Cartoons - Space Angel-Incident of the Loud Planet-Part Two

  • 2 months ago
00:00Where's the Space Angel? Can I meet the Space Angel?
00:08No, Johnny. He's already on board.
00:11I'll see if I can't get you two together when we get back.
00:15You're going along too, huh, Mr. Scott?
00:17You bet, Johnny. I'll be taking along.
00:20Then will you tell him I know he can find my dad?
00:23I'm counting on the Space Angel.
00:25I'm sure the Space Angel will do his very best, Johnny.
00:28Thank you, Mr. Scott, sir.
00:30Okay if I go down and look over the starduster?
00:33Sure, Johnny. Go ahead.
00:35Launching crew, report to platform three.
00:39Launching crew...
00:40That kid's sharp, Scott.
00:42Could be he'll catch on that you're the Space Angel.
00:44I know, Chief.
00:46I'd better get aboard before he returns and fires more questions at me.
00:50Okay, Scott. Good luck, and stay in close contact, my friend.
00:54Right, Chief.
00:55All set, kids. Ready when you are.
00:58Okay here, Skipper.
01:00Okay, Scott.
01:01Space Control. Space Control.
01:04This is Starduster. Ready for countdown. Over.
01:07Roger, Starduster. Ready for countdown.
01:10Clear launching station three of all equipment and personnel.
01:14Emergency vehicles, stand by.
01:17Hit seven...
01:19Atomic engine activator.
01:21Atomic engine activator, go.
01:25Projectory angle.
01:29Three point zero five, go.
01:53We are free of Earth's gravity.
02:03I'll switch over to our own gyrogravity equalizer.
02:06Roger, Taurus.
02:07Trajectory looks very good, Scott.
02:09Roger, Crystal.
02:15We're in free flight.
02:16How's the new sonight tracking equipment working, Cris?
02:19All okay.
02:20I'm just checking the present position of the sonight afteroid.
02:24Hey, Taurus.
02:26Yes, Skipper?
02:27My radiation indicator isn't working.
02:29Better go aft and check the shielding.
02:31Aye, Skipper. Right away.
02:33Probably a resistor out.
02:35What? What? What the...
02:37What I'll see.
02:39What the...
02:40What have we got here?
02:42Hey, Skipper.
02:43I found a mouse in the machinery.
02:46Johnny Kendal.
02:48What are you doing here?
02:49I sneaked aboard while they were loading the sonight tracking equipment.
02:52How on Earth did you survive the blast-off?
02:55I strapped myself to the computer rack.
02:58That's why your indicator wasn't working, Skipper.
03:01Hey, where's the space angel?
03:04Well, uh...
03:07You see, lad, he's, uh...
03:10Johnny, I suppose we'll have to take you into our confidence.
03:13And trust you'll never tell anyone.
03:15I'm the space angel.
03:23Now, as long as you're here, we have no choice but to take you along.
03:26Taurus, see if you can rig up a space suit for our new crew member, Johnny Kendal.
03:32We're entering Sector 5.
03:34It won't be long now.
03:39Scott, the alarm.
03:41We're registering sonight.
03:43There it is.
03:45The sonight planet.
03:51We've got to get out of here.
03:54We've got to get out of here.
03:57We've got to get out of here.
04:00We've got to get out of here.
04:06It certainly looks evil enough, Skipper.
04:08It looks completely dead.
04:10How could anyone survive on such a place?
04:13If anybody could, it would be your father, Johnny.
04:15He's a very capable man.
04:17Aye, laddie.
04:19I read one of his books on how to survive in hostile environments.
04:23Gravity reading .015.
04:25Moving up fast, Scott.
04:27Right, Chris.
04:28We'll drop into orbit now and survey this planetoid.
04:31Taurus, get on the analyzer and check for atmosphere content.
04:34Aye, Skipper.
04:35Crystal, check the radiation and ground conditions, please.
04:38Right, Scott.
04:39Aren't we going to land, sir?
04:41Not until we take a look around, Johnny.
04:43We have to know what we're getting into.
04:58Taurus, capital of the guard, notify the queen.
05:20Unidentified spacecraft approaching.
05:22Your Highness, we have an alert.
05:24Unidentified spacecraft coming in on low approach.
05:27Well, General, shall we go see who our unexpected visitor is?
05:33Of course, Your Highness.
05:36Who knows, but we may fall heir to another youthful pride.
05:42Safe enough.
05:43Let's drop down and drag the area.
05:57Any atmosphere readings, Taurus?
05:59Atmosphere negligible, Skipper.
06:01Geiger reading in the green.
06:03Safe gravity .094 G.
06:07Very good.
06:08They're coming closer now, Your Highness.
06:12Don't the stranger have any markings, General?
06:15It, it, Your Highness, it looks like the space angel ship.
06:21The space angel.
06:23I might have known.
