24th July 2024

  • 3 months ago


00:30Oh, you alright, Stice?
00:31You alright, son?
00:35Oh, careful! Oh, careful!
00:37Oi, kids, careful! Sorry, son!
00:40Sorry, my feral kids. I've got another six weeks of this!
00:43It's alright, it was my fault.
00:44And I love seeing them enjoy themselves over the summer.
00:46Oh, yeah, it's alright for you.
00:47Yours has blown the nest.
00:48Right, come on, you lot in.
00:50Your dinner's on the table.
00:51What's for dinner?
00:52Well, we're skint, so bogey's on toast.
00:55Looks like you've got a right houseful.
00:57I've been lumbered with cats, lot and all!
00:59Like I ain't got enough bellies to feed!
01:23What are you doing in the dark?
01:24It's a gorgeous evening.
01:31Have you paid the care home fees, like you said?
01:33Yeah, well, we're up to date.
01:36We're out of the red.
01:37Nothing in this game for two and a bed.
01:40It's bullseye.
01:42Rhys, focus.
01:44I'm happy.
01:46I mean, you're pregnant.
01:52Broken biscuits?
01:53Yeah, I grew up on them.
01:55And like you always say, you look after the pennies
01:57and the pounds will look after themselves.
01:59Yeah, well, we can afford unbroken ones.
02:01Darling, having a baby costs money.
02:04And yesterday, we owed 13 and a half grand.
02:07It doesn't hurt to tighten our belts for next time.
02:09There won't be a next time.
02:11You don't know that.
02:12Look, I do.
02:13Because you're having a much-longed-for baby
02:15I won't let you live off broken promises
02:18or broken dreams or...
02:20Why? They're just biscuits.
02:22They're not, are they?
02:24I'm not going to fail you like I failed Debbie.
02:28What do you mean?
02:29You've devoted your life to Debbie.
02:31That's not going to be compromised when the baby comes.
02:34And who am I to be happy when she's lying there all alone?
02:36Oh, no.
02:39You need to let me help you more.
02:42I'll start by hanging this lot up.
02:43I swear, I said I'd do it.
02:44It's OK.
02:56Oh, Sharon, everything all right?
02:58Yeah, fine.
02:59It's Phil.
03:01He wants to see the letter from the taxman.
03:10So I picked up this reprobate on the way home.
03:13You all right, Nan?
03:15You got any crutches knocking about?
03:17No, why?
03:18I told Meat Raffle Rita I'd busted me leg,
03:21so she said we can have her caravan.
03:23Yeah, of course you did.
03:25Club Tropicana, here we come.
03:28So the boys are outside rehearsing a karaoke song for the kids' club.
03:32They're their father's sons, all right.
03:34Is Tommy all right?
03:36Why, is he not here?
03:37Oh, his hormones are all over the shop,
03:39so I just thought I'd give him a bit of space.
03:42We're about to all be stuck in a caravan for a week.
03:44It's going to be like an explosion in a firework factory.
03:47Has he said anything?
03:48About what?
03:49The twins lost his bike.
03:51But don't say anything to him.
03:52I just want to get to the caravan without a hitch.
03:54Me too.
03:55I ain't done me bikini line for nothing.
03:57Anyway, see you later.
03:58Yeah, see you later.
03:59Oh, I think I might have to get my bikini line done and all.
04:01Yeah, do you think I'll still get away with wearing one of these round the pool?
04:05Club Tropicana.
04:20That's a lovely blouse, is it?
04:24The letter, Rhys.
04:26Well, it's gone. I shredded it.
04:30Well, we donate all our shredded paper to the Gerbil Rescue Centre.
04:34Well, why would you shred it?
04:36Phil still doesn't believe that we owe £13,500,
04:39so I'll give him a call, get a copy.
04:42Well, you don't owe it, not anymore.
04:45No, I found a loophole.
04:48Oh, I thought you'd explored every option.
04:50I had.
04:51And then I remembered the 2017 Finance Act legislation on disguised remuneration.
