• 5 months ago


00:00Once upon a time, in the small village of Weibergen, Germany in the 1800s, there lived a young woman named Liesel.
00:07She was rather short for her age, had dimples, pretty rose-gold hair tied which she liked to tie in braids, and a pretty round face.
00:15When she was a good girl, she resembled a peach. When she was a bad little girl, she resembled a pig.
00:22Liesel had an older brother, an older sister, a younger brother, and a younger sister, all of whom were known for being well-behaved at home, at church, and at school.
00:31But Liesel was a headstrong and disobedient child who always did what she wanted, regardless of what her parents told her to do.
00:38She loved to crash her sled into the neighbor children's snowmen, throw snowballs at Pastor Luther's cat Snowball, and sneak sweets from the school kitchen.
00:47Liesel had a habit of talking back to her parents, being rude to her elders, and refusing to do her chores.
00:53After hearing bad reports from the neighbors and teachers, Liesel's mother, who Liesel called Mother, sat her down for a serious conversation.
01:02Liesel, my dear, you must change your ways. Santa Claus is watching, and if you continue to be disobedient and rude, I will not bring you any presents this year.
01:13Liesel scoffed. I don't care about Santa Claus or his presents, Mutter. I can do whatever I want.
01:21Her father, who Liesel called Daughter, overheard the conversation and chimed in.
01:26Well, there's another visitor you should be afraid of. His name is Krampus. It's said that he travels the world, punishing disobedient children.
01:35On the night before Christmas, he stuffs them into his sack and takes them away to his shack in the woods, where he spanks them with thick bundles of birch switches all tied together.
01:45Liesel rolled her eyes, waving her hand in the air.
01:48Father! Krampus is just a silly story. I'm not afraid of him.
01:54Careful, Liesel! If your attitude doesn't improve, your only Christmas present will be a spanking this year.
02:01Vader's censure gave Liesel pause, but as Christmas Eve approached, she soon forgot the warning.
02:06She spent Christmas Eve pulling a few of her favorite pranks, but was careful not to get caught.
02:12After all, what her parents didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
02:16That night, Liesel snuggled into her bed with a smug, self-satisfied smile on her face.
02:21But at the break of day, she was abruptly awakened by mysterious noises.
02:26Trembling with fear, she opened her eyes only to discover a tall man with goat horns and a fur-covered body standing before her.
02:33Krampus? No! You're not real!
02:37Just as her father had warned, Krampus swiftly scooped her up, struggling and protesting, into his enormous sack.
02:44He then whisked her away in bumpity-bumpity down the stairs.
02:47But no matter how loudly Liesel yelped, nobody came to help her.
02:51Mutter, help! Vater, help! Someone, anyone, save me!
02:58Liesel saw the top of the sack opening. Had her father come to rescue her?
03:02But the face that greeted her was the hairy, horned Krampus.
03:06Now, I can't carry you all the way to my shack in this sack, can I?
03:10Such a disobedient girl, you kick and scream too much. But I've just the thing for you.
03:16Krampus patted the top of what looked like a narrow, red wooden barrel with straps.
03:21Lifting the lid, he wrapped Liesel tightly in a blanket and dropped her in neatly.
03:26When the lid popped down, muffling her cries, her world fell into darkness.
03:30Then the kidnapper put his hairy arms through the straps and carried his napped kid into the snow.
03:36Suddenly, Liesel heard a voice. There were plenty of holes in the barrel so she could breathe,
03:41and if she pressed her eyes against some of them over the cracks between the slats of the wood,
03:45she could get glimpses of the outside world. Her prayers had been answered. It was Pastor Luther.
03:52Ah, Krampus. I hope you're having a blessed Christmas Eve.
03:56Liesel felt her weight shift as Krampus spun around to show off the red barrel for inspection.
04:01Indeed. I'm just taking Fräulein Liesel here to my old shed in the woods.
04:07Liesel heard a pause and a sweet, approving mew from Snowball, who must have been nestled on Pastor Luther's lap.
04:13Ah. Fräulein Liesel? Well, I know she wasn't a very good girl this year,
04:18but I'm sad to see she has ended up on Krampus' naughty list.
04:21Oh well, I suppose it can't be helped. Carry on, Herr Krampus.
