Power Yoga for Healing

  • 3 months ago
Power Yoga for Healing
00:00Namaste, beautiful yogis. I designed Interval Yoga as a holistic system for mind, body and heart
00:05that combines ancient spiritual yoga teachings with high intensity interval training
00:11that will get you in the best shape of your life.
00:13I have thousands of testimonies from people that have done and followed my classes for years.
00:19Come on to my website and read through them. They're extremely inspiring.
00:23On my membership I have 400 classes and right now I'm adding a 3-month
00:29beginner program that can get you into the more advanced classes.
00:33I'm also a brand new mom, so I'm offering a lot of tools for new moms
00:39how they can lose weight, get back in shape, feel positive.
00:43My membership is the best offer out there on the internet
00:47because it offers you classes for every occasion.
00:50So come on over to my website, sign up for my membership and I'll see you on the mat.
01:00Namaste, beautiful yogis.
01:03Today I will not be wearing any jewelry because I just received this in the mail
01:08and this will be the jewelry for the class.
01:10One of my followers is a painter and she sent me this mat
01:14and I will link her personal page and the website that she works for
01:21in the description below because this is just...
01:25Look at this. It is breathtaking. It is breathtaking. It's so gorgeous.
01:30So shout out to her. I'll link her below and today's class is going to be a juicy vinyasa.
01:36Twisted juicy vinyasa. Everybody's favorite.
01:40So if you have any digestive issues, bloating, stomachache, stomach pain,
01:46stuck energy, stagnant energy, spinal issues, postural issues,
01:51you know, twists are good for everything.
01:53Releasing energy, healing and so forth.
01:56So that's what is going to be today's class.
01:59Let's begin.
02:04And open the hands towards the front.
02:10Standing here I call stance.
02:12Feel the two sides of the body and feel the energy radiating from the palms of the hands.
02:18Hands forward, your truth.
02:22Deepening the breath, connecting to the core.
02:26Engaging the TBA, the transverse abdominis, which starts from the spine and wraps around your body.
02:34So it's the sides as well, not just the front.
02:38It's the entire core.
02:40Wraps around your body, pulling the belly in and up to connect it.
02:46Now the connecting.
02:50Deepening the breath.
02:54Lengthening through the crown of the head.
03:09Let's sit back in chair and reach over the head.
03:13Exhale, folding forward.
03:18Keep your knees slightly bent.
03:26Step in plank.
03:29Press the heels away from you.
03:31Often times plank is described standing forward with the heels pushing forward.
03:39Now you want to press into your heels.
03:41You want strength in this pose.
03:43You don't want to hover over and just kind of hold it.
03:50You want to own it.
03:53You want to feel this pose with strength.
03:59And when I look down at the mat, I keep seeing, of course, new details because I just received it.
04:04There's little frogs here, like on our walk, and little sprouts.
04:10A sprout of consciousness, probably.
04:23Lower down, chaturanga.
04:26Inhale, open.
04:29Lengthen the tailbone here.
04:34Open, open, open.
04:36Widening the back, widening the upper back.
04:41Back to chaturanga and downward facing dog.
04:48This is quite a bit of a scene to meditate on.
05:01Lengthen the tailbone as high as you can.
05:12Inhale, the right leg up.
05:14Step it through.
05:16Come up, really wide, wide high lunge, wide step.
05:28Exhale, left hand on the floor.
05:30Spin the right arm up and reach over the head, really lengthening through here.
05:36I can so feel this because yesterday I did our previous twisting class that went online last week.
05:45It really works all the small muscles out.
05:52All right, side plank.
05:58Try to stack everything on top of each other, shoulders on top, hips on top, feet on top.
06:04Squeezing the inner thighs towards the midline, finding that midline axis.
06:16All right, plank, chaturanga, up dog.
06:22Maybe look over, one shoulder over to the other, a few more.
06:29Chaturanga, down dog.
06:41Inhale, the left leg up.
06:43Step it through.
06:45Wide stance, high lunge.
06:49Take as big of a step as you can.
06:54Feel it on the poses.
06:56Find the grace, but find the strength in the poses.
07:01Lower the right hand, down, left arm up.
