• last year
The crew must decide the best way forward with or without help from their nemesis, Evelyn Maddox


00:00Obviously on the ark
00:02You used to me
00:06It's dragging the ship down to Proxima surface the crash will kill them Alicia get the shutdown code ready taking us in
00:14Your engines that go looks like they heard you
00:19Proximity alert
00:23We're sending shuttles of rescue teams and medical personnel, thank you miss Maddox I owe you
00:38Are 15 shuttle deployed rescue team on route to arc one
00:50All systems are responsive we have to get to everybody else
01:04We're not going anywhere
01:06Why can't we reach our crew best? I can tell the internal comms relays are down. We can talk to arc 15
01:11That's the external transmitters completely different system mark one prepare for hull breach. I repeat prepare for hull breach
01:24Approaching the breach position
01:30Hey, hey guys come here for a second. I I want to say something cuz we might not have another chance, okay?
01:37Growing up in a lab. I never had a family. I mean other than my sister or had no
01:44real family I
01:47Never even knew
01:49What one even felt like you know
01:55And now I do
02:02We are getting the rest of our family from back there down straight we are
02:07Beginning hull breach procedure braids for decompression helmets on
02:19Activating pressure compensation
02:25Halfway through
02:36I'll reach successful standby for extraction
03:14Sure, okay
03:24Welcome back aboard lieutenant Garnett. It's captain. You got it captain Garnett
03:30UGSA was Kimi melijoma head of mathematics a security team. Thank you for coming to get us
03:35Don't take us to the aft docks. We can check on the rest of our crew. I'm afraid I can't do that
03:40Why the aft dock damaged it appears to be intact, but my orders are to bring you directly to arc 15
03:47What about the others we're not gonna be following those orders are we because we've got people back there
03:51I'm sorry. I'm just doing what I'm told
03:53to help with that
03:55He's not easy Bryce
03:58Hey, take a breath. Am I gonna have a problem with you?
04:05Miss Maddox
04:07Sharon Garnett here. I'm pleased to hear your voice. Are you injured? No, I'm fine
04:13But I am concerned about the rest of my crew with your permission
04:16I'd like to go to the app in due time Sharon in due time, but first they need you to come to see me
04:21Maddox out
04:25Take us home
04:53Welcome back to arc 15. Thank you. Miss Maddox, please. It's Evelyn. We're friends now dear
05:00Hello, mr. Lane, all right
05:03Helm prepare to get us to trappist 1d on an L before we get our damaged FTL repaired
05:09What about our friends? I told you we couldn't trust this one
05:12Evelyn surely you mean you want to set a course after we get our people
05:16I'm sorry, but we don't have other choice but to abandon them and leave them to die
05:56What exactly changed since you said you owe us I said I owe you Sharon not your entire shit, that's crazy
06:03Why wouldn't you try to rescue everyone?
06:05We don't know how much time they have as you already know
06:07The arts are designed to carry a maximum of 400 people
06:11But we lost one of our oxygen cells along the way, which means you can only support 395 now
06:16Yes a problem until you killed some of my people
06:20Well, yeah, I had no choice. They were
06:22You did me a favor. We needed to lose some people kept me from having to choose
06:27You believe our Cavalier this woman is about losing lives. I'm not Cavalier. I'm being pragmatic
06:32I hate to say it but she is right with one damaged o2 cell this ship's life support can only handle
06:37395 people the four of us puts it nearly at capacity
06:41Exactly arc 15 is full
06:43Surely, there's a way Alicia. Can we bring over an o2 cell for mark one?
06:47We might be able to bring one to replace theirs, but that only buys five more spots if it works
06:51Well, then we at least need to try that what happens if we do try and bring everyone over here
06:55Then the oxygen scrubbers wouldn't be able to keep up and we've run out of breathable air in about a week
06:59And if we brought fewer people say 10 or 20 if your people would extend the amount of time will take to happen
07:04But we'd still run out of air
07:07Give us time to check the condition of our people and see how badly damaged our ship is
07:12The very least your medics could provide medical help to the injured
07:16If it means so much to you, I'll give you 24 hours long enough to fix our FTL
07:21My pilot will take lieutenants Lane and Bryce back to arc one. They can help who they can
07:26They can come back with an arc one shuttle. We can always use another shuttle
07:32Sharon miss Nevins, you will remain as our guests
07:36Alicia see if you can fix their broken cell and if there's any way to adjust their air system to support more people
07:42If that's okay with you Evelyn, it's a waste of time
07:45My people already try that Alicia's probably smarter than your people. No offense. None taken from what I've seen. You're probably right
07:54Fine try
07:58Please join me on the bridge and I'll show you our plan
08:10After your arc launched space telescopes met several more potentially inhabitable planets
08:16Is that why you gave the command you're gonna trap us one day? Yes. It's quite a bit closer than Ross 128
08:22At full FTL, we shall arrive there in just under eight months
08:27And you weren't gonna tell me about it. Were you I'm telling you now
08:31Don't you notice Sharon? I'm a new woman
08:34Not really. No arcs 10 and 12 were tasked with going to Trappist
08:40Hopefully by the time we get there, they will have already started building a new colony and we can all start our new life there
08:47Why did you go to Proxima be inside Trappist in the first place Proxima B is closer
08:52I'm a very impatient woman
08:54All right
09:04Do you mind if I try your hailing transmitter to see if I can raise anyone on arc one not at all
09:16Go ahead
09:18Attention arc one Garnett here. Can anyone hear me?
