Son Capsçi

  • 2 months ago


00:00Do I have everybody's attention now?
00:16I was suspended by Vincent K. McMahon because of some things that I said.
00:21I didn't get in trouble because I announced July 17th is the day my contract comes to
00:28an end, and trust me when I tell you, I am leaving with the WWE Championship.
00:34I didn't just get in trouble because I said this company inside and outside the ring are
00:40filled with a parade of shameless ass kissers.
00:44I didn't just get in trouble because of this little nugget, and I'd like to think that
00:49maybe this company will be better after Vince McMahon's death.
00:54I got in trouble basically because I have the balls to say things that nobody else has
01:00the balls to say.
01:02But never fear, tonight not only am I reinstated, Vince McMahon desperately wants to sign me
01:11to a very long term, very lucrative contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.
01:16It's funny to me that Vince is bending over backwards to give me everything I've ever
01:21He's got everything.
01:22I want cups, posters, spoons, knives, forks, my own jet.
01:26CM Punk the movie.
01:28And the reason it's funny is because all I've ever really wanted is this little microphone.
01:33See this?
01:34This is power.
01:35I am the voice of the voiceless.
01:37Do I have everybody's attention now?
01:40In anybody else's hands, this is a microphone.
01:42In my hands, it's a pipe bomb.
01:44Vince, I'll kick you in the nuts and you'll smile at me and like it and show me some respect.
01:51Vince, you will apologize for suspending me.
01:55You will apologize.
01:57You will apologize and you will like it.
02:02Do I have everybody's attention now?
02:06I'm sorry.
02:10I apologize, you son of a bitch.
02:13Fine speech.
02:14You talk about hypocrites.
02:15Punk, you're the biggest hypocrite of them all.
02:17You are CM Punk.
02:19The hottest, droppest in this industry today.
02:23You beat your own drum, but in the path of doing things you want to do, you've lost sight
02:27of everything.
02:28I've lost sight?
02:30You are the one that's lost sight.
02:33I am the underdog and what you are is what you hate.
02:37You're the ten-time WWE champion.
02:39You're the man.
02:40Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here.
02:42You, like the Red Sox, are no longer the underdog.
02:46You're a dynasty.
02:47You are what you hate.
02:49You have become the New York Yankees.
02:56Do I have everybody's attention now?
02:59Sunday night, say goodbye to the WWE title.
03:05Say goodbye to John Cena.
03:07And say goodbye to CM Punk.
03:12CM Punk walks out of this championship.
03:18Do I have everybody's attention now?