07:08Reaching over the head, grateful to your body for all that it's doing for you,
07:14whether you realize it or not, that you breathe even when you don't think about it,
07:20that your heart is beating, that your kidneys are working, that your liver is working,
07:27while you're occupied with other stuff and not even giving it your attention.
07:34All right, side plank.
07:37Breathe, breathe, breathe in gratitude, exhale gratitude.
07:44Squeeze in towards the midline, find your middle axis.
08:04Let's bring the right knee into the chest and take a mini chaturanga forward.
08:10Left knee into the chest, mini chaturanga, just half a chaturanga, one more.
08:17One more, good.
08:20And this time flare your elbows out and take a right knee out to the left.
08:28Push up, left knee push up.
08:32A little bit of a twist here, feel the twist, good.
08:36All right, press it back down, dog.
08:45Your breath is your warm-up here.
08:47Your breath is your prayer, it's your gratitude.
08:51Mantra, it's your intention, awareness through the breath, keep the gratitude going.
09:01Keep connecting to the present moment, but not just the present moment, the divinity of the present moment.
09:09Inhale the right leg up, step it through.
09:12High lunge.
09:19Cultivating beautiful thoughts, beautiful intentions, beautiful visions.
09:26Let's bring the hands in prayer and twist.
09:37Stay in this twist and take the left leg to the front a few times, so stay here.
09:45One, two, three, four, five.
09:57And last, hold your twist lunge.
10:03All right, left hand to the ground, take a side plank.
10:13Right knee to right elbow, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
10:35Chaturanga, upward dog, really feel it.
10:45Chaturanga, downward dog.
10:51Breath, anchoring yourself to the divinity of the present moment.
11:00Spread the fingers wide open, feel the vibrancy of your body.
11:05Tailbone lifting, hands are really, really active and important in down dog.
11:14The hands are very important, they're your foundation, the feet are your foundation.
11:18Here you have two foundations.
11:24Lightness through the body, your body is effortless here, standing effortlessly in this pose.
11:32Let's take the left leg up, step it around.
11:36Come up.
11:44Nice, connected breath.
11:47Hands in prayer, twist over to your left and really feel that twist, feel the back heel pressing away.
11:56Feel the strength of your legs and your body yielding here into this twist with strength and flexibility.
12:07Open the chest here, widen the back length into the crown of the head.
12:13And we're going to place the right hand on the floor.
12:17Side plank, strong, feel it.
12:21Suffocate them over.
12:26And we're going to place the right hand on the floor.
12:30Side plank, strong, feel it.
12:34Suffocate them over.
12:37Come over, lay here.
12:49And we're going to go knee to elbow.
12:52One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
13:05Strength and poise.
13:08And plank.
13:14Chaturanga, upward dog.
13:20Chaturanga, downward dog.
13:23Mula bandha, working with your breath.
13:28Coming back through your breath to the divinity of the present moment, to the awakeness of your body.
13:36Thanking, gratitude.
13:38Thanking every cell in your body.
13:40Every cell in your body is conscious.
13:44Connecting with them.
13:48They work for you, so communicate with the cells in your body.
14:06From here, we're going to walk to the front, straight back.
14:11Coming up, taking stance.
14:14Strong stance.
14:17Soft knees.
14:19And we're going to bring fluidity in the spine.
14:24And also moving the pelvis.
14:27So the pelvis is moving back and forth, back and forth.
14:32Swaying and then bringing the spine into this pelvic movement.
14:37Bringing the hands over.
14:39Also bringing more fluid into the spine.
14:49Mula bandha.
15:07Let's move side to side here.
15:14Really bringing a lot of fluidity into the spine.
15:17Softening all the connective tissues and all the bones that are kind of stuck.
15:23And holding the spine in a particular alignment.
15:26Coming out of that and finding the natural alignment we had as babies.
15:33The healthy stage.
15:37Of our body moving.
15:40Let's take plow.
15:43And moving the pelvis side to side.
15:55From here, bring your hands right in front of the ears.
15:59And gently tap here.
16:02Everybody's into face yoga, so let's hold the plow.
16:07And move the lymph down.
16:10We're moving the lymph from the main drainage point for the face, down the neck.
16:15Into the lymph nodes here.
16:18You can tap them, tap them, tap them, tap them.
16:20Right above the collarbones.
16:24While you're holding it strongly.
