White-Bellamy-KC-TP (SF subs), 3/3/59

  • 3 months ago


00:04Welcome to Black & White Overnight.
00:06Game Show Network's salute to the bygone era of classic game shows.
00:10Featuring some of your favorite stars of stage and screen.
00:15One of these men is the president of the White House Correspondents Association.
00:23What is your name, please?
00:25My name is Marvin Arrowsmith.
00:29What is your name, please?
00:31My name is Marvin Arrowsmith.
00:36What is your name, please?
00:38My name is Marvin Arrowsmith.
00:41Two of these people are imposters.
00:43Only one is the real Marvin Arrowsmith.
00:46And is the only one sworn to tell the truth.
00:50And now, here sitting in for Bud Collier, is our host, Sonny Fox!
00:55Thank you.
01:04To Tell the Truth is brought to you this week by Rye's Instant Lather, the inventor of aerated shaving.
01:10For smoothest shaves in half the time, get Rye's, America's largest selling shave cream.
01:15And now, let's meet our panel.
01:17What is your name, please?
01:19My name is Betty White.
01:21My name is Ralph Bellamy.
01:24My name is Kitty Carlisle.
01:26My name is Tom Poston.
01:28And here's a switch.
01:37I get to welcome somebody back.
01:40Kitty, it's so good having you back, and I hope you had a nice vacation.
01:43Thank you.
01:44I had a wonderful vacation.
01:45As a matter of fact, so good that I'm only glad to be back for two reasons.
01:49To see my children and to be on this show.
01:52And I'm not sure that that's the right order.
01:55Well, I'm sure they're as appreciative as we are at having you back.
01:58And now, gentlemen and ladies of the panel, these three gentlemen all claim to be Marvin Arrowsmith.
02:04Only one is the real Marvin Arrowsmith.
02:07The other two have assumed that identity.
02:10And panel, if you will please follow along with your copies of the affidavit, I will read it.
02:15I, Marvin Arrowsmith, am the White House correspondent for the Associated Press.
02:21In addition to covering President Eisenhower in Washington, D.C., I also do on-the-spot reporting of his activities abroad.
02:28I have covered the president's trips to Geneva, Paris, Bermuda, Canada, and most recently his visit to Acapulco, Mexico.
02:36I am the president of the White House Correspondents Association.
02:41It is my duty to officially close each presidential conference with the words,
02:46Thank you, Mr. President.
02:48Signed, Marvin Arrowsmith.
03:00Well, panel, these three gentlemen all claim to be Marvin Arrowsmith, White House correspondent.
03:04Only the real Marvin Arrowsmith is required to answer your questions.
03:07Truthfully, I'll tell you what, in honor of your being back, we'll start the questioning with you, Kitty.
03:12Thank you very much.
03:14Number one, who knocked over all the tables in glassware in Acapulco?
03:20We both did.
03:21Both of you whom?
03:22That is to say, the Mexicans and the Americans, President Eisenhower and President López Mateo.
03:29Number two, would you say, Thank you, Mr. President?
03:33Thank you, Mr. President.
03:35Number three, who's the president, who's the head of NATO?
03:39The head of NATO is North Star.
03:42Number one, what did the president and President Mateo say when all the glassware and the tables were knocked down?
03:47I'm very interested in glassware and tables being knocked down.
03:50Well, they smiled at each other because the people all crushed in and they shook their hands and walked back,
03:54but they couldn't get to the press.
03:55They didn't say anything about lady press people next time?
03:58We couldn't hear them if they did.
04:01Number two, did you see Sir Anthony Eden?
04:03Yes, I did.
04:04What color are his eyes?
04:06That I don't know.
04:10Gee, I'd like to find out, too.
04:12All right, on to you, Tom.
04:13Thank you.
04:14Number one, it says here that you travel with the president.
04:17Do you go to Gettysburg when he does?
04:19I do.
04:20I'm familiar with Lincoln's Gettysburg address.
04:23Could you tell me President Eisenhower's Gettysburg address?
04:27Waterworks Road.
04:28I beg your pardon?
04:29Waterworks Road.
