucking sweet to people
18:36I swear down now if I knew he was gonna react like that
18:39Like I wouldn't have said anything. Trust me. He's mature enough. He's not gonna let this drag him down. Believe me
18:46He's good. I know you're let it get to you too much now. He doesn't care
18:51Like that would never have been the reaction to what I was doing that's why it's from me so much
19:07John wants a chat with Josh great. It's about time. Those two had a proper chat man to candy man
19:13How do you wanna go bro? Oh
19:15Come bro
19:16Bean bag bean bags. Yeah gone
19:23You say my breath how you feeling this morning, bro
19:27Mostly karma. Yeah, you know you get to sleep on a situation and that after it
19:31I knew you was upset straightaway and even this morning. It's still bothering me and I'm down about it because I
19:37It never was my intention for it to come across that way
19:40I get you're saying it's a joke and everything and whatnot. But for me personally, I feel like just because it's been one too many occasions
19:48it's just like are you just doing this intentionally to get a rise out of me because I mean like everyone else there knows like
19:55How I feel about that topic. I don't actually believe
19:59Like it's not gonna come up again with you guys like that whole situation has been buried
20:03so I'd never thought like oh by meant by saying that in that's
20:07Like sweet roast way would have sparked such a reaction like how it did. Hmm. So it's just like sorry. It's just almost like
20:16One in one out if I genuinely knew it would actually have gone down like that
20:20I never would have mentioned that like I'm generally never come from a bad place or menacing or trying to
20:26bring fuel to fire and start things up again, it was honestly done in a light-hearted funny way and
20:33Honestly, like I am
20:34Sorry, but I generally am I hear you're saying but do you not think it's also like Mimi that was offended by that as well
20:42Of course, I've Jenny thought it would all be laughed off like I was standing there in hot pants with a bowtie
20:49Chucking sweets about in my eyes. I thought it was all just light-hearted and I never meant to be proper going in on people
20:56It was all just like corny light-hearted, but by you doing that and not just to me that it's in front of everyone
21:02Sure, you know I'm saying that's embarrassing bro. Clearly you can you guys can see not everyone doesn't find it funny
21:07I'm gonna respect your boundaries on that because I
21:10Obviously I accept your apology, but I need you to know that I'm accepting it
21:15But I feel like I'm accepting it like a pinch of salt sort of thing
21:17Like if it comes up again and sure not like whether we're gonna be
21:22No joking no bringing light to anything like that. I'm fully
21:27I'm crystal clear on that now. Yeah, I feel like I'm a rational person
21:31I'm a logical person and I'm hearing what you're saying and I'm taking your word for it
21:35I mean last thing I want to do is just having grudges around here
21:39Being like tensions are high around the villa. Do you know I mean, so I'll pull me and chat to her
21:45But yeah, I'll appreciate
21:52I heard how sincerely sorry he was and you know
21:55I just really do hope he is as sorry as he's making out and we can sort of push it behind us
22:00No, I just want to have a quick
22:02clearly, yeah, it's obviously like
22:05last night
22:06like I never had any like you intentions to be a menace and and like cause
22:13Anyone upset? Honestly, it was all coming from like a funny light-hearted way and obviously with the Josh situation
22:20My headspace was like everyone put that to bed ages ago and it was done. So I generally for all
22:27By saying that it's not gonna cause really upset and I thought it would honestly just be like
22:32Look back on it and laugh it off
22:34You know, I mean in that sort of sense and obviously it's come across like frying a bit of shade on you with that
22:40But like I just want to like say obviously, I'm sorry if it's upset your feelings
22:44It never was meant to come across like that way, you know
22:47If it wasn't for the talent show last night, I wouldn't have said anything anyway, even prior to it
22:52I haven't mentioned it since everything had been fully fully squashed
22:55So I just want to make sure you know that and I didn't mean in any sort of like diggy way
23:01No, I get that Sean obviously for me like I know how you want
23:05I know you wouldn't have like wanted to upset anyone. It was more sales right for Josh
23:09It's just like the the dummy comment because obviously with him. He's a type of guy that
23:14It's very proud and you get it. Yeah, honestly, there's no bathroom. Yeah
23:19Come on
23:39Everyone just dreads this moment
23:42shit man
23:44Islanders, it's time to find out how the public ranks your relationships. No hashtag couple of sorts hashtag pole position
23:56All this is gonna be beefy no, it's not yeah is he's not
24:02I will do it
24:17In today's challenge the public have ranked the islanders in a series of categories
24:21Enjoy it because with the Olympics on the way, this is your last chance to see British people standing on a podium
24:28The islanders will attempt to guess where you place them in a number of categories. So the first question is
24:35Which couple is the hottest?
