Trump Destroying Woke Culture

  • 3 months ago
Trump Destroying Woke Culture
Donald Trump debate
Trump Debate and rally
Presidential Elections
00:00You know what woke means?
00:04It means you're a loser.
00:06Everything woke.
00:09Everything woke.
00:12It's true.
00:14Everything woke turns to shit.
00:17It's true.
00:18It's true.
00:19Look at what's happening.
00:20Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a political tornado that's impossible to ignore.
00:27His brash style and unfiltered remarks have made him one of the most controversial figures
00:31in modern history.
00:33While his words offend many, it's a shame the person missed, others cheer him on as
00:37a crusader against what they see as runaway political correctness.
00:42For the next nine minutes, you'll witness Trump's most audacious takedowns of woke culture,
00:49starting with the time when a woke feminist tried to cancel Trump during a conference.
00:53She went as far as indirectly calling him a misogynist, and needless to say, it backfired
00:58on her.
00:59Watch closely.
01:00But I don't think that you're a friend to woman.
01:04I knew I shouldn't have picked her.
01:09I knew I shouldn't have picked her.
01:10All right.
01:11So let me give you that answer right now.
01:13I respect women incredibly.
01:17I have had women working for me in positions that they've never worked in terms of in
01:23terms of so many different jobs.
01:25I had a woman who was in charge of the building of Trump Tower many years ago before it was
01:31even thought before anybody would have even thought of it and did a fantastic job.
01:35I have given women more opportunity than I would say virtually anybody in the construction
01:42I have a daughter named Ivanka and a wife named Melania who constantly want me to talk
01:47about women's health issues because they know how I feel about it and they know how I feel
01:52about women.
01:53I respect women.
01:54I love women.
01:55I cherish women.
01:56You know, Hillary Clinton said he shouldn't cherish.
01:58I said, I do cherish.
01:59I cherish women.
02:00My mother was one of the great people of the world, maybe the greatest ever.
02:05My mother.
02:06I respect women and I'm going to take care of women.
02:09You know, Jeb Bush didn't want to fund women's health issues.
02:12You read that.
02:13You saw that.
02:14And then he took it back later.
02:15I will take care of women and I have great respect for women and I do cherish women.
02:21Trump's response was a masterclass in turning accusations on their head.
02:25He didn't just defend himself.
02:26He went on the offensive, listing his history of empowering women in male-dominated fields.
02:31But she wasn't over.
02:32As a feminist, she had to pull out the wage gap debate.
02:35I want to get paid the same as a man and I think you understand that.
02:39So if you become president, will a woman make the same as a man and do I get to choose what
02:44I do with my body?
02:51You're going to make the same if you do as good a job.
02:56You're going to make the same if you do as good a job and I happen to be pro-life.
03:01I'm pro-life.
03:02In just a few words, he dismissed the entire concept of a systemic wage gap, boiling it
03:06down to individual performance.
03:08But Trump wasn't done dropping bombshells.
03:10In a video published by Trump himself, he fearlessly dives into a red-hot cultural debate.
03:15With his trademark bluntness, Trump declares what many think but few dare say.
03:19There are only two genders.
03:21As part of our new credentialing body for teachers, we will promote positive education
03:26about the nuclear family, the roles of mothers and fathers, and celebrating rather than erasing
03:32the things that make men and women different and unique.
03:35I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United
03:41States government are male and female and they are assigned at birth.
03:47The bill will also make clear that Title IX prohibits men from participating in women's
03:51sports and we will protect the rights of parents from being forced to allow their minor child
03:58to assume a gender which is new and an identity without the parent's consent.
04:04The identity will not be new and it will not be without parental consent.
04:09No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender,
04:15a concept that was never heard of in all of human history.
04:19Nobody's ever heard of this, what's happening today.
04:21It was all when the radical left invented it just a few years ago.
04:26But Trump was just warming up.
04:27His crusade against woke culture was far from over.
04:30Up next, we're diving into another explosive controversy.
04:34Trump's about to weigh in on trans athletes in women's sports, and the audience's reaction
04:38clearly shows what Americans truly want.
04:41And by the way, we should not allow men play in women's sports.
04:46So crazy.
04:50See, it just shows you what these political geniuses, they have all these consultants,
04:55all these great.
04:57Sir, don't say that.
04:58It's very controversial.
05:02That's not written down anywhere.
05:03I just said this might be a good time.
05:06So he said, don't do it.
05:09And that gets the biggest hand.
05:11Oh, it's crazy.