16:27And massage a little more.
16:29Really gentle, soft massage.
16:31The lymph is right underneath the skin.
16:34Don't press hard.
16:37Hands by the hairline.
16:39Massage in circular points.
16:42And move through the scalp towards the crown of the head.
16:46Massage here.
16:48Ruin your hair.
16:51And from behind the ears, gently massaging upwards.
16:55Gently massaging upwards.
16:57Gently massaging upwards.
17:00Let's grab the eyebrows with all the fingers.
17:04And move up.
17:05Move up.
17:06Move up.
17:08Move up.
17:09Bring your knuckles on the thumbs.
17:14Underneath the eyes.
17:16Over the nose and out.
17:18Over the nose and out.
17:25Bring your hands right at the top, the crown of the head.
17:28And hold here, pulsating.
17:34Moving towards the rest of the twisty class.
17:38Side to side.
17:41Lower down.
17:44Upward dog.
17:46Downward dog.
17:48Right leg comes up.
17:50Step it through.
17:51High lunge.
17:52Hands in prayer.
17:56Clasp under.
18:05Step to the front.
18:07Come up in a twist.
18:09Bird of paradise.
18:18Lower down.
18:20Step it back.
18:23Reach over the head.
18:25From here, bring your left ankle over the right knee.
18:30Hands in prayer.
18:35Elbow into the foot.
18:40Exhale the foot.
18:43Should we go for a little arm balance?
18:51And back to that prayer twist.
18:59And slowly come up, balancing on one leg.
19:03One leg.
19:04One leg.
19:05One leg.
19:06One leg.
19:07One leg.
19:08One leg.
19:09One leg.
19:10Balancing on one leg.
19:12Wrap that left leg around the right leg.
19:19Right elbow to the knee.
19:23And twist to your left.
19:25Alice funky twist is what I call them.
19:28Or AK.
19:29Funky twist, was it?
19:31Coming out.
19:32I cheated.
19:33I touched the wall.
19:34Opposite side.
19:41And warrior three.
19:45Warrior three.
19:49Hands on the ground.
19:54Up dog.
19:56Down dog.
19:58Take the left leg up.
20:00Step it up.
20:01High lunge.
20:03Hands in prayer twist.
20:13Glass ponder.
20:15And really, really open that chest.
20:22Step it in.
20:24And slowly come up.
20:34And reverse it.
20:36Step it back.
20:42Coming out.
20:44With one step, we're going to bring the right ankle over the left knee.
20:50And here, sit back.
20:53Feel your hips softening.
20:57Elbow to the sole of the foot.
21:13And lower down for arm balance.
21:20And come up.
21:23For arm balance.
21:32And coming back up in the prayer.
21:38And slowly standing up.
21:43Drag the leg around.
21:45A.k.a. funky twist.
21:48Who's with me?
21:50Who's with me here?
21:52Focus on the ground at first.
21:54Your drishti.
21:56And then change the drishti.
21:58That's when the shift of balance happens.
22:02And opposite side.
22:10Alright, good enough.
22:12Warrior three.
22:19Up dog.
22:24Down dog.
22:30Inhale the right leg up and open.
22:33The right leg on top of the left.
22:35Drop it behind.
22:49Side plank.
23:01We're going to lift the right leg up and touch it in the front of the body and in the back.
23:08So, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
23:23Let's step the right foot to the front.
23:27High lunge.
23:30Both hands coming on the outside of the feet.
23:39Step on the outer edges of the feet and twist here.
23:42Take the right arm up.
23:46And plank.
23:50Up dog.
23:54Down dog.
23:59Left leg comes up, open.
24:02Step it down.
24:13Breathe into every cell of your body.
24:17Side plank.
24:20And from here we're going to prepare to touch the floor in front of the body.
24:271, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
24:37This really engages your glutes and abductors.
24:50And step to the front.
24:52Come up, high lunge.
24:55Here we're going to bring the hands all the way over to the left
24:58and step onto the outer edges of your feet
25:02and take the left arm up.
25:05That's one powerful twist.
25:12Back to the front.
25:14Step it back.
25:19Up dog.
25:23Down dog.
25:33And let's lower down on the ground, lifting here
25:39to engage the core from the posterior.