24:40I think Grace and Ruben gotta be up there guys
24:45Question is who's first who's second?
24:49I'd disagree with that
24:51I'll put Joe and Jesse in the mix. Everyone could be in the mix here. It's the problem
24:54Even used to look at y'all don't even ask
24:58What order are we doing that then? Oh, I reckon us first
25:11I'd rather be here and be wrong then be up there and be wrong cuz that's fucking embarrassing
25:16So in third place we have Jesse and Joey
25:25In second place we have Nicole and Kieran
25:32We have the lovely Mimi and Josh
25:38And in third place we have
25:41This place we have the lovely Mimi and Josh
25:50Public just hate us third place. What can I say gorgeous group of people bronze ain't too bad. Is it don't mean it's all right
25:56I love it. Yeah, I thought like shoes just carry and that's why I was just happy
26:00Sit back and be like, all right, cool. We're just happy to be first. I can't lie, you know, I never expected it
26:05But yeah, thank you everyone
26:11I think we're all hot. I mean obviously it's nice to hear that the public think that we're the hottest love for that guys
26:21I got this second identity next question is
26:27Which couple are the most vain
26:31I'm happy to go first. I mean i'm not saying number one
26:33I would say more like second but like i'm okay to go number one. I can't lie
26:37I would put sean and matilda up there. I feel like me and io could be up there
26:40I'll probably be in the mix if it's vain. I think we're first
26:43I think we're in the mix definitely and I think kieran and nicole
26:46Think about other challenges and stuff as well where we've been voted the most arrogant cocky and stuff like that as well
26:51So joey and jesse kieran and nicole
26:54I don't think kieran and nick are up there guys guys guys right hands up for me nicole
27:01Who thinks grace and ruben I think so
27:07Who thinks jess and io i'm telling you now i'll be honest with you i'd rather me and ios swap with you two
27:11Yeah, I don't think you two you two up there even though I totally disagree. You see
27:17Yeah, we're ready to lock this in. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Let's go
27:22So the results are in third place we have matilda and sean
27:29In second place we have grace and ruben well done we got that right
27:34And in first place we have jesse and joey
27:44I did really like what vein meant. I mean if it means you're a top g then yeah
27:48No, it doesn't it made you like to look at something that you think you are
27:52Yeah, but I know that is me. Yeah
27:56Tilled sean you shocked i'm shocked but vain means just loving yourself in it. So yeah i'm vain gotta love yourself
28:03We take care of how we look. So if that's what the public think then
28:06Yeah, yeah, as you should third most vain and we're not even considered
28:16Right, the next question is which couple are the most genuine
28:22I can't lie. I would
28:25Hands down you guys can go straight away. I think sauna matilda do we need to be up there?
28:30Nicole and karen, I think josh and mimi. Yeah, I really think josh and mimi deserve to be up there
28:35I feel like third if we're up there third i'd say kira nicole first mimi and just second and third
28:42I would say we're second
28:44We're not even getting looked up some reason i'm going based off the fact that these are exclusive wait, wait
28:49Wait, I have an opinion unless the public do think because of like what has been going on with the io switch
28:54It's not as genuine. I would go joey and jesse. I agree with grace. Whoa
29:00Who's on the day coming
29:02I agree with grace. I've not moved mad at all with jesse. She's not moved mad
29:06But the public will have seen the whole story as well. Fair enough. I know what the public about to say
29:10Okay, we ready? Yeah
29:14In third place we have jess and io
29:25In second place we have mimi and josh. Yes
29:28Well done guys and in first place we have nicole and karen
29:34Oh my god
29:40Yeah, i'm really happy with that I think it's it's our first positive interaction that we've had with the public
29:46So yeah, i'm happy that they think we're genuine because it is very genuine
29:51Which couple has the worst dress sense?
