• last year
At a campaign rally in Minnesota on Saturday, former President Trump mocked President Biden for appearing lost when exiting stages.

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00:00When I was up here two months ago, I imitated Biden because he can't find the stairs, ever,
00:07the stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs, two stairs, he has so many stairs,
00:15got so many stairs, it's like too many stairs, I don't know what the hell they need them for.
00:20They spend a lot of money, government often will spend, government has many more stairs than
00:24private, we put up like one stair, they put up like 12, but you always have a lot of stairs,
00:31so I'm imitating him, and I'm being funny, and I think I'm being so funny,
00:34and I had a tremendous crowd, we had 42,000 people, and I'm saying to the people,
00:40you know, when Biden gets off, do you ever notice, first of all, he doesn't make long speeches like
00:44that, second of all, even though he can't read a teleprompter, he never goes off the teleprompter,
00:49it's a mess, it's a mess, and I was telling the people, I said, you know, do you ever watch when
00:54he's finished with his two-minute speech, it never lasts more than two, maybe three minutes,
00:58three is like a long speech, he goes, and he'll point at a stair, and then he'll walk,
01:20he'll point right at the stair, and then he won't be able to find the stair,
01:31this is what we have negotiating nuclear weapons with Putin, with Kim Jong-un,
01:37with President Xi of China, no, this isn't going to work out, bad things are going to happen.