04:31Number two, would you tell me President Eisenhower's Gettysburg address?
04:34The road he lives on is Waterworks Road.
04:37Number three?
04:39It's Waterworks Road.
04:41That's a quorum, isn't it?
04:45Number two, could you tell me what a New York newspaper
04:49Robert Spivak writes for, please?
04:52He writes for the New York Post.
04:55Number three, what New York newspaper does James Reston write for?
04:59He writes for the New York Times.
05:02Number one, it says you cover President Eisenhower in Washington,
05:05Geneva, Paris, and so forth.
05:07Who covers him in Augusta?
05:09Can he cover himself?
05:10I mean, what about Mamie?
05:12Do you cover Mamie, too?
05:14Do you have any one of those questions to answer, number one?
05:17I cover him in Augusta.
05:19I do not cover Mamie.
05:21That's enough.
05:22On to you, Betty White.
05:24Number one, what is the UP known as now?
05:29Number two, what does UPI stand for?
05:31For United Press International.
05:34Number one, you officially closed the presidential...
05:38Number three, I should say, you officially closed the presidential press conference.
05:43Who opened it?
05:44The president comes in and says, gentlemen, be seated.
05:50Would you please say thank you, Mr. President?
05:52Thank you, Mr. President.
05:53Would you please say thank you, Mr. President, number one?
05:55Thank you, Mr. President.
05:56Well, now, I will call you.
05:57You've auditioned very nicely.
06:01Number two, who in Washington is known as the duchess?
06:07Esther Tufte Van Widener.
06:11Number one, who is the president of the National Press Club?
06:16Bob Fevatt.
06:17Number two, who is the president?
06:19Bill Lawrence.
06:20Number three, who is the president?
06:21Bill Lawrence.
06:24Number one, what was the result of President Eisenhower's trip to Mexico?
06:29That is, what kind of agreement was reached of some note?
06:35It was a good neighbor visit, but they also discussed the probability of a dam.
06:40It's got nothing to do with the word you just used.
06:41That's perfectly all right.
06:43It is time now to vote.
06:44And panel, without consultation, if you will, mark your ballots and select number one, number two, or number three.
06:53Of course, the team of challengers will get $250 for each incorrect answer.
06:58Bill marked up there.
06:58Betty, for whom did you vote?
07:01Oh, you're just voting.
07:02I'm going to go back to my old way, and it sounded like number three said Marvin Aerosmith like he's been saying it all his life.
07:10Well, I thought the same thing about number one.
07:12I really pouted myself off of number two, too.
07:16But I'm going with number one.
07:17All right, Kitty.
07:19Well, I'm going with number three, because I don't think it's number one.
07:23Probably is.
07:24But number two didn't know the color of Anthony Eden's eyes.
07:27He's got the most beautiful blue eyes.
07:29He couldn't miss it.
07:32Todd Thurston.
07:33Why didn't you tell me that?
07:36I voted for number two because he doesn't have a suntan, and no self-respecting newspaper man would waste his time off on a beach if he could do other things.
07:47And I think it's number two.
07:49Are you finished, Tom?
07:50All right.
07:50I think it's number three.
07:53The votes are all in, and the minds are made up.
07:55Now, let's find out which of these three gentlemen is a White House correspondent.
08:00Will the real Marvin Arrowsmith please stand?
08:22Number one, would you please tell us who you really are?
08:25I'm Carl Ruff.
08:26I'm the president of Carl Ruff Associates, a public relations consultant.
08:34And number three, who are you?
08:36My name is John Biggs, and I'm in the special events section of Pepsi-Cola.
08:45Well, let's see.
08:46There have been a total of three incorrect answers, meaning $750 from Rye's.
08:51And on your way out, gentlemen, there's a year's supply of Rye's Instant Lather for each of you.
08:54Thank you all very, very much, and good night and good luck.
09:05Kitty, what did go on there at that conference where they were breaking china and throwing things on the floor?
09:10I don't know about this.
09:11Well, the people all crowded around, all the French people crowded around when they came out on an unscheduled appearance,
09:17and they knocked over all the tables and all the chairs and all the glasses.