09:27Try the WD frequencies
09:37Arc one does anyone hear me?
09:39Your internal relay transmitters are probably down everyone's just dead
10:19Okay, okay go see if anybody else needs to help
10:40I don't think I'm doing so well Felix
10:49No, no, no, leave it leave it that's what's keeping you from bleeding out I'll take you to Kabir you'll be fine. Come on
11:02Really good man Felix. Well, you were straight and we had so much fun. I'm sure we would have cut
11:10Good man, like you in heaven. We're likely hell. You're not going either place cut not for many years
12:04Bloody hell cut
12:11Don't you could be
12:14She's not doing any better than I am
12:20What do you think this dying thing a good look on me
12:25I'm not gonna die. There you go again
12:33Felix you have to help cat. I will help them both
12:39It hurts Felix will be here in a minute
12:43You know, I really did think I loved you. Well
12:48Don't try to talk. You thought I was with you for the money. Didn't you?
12:55What else would a woman like you
12:58Be with an ugly old man like me
13:01You're not ugly
13:03You're actually kind of handsome
13:08But if I'm being truthful
13:11you'll never be as good a man as
13:14say Felix over there
13:18So come to think of it
13:21Probably was about the money
13:25Well in the connections, I mean they got me on this ship, right
13:35Lucky me
14:08Don't know what happened
14:11The ship got hit by debris from Proxima B when it exploded. Please stay still
14:16I want to have you mobilized until we figure out how bad your injuries are. I can tell you how bad they are
14:23really bad
14:30She's gone
14:58Dr. Mars, you might want to prepare for incoming injured from arc one. Yes. Okay. Don't you want to hear about your daughter?
15:08Her brainwaves are showing activity
15:11Perhaps you want to talk to her
15:13Hearing your voice might help. Trust me hearing my voice won't help. What are her chances of waking up?
15:20Maybe 40% without help
15:27Can activate her we said no heroic measures for anyone who has less than 50% chances of surviving on their own
15:34I can't activate just anyone but she has that advantage no exception
15:39We made an exception for you Evelyn
15:46There are people on the arc one who could use her space and would be more productive she's your daughter
15:52She's a failed experiment nothing more
16:15What does that mean dr. Marsh
16:18failed experiment
16:21You heard all that
17:31Open your eyes I
17:34Need to look under your clothing to check your bones, I'm not feeling real modest right now go for
17:51I'm pretty huh
17:56You really need a doctor
17:59Someone other than you
18:13Ever listen need oxygen, okay, just breathe breathe
18:49You give me a break
18:56Back you've done enough you need to rest
18:58No, I have to check the nuclear coil pull the neps comes are all just stop all right stop listen to me
19:04You can take some time to catch your damn breath. I
19:07Have to get things stable, please get in the ship comms relays back up
19:14Okay, all right just just tell me what to do
19:25God it's cat
19:32I'm so sorry mr. Trust
19:36Dr. Kabir not doing so well either
19:39Angus we need to get them to our 15. Can you carry her up 15? Yeah, they're actually helping us now
19:45Well sort of come on
19:48Sorry, this is going to hurt a little bit
20:09How bad is it over there it's bad so far we found 23 dead
20:13Much more injured, but no doctor to help them so we triaged but life support is holding and many are alive
20:18We'll go back and see who else you can save Sharon
20:25Can't didn't make it
20:35How many people did you bring aboard my ship
20:38Myself and two who needed immediate medical help including Angus who I figured you'd want to save given you know that he saved your life
20:44I told you we have limited life support yet
20:46You bring three more people on my arc who are probably going to die anyway
20:50We wouldn't have brought them if we didn't think they stood a chance. Well, no, there are too many people. Don't worry
20:54We're leaving and Bryce stayed behind so
20:58You're still below capacity. Don't bring another soul
21:08Get him ready for surgery straightaway you go occupy yourself somewhere else. There's no room in here for you to have her
21:13I want to stay with Angus. I'll let you know if there any changes
21:28Moving guys, let's go. Let's go one
21:36They won't let me in they have more resources here, I'm sure they'll save them
21:44Why don't you go work on the oxygen system keep your mind occupied I'll keep trying
21:50But to be honest, I don't think it can be fixed
22:23Just take a minute and sit down
22:25Get I need to show up life-support. I
22:29Just wish I could be more help. We had an explosion on deck 3b had spent. It's part of the fire
22:36engineering 3b
22:38There's anyone in there. I'm sorry. Most of them were
22:43Okay, I
22:45Know they're all your friends
22:46Without their help I can't face this shit. I'm only one person I can't do it
22:50But what it's worth we did a headcount. I can't be sure but it seems like Sasha wasn't in them
22:56You know, you want to help and go find Sasha
23:04Cut it
23:08It was too much blood
23:10Tammy was the blood I sent you for
23:13I'm at the synthetic blood bank. Miss Maddox has locked it
23:18Go check the reserves. I'm gonna talk to Evelyn
23:55I'm sorry Angus. I really am
24:11Locked me out of the synth blood vaults. I did from now on you'll make clear access with me. I need blood for Angus
24:20That would be wasting it
24:25Boy saved your life that debt has already been repaid. He adds no value to this ship
24:31We won't waste more resources on him. Am I clear?