04:56Right. When will the money be back in our account?
05:00That's great. Thanks.
05:02Well, unless that is you want to double it.
05:05At the casino?
05:07Didn't have you down as a gambling man.
05:09Oh, no, no, I'm not.
05:11I'd never gamble a client's money.
05:13No, it's a high-yield investment scheme started by friends from uni.
05:17They've made a fortune.
05:20Well, I'd rather have the money.
05:22As your accountant, I think that's unwise.
05:25I mean, the money was going to the taxman anyway,
05:28so why not make it work for you instead?
05:31They'll double it.
05:33Or triple it, you know, if the market goes the way that's predicted.
05:37Well, you found that tax loophole, so I trust your judgment.
05:41Go on, then.
05:43Go on, then.
05:48I think that's a very good decision.
05:50Oh, it is. I may be so bold.
05:52You may.
05:53Bring the paperwork to Peggy's later.
05:55Phil will want to have a look at it before we sign.
05:58Thanks very much.
06:14You can tell Sam Mitchell came up with these cocktails.
06:17They're about as dated as her manky camel cramp.
06:20Oi, I didn't think you knew Sam.
06:23She's my brother's mum.
06:25Two of my dad's three kids are spawned from Mitchell belongs.
06:29Odd one out.
06:31Well, my brother is half Mitchell too, so what does that make us?
06:37Well, I'll just settle for Wicked Stepsisters.
06:42Oh, Cosmopolitan.
06:44How dated is this? What, are we at a barn dance?
06:47I came up with that menu, actually.
06:49And you are organised in one theme night, so don't get carried away.
06:53All right.
06:57No, no.
06:59No, no, no, no, no.
07:30Right, don't be long.
07:31If we miss this train, we can't afford a new ticket.
07:33No, I won't.
07:34This way, he ain't got time to have a ruck, has he?
07:37Hey, Kat.
07:39Listen, don't let him wrap around your little finger, all right?
07:45Are we going to this caravan or what?
07:47Yeah, I'm going to grab Tommy and then we're off.
07:49Teenage boys, eh?
07:50He's well-moody.
07:51Are you sure it's just about the twins losing his bike?
07:54Where is he?
07:55Oh, he's in there.
07:56Here, I've got the sack.
07:57Oh, yeah.
07:59Come on, get a rig along.
08:00We've got a train to catch.
08:02There'll be loads of boys there your age
08:04and the twins will be in the kids' club, yeah?
08:06That your how?
08:07I ain't angry with the twins.
08:09I'm angry with you for hitting me.
08:14I did not hit you.
08:16I shouldn't have shoved you, I'm sorry.
08:19I haven't told anyone about it.
08:21My secret's safe.
08:22I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it.
08:23No, you shouldn't.
08:25I apologised.
08:28You hit me first.
08:29What, that makes it all right?
08:32I'm just waiting for an apology.
08:33You ain't getting one.
08:35You punched your own mother in the stomach.
08:38I've got the bruises to prove it.
08:41Come on, I ain't missing the train.
08:42I ain't going.
08:43You are.
08:44Or I'll tell Alfie what a little thug you are, yeah?
08:46And then we'll have the social services on the doorstep in no time.
08:49Go on, then.
08:50Well, are you all ready for the caravan of dreams?
08:54We'll go without you, then.
08:56Hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa.
08:57What's going on?
08:58You'd like that, wouldn't you?
08:59Happy families while I'm not there.
09:01You are part of this family whether you like it or not.
09:03Well, Alfie ain't my dad, and I wish he weren't my mum.
09:05Hey, hey, you don't talk to your mother like that.
09:07Come on, outside.
09:08Don't touch me.
09:10Right, hold on, let's just calm down.
09:12All right, I'm his mum and I do what I like.
09:14Look, get her away from me.
09:16You are coming to the caravan.
09:18Just take it easy, yeah?
09:21All right, holiday's cancelled.
09:24We want to do karaoke.
09:26You can't cancel their holiday.
09:28Well, blame Tommy and these two.