09:20It was a break-in.
09:21A break-in?
09:23A break-in.
09:24Stay tuned.
09:25There's more black-and-white overnight coming right up.
09:29Win, lose, or draw, guess the celebrity.
09:31She was a golden girl who worked at a TV station on TV and married a talk show host.
09:36It's the star of stage and screen, Betty White.
09:38Win, lose, or draw, big pictures, big names, every day at 11 a.m. Eastern only on Game Show Network.
09:45And now, let's have our next team of challengers.
09:53What is your name, please?
09:56My name is Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris.
10:04What is your name, please?
10:06My name is Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris.
10:12What is your name, please?
10:14My name is Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris.
10:21All right, panel, please listen while I read this affidavit.
10:24I, Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris, am a dentist and a major in the Army of the Sudan.
10:31I got my degree in dentistry from the University of Alexandria in Egypt,
10:35where I was a star athlete and captain of my dental team.
10:39I am in the United States on a scholarship studying dental prosthesis at New York University.
10:45Upon my return home, I will be the chief of the dental section of the Sudanese Army.
10:51Signed, Dr. Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris.
10:57All right, panel, these three gentlemen claim to be Dr. Ahmed Abdel Majid Idris, major in the Sudanese Army.
11:05And let's start the course examination with Ralph.
11:09Number one, what countries surround the Sudan?
11:13You have Egypt to the north, and then you have to the west, the French Equatorial.
11:21And then, of course, to the down south, you have Uganda and Kenya.
11:26And then our nearest neighbor to this side is Egypt. It's Ethiopia.
11:30Number two, where is New York University Dental College?
11:35It's 421 First Avenue and 21st Street.
11:41That's opposite the Bellevue.
11:44Number three, what countries comprise the Arab League?
11:51My home, the Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Saudi Arabia.
12:01I must say they've all been very well briefed.
12:03Number one, what's the capital of the Sudan?
12:06The capital of Sudan is Khartoum, which means trunk, trunk of an elephant, you know.
12:12T-R-U-N-K, yeah.
12:14Number two, what statue was recently removed from Khartoum?
12:22I don't know.
12:23Number three.
12:23Excuse me, Ralph, but it's time to move on.
12:28All right, that was a bonus for you.
12:30Number one, what are these two teeth called?
12:34Yeah, those two.
12:36They are the central.
12:37The what?
12:39Central, yeah.
12:41Number two, what are they called?
12:42The incisors.
12:43The two incisors, yeah.
12:44Number two, what is dental prosthesis?
12:50Dental prosthesis, it's the act of trying to put in order any fault in the oral cavity.
13:01Thank you very much.
13:04And number three, what kind of a scholarship are you here on?
13:07I am on Fulbright scholarship through International Institute of Education.
13:15Number one, you're a dentist, it says here.
13:19What's wrong with this molar?
13:24When you just dolly in and let him get out.
13:28Well, if you come to me, you have one or two things.
13:33Either you are in pain or you are not having sufficient function with your teeth.
13:38And so I will look at it and see whether I will do some filling or in the last resort do some excavation.
13:53Can't you take a joke?
13:56Tom, I have a feeling there's a bill already on the way for you.
13:59Yes, but just for that.
14:01Number one, again, who is the president of the Sudan, please?
14:06The president is Ibrahim Aoud, who is also the prime minister as well as the minister of defense after the coup.
14:14Got three answers for that question.
14:18Thank you, Sonny. Number two, who is the president of the Sudan?
14:21The president is General Ibrahim Aoud.
14:24And number three, you were a star athlete.
14:27What sport did you captain?
14:29I was the captain of the selected team football team of the University of Alexandria.
14:37Number one, what sport did you captain?
14:39I was captain of the field track events and my own special interest is 100 yards.
14:46Number 100 yards. Number two, what sport did you captain?
14:49I was captain of the soccer team, which is played with the feet, not the hands.
14:55Just the feet. I'm not finished yet, Sonny.
14:57I have a lot of other things on the way. You're finished, Betty.
15:00You're all finished and it's time to vote.