24:35If I hadn't heard it beating myself, I would say you have no heart Evelyn. What about their doctor?
24:40She's stable for now good. She has value. She's clearly a better doctor than you given she was able to cure me
24:56Wanted in the crew meeting by who didn't say
25:07Ma'am you're wanted in the crew meeting
25:44What's going on
25:51Men and women wish to go to arc one why it's badly damaged it might not survive and I'd like to take some of my
25:56patients to work one I
25:58Need access to your ship's synthetic blood bank for Angus
26:05Why leave a pristine ship to go to a damaged one we have five top engineers among us we can help repair your ship
26:12And you've met Evelyn
26:14We don't want to stay under the thumb of that monster, I
26:18Don't know
26:19You're asking me to take one of her doctors and key personnel when Evelyn ultimately saved our lives
26:23Half of the people in your ship were killed because of her not to mention everyone on arc three staying here makes us accomplices
26:31Look the debris impacted the four section of your ship
26:34The rest of the ship can most likely be repaired most of the people in the aft or even the lower decks of the four
26:40Are probably alive
26:43Evelyn has no intention of saving them
26:46She won't even let me save Angus if we can get him back to your ship and your blood bank is intact. I
26:53Might be able to save him Garnett. We have to do this. Everyone has a friggin army
26:58How are you supposed to sneak this many people into severely injured patients off the ship?
27:04If we don't help you everyone alive on arc one will die where arc one's best hope
27:19Dr. Marsh, dr. Marsh anybody
27:25Doc you alive doc doc wait for me get away from me. You have to save Angus
27:34Where's your doctor, I don't know. Hi, I don't know. All right, go find an injector labeled adrenaline go go
27:58Okay, I got it how much do I get it not him not him me me me
28:24He's lost too much blood his pressure is dropped too low his brain is starving. Where does your ship stores blood?
28:29I don't know. I think dr. Marsh went to get some but he's been gone a really long time
28:33No, I just need blood right now. Could you give him some of mine?
28:36Do you know your blood type? Yes. Oh negative. Are you sure? Yes, I've given to mother a few times
28:41I think sit down
29:12Oh boy
29:21Need to get out of here if we step on a water when it's arcing it'll fry us go shut it off at the junction box
29:34No go the doors toast we need to somehow shorten the cable so it's not so close to the water
30:42I'm surprised you came for me. I was mad at you doesn't mean I wanted you dead. Well, I guess it's something let's keep moving
30:51Remember when Trent went to shut down the nuclear leak and we closed off all the doors behind him
30:56Genius, you want me to do the same thing here?
30:59Can you get access?
31:01Our FTL is fixed Maddox could decide to go any second. I'm already in ready
31:07Ready to it
31:23FTL is 96% operation
31:33Someone has activated an override what is garnet up to?
31:38You need to take the others and get them loaded on the shuttle. We'll meet you there. Okay, come on. Let's go. Maybe it's this way
31:54Hey, welcome to the living what happened I guess
32:03Lay back down lay back down away from me. Are you in pain? How are you able to sit up?
32:09Even with everything their doctor and I did you should not be recovering this fast. Is there something weird about your blood?
32:16Not that I know of I swear
32:20What is she doing here Angus she saved your life, I don't believe you
32:26Even if that's true, I don't care you get away from me
32:30Get away from me
32:32Gentleman's wearing off not feeling so well. I should not be hopping around myself here. Oh, you're here. Oh
32:40Thanks, but another one of these so close to the last one could cause my heart to arise
32:52Where have you been? I'm talking to you back
33:01Hurry up guys. Come on. We got to get back now
33:04You all leaving?