09:30And you, don't you undermine me and my own kid again.
09:38Oh, I'm nearly finished, if you fancy a rendezvous with an old friend.
09:42I bet you were your French.
09:44Oh, I was always the smart one.
09:45That's why I've done so well with my life.
09:47Don't knock an honest day's graft.
09:49Wish Rhys had something less stressful.
09:52Why, what's up?
09:53Oh, just, he spends so much time looking after other people's finances,
09:56he forgets about his own.
09:58He's working himself into an early grave just to make ends meet.
10:01Not fair.
10:02You are talking about his job, ain't you?
10:05Bet that wife of his can't hang around forever, can she?
10:08He might inherit a few bob of her life insurance.
10:10If she slipped away, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
10:12The care home fees are crippling us.
10:16You all right?
10:19Sorry, that was awful.
10:21You said it.
10:22All right, stop it.
10:23I'm ashamed of myself.
10:28I shouldn't do that.
10:29Go on.
10:30Phil, hold on.
10:33So, what, you want to go first?
10:35What's this? Midnight ride?
10:37That's classified.
10:38No, we just, we need to get photos retaken for our security lanyards
10:42and he wants me to go first so he can do his hair.
10:46Cheers, boss.
10:48How can I help?
10:49I, er, got a surprise for Lexi.
10:52Listen, I'm sorry about her party.
10:54Forget it, it's all done and dusted, aren't you?
10:56I bought her some flights, a trip to America.
11:00For her birthday, to see her dad.
11:02And, er, you and Kathy could go, an old one.
11:05It's all on me.
11:07Phil, that's really generous.
11:09Well, I hope for you it's for Ben.
11:11Ah, well, on behalf of Ben, then, thanks.
11:14When are you thinking?
11:15Next week.
11:16It's a bit short notice, isn't it?
11:18I don't know if I can get the time off work.
11:20Well, you can find time to get your hair done, can't you?
11:23You can find time for Ben and Lexi, you know.
11:29Why are we here before it opens?
11:31Because there is loads to do.
11:34You can help with the bottling up, if you like.
11:36I don't know what that means.
11:38I've only ever heard it on telly.
11:40OK, remind me why I should hire you again.
11:42Er, because I'm fine to have around this morgue.
11:48Is he a break?
11:50No, we've only just started, and that's 50 quid a bottle.
11:53Yeah, well, as the employer of a wheelchair user,
11:56you are legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments.
12:04Legally obliged, you say?
12:16Bill, what a surprise.
12:18What was you expecting?
12:20A cherub playing a gold-plated trumpet?
12:22I own the gaff.
12:24You pay for that?
12:26I was going to put the money in the till later.
12:29And you can afford that, can you, on barmaid's wages?
12:32Well, I'm the manager, so...
12:33Not any more, you're not.
12:34You've been demoted for stealing and drinking at work.
12:37What? I can't do that.
12:39I've just done it.
12:40Anyone who thinks they can take me for a mug, is that it?
12:47Where's our money?
12:49He wants to talk about an investment opportunity.
12:51I thought we could discuss it over a few drinks.
13:01What was all that about?
13:03That scene with you and Tommy.
13:05I don't know.
13:06Don't be a brat.
13:07Me, a brat? Yeah, right.
13:08Listen, Tom's not talking to anyone at the moment,
13:10so I just want an explanation from his mother,
13:12how it turned so nasty and ugly so quickly, yeah?
13:17Oh, he's going to sit there and sulk.
13:20Yeah, like mother, like son.
13:23Well, excuse me,
13:25while I go and make her up to the twins for their cancelled holiday.
13:33No, no, no, I don't believe a word of this.
13:35Heather, I can assure you...
13:36Are you still here?
13:39I can't believe you're falling for this.
13:40He's a con man.
13:42He's a great accountant, and I trust him implicitly.
13:45And he found that tax loophole.
13:47No, we ain't signing up for this.
13:48I want our money back.
13:50I don't want you missing out.
13:51It's fine, Rhys.