15:02No consultation again, please mark your ballots and select number one, number two or number three.
15:09All right, panel, have you marked your ballots? Betty, for whom did you vote?
15:16Number three, because I think he is the one.
15:25Well, number two, I had a hunch at various times about all three of them.
15:31They were all very well brief, but number two looks, I think, more athletic than the other two perhaps.
15:36Kitty, I voted for number two. Number one, I think gave me a wrong answer about the incisors.
15:43And number two looks like an athlete, all-round athlete.
15:48Tom? I voted for number one.
15:55Kitty, if he gave you a wrong answer, that's the only wrong answer he gave tonight.
15:59He was loaded. All right, the votes are in and the minds are made up.
16:04And now let's see which one of these three gentlemen is really a major in the Sudanese army.
16:08Will the real Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Maged Idris please stand?
16:24Number one, will you please tell us who you really are?
16:29I'm Reverend Edmond Elogu from Nigeria. I'm a priest in the Anglican Church of Nigeria.
16:39Number two, who are you?
16:42My name is Hope Yomikwe. I'm a member of the Ghana delegation to the United Nations.
16:52Three of our contestants were Ghanas, too, and there have been three incorrect votes, which means a total of $750 from RISE.
16:59Thank you, gentlemen, and good luck. And on your way out, there's a year's supply of RISE Instant Lather for each of you.
17:03Good night, gentlemen.
17:09Stay tuned. There's more black and white overnight coming right up.
17:14Has Game Show Network got a deal for you?
17:16It is $20,000.
17:18Every Tuesday night, it's two hours of Let's Make a Deal and to sweeten the deal, Monty Hall.
17:23I love the way you said that.
17:25Deal Tuesdays from 8 to 10 p.m. Eastern only on Game Show Network.
17:29And now let's have our third team of challengers.
17:38What is your name, please?
17:41My name is Dr. Arthur Tyler.
17:46What is your name, please?
17:48My name is Dr. Arthur Tyler.
17:52What is your name, please?
17:54My name is Dr. Arthur Tyler.
17:57Our panel, please listen while I read this affidavit.
18:00I, Dr. Arthur Tyler, am a physicist.
18:04Although I am vice president of an electronics company,
18:07I have devoted a large part of my time during the last five years to the science of bobsledding.
18:13I designed and built a four-man bobsled.
18:16Last month at Samaritz, Switzerland, I drove my homemade sled in competition with the best teams from eight other countries.
18:24We won for the United States the world's four-man bobsled championship.
18:29Signed, Dr. Arthur Tyler.
18:31Thank you.
18:39Our panel, these three gentlemen all claim to be Art Tyler, physicist and bobsled champion.
18:45We'll start this round with Tom.
18:49Thank you.
18:53Number three, what is the weight of a four-man bobsled?
19:00About 630 kilograms.
19:03Kilograms? Would you give it to me in pounds, please?
19:07About 1,260 pounds.
19:11I see. Can you tell me why it's called a bobsled?
19:15Just because a few years ago when it originated, the four people on the bobsled would bob with it back and forth, you know?
19:25Oh, it's not from Robert.
19:28As you're a physicist, I understand, could you tell me the significance of the development of the transistor?
19:34To electronics, I mean.
19:37The transistor is a miniaturized amplifier.
19:41Reduces space, saves power.
19:46You digest that while we go on to Betty White.
19:51I didn't even understand the question.
19:56Number one, who held the four-man bobsled championship prior to your winning in San Marino?
20:01That was Zardini, Italian.
20:04Italian? And number two, where do you rehearse your bobsledding here in this country?
20:10At Lake Placid.
20:11Lake Placid. Number three, would you name the three best bobsled runs in this country?
20:15Yes, you have Garmisch in Germany.
20:18In this country?
20:19Oh, in this country. There's only one, Lake Placid.
20:22The Mount von Annenberg.
20:24Number one, where is the bobsled run located at Squaw Valley?
20:27Well, they haven't built one, unfortunately.
20:30If you want to be stuffy about it all day.
20:33On to you, Ralph Bellamy.
20:34Well, let's pursue that. Number one, what is the classic or important competition, the only one, run in the United States? Where is it run?
