Analysis of Sonic Boom Fire and Ice's Plot

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00Now for Sonic Boom Fire and Ice.
00:03The first cutscene is Amy hits a metal pole with her hammer, and then a burst of blue energy comes out,
00:10which is the bare-bones explanation for why Sonic and Amy suddenly have cool fire and ice powers,
00:16which I have to assume rewired their brains so that they know they could do them now.
00:22It makes as much sense as Sonic instantly knowing that he can fly after he went super for the first time.
00:29Kale somehow saw the whole thing from his plane on the ground in a different area.
00:35Satellite cameras? Why would he have those?
00:39I hate how the cutscenes in this game have no subtitles.
00:45I have to assume the reason she froze it when she didn't have to was to show off.
00:52Then they should have had Sonic lampshade then. It's about comedy, so he could have a joke.
00:59The dialogue is so generic and devoid of charm that I don't really care about it.
01:04The heroes meet a tiny orange robot, which Amy responds to by obnoxiously breaking the fourth wall.
01:11They did get merchandise.
01:13Kale says there's potential world-ending consequences.
01:18And he says that the communicator absorbed the energy,
01:21and he uses this technology to spread the fire and ice magic to everyone else's communicators.
01:28He says, because science, which isn't really something a genius personally would say.
01:34That comes off as something a non-genius writing a genius would say as a tame parody.
01:40So the fissures gave their communicators magic.
01:43It's a very thin explanation, but at least it is one.
01:47Because this is a world with chaos emeralds in it, so if emeralds can be magical for no apparent reason, why can't fissures?
01:55It's something I would consider to be a lazy, easy to come up with explanation for a character getting a special power.
02:02But it's much better than nothing.
02:04So I would accept it as an explanation for a character who doesn't have special powers getting one permanently.
02:12Like Amy.
02:14Amy could get these powers in the main series.
02:19The dumb plan is a race. You'll have to leave town.
02:24Sticks calls Defect an adorable robot, and it's actually sweet how she treats him like a pet like that.
02:31I don't know why she didn't act like that with him in the Sonic Boom episode, written by the same guys.
02:38Tails annoys me.
02:41Not only did he have to go out of his way to call the robot that, since he corrected himself on what he was calling it,
02:48but it's unlike a sweet mechanic like Tails to call a robot a thing.
02:53There's no reason he wouldn't call it Robot instead.
02:56And Sticks insists delusionally that the robot loves her, despite it trying to escape from her and stuff.
03:02Sticks is supposed to be crazy because she's paranoid.
03:06I mean, her being conspiracy theorist is because she comes up with conclusions out of nowhere, so that is in character.
03:14But it's not in character for her to assume someone likes her for no reason.
03:19She's negative. She would assume the opposite.
03:22If I don't talk about a cutscene, it's because I don't see any value in it.
03:27It was interesting seeing Sticks stand up for Defect still.
03:31In the sense that a train wreck is interesting. It's still annoying and confusing.
03:36And it was really irritating how Sonic just said that robots have about as many rights as his toaster.
03:41And none of his friends, aside from Sticks, who were supposed to see as wrong, call Sonic out on a dick-headed response.
03:48Granted, Defect is a villain. They should be tracking him down.
03:51But they look like jerks because they're being dismissive of him because he's a robot, not because he's doing bad things.
03:59Nobody wants the Sonic characters to be neutral characters who are only fighting the bad guys for fun.
04:05And not because they're actually good people with compassion who want to save people.
04:10The cutscene where Sticks puts a tracking device on Defect is just enragingly written.
04:16I mean, really?
04:17She accuses Tails of tracking her for no reason.
04:21And when he says she'll be with them, she says, or will I?
04:25I don't care if it's supposed to be funny.
04:28Making a legitimately mentally ill character the butt of a joke is uncomfortable.
04:32And then she makes it so fucking obvious that she's tricking Defect.
04:37Saying it's totally not a tracking device and she's not up to anything.
04:41And she acts all afraid of him.
04:44And rather than taking it off right away or attacking her in the meantime, Defect just walks away while keeping the tracking device on.
04:53If only it was explained that he didn't do anything against her because he likes and trusts her.
04:58And knows that it's a tracking device, but doesn't care.
05:02Why is Sticks the only nice one in a group of heroes?
05:06You'd think with all the jokes about Amy being feminine in the show, Amy would have been a much better fit for this.
05:14Sticks did like Buster, so it's going off of that.
05:19But that was out of character too.
05:21She's a wild person who hates technology.
05:25Defect defects from Eggman because I guess he was fed up with him.
05:29Eggman did blame him for leading the heroes here and called them worthless after all.
05:33The only reason he wouldn't have killed the heroes instantly with that kind of power is he was holding back.
05:40Which could only be out of sadism because that would end the fight too fast.
05:45Because that's way too overpowered an ability to give the villains.
05:50And the fact that he can't even do it at all is just magic, not science.
05:57Why do the Fidgets have fire and ice magic in them anyways?
06:00Well, Dark Gaia. Maybe the Boom Dimension has a fire ice guy in it.
06:05Makes about as much sense as Eggman making a robot to attract Ragnium.
06:11Just for him to attract everything but by accident.
06:16That could only make sense if he was making him with magical witch potion ingredients.
06:21And accidentally used the wrong ones.
06:24He was yelling at a robot and he looked at the wrong thing.
06:28Eggman whines about how Defect ruined the mind.
06:31And shockingly, Eggman actually apologizes sadly to Defect.
06:35Saying that he just wanted his love.
06:38This would only make sense if he was intentionally trying to manipulate him.
06:43It flies completely in the face of him seeing him as a rejected robot.
06:47In the episode that's a sequel to this.
06:50Where he just didn't even want him around at all.
06:53Tails says that now thanks to what he's done, he's as harmless as a puppy.
06:58And Eggman's reluctant to admit that.
07:01This wasn't as bad as the Shattered Crystal plot.
07:05It wasn't as overloaded with lame jokes.
07:09But the plot events are still pretty forgettable.
07:13The important plot point is memorable.
07:16But a telekinetic robot is really ridiculously overpowered.
07:22And it should have been explained how he didn't win instantly.
07:26There's one plot point that's engaging and cool.
07:29And it stops being cool the minute you see what he looks like.
07:33The fire and ice powers are cool.
07:36But they're just there for a gameplay mechanic.
07:40There's barely anything cool about the plot.
07:43It doesn't leave an impression.
07:45The other 2D Sonic plots are better.
07:48Because at least they have animals being put in bad mix.
07:52Because that's something you only think about the Sonic series doing.
