Gresh & Fauria: Mike Onwenu joins the show after Day 1 of Camp

  • 2 months ago
00:00We are here at Patriots training camp,
00:01and joining us now on the line is Patriots offensive lineman
00:06Mike Onwenu.
00:07Mike, it's Kresh and Foye.
00:08I know you see us up on the blue level.
00:10How y'all doing?
00:11Up here, here we go.
00:11Yeah, I see y'all.
00:13I see y'all, I see y'all.
00:14I'm doing good, man.
00:15How y'all doing?
00:15Hey, we couldn't miss you.
00:17No, we couldn't miss you when you were walking.
00:18Let me tell you, man, you stand out even from up here, friend.
00:21You're looking good, though.
00:22How was getting ready for this season for you?
00:27Yeah, getting ready for the season
00:29was just pretty much the same as every year.
00:31Put the work in, start with the roots,
00:33and just work as a ballplayer to work on your skills.
00:36And it's important when it's not football
00:40to put football down a little bit
00:41and just don't forget about life.
00:43But as football has started going on,
00:45I've been adjusting well.
00:46I've been picking up, and I'm ready for camp,
00:48and I'm excited for it as day one is in the books today.
00:51You know, Mike, I know the free agency process
00:55went pretty quick for you.
00:56But how important was it for you to re-sign with the Patriots?
01:03Yeah, it was very important to me.
01:05I think just as a player that's played my all four years
01:08that I've been here, it's nice to build on it
01:09and continue being a good player and being
01:13a vocal person on this team and just help the team
01:16go where we need to go.
01:17Patriots all lineman Mike Onwenu with Gresh and Fourier.
01:20A little birdie told us he might be with us during the year
01:22as well, but we'll flesh that out.
01:26Right tackle, right guard, left side,
01:29does it really matter for you at this point in your career?
01:35No, I won't say it does.
01:36Wherever they need me.
01:37I mean, if they need me to snap, I'll snap too.
01:39But I like football, so I'm doing everything.
01:42If I said to you, what is your best position across the O line,
01:46what would you say, Mike?
01:47Yeah, I would say every position that I'm at.
01:52Have you snapped before?
01:56I practiced it coming out of college,
01:57but I never snapped in a game where I realized that.
01:59But I could, just give me a couple reps.
02:01OK, so any position on the line, so what
02:06is the first day been like?
02:08And more importantly, what was that first meeting
02:11last night as a group?
02:13First time everybody's in the building,
02:14because Ron Mayo talked about it a little bit this morning.
02:17Yeah, yeah, yesterday was cool.
02:20Everybody had jitters.
02:21Obviously, it's the first day before we come on the field.
02:24It was a little hard for me to sleep last night.
02:26I was a little antsy and anticipating it.
02:29But once I got out of here, or once I got out here,
02:32it was like, it just felt like it was as it always does.
02:34And no, it felt good once I put my helmet on.
02:37It just put me right back in the zone, so I love it.
02:40Do you still kind of get anxious?
02:42Like, what's the week like before camp?
02:44Are you having sleepless nights and getting anxious
02:47because you know your life and your freedom
02:50is probably over?
02:51Ha, ha, ha.
02:54I mean, like I said, I was anxious yesterday.
02:56I was kind of antsy for it, looking forward to it.
02:58But I think that's just normal.
03:03You don't want to take every year or any year for granted.
03:05So coming into it, you just got to approach it,
03:07I guess, the first one.
03:08Put that same effort, put that same work into it,
03:10and just enjoy each day in and day out.
03:13Hard days to good days, and you just got to enjoy them all.
03:16Mike, you clearly played in college offense.
03:18You played in the Patriots offense under Coach Belichick.
03:21And now you have a new offense here with Alex Van Pelt.
03:24How different are things for you up front at this point,
03:27if at all?
03:31I would say it's a little different,
03:33just in terms of names and things and keywords
03:36to remember.
03:37But I would say, you know, I mean, football is football.
03:39So it's like the plays are, I'm acclimated with the plays,
03:43but it's just putting the plays to a name
03:44and remembering it as that for me.
03:47But it's going well for me.
03:48Hey, Mike, would you describe this as football weather today?
03:54Oh, yeah, I love that.
03:55That's what I was saying, man.
03:56This weather, as a first day, like, I mean,
04:00if it could be snowing, I would say that, too.
04:02You know, that's regular football weather for me,
04:04being from Michigan, you know.
04:05I love them type of days as well.
04:07I love it.
04:07There we go.
04:08Mike Conway, thanks for the time.
04:09We appreciate it.
04:10We'll catch you during camp.
04:12Appreciate you, big guy.
04:13Thank you.
04:14Yes, sir.
04:15There we go.
04:15See y'all.
04:16Y'all have my mic ready.
04:17Oh, don't worry.
04:18We'll be ready next time, friend.
04:19There goes Mike Conway with us, joining us
04:22from down on the field.