29:54That is so rude
29:56I think shawn is letting you down matilda. I dress like a dad. I do feel like me and shawn
30:01I've let down our other in this scenario
30:05I'm so fuming right now. His outfit last night was terrible. So would we put shawn matilda kieran and nicole?
30:12Should we stand up there and find out? Yeah, you take first. So who's reckons third then guys?
30:16I actually
30:21I'm so few once again. I'm letting the team down grace and ruben. It has to be you
30:26I feel like I could be up there
30:28Well done ruben
30:30Well, cheers. I'll be number one if you run here. So
30:32I'm, so livid right now guys. You've just been brought down. I'm, so sorry shawn
30:36My outfit's actually slay. I provided so many outfits for all the girls. I'm, so livid that i've got to stand first place
30:42Are you joking?
30:49No one's borrowed any of my stuff
30:52I do. I think we should swap. I've got the worst dress sense out of the girls granddad slippers
30:58You might have to go first
31:01I just want to say I love my slippers. Yeah, right. The results are
31:07In third place we have jess and ayo
31:20In second place
31:22Wow, that's hot jessie and joey. I said we'd be up there in first place matilda and
31:33How do we feel this is a defamation of character maybe it's too much swag, I don't know i'm not happy but you know
31:40I know it's nothing to do with me
31:44Oh that one is what cut me deep actually I refuse to have anything to do with this because I know
31:50That I dress great. Well done everyone
32:08Today's challenge is a poll in which the public play the role of rankers which sounds a lot like the word
32:13Several loyal viewers have used to describe me during this year's series. I'd like to thank you all for your continued support
32:21Which couple has the least sexual chemistry
32:27You'll be very pta so I wouldn't put us in there you're all over me now, aren't you?
32:37I think me and I could be up there because of the one-sided
32:40Award probably have to say like grace and ruben. I can't lie
32:45We've been more like touchy feely and like all over each other probably like the past few days
32:50So I would get that. Yeah, we probably potentially could be but I know the chemistry's definitely the chemistry's there
32:55But you've got to think in terms of the public josh and amy. I feel like you've got loads of sex
32:59I can hear you in bed every night
33:03You keep me up at night honestly guys, shall we um, yeah, let's go grace. Ruben first grace and rubes first
33:10Second we'll go third. Yeah
33:12I don't think we should go up there though. No, neither do I but no one else could have got there
33:16Oh my god, if we get number one i'm buzzing
33:20So we should be
33:22Just look it in I reckon lock that in even though I don't agree in third place. We have
33:28Mimi and josh. Yay
33:30In second place. We have
33:33Matilda and sean. Oh
33:35What the fuck in first place we have correctly chosen grace and ruben. Yeah
33:43So we're not far off
33:44That's a weird really weird one guys
33:47I don't know how we come second in that one. That one pissed me right off. Nah, she bugged me a lot
33:52Sean matilda, how you feeling? That was a bit of a shocker. I'm not fucking straddling him all over the village
33:58You know what I mean? I think we'd all know
34:00I'd love to rip her clothes off right now. But um
34:03But either way i'm happy i'm a winner number one
34:07I've won something guys
34:09I feel like I licked it in a way that we're both respectful about each other
34:13The next question is
34:15Which couple are most likely to cheat on each other? There we go
34:21Yeah, every single bombshell has come in here to try to say that joey's head's gonna be turned
34:25If we're gonna put joey and jesse in this mix, we've got to sort of put it in two ways
34:29Now it's either the public are thinking he's switched up like twice. Yeah whilst being in here
34:33So they think that maybe you can do it again or the public thinking. Oh shit. Look akasa. He surprised us all
34:39I don't feel like in my relationship right now with jesse. I've done any i've made no red flags. It's been nothing
34:44I'm gonna put us up there based on kasa. I think people are still gonna be
34:49Holding some feelings towards that so I understand but I don't ever believe that he would cheat
34:54I would never cheat if we're gonna go be soft castings is shawn. Does that mean shawn matilda's up there?
34:59I'm, not going up there guys
35:00So then but then no, what?