13:53I gave you the courtesy of telling her about the investment,
13:56but I'm not asking your permission, OK?
13:59All right, and the sole signatory of our finances.
14:03So thank you, Rhys.
14:06It's been a pleasure doing business with you.
14:15Would you excuse me?
14:17You've got a few weeks, eh?
14:19Then I want our money back, doubled.
14:22For the highest deal, though, I'd urge you to wait the full three...
14:24No, no, no.
14:25If you don't show us our money when I click my fingers,
14:27I'll know you're ripping us off.
14:29And if I'm right...
14:30I promise, look...
14:31No, I promise you.
14:32If I'm right, I'll kill you.
14:44You don't want to get on the wrong side of Phil.
14:51Yeah, Rhys.
14:54Sharon said that's on the house, yeah?
15:09I'm so sorry for all the awful things I said.
15:12And me, a nurse.
15:16I should be thanking you for helping us pay for the IVF.
15:21Because I'm pregnant.
15:24Rhys is going to be the best dad.
15:27And I can't wait to be a mum again.
15:29I've got so much love to give.
15:32We couldn't have done it without you.
15:35It's been touch and go, money-wise.
15:38Rhys thought he might have to move you out of here.
15:42But I promise you, wherever you are, we're going to look after you.
15:47Cos it's only bricks and mortar, innit?
15:50It's the people that count.
15:54I'm going to pay you back every single penny.
15:59Because, you know...
16:02I was thinking...
16:05I might sell my house.
16:08It belonged to my grandma Dot.
16:11I loved her so much.
16:14It's meant to be my pension.
16:16My daughter Bex's inheritance, but...
16:19what's the point in saving for the future
16:22if you're living in fear right now?
16:25And you know how Rhys spirals.
16:29We could have a fresh start.
16:32No debt.
16:35That's what I'm going to do.
16:39That's what I have to do.
16:42Cos there's four of us to take care of now.
16:45There's me, Rhys, the baby...
16:50and you.
16:53Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Debbie.
17:02Let's get you nice and comfy, eh?
17:09There you go.
17:26I think she'll be out in a second.
17:28Ah! What are you doing here?
17:30I'm Debbie's...
17:31I don't care who you are. You haven't signed in.
17:33How did you get through?
17:34Well, there was no-one in reception and the door was wide open.
17:37It's not my fault you've got sloppy security.
17:39You have to sign the register before you go.
17:41Can't have any old Tom, Dick or Harry wandering about.
17:44I'm not any old Tom, Dick or Harry.
17:46I'm Debbie's family.
17:51No peeking. Keep going.
17:53One step, one step, one step. We've got another step, we've got another step.
17:55That's it. We're going through the gate now.
17:57That's it. We're going to turn around here. All yours, Nanamo.
18:00If you can't go to the kids' club...
18:02The kids' club has come to you!
18:04There's no-one you guys are missing, I'll tell you that.
18:06Right, here we go. You've got your microphones.
18:08Here we go. Let's turn this up nice and loud.
18:10Green, green grass, blue, blue skies.
18:13You'd better throw a party or you'll never know.
18:17All right!
18:18Green, green grass, blue, blue skies.
18:22You'd better throw a party or you'll never know.
18:26Are we all together?
18:27Never leave.
18:30Mother Earth is so much more than just another half of me.
18:34Yes, she's a genius.
18:36Watch and learn.
18:38As she sets the world on fire just to watch the second.
18:53Please, please.
18:56Hello, my name's Tommy Moon.
18:59I'm 18 years old.
19:05My mum's been hitting me.
19:08And this was my grandad's bedroom after his stroke.
19:12Some of the neighbours, they've knocked through, but...
19:15Well, they've got the right idea.
19:17Needs modernising.
19:21Er, right.
19:23So through here, this is the kitchen.
19:29Good Lord, it's magical.
19:32Oh, do you think so?
19:34It's a museum piece.
19:36The kitchen that time forgot.
19:38My grandma was very happy here.