33:06Mother's gonna be really angry move Sanji. Hey Sanji. Hey, you're going you better go now
33:13She'll block you from the shuttle
33:15Sanji hey, can you walk?
33:20Thought you said another shot could kill you and I
33:30Come here
33:38Kermit won't leave without her people go to medbay
33:58Just breached medbay there's no one here the shuttle just initiated
34:05She's taking more people than her own identify who of our people are on that shuttle
34:15Why are we bringing her with us she's a murderer
34:18Sanji says she saved Angus's life and dr. Marcia's Maddox will kill her for that. Okay, and why is that bad Alicia?
34:24We don't advocate for murder
34:27How about justice?
34:29She killed Helena and she tried to kill Angus. We can't save our ship and our crewmates without their help
34:34We don't have enough personnel and dr. Marsh will only come with us if we take Kelly
34:38Thank you
34:46Thank you
34:55All passengers are in the cargo hold in the back
35:00Shuttles ready to go
35:03I have to leave now
35:05We finally have a truth with Maddox leaving now with her people her daughter will end that truce
35:09If we don't we've doomed any survivors on aqua
35:32Command you to stand down
35:42Dr. Marsh, you're my oldest friend on this ship
35:47I'm counting on you to come and dear that shuttle and bring it back to me
35:58Yes, mother
36:01Sweetheart I need you to take down that shuttle and bring it back to me
36:05Will you show me how brave you are and do that for me?
36:08I don't think you want me to do that. Why not dear because the next time I see you I'm going to kill you
36:20Fine you left me no choice
36:36Why it's
36:38What's happening? She triggered it triggered what Kelly has a plastic gel feels safe inside her body
36:44They'll say from what from doing something exactly like this, but I never thought you would actually use it. Wait pasta gel is an explosive
36:51Are you telling me there's a bomb inside her?
37:04Shouldn't risk approaching the dock with literally a ticking bomb. I'm moving us far away from both arts
37:12Don't understand why does she have a bomb in her? I don't have time to explain it. I need to disarm it
37:16Are you sure you can?
37:19Does that mean what I think it does dr. Marsh how much time we should eject her from the shuttle far from arc one
37:25Let her blow up out there by herself
37:27So she can't do any more damage might I point out she saved Angus might I also point out she tried to kill him
37:36Prepare her for ejection
37:38No, I doctor I won't she's a human being I'm sorry doctor
37:42But I have a responsibility to the rest of the people on this shuttle your own people are in the back
37:46It's saver. I can save all of us if you would just let me work
37:50Tell his knowledge
37:52She has other talents. We're very valuable to all of us
37:56What are you talking about?
38:01Hey, I found him
38:03He was losing a fight with a support straw. You know that is the second time. I've saved your life now
38:08Yeah, but no kissing this time
38:10So glad you're alive. Oh
38:13Sorry, I'm so sorry look. I need you on the internal comms really I can't get it to work. Not my area
38:20on a bus
38:29It's cute how worried you are about me, but I'm fine
38:35Really, I am and right now me and Sasha are the only ones keeping this ship from failing completely
38:55Crazy ejector. Oh shit. What do you want me to do?
39:15Garnett to Maddox over
39:18Have you decided to turn around and bring my crew back to me?
39:21You know I can't leave what's left of my crew to die, then you've sealed your own
39:27That's it wait
39:33Don't do this Evelyn
39:34Why shouldn't I cuz I'm your friend you said so yourself friends. Don't steal from each other
39:40They asked to come they want to help save people on arc one and they will die with you
39:44You said there were too many people on your ship you still have more than enough doctors engineers staff to safely run your ship
39:51Don't do this
39:54Hasn't there been enough bloodshed
40:01You owe me Evelyn
40:13It's disarmed
40:22Thank You Evelyn
40:24Now we're even
40:26We'll fix our ship, and we will see you at Trappist-1d
40:29Oh, I doubt it tell the other colonists to make room for us. I will welcome you myself
40:35But under one condition
40:37What's that?
40:38Don't bring my daughter with you
40:42From now on she's dead to me
40:52Attention r1. This is lieutenant Bryce
40:55Comms are back up so I can finally report on our situation
41:00I'm an engineering
41:02And I'm happy to tell you that the engines the FTL retrofit
41:07Critical systems are intact or fixable
41:14Won't sugarcoat it
41:17This is a terrible event that's happened
41:20We've lost members of our crew good people
41:24They've become like family to us
41:26But as we've always done
41:29We will persevere
41:32Because we have to and we will fix our ship and we will get to a planet that we can call our home
41:39So let's get to it
41:42Start by reporting in department status and casualties
41:48The reports are coming in
42:02All cameras are back up
42:09I 15 is starting their FTL
42:23At least we have a destination do we have a ship to get us there?