35:02Yeah, what are we gonna do because no one will go up there
35:04People will cling to what happened in kasa. It was a big it was a big thing
35:07Then we've gone off our logic. I'm, sorry shawn matilda. You're up there if that's the logic
35:11I'm, not trying to sound like a prick or anything
35:13But I do I do understand that because obviously kasa was moving mad if we're based on that logic
35:18Then then obviously it's got to be me you us three then grace and ruben just because you're new you'll be up there
35:24Yeah, come on. I'm going last
35:27The thing is everyone's had their own stuff going on. I know
35:31I gotta disagree with our positioning
35:33Where do you think you should be rubes?
35:35I don't think we should be up here to be honest naturally. I wouldn't put anybody up on this platform
35:39I feel like we should all be standing on the floor. Yeah, none of us would ever um,
35:45But it is what it is
35:47and the results are
35:50In third place we have grace and ruben
35:57We're still up here though
35:59But we're not first in second place. We have matilda and shawn
36:04Oh, oh and in first place we have jesse and joey
36:11How do you feel about that guys shocked
36:14I don't get it
36:15What the fuck?
36:16Number one. I can't believe him. I don't think you cheat and I don't think i'd cheat. I think people just have
36:21a preconception
36:24maybe joey
36:27grace i'm still gonna have to
36:30Politely disagree. I'm not a cheat will never be a cheat. So
36:34Sean, you know, maybe they thought it was a bit
36:37out of character of me during cassar, but I felt like it gave me clarity in my situation matilda and
36:42You know, that's the only thing I can really think of jesse. Joey. Why do you speak your first though? Maybe because of
36:48my persona
36:49Of who I am and i'm going to prove the public wrong
36:52Well done well said
36:55Well done guys well done cheaters
37:00The next question is which couples are staying together to win
37:09This is absolutely
37:15Well, just saying I don't think it could be any of the most genuine it should be the opposite of genuine
37:20We're always in the bottom. So you're definitely not with me to win. So who was genuine io and jess
37:25Nicole and kieran and me and mimi. They said we're the most genuine
37:28I think it could also be on the one-sided clips that were shown, you know
37:32But we're going off what the public have said in this
37:36I'm, not taking in consideration the past questions
37:39Because each question is different. You're not listening to what i'm saying. You're clearly not listening to what i'm saying
37:42I am because if we're going off them questions
37:45Because we've been voting for something I totally get it but i'm giving you logic
37:49I'm giving you logic what's happening in the villa so far with the clips with the clips
37:53How does that answer that question though?
37:54Let's go by what they're seeing in the villa not by these questions. It doesn't make any sense for me
37:58It could be the most logical way
38:01That's the most logical way because if you want to talk about graftees then I could talk about casa
38:04Do you know i'm saying you're just going off previous questions in this game when i'm actually giving you evidence and stuff
38:09That's already been shown. This is evidence as well, bro. Oh my god
38:13Josh, you're right mate. Obviously everyone would you want to be right? So let's just go with your logic, bro
38:16Let's go around in circles wait boring. No, but you're not listening. That's the problem though
38:19It's like talking to a wall bro, you don't listen how can everyone else understand the logic but you two
38:26You're coming with me mate here i'm not coming for you bro, you're patronizing me bro, and I have to let you know
38:30I'm patronizing you i'm being real bro. Yes
38:32You want me to be real bro. If you want to start being real i'll be real be real
38:35So, you don't mean me. Yeah, you know what she done. Yeah. Yeah when she didn't get io. Yeah
38:38Yeah, yeah. Yeah, then she come running back to you bro. Yeah, see what i'm saying. Did I really do that?
38:43Oh, is that what happened? We had a conversation right there. Joe. You're pissing me off now
38:47We had a conversation right there
38:57She took me to the terrace last okay good for you
39:00Joey you're boring. You're actually boring. That's the only thing you can ever say. I don't agree. I feel like
39:06We're gonna go there just to make you happy. Yeah. Yeah, go on do it for yourself, babe
39:09So I reckon we'll probably be up there because we've been in all the other bad questions
39:13I reckon it's go up there me me and josh
39:16We could potentially be up there because the secret mission winning is not that deep for me
39:20Do I mean I stay true to myself?