04:26Snug tight in her barrel, Liesel felt like she had just been tossed into the middle of the ocean while tied to a rock.
04:32She thought about all the times she had pelted Snowball with snowballs.
04:36Pastor Luther snapped his fingers.
04:39Oh. I almost forgot. A Christmas present for you, Herr Krampus.
04:44To help you walk when your old injury acts up.
04:47Krampus slipped a willow cane into one of the holes at the top of the barrel.
04:50It was so slender, he didn't even need to open it.
04:54Ah. This is perfect. This will be very useful, Fräulein Liesel.
04:59Liesel felt it slide down next to her.
05:02In the dark, she couldn't see it clearly, but later she would notice the little red bow tied neatly to it,
05:08with a card that said, for old wayfarers hurts, and for hurting young wayfarers.
05:13The Luther family.
05:15Next, Liesel heard the voice of her beloved old teacher, Frau Hilda,
05:19who Liesel had known since her time in kindergarten years ago.
05:22Ah. Krampus? I see you've caught a naughty child in need of a Trachtbrügel.
05:28Pressing her face against the barrel, Liesel pleaded,
05:31Schullehrer Hilda. It's me. Your little Liesel.
05:36This time, Liesel was actually able to catch a glimpse of Hilda's face through the hole.
05:40But Hilda only smiled sadly.
05:43Is that my Fräulein Liesel?
05:45Well, I can't say I'm surprised after all the sweets that got stolen from the kitchen this year.
05:51Hilda seemed to slowly spin away from Liesel, along with all hope,
05:54as Krampus twisted the sack with his tight grip.
05:57Frau Hilda, might I borrow a yardstick from you?
06:00I have some measuring tool for my carpentry work.
06:04Of course you may, Krampus.
06:06You know, I can think of something else you could measure out with it,
06:10if you get tired of using your bundles of birch switches.
06:13In fact, you can keep this one, so if it happens to break, don't worry.
06:18With that, a thick hickory yardstick was inserted into the barrel, right next to the willow cane.
06:24Carved into it were musical notation and the words,
06:27reading and writing and arithmetic, taught to the tune of the hickory stick.
06:31Both rested between Liesel's feet, and no matter how she twisted and turned,
06:35she could never escape the terrible reminders of her fate.
06:39She thought about all the sweets she had stolen,
06:41how sweet the forbidden treats had seemed then,
06:43and how she was about to pay for every single one of them now.
06:47She'd gladly have traded all the candy in the world to escape.
06:51Krampus visited each house in the neighborhood in turn.
06:54Liesel overheard some parents praising their children for being very good this year,
06:58while others were tempted to let Krampus take their naughty children to the woods to join Liesel,
07:03before their children begged for mercy and promised to be good for the entire year.
07:07Some of her neighbors and friends expressed sympathy when they heard Liesel's cries,
07:11while others laughed and joked that Krampus should have visited her long ago.
07:15Well, I am a busy devil.
07:18You know, I only come out on Christmas Eve too
07:20and since I have to spend the entire year spanking naughty children.
07:24Explained Krampus, as he sipped at a mug of hot, spiced apple cider one of the neighbors had offered him.
07:30But no one seemed surprised to find out that Liesel was being taken to Krampus' shack in the woods.
07:35And all of them offered Krampus a present.
07:38He soon needed his large sack to carry everything, so Liesel couldn't see much.
07:43She could only hear their descriptions, and guess at what some of the presents might be.
07:47Krampus rustled through the massive sack, listing off his bounty.
07:51Two slippers, a hairbrush, a bath brush, a wooden spoon, a paddle, a razor strap,
07:55a tufts, a riding crop, a tightly woven cord, a martini, but what a teaser!
08:00Liesel heard the voice of her matronly aunt Gertrude,
08:03who had lectured Liesel about needing a good whipping
08:06after Liesel had destroyed her cousin's snowman for the third time that winter.
08:10Ah, that's my favorite. It's called a flapper.
08:13I'm surprised you haven't heard of this one.
08:16It's made of several layers of soft skin.
08:19Unable to contain herself any longer, Liesel poked her finger to lift up the lid of the barrel
08:24and peeped out to see what awaited her.
08:26She instantly regretted her decision when she saw the flapper,
08:29but she couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene that unfolded.
08:33Krampus seemed impressed by the curious flapper.
