• 3 months ago
Wake up and energize your body with this 10 minute morning yoga flow! This stretch routine is designed to improve your posture, enhance shoulder mobility, tighten your core, and move your entire body through a back-bending sun salutation A flow with half pigeons and child's pose at the end to unwind. Get more like this in the SarahBethYoga APP: https://www.sarahbethyoga.com/join
00:00Good morning. Get ready to wake up and improve your posture with this morning yoga stretch and flow. Enjoy!
00:07Welcome to yoga.
00:08Meet me in child's pose and find your deep,
00:12smooth breath.
00:15If you have Ujjayi Pranayama in your practice, ocean breath, begin to ignite it now.
00:23And use your breath, whether calm and controlled or ocean breath, as
00:28your home base throughout your practice today.
00:45Yoga is uniting your breath and your movement.
00:54Rise up into a tabletop and
00:57firm up your core as you extend your right arm forward and your left leg back, right thumb pointing up, left toes pointing down.
01:04Keep your core stable in between and take a big inhale.
01:11Exhale, tap elbow to knee underneath you, rounding your spine as you do so. Inhale to reach, keep your belly pulling in.
01:20Exhale to tap.
01:23Inhale, reach.
01:29Exhale, tap.
01:31This time reach, bend your back knee and rotate your right arm back to grab on to your back foot.
01:37Bow open as you lift out of your left shoulder and kick your foot into your hand to lift even higher for three,
01:46two, one. Back to tabletop.
01:49Firm up your core and extend your left arm forward, right leg back,
01:53left thumb pointing up, right toes pointing down.
02:04Exhale, tap elbow to knee.
02:08Inhale to reach.
02:26This time reach, bend your back knee, rotate your arm back and grab on to your foot.
02:32Lift out of your right shoulder.
02:34Roll your left shoulder open, kick your foot into your hand and lift a little bit higher for three, two, one.
02:41Slow release, back to your tabletop and make your way to downward facing dog.
02:49Notice where your breath went and see if you can bring it back.
03:10And take 10 tiny steps towards the front of your mat.
03:19Meet me in a forward fold.
03:22With deeply bent knees, lift your hips high as you sink your chest low, let your head hang heavy.
03:37For halfway lift, bring your feet together to touch and slide your hands up your shins, finding a long flat back.
03:45Then forward fold. As you inhale, rise up into mountain pose, reaching your arms up to the ceiling, then exhale, hands together at heart center.
03:52Close your eyes.
03:54Find your breath.
03:57And take a moment to bring some gratitude to your practice,
04:01that you showed up today,
04:03that your body is moving
04:06and you're not alone.
04:09That you showed up today, that your body is moving and your breath is flowing.
04:23And with that gratitude, open your eyes, reach your arms overhead, big inhale.
04:31Exhale, cactus your arms to the right.
04:33So bend both elbows open like cactus arms, right elbow reaching back, left elbow reaching forward.
04:39Pinch your shoulder blades together behind you.
04:42Open your arms up into your open arm twist, left hand reaching forward, right hand reaching back.
04:48And then slowly tip your arms, left arm reaching up to the ceiling as your right hand comes to your back thigh.
04:57And for a mini back bend, reach your right arm up to meet your left, looking up through your fingers, big inhale.
05:05Exhale, forward fold.
05:09Halfway lift as you inhale.
05:13Chaturanga, high to low plank as you exhale.
05:15With your elbows bending directly back, knees down if it helps.
05:19Upward facing dog as you inhale, lift your knees up, roll your shoulders open.
05:23And downward facing dog as you exhale, send it back.
05:28And right away, inhale, look up, bend your knees.
05:32Exhale, step your feet to touch at the top of your mat, moving slow and controlled.
05:36For halfway lift, inhale.
05:40And exhale to forward fold.
05:44Inhale, rise to mountain pose.
05:49Exhale, cactus arms to your left.
05:51Now hold and breathe here.
05:53Pinch your shoulder blades together behind you.
05:57Firm your core up here, stitching everything together.
06:01And then extend your arms over your head.
06:04Extend your arms open into your open arm twist.
06:09And slowly tip it back, right arm reaching up, left hand to your back thigh.
06:15And for the mini back bend, reach your left arm up to meet the right.
06:19Looking up through your hands, big inhale.
06:23Exhale, forward fold.
06:27Inhale to halfway lift, lengthen your spine and your hamstrings.
06:31Exhale, chaturanga dandasana, high to low plank.
06:35Moving through your upward facing dog and your downward facing dog.
06:39Find your breath.
06:40So we can flow one breath, one movement,
06:43and you're always welcome to skip the chaturanga,
06:46going straight to down dog at any point.
06:49On your next inhale, look up, bend your knees.
06:53Exhale, step your feet to touch at the top of your mat.
06:58Inhale to your halfway lift.
07:00And exhale, fold.
07:01Follow the pace of your breath.
07:04As you inhale, rise up into your mountain pose.
07:09Exhale, cactus arm twist to the right.
07:13Inhale to open your arms all the way.
07:16And then exhale to tilt, left arm reaching up.
07:20As you inhale, right hand comes up to meet your left.
07:24Then exhale to forward fold.
07:27One more halfway lift as you inhale to lengthen your spine.
07:30Then exhale, chaturanga, high to low.
07:32Elbows graze your ribs.
07:35Upward facing dog, big breath in.
07:39Downward facing dog as you exhale, send it back.
07:43Last time, inhale, look up, bend your knees.
07:45Even fewer cues, you got this.
07:48Forward fold at the top of your mat.
07:52Exhale, caturanga, high to low.
07:54Exhale, cat.
07:57Halfway lift.
08:01Forward fold.
08:05Rise up to your mountain pose.
08:09Cactus arm twist to the left.
08:13Open your arms all the way.
08:17Then tilt your left arm back.
08:21Inhale, left arm meets your right.
08:24Forward fold.
08:28One more halfway lift.
08:31Vinyasa through to your downward facing dog.
08:38Where is your breath?
08:42Take a moment to bring it back.
08:51When you're ready, release into child's pose.
08:55Exhale, caturanga, high to low.
09:01With your hips reaching high, your chest reaching low,
09:06shoulders, neck, and jaw relaxed.
09:14Unite body, breath, and mind.
09:19And at this point, you can release your ujjayi pranayama,
09:22and just find a controlled, slow breath to help calm your body.
09:30And with this breath in place, rise up and make your way
09:33to half pigeon, right knee to your right wrist.
09:36Sink into your hips, and take your time
09:39as you slowly hinge forward into sleeping pigeon,
09:44coming all the way down to maybe your forearms.
09:48Let your head hang heavy, or rest your forehead on stacked fists.
09:58Where can you let go?
10:03Where can you relax a little further?
10:18And take your time as you slowly rise,
10:21making your way back to your extended child's pose.
10:24Notice if you can feel blood flow, sensation, tension releasing.
10:36And as you're ready,
10:37if you can feel blood flow, sensation, tension releasing.
10:47For a big breath in, relax your lower back with a big breath out.
11:02And rise back up and take half pigeon with your left knee towards your left wrist,
11:05and take your time as you settle into a similar variation that you took on the other side.
11:35Rise up, make your way to your final child's pose,
12:03and take a scan of your body, noticing how you feel and where you feel it,
12:09and how you might feel different from your first child's pose today.
12:23Thank you so much for inviting me into your practice today.
12:26Get more videos just like this ad-free and downloadable in the Sarabeth Yoga app.
12:31Try it for free clicking the link in the description below, or scan this QR code.
12:35See you there.
