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At a campaign event in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Saturday, former President Trump invited an audience member up onto the stage with him.

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00:00Oh, there's the guy that I stood up here.
00:02Are you the same guy?
00:03The same muscles?
00:04Look at that guy.
00:05Are you the same guy?
00:08No kidding.
00:09It's a pretty good memory, right?
00:11Unlike somebody else that I happen to be running against.
00:15You wouldn't.
00:16Come on.
00:17Come on up here.
00:18Get up here.
00:19I got to get this guy.
00:20This guy was central casting.
00:22Look at him.
00:24Oh, I think he was standing on a box.
00:26That was the only thing.
00:27I said, you got to come on up here.
00:29Don't hurt yourself.
00:31Can you get him up?
00:32I like this guy.
00:34He's a serious union guy.
00:36A United Auto Workers.
00:38Look at him get over there.
00:39It's okay.
00:40He does not carry guns.
00:43He's not.
00:44Come on up here.
00:45Look at him.
00:46Look at the shape he's in.
00:47I'm glad to see you.
00:48I'm glad to see you.
00:54I'm glad to see this guy.
00:56I told you we're going to get 85 million of us out there to vote for him.
01:00So let's go home from this rally and do our part.
01:04Look at the arms on him.
01:15I may have height, but his arms are definitely more powerful.
01:19Look at that guy.
01:21Now, last time I was here.