08:36Ah, but it's shaped like a wooden paddle. It has a hole in the middle.
08:40I assume that's to cut down on wind resistance, ja?
08:44Of course. But it has a second effect.
08:47That hole gives the flapper its name.
08:50Ah. Gretchen, what have I told you about not sneaking into my gems?
08:54Little cousin Gretchen, who shared Liesel's sweet tooth,
08:58had tried to take advantage of her mother's distraction to sneak out of bed
09:01in her pajamas and pilfer homemade preserves from the cupboard.
09:05Gretchen's frizzy carrot-colored hair seemed to crackle at the shock of being discovered.
09:09She squeaked like a mouse, dropping the tart cherry jam jar,
09:13which shattered on the floor, and rather pointlessly tried to wipe the jam
09:16onto her pajamas to hide the evidence.
09:19Aunt Gertrude clapped her hands and snatched up both the flapper
09:22and her sticky, jam-encrusted daughter.
09:25This is perfect. Gretchen, let's give good Herr Krampus a demonstration.
09:29He almost can't be mad at you for having such impeccable timing. Almost.
09:35With that, Aunt Gertrude unbuttoned the flaps of Gretchen's drop seat
09:39and tucked her daughter tightly against her waist under her thickly muscled right arm.
09:43The penitent Gretchen pleaded and groaned, but she didn't bite and kick
09:46the way Liesel had done the last few times she had been given hand spankings
09:50as a warning for her various ongoing behavioral issues.
09:53True to its name, the flapper landed across Gretchen's squirming bottom
09:57with a resounding thwap, leaving a white spot square on the center of her left cheek,
10:02which quickly flushed to red.
10:04Although she was trying her very best to be good,
10:07Gretchen's pajama footies did start to kick and dance, but it was futile.
10:11To Liesel's horror, a thick, circular welt raised on the spot where the flapper had landed,
10:16the size of a silver dollar.
10:18Aunt Gertrude explained the physics as Gretchen stretched and squirmed,
10:22unable to escape the throbbing welt.
10:24When aimed properly, you can raise a welt the size of this hole at the precise spot it lands.
10:30No risk of bruising, but with only a few well-placed strokes.
10:35Aunt Gertrude landed a second blow to Gretchen's right cheek.
10:38You can give a naughty gem thief a reminder that will last for days.
10:42Sure enough, Gretchen was bawling as she expressed sincere repentance and begged for forgiveness.
10:48The second welt slowly rose, an afterburn that was even worse than the initial blow.
10:53Only two spanks, and Gretchen was more sore and more sorry
10:56than most girls would be after many long minutes of hand spanking.
10:59Gertrude sat down her daughter and addressed Krampus as Gretchen wore danced around them.
11:04Now, I suppose you've come to take Gretchen to your shed, along with Liesel?
11:09Gretchen had been furiously rubbing the welts, only to find rubbing them made them sting all the worse
11:14and dancing in place unable to do anything else.
11:17But at these words, she started, all thoughts of the welts temporarily vanishing.
11:22But, Mutter, I've tried to be a good girl this year.
11:26Apart from the gem, you haven't been that naughty, have I?
11:31Last year when Krampus visited you, Gretchen, you promised me you were going to be a good girl all year long.
11:37It's Christmas Eve, and you were being very naughty by stealing my gem.
11:41That means you didn't keep your promise?
11:44Liesel isn't the only naughty child who could use a lesson from Krampus.
11:48Gretchen sank onto her knees and trundled towards her mother and Krampus, her hands held up in prayer.
11:54I know I deserve a spanking, but please don't let Herr Krampus take me away, Mutter.
12:00Please, Herr Krampus, I haven't been on your naughty list for almost an entire year.
12:06Krampus stroked his goat-like beard before putting on his spectacles and examining his list.
12:11Hmm. Well, it is true that I haven't gotten any bad reports about Fraulein Gretchen to add to my naughty list since last Christmas Eve.
12:20Suppose, can leave the decision up to your Mutter. Frau Gertrude, what say you?
12:26Aunt Gertrude hummed and contemplated her dilemma.
12:29Hmm. A thief who steals my gem certainly deserves a donut good robbing.
12:34Gretchen threw herself at her mother's feet, clinging to her apron as though hoping Krampus wouldn't be able to take her away if she only held on tight.