19:40Oh, don't take it the wrong way.
19:42This was your grandparents' taste.
19:45Their style.
19:47You can still smell the powdered egg.
19:50So you just inherited it?
19:52No. I've lived here for years.
19:57Well, I'm sure the new owners will put their stamp on the place.
20:00Shall we talk through the deeds?
20:02Do you know what? I don't think I'm going to sell.
20:05I don't want my grandma Dot's soul ripped out of this house,
20:09so we can find another way out of this situation.
20:13You're right.
20:15Memories of loved ones are precious indeed.
20:19Yeah, they are.
20:21Thanks for understanding.
20:23But don't let the past stop you enjoying the future.
20:27Your money worries can ruin a family,
20:30especially with a new baby on the way.
20:39We've got a waiting list for houses like this.
20:42You can have a cash buyer by the end of the week.
20:50Hello, Debbie.
20:52It's me.
20:58Well, I hope I'm making the right decision.
21:01We could sell this place tomorrow,
21:03but I would have mentioned the cabaret to prospective buyers.
21:07Thank you. I'll be in touch.
21:11Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
21:15Thank you. I'll be in touch.
21:19What's all this, then?
21:21I don't know. Funny, though, isn't it?
21:23I'm calling it Mochella.
21:25No, I'm all right, thanks.
21:27Who's that bloke?
21:29Nosy. Estate agent.
21:33Well, you're not selling Dot's, are you?
21:35It's been one for two years now,
21:37but, yeah, I'm selling Dot's place.
21:39Why? I mean, where are you going?
21:41We haven't thought that far forward yet,
21:43but the money from the sale of the house,
21:45it'll give us choices and hope.
21:47You've got to be joking. I mean, look around.
21:49You've got all you need here. You've got friends, family.
21:52Mo, bursting your eardrums.
22:00No, I know him. I know him well.
22:03I've lived here most of my life, haven't I?
22:06And Mum, she didn't have a pot to pee in,
22:08but she taught us to be grateful for what we had.
22:11Some people ain't that lucky, are they?
22:13They spend their life searching for something
22:15and all the while it was at the end of their noses.
22:18You know, that house, you lot, you're everything to me.
22:22That's never going to change.
22:24But my future is with Rhys now.
22:26And hopefully a little family of our own.
22:29But we're drowning in debt.
22:32It's a really horrible way to live, so, yeah, I'm selling the house.
22:36For me and Rhys. He's the kindest man I've ever met.
22:40And I know he'd do anything for me.
22:53Can I have a word?
22:55Save your breath.
22:57You don't know what I'm going to say?
22:59Something like, er, please don't take my mind, mate.
23:02She's been working really hard and deserves that champagne.
23:10Chelsea deserved that demotion.
23:12I'd have sacked her if she'd stolen from me.
23:15You've got a vacancy for a new manager and I want the job.
23:18I'm hard-working, ambitious, and if you think this wheelchair
23:21is going to stop me from dealing with scumbags,
23:23you don't know me very well.
23:26Weren't expecting that, were you?
23:31Sonny's having a baby.
23:35It's what we've both wanted for so long and...
23:38well, now it's actually happening.
23:44I'm in so much debt.
23:49I'm such a mess, Debbie.
23:55You're so pretty.
23:59Did I ever deserve a girl like you?
24:02Just face it, I didn't.
24:05If you were here,
24:07properly here,
24:10you'd want to help me.
24:12I know you wouldn't.
24:14But you've been sentenced to this pitiful, pointless half-life.
24:19If only you'd died in the bath.
24:27It's not fair, is it?
24:29With you lingering on in here,
24:31with you lingering on in here,
24:33mummy and son, you lose everything.
24:36The three of us live with nothing.
24:45I've only got one chance left, Debbie.
24:48And I know...
24:50I just know you'll tell me to take it.
24:59If you passed away,
25:02I could start again.
25:05I've lost you.
25:08I can't lose Sonny and the baby as well.
25:28I can't lose you.
25:58I can't lose you.
26:28I can't lose you.