39:22I don't normally call out anyone out their name and I did call him a dickhead
39:25But he was being a dickhead. I feel like he feels that he can step on toes sometimes and push boundaries
39:36You're just pissing me off
39:39You even admit that was your theory what your theory was the secret mission no because you've been saying it
39:44We've left it alone. That was the only reason that was the secret mission
39:48That's all he's got
39:51Gone wrong in your in your situation is the secret mission. Yeah, that's it. That's all you keep talking about without that
39:55You're irrelevant every single day
39:59And I could talk about your journey in here, but I do I do that
40:11And the results are
40:13In third place. We have nicole and kieran what in second place? We have matilda and sean
40:23And in first place we have grace and ruben. Oh
40:28Oh shit, huh, I did not expect you to obey
40:32My thing is the comments. This is jarring. It's just a clown, bro
40:35He's actually a fucking dickhead he's actually a dickhead i've never met anyone like you i'm really not taking this serious as well
40:42No, you should no one should take it serious. I was taking it serious, but people want to get personal
40:48I feel like it makes absolutely no sense. It is what it is. Like obviously me and sean both know that it's not the case
40:56Yeah, I don't really care. Obviously. It's a difficult one to answer. Yeah, 100%
41:01I just didn't like the reasonings behind what people had to say because how many times
41:12Which couple is least likely to work on the outside
41:19I just want to start by saying I don't think we're going to be in there
41:24Grace and ruben only because of the distance
41:27No couple. I don't agree. But whatever I reckon we go off the one-sided thing in the grafties
41:32Yeah, I think maybe me and io could be up there just based off the one-sided thing
41:36So i'm happy to go up there. I don't think I know that's not the case
41:40if we're going off that then
41:43The only thing that would suggest me and matilda be up there is because we've been up there quite a lot today
41:48I feel like with my life where it's so hectic and wild on the outside
41:51I feel like people might look at that and feel like like, you know, is it gonna be stable?
41:55I don't think so. Do you think you could keep up with joey's lifestyle on the outside?
41:59She went actually not about her keeping up with it
42:00It's just i'm just saying by my life jesse being involved in my life. It is a lot
42:06Hasn't she got her stuff to do as well?
42:08Well, I was assuming that jesse had her own life whether that's a career or whatever she's doing
42:13But as it stands now, you're just way more busy and you're more hectic than her schedule
42:17Well, you I don't get it. I'm in love island your life before you left love island, which is your life
42:22Honestly, all I was doing was training just i've been the buyer for six months. L.A. Was you just chilling man?
42:26I was doing a nice job exactly. There's no there's no problem in that great, but he was in another country
42:31Yeah in another continent. Yeah, just doing my thing. You can see why it might be a bit hard
42:35Why would it be that should be with me joey, but we've already agreed on the whole fucking
42:39Yeah, I don't yeah, we've we've already said we'd go up. So this isn't are we going from the answers from today's
42:45Games then should we just do it how we did it last it's up to you
42:47You want to go from that or the grafties because I don't care at all. I mean you keep changing
42:51I'm, not i've not changed it. I've never changed it once my name are just talking to talk at this point
43:01Okay, me and sean are gonna head up there because we've been voted for every other thing we'll go up because
43:07Apparently joey's too busy, but it's fine and we'll go up just
43:11Um down to the fact that we're new yeah
43:17Grace and ruben, I think you're going first. I think we're among guys
43:23The answers are
43:25In third place, we have jess and isle. Oh
43:30In second place, we have jesse and joey
43:34And in first place we have grace and ruben
43:42So happy to be fair coming to the villa with no expectations and i'm very fortunate to have met matilda, but yeah
43:50It's the biggest win for me
43:53That was that was so good. Excuse me
43:57Whoops, I just can't wait to prove people wrong. Yeah, that's the spirit from what I see and what I feel
44:04Um, I know it'll definitely work on the outside we ain't gonna mess this up, you know, I believe in our future
44:08Yeah, I can't wait for the outside. It's gonna be it's gonna be sick. Ruben grace
44:12Uh fair enough to the public
44:14But uh, the only opinion I really care about is grace's
44:19So exactly that I don't agree and i'll prove you're wrong
44:34Every time that I look in the mirror
44:45Grace and ruben as the public has ranked you the least likely to work on the outside. You have been dumped from the island
44:51Please pack your bags and say your goodbyes
44:57No, no way
45:24And if you can't get enough and want to bottle up that love island feeling head to the official love island shop for all your show
45:31Essentials love it. Right peter quagmire and joe are taking a trip to canada next time
45:37What could go wrong in some family guide?