05:12It's crazy.
05:14But here's where it gets wild.
05:15Trump's got a story about this issue that's so outrageous, it'll make your jaw drop.
05:19Just watch.
05:20I tell the story of the great swimmer, great female swimmer, wonderful woman, beautiful
05:26She's been swimming for many years.
05:27She wants to break the world record.
05:29And she's at the pool and she wants to break it by an eighth of a second.
05:32That's like fast.
05:34And she's going to do it.
05:35She's getting ready.
05:36And she looks down, she sees all people she's been competing with for years because they
05:40rise to the top.
05:41And she looks over here and she sees people.
05:44But then she looks and she, you know, they call this, they say this, she sees somebody
05:47with a man's body.
05:50That's what they do.
05:51They call it.
05:52I said, you think it's OK to say that?
05:53That's actually the expression they're using.
05:55They'll change that soon.
05:56So I have to do it quickly.
05:57I have to say because they're going to change.
06:00And you know, the guy, he was named Female Athlete of the Year.
06:04Did you know that?
06:05It's true.
06:06He was just named female.
06:07We're not dealing with things that are so easy here, Newt.
06:09This is a difficult, crazy world.
06:12You almost say, is the world going crazy?
06:14Because ninety nine percent of the things I'm saying are common sense.
06:18But she looks over and sees her friends down there and then she looks and this guy is massive.
06:23He's got a wingspan.
06:24He's got arms that are 30 feet long.
06:28And I always say and she was seriously injured during the meet because he swam so fast that
06:33he gave her a major windburn as he went by.
06:37And she didn't break the record.
06:38But he broke the record that day.
06:40You know what the number was?
06:41Thirty eight seconds.
06:42So she wanted to break it by an eighth of a second and he broke it by thirty eight seconds
06:48or the weightlifter.
06:49It was like two hundred and eighteen pounds.
06:51And that's a lot.
06:53I can't lift it.
06:55I don't know who can.
06:56Any of our ex Trump people, they're all Trump people.
07:00Kevin saying he can lift it.
07:03I don't know about that, Kevin, but that's a lot.
07:05Two hundred and eighteen pounds.
07:06And she got over that weight and she was going to break it.
07:09They put a half an ounce here, half little tiny ring on top of these big barbells, dumbbells.
07:15And they go and she went like this.
07:21Stood for 11 years.
07:26And her mother and father are screaming.
07:28You got it.
07:30You got it, darling.
07:31I'm so proud of my girl.
07:38She couldn't do it.
07:39And then this guy comes along.
07:44He's named Alice.
07:46And he looks at the way.
07:55World record.
07:56World record.
07:57We could have put another couple of hundred pounds on.
07:59And I think he would have lifted it.
08:02It's so disrespectful to women.
08:04And they say it's politically incorrect.
08:06It's so disrespectful to women.
08:09So horrible.
08:11So unfair.
08:12It's so unfair.
08:14But Trump wasn't done impressing the audience.
08:17You know a Trump rally isn't complete without his signature brand of humour.
08:20Let's watch as he proves why he's not just a politician, but also an entertainer who
08:24knows how to work a crowd.
08:26And I'll tell you what.
08:27If I were ever, I'd be the greatest woman's basketball coach in history because I don't
08:32like LeBron James.
08:33I like Michael Jordan much better.
08:39But I'd go up to LeBron James.
08:40It doesn't matter.
08:41I say, LeBron, did you ever have any desire to be a woman?
08:46Because what I'd love you to do is star on my team that I'm building up.
08:49I will have the greatest team in history.
08:51They'll never lose.
08:52Nobody will come within 70 points of this team.
08:55Now we have to change that and we have to make it okay to talk about it.
08:59You know the young lady I was talking about is afraid to talk about it.
09:03She's shunned and she's cancelled when she talks about it.
09:06This is crazy.
09:07Right, Kellyanne?
09:08Trump's final words land hard.
09:09We're afraid to talk about woke culture because it can get us cancelled.
09:13It's not just politicians feeling the heat, as most of us are holding back because of
09:17the consequences.
09:18As woke culture grows, so does the fear of backlash.
09:22Throughout this video, Trump has portrayed himself as a defender of women's rights.
09:26But when asked the seemingly simple yet politically charged question,
09:29What is a woman?
09:30His response was this.
09:32One of the big questions being put to lots of politicians right now is, what is a woman?
09:37I'm not going to respond to the question, but a woman is a woman is somebody that swims
09:44at a certain time and doesn't get beaten by 38 seconds.