12:42Gretchen swayed back and forth, first crying to her mother, then pleading to Krampus,
12:47then offering prayers of repentance and protection, using words she'd memorized from her child's prayer book, when Gertrude's heart finally melted.
12:55Well, I suppose it'd be rude to inconvenience Herr Krampus when it's already this late on Christmas Eve.
13:01But if there's any stealing, even if it's one little finger in my gems, I'm writing a letter to Krampus.
13:08Now, Gretchen, march your naughty Gesetze up to bed, and I'll be along to spank you myself before I tuck you in.
13:15Gretchen stood up, enraptured, knowing that she was spared the terrible fate of being spanked all day, every day, for an entire year by Krampus.
13:23Praise the Lord!
13:25She ran, danced, and sang, the drop seat flapping madly behind her, before the welts suddenly returned to her memory as they stretched uncomfortably.
13:33With a flinch, Gretchen paused on the stairs to examine them.
13:37Will I lose all of my Christmas presents tomorrow, like I did last year when Krampus came for me?
13:44Will I get a spanking as my Christmas Day present?
13:48Krampus beamed and held up the flapper Gertrude had gifted him.
13:51I think I've been paid handsomely for my services already.
13:55Aunt Gertrude's matronly bosom heaved with a hearty laugh.
13:58Yes, Christmas is a time to remember the forgiveness of sins.
14:03You're forgiven, Gretchen.
14:05Now go lie on your bed and get ready for your spanking.
14:09The first thing I want to see when I come up is your wicked little bottom waiting for me like an unwrapped Christmas present.
14:16Yes, Mutter.
14:18Nodding enthusiastically, Gretchen rushed to obey.
14:21She dove onto her bed and grabbed a pillow to rest under her waist.
14:25As she lay there, her bottom laid bare and poking in the air to await a thorough hand spanking on Christmas Eve,
14:31Gretchen thought about how there was nothing more wonderful than being forgiven.
14:35Gretchen folded her hands and bowed her head.
14:38Thank you, Father, for all that we receive.
14:41May your strong hand guide me to be a good girl next year.
14:45Thank you for my Mutter and Vater.
14:48Thank you for my Christmas presents.
14:50And thank you that I do not have to go visit Krampus' shed with naughty Liesel.
14:55Gretchen finished her prayer, and as she remembered all the snowmen who had been brutally murdered by Liesel recently,
15:01Gretchen smiled wickedly and imagined what was in store for Liesel.
15:05These cheerful considerations occupied Gretchen's thoughts until her mother came to tuck her in, at which point...
15:11Well, Gretchen had other things on her mind from that point on.
15:15But that's another story.
15:18Inside Krampus' red barrel, Liesel trembled.
15:21Krampus might not have been real to her until that morning, but the Christmas Day spanking tradition was all too real.
15:27The legend said that parents had to give Krampus all their child's presents in order to ransom them.
15:33Once returned home, these naughty children were spanked multiple times on Christmas Day, from morning until night,
15:39to remind them to never need a visit from Krampus again.
15:43Liesel had always assumed that the part about Krampus was just make-believe,
15:47but she remembered both big brother Hans and big sister Joanna had gotten Christmas Day spankings in the past.
15:53But now that she knew Krampus was real, she wondered if she would ever celebrate Christmas or no forgiveness ever again.
15:59As Krampus put away the strange new flapper, she felt herself being lifted into the air
16:04and heard the bump of the sacks of presents against the sides of the barrel.
16:08With his other hand, Krampus lit his torch and bid Aunt Gertrude...
16:12Auf Wiedersehen!
16:13The last thing Liesel saw before the darkness of the forest swallowed them up
16:17was her own Aunt Gertrude cheerfully waving her goodbye,
16:20before rolling up her sleeves and heading up to deliver Gretchen's Christmas Eve present.
16:25Liesel thought about how happy Gretchen was to be shown the mercy of a bedtime spanking
16:29as opposed to being sent to Krampus' shed.
16:31For the first time in an entire year, Liesel wished she had been a good girl.
16:35And for the first time that entire Christmas Eve, Liesel started to feel sorry not just for her poor bottom,
16:41but also sorry for her poor choices.
16:43End of Part 1
16:45To Be Continued
