Hi lovely friends

  • 2 months ago
Eat medjool Dates it's tast like chocolate and it's very healthy fruit for you so eat this dates and always be healthy and be happy,and please support my channel thanks love you all.
00:00This is the world's largest date palm, which you may have heard of somewhere.
00:03And people are ready to pay up to 40,000 rupees for this date palm.
00:06What is so special about this date palm that makes it so expensive?
00:10The speciality of this date palm is that it is the size of an egg.
00:14And when you eat it, it tastes like a chocolate.
00:17The name of this date palm is Medjool date palm.
00:19This date palm is found in Morocco the most.
00:22And now it is being grown everywhere.
00:24Medjool date palm is rich in potassium, copper, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, and vitamins.
00:30We get all these vitamins from just eating a date palm.
00:34These date palms are as sweet as chocolate.
00:36That is why this date palm is also known as the sweet of nature.
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