Materie critiche, Urso: “RigeneRare cruciale per sfida innovazione digitale ed innovazione green”

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Questo hub per il riciclo di materie prime critiche fondamentali è di cruciale importanza per una duplice sfida - quella dell’innovazione digitale e quella dell’innovazione green - e pone il nostro Paese all’avanguardia in Europa”. Lo ha detto Adolfo Urso, ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, a margine della conferenza stampa di presentazione del nuovo Hub per il recupero di materie prime e metalli preziosi del Gruppo Iren ‘RigeneRare’, svoltasi alla Camera dei Deputati.


00:00This hub for the recycling of raw materials is fundamental to the dual challenge of digital innovation and green innovation.
00:16It puts our country at the forefront in Europe in the need to achieve strategic autonomy on raw materials
00:27and it is fundamental to the dual transition between Europe and Italy.
00:33The European regulation has just come into force,
00:37it already imposes a significant and important threshold of 10% of the extraction of raw materials in the European continent
00:44of the consumption that will be needed in 2030, which is 4-5 times higher than the current one,
00:50the threshold of 40% of the processing of raw materials, which today we import almost everything from China,
00:57of the consumption that will be necessary in our production system in 2030,
01:02and the threshold of 25% of the recycling of raw materials.
01:06Here, Italy can really be at the forefront in Europe, in the West,
01:11because we have technologies and enterprises particularly devoted to recycling and reuse
01:18and this hub helps us to quickly follow the right path.
01:22The law decree that will be converted before the summer break puts Italy at the forefront in Europe
01:28also with regard to the new European regulation and therefore the simplification in the authorizations
01:35that will be carried out in a sort of fast track, both with regard to extraction, that is, mining,
01:43both with regard to the processing of industrial sites,
01:48and with regard to the recycling of raw materials that can be done today
01:53and above all that can be done in the future, as we need to recycle the electric batteries, solar panels,
02:02wind turbines, which will go at the end of the cycle.
02:05And Italy can become a leader in Europe in terms of recycling.
02:12This is also perfectly reflected in our Mattei plan,
02:16especially with regard to the extraction and processing of raw materials,
02:23also in the African continent, in a line that then brings the product to our country, to our Europe,
02:30to guarantee the strategic autonomy of Europe with Africa and together with Africa.