20:44Lake Placid.
20:45Number two, what's the answer to that?
20:47At Lake Placid.
20:48Number three, what's the answer?
20:50Lake Placid.
20:53Number one, name the other teammates in your recent victory in St. Moritz.
21:00Butler, Voorhees, and Parker.
21:03Number two, did any of these other teammates have anything in common, and if so, what?
21:09Two of them were Marines.
21:16Number three, what is the greatest speed which a bobsled has ever attained?
21:2370 miles per hour.
21:26That's correct.
21:27Number one, how do you place yourselves on the bobsled? Do you go belly flopper one on top of the other? Do you go this way?
21:33No, one right behind the other.
21:35One right behind the other. Number two, what happens if the end man falls off?
21:40Well, aside from getting his neck full of snow, the team is disqualified.
21:46Number three, have you got blue cloth?
21:51Number one, can you tell me what range of mountains in which what range of mountains St. Moritz is placed?
21:57Well, it's in the Alps. The run is in the Engadine Valley, which I don't know the actual section of the Alps.
22:05Number two, is the run iced?
22:07It's all solid ice.
22:09All right, now, panel, it's time to vote. Please mark your ballots for number one, number two, or number three.
22:20Everybody got their vote in? Fine. All right, Betty, for whom did you vote?
22:24I'm going to be sorry, because it makes sense that a fellow that was the captain of the bobsled team would have short hair.
22:29Doesn't that make good sense? But the Anthony Eaton eyes on number one. I'm going to go with him.
22:37Number three, kind of a swarthy complexion, and he had a lot of information and was right quick with it. All right, Kitty.
22:44Number one. I think it's number two because he knew about the transistor.
22:49But number one knew about the Engadine, and I think it's number one.
22:56You thought you were going to get away with it, didn't you?
23:02It's number two.
23:05It's number two, all right. And the reason I think so is because he could tell when I was lying.
23:15Well, the votes are all in, and the minds are made up.
23:19And if you've been playing at home, yours are probably too.
23:22Now let's find out which of these three gentlemen is the real bobsled champion.
23:28Will the real Art Tyler please stand?
23:47Well, now, number one, who are you really?
23:50I'm Fred Pratt. I am regional advertising manager of American Aviation Magazine,
23:56which is changing its name to Airlift in April.
24:03And number three, who are you really?
24:06Well, I'm Anthony Telly, and I'm the vice president of Homespot Frozen Foods in Blue Anchor, New Jersey.
24:16Well, there have been again three incorrect votes, which means a total of $750 from Rise.
24:23Thank you and good luck.
24:25And on your way out, there's a year's supply of Rise Instant Lather for each of you.
24:28Thank you all very much, gentlemen. Good luck.
24:36By the way, Art Tyler would like to donate his share of the winnings to the Amateur Athletic Union Building Fund.
24:42Thank you very, very much, Art, on behalf of the Amateur Athletic Union Building Fund.
24:46Stay tuned. There's more black and white overnight coming right up.
24:51That's about all we have time for tonight, panel.
24:53By the way, I've enjoyed my couple of weeks here, and meeting you and Andy Budcott.
24:57You're in his position here every week.
25:00I know, Ralph Fellamy, you're on your way back to Sunrise at Campobello to catch the show there.
25:05I'll catch it for you.
25:07That's a great line.
25:09Indeed, it's a trick of the week if he can catch it.
25:12He hasn't seen it yet, sir.
25:15That's true.
25:16I'm the only one.
25:17You're missing something, because it's really a great show.
25:19And I want to say again that I'll be leaving on quite a long vacation next week.
25:24There'll be a young man sitting in here.
25:25Try to make him feel at home, will you?
25:27His name is Bud Collier.
25:28He'll be here next week.
25:29Good night, panel.
25:30Good night, Sonny.
25:31And this is Sonny Fox saying good night from Rise Instant Lather and Arid Cream deodorant,
25:35reminding you to tell the truth.
25:39To tell the truth is Mark Goodson, Bill Todman,
25:43production and association of the CBS Television Network.