25:45Clasp the hands behind you.
25:47Lift, lift, lift.
25:49Lift, lift, lift.
25:56And bend the knees, grab your ankles, lift again.
25:59Lift, lift, lift.
26:05Press open.
26:07And let's see if we can do it on the wood floor.
26:14Glide on one side, the shoulder opening, and opposite side.
26:21It's a little firm.
26:25And back to center.
26:34From here, soles of the feet together.
26:41Can you bring your hands by your sides
26:49and lift in one straight pace?
26:52And let's jump the feet to the front.
26:55On the outside of the hands, you have your squat.
27:01One of my top ten, I should say, favorite poses,
27:06but it might make that top five.
27:09You may very well make it.
27:12Open the chest.
27:14Widen the upper back.
27:18All right, back to plank.
27:20In chaturanga, in upward dog.
27:22In chaturanga, in downward dog.
27:25Inhale, the right leg up, step it through.
27:28High lunge.
27:32Hands clasping behind you.
27:34Open here.
27:40We're going to lower the chest over the thigh
27:46and spin the right shoulder up in a twist with a chest opener.
27:55Shall we continue with the balancing?
27:58So spread your toes, open your ear, balancing here,
28:01and we're going to step into revolving half moon with a clasp.
28:12All right, step it back.
28:14High lunge, drop the knee down.
28:16Open the chest, lower back.
28:21Plank in chaturanga, upward dog.
28:25Chaturanga, downward dog.
28:28Take the left leg up, step it through.
28:31High lunge.
28:40Exhale, hands behind you, clasping.
28:43Open, look up.
28:46Lower the chest.
28:48Speed, left shoulder opens, hands press away from you.
28:59And shifting the weight onto the left leg, revolving half moon with a clasp.
29:06Do your best here.
29:10Step it back.
29:12Reach up, lower the knee, and open back.
29:25Chaturanga, up dog.
29:29Chaturanga, down dog.
29:46Let's bring the left hand in the center of the mat,
29:49right hand to the ankle, opposite ankle, left ankle.
29:54Look underneath your shoulder.
29:58Change sides.
30:10Back to down dog.
30:18Inhale, the right leg up.
30:20Step it through, warrior one.
30:22Coming up.
30:24Straighten the leg.
30:26Triangle pose, revolving triangle.
30:29Left hand down.
30:52And coming back up, warrior one.
30:59To plie, to facing the back, warrior one.
31:10Straighten the leg.
31:12Triangle pose, revolving triangle.
31:15Excuse me.
31:31To warrior one, to plank.
31:40Here we're going to jump the feet on the outside of the mat at the front,
31:45and jump on the back.
31:46One, two, three, four, five, and back to plank.
31:55Chaturanga, up dog.
31:59Chaturanga, down dog.
32:14You can sway your hips side to side.
32:17Just feel the pose and get out of the squirrel alignment of the pose,
32:22get into the feminine side of this pose.
32:25Kind of feeling it, feeling your own anatomical uniqueness.
32:33Let's come up onto the tippy-toes and jump to the front chair.
32:47From here you can face the length of the mat,
32:51and we're going to take side lunge to side lunge with a cross.
32:58Cross, cross, side lunge, cross, side lunge, cross, side lunge, cross, side lunge.
33:06Now cross and lower down for a little twist.
33:17Let's spin over to the other side, a little twist on this side.
33:23Foot on the ground, other foot on the ground.
33:27Coming back up in our cross, side lunge, cross, side lunge, cross, side lunge, cross, cross, cross.
33:42Cross and lower down.
33:44This time keep your knee up, and we're going to twist here.
33:49We're going to twist here.
34:02Maybe drop under.
34:10And move over to the other side.
34:19And drop under.
34:27We're finally blessed to hear Sophie snoring in a class.
34:31My bulldog is snoring in the background.
34:34If you hear something strange, unwrap, bring the legs in front of you.
34:39Anchor your heels.
34:41If you're new to my classes, I'll explain this, otherwise you know this pose, it's a martial arts twist.
34:47Anchoring the heels, the hips come off the ground, hands behind your forehead to the ground.
34:53So there is a full spinal twist here.
34:56Opposite side.
35:00One more time, heels stay on the mat.
35:03One more time.
35:09Forward bend.
35:18Let's lower down onto the ground.
35:22Spine twist.
35:38Experiencing after all this twisting, the nervous system gets a break.
35:43The nervous system gets a break, so experiencing the emptiness of the moment.
35:52Opposite side.
36:10Two wheel.
36:14One more time.
36:28Lowering down.
36:30Soles of the feet together.
37:07Shoulders bent.
37:14To plow.
37:17Knees over the ears.
37:23Slowly lower down.
37:31Lowering the right leg down, left knee in.
37:36For a very intentional bend.
37:39Left knee in.
37:42For a very intentional bicycle, changing, pull the belly in, nothing popping out here,
37:47flattening the belly, pulling the two sides of the transverse abdominis in towards the midline.
37:57Elbows back, activating the core.
38:10Last one.
38:16Hug your knees into your chest.
38:19Give them a circle.
38:24Happy baby.
38:26Flex your feet, grab your ankles or the other edges of your feet.
38:32And release for Shavasana.
38:39Make yourself comfortable.
38:41Now, in order to find a little more ease into Shavasana, let's tense the body.
38:48And you put your hands in front of your head.
38:51Make yourself comfortable.
38:53Now, in order to find a little more ease into Shavasana, let's tense the body.
39:00And even bring the knees into the forehead, tense the face.
39:06Tense everything from the toes all the way to the lips.
39:09Everything is tensing.
39:10Hold your breath in.
39:14And with an ah, release.
39:20And now you can tense the shoulders only.
39:23And let them drop.
39:25Most people tend to keep the shoulders here tense, so that should help you relax a little more.
39:32Open the chest.
39:33Let the pelvis be relaxed.
39:36Let the feet drop to the sides.
39:42And stay here for just a minute or so, a few moments.
39:47Have eternity.
39:52Allow yourself to be empty.
40:16Let go.
40:34Returning the breath to normal.
40:36Letting go of the outer air breath.
40:40Concentrating your awareness and focus towards the third eye.
40:49So the intention, the breath, the focus is there in the third eye area.
40:57Right between and just above the eyebrows.
41:09Feeling the lightness of your body as you inhale and exhale through the third eye.
41:15Keeping the eyes closed.
41:22The body becomes from heavy to light, floating.
41:32The third eye is vibrant, opening.
41:40Vibrating at a higher and higher frequency.
41:59Opening the vision inward and outward towards the universe, the cosmos.
42:06Inward towards the inner cosmos.
42:10It is all one, the inner and the outer.
42:14Opening out wide, going in deep.
42:35Breathing in and out.
42:39Breathing in and out.
42:43Breathing in and out.
43:02Filling your body and your consciousness as one with the universal.
43:43And let's wiggle the toes and fingers.
43:48Keeping the eyes closed, moving the head side to side.
43:52Let your head drop to the right.
43:55Chin parallel to the shoulder.
44:00Opposite side.
44:02So keeping the neck elongated.
44:05Back to center.
44:07Soft and light.
44:10Roll onto one side, still keeping the eyes closed.
44:14Embryo in the womb pose.
44:16So curl in, into yourself.
44:21Extending the umbilical cord, the spiritual umbilical cord down into the center of the earth.
44:28And finding that center of the earth as a place in space in the universe, as a place in the universe.
44:44So extending it into the universe, that umbilical cord.
44:50As you, the universal child, the universe child.
44:57Use your hand to press yourself up to a seated.
45:03Seated pose, comfortable seated pose.
45:07Hands over the knees, facing up.
45:10Palms of the hands facing up.
45:14Let's bring the hands over the neck and the lip area.
45:18One hand over the lips, one over the neck.
45:22For always being connected to the truth.
45:27To universal truth.
45:30Not human truth, universal truth.
45:39Over the third eye, for always seeing and being connected to the truth.
45:49Over the head, hands over the head, palms of the hands pressing.
45:57Hands over the heart.
46:00Let's bow to our hearts.
46:06To our spiritual hearts.
46:09To our soul.
46:12Let's bow to our soul and heart as a representation of the soul.
46:20For her forgiveness, generosity and love.
46:29And you can blink your eyes open.
46:35Thanks for joining me today.
46:38I'll see you soon.
46:42See you soon.
46:44See you soon.
