• 2 months ago
The Ark 2024 - Season 02 Episode 05 Full Episode.


00:00previously on the ark let's make sure that the lives that were lost on ark 3
00:04are remembered the only ship in the galaxy with spare parts just abandoned
00:08us we left dark three pretty intact call me katrina so you filled each other's
00:11spaces in the other's reality is there more than one post-human where you come
00:15from of course who regulates their upgrades
00:17they regulate themselves
00:22were you on that mission in this reality too the one that thwarted the
00:26eastern federation attack someone's on ark three
00:33alicia zoom in on that shuttle
00:38it doesn't look anything like one of our shuttles that's not an ark shuttle
00:43well then who the hell is it i've never seen one like it
00:49ark three this is ark one please identify yourselves
00:54i don't like this ark three i repeat this is a gsa ship known as ark one
01:00please identify yourselves
01:03take us closer
01:16it's the eastern federation
01:20the gsa was still at war with the eastern federation when we left earth
01:24that's who's on ark three they're not going to be happy to see us without
01:27those parts where's trended we'll get what we need to
01:31fix our ship but we might be walking into a war
01:58that shuttle may be the least of our problems what do you mean
02:01there's got to be an eastern federation ship somewhere nearby we know that
02:04shuttle didn't travel through deep space on its own so there could be an entire
02:07army of eastern federation heading our way
02:09our systems haven't picked up any other ships at least not yet
02:13ship or no ship we need to see what the intentions are of the people who boarded
02:16ark three the intentions of the eastern federation they're
02:20murderers maybe things have changed since they left earth
02:24there's no east and west here just survival they were never east of
02:27anything to begin with the eastern federation are a rebel
02:30organization that recruit from all over the world
02:33they killed my father and they won't spare us lane's right
02:37the eastern federation can't be trusted and we should assume there aren't which
02:40is why we need to go in hot and aggressive
02:43you're quiet
02:46we keep treating everyone like their enemies they're probably trying to
02:50survive just like us he was got a point they might welcome
02:54our help i'm sorry with all due respect i don't think you understand what we're
02:57dealing with after our guan left earth the eastern
02:59federation became far more radical you rang we need your help
03:06of course you do can you tell us anything about this shuttle
03:11frederick yosefat a billionaire from the eastern federation
03:14he was working to create an arc-like project of his own vastly inferior to
03:18mine of course how many people can accommodate on the
03:21shuttle 30 you don't mind risking your life on that hunk of metal i'm not sure
03:26this hunk of metal is doing too much better to be honest
03:2830 is formidable we need to prepare for a battle
03:32we've lost too many people already we need to do everything we can to avoid
03:36more bloodshed so you suggest we go in unarmed and
03:42vitals are good your implants seem to be functioning well
03:46given how much stress you've been under katrina mentioned that in her reality
03:50post humans can limit their stress by self-regulating
03:53is that something i can do well i don't know how things work in that reality but
03:57i do know how they work here and unfortunately that's just not possible
04:04maybe their science is a bit more advanced wrong answer
04:07you want to rethink it kelly's come any closer and he dies
04:12kelly well apparently you learned how to self-regulate what you want from
04:16me i want to know what you put inside me
04:20your senses have been enhanced you have artificial lungs
04:23and the musculature in your right arm has been modified which
04:27allows you to well do things like this why have you been lying to me
04:32why don't you want me to control it kelly please
04:35you'll get yourself thrown off of the ship
04:40oh i just wanted answers about this thing
04:45inside me that i don't understand what you don't seem to understand is that
04:49your implants are dangerous you're no kidding i never gave you the
04:53ability to self-regulate because you were a child
04:55well i'm not anymore start behaving like it
05:00you have to keep the use of your augmentations very limited
05:04if you run them on full power for too long you could suffer complete organ
05:08failure well when that happens i'll just turn
05:10them off there are no warning signs you won't see it coming why should i
05:16believe you because i saved you because i got you
05:21off arc 15 frankly because i'm all you got
05:29okay there was some trouble in here playtime's over let's go
05:40lean i understand what you're going i don't think you do understand
05:44the eastern federation basically threw a parade when they killed all those
05:47people in the lunar attack when they killed my father i know but
05:50we can't trust them they're dangerous the person i can't
05:54trust right now is you i hate to say it but i think it's best
05:57you take a back seat on this mission i need to be on that mission
06:00they killed my father and i can't let the only people i care about go over
06:02there unprotected i'm telling you this because
06:05i care about you
06:10if cat were here she'd tell you you need to talk about your dad
06:14now take your emotions out on people from that shuttle
06:19actually cat probably would have told you to check out her new hairstyle or
06:26i don't know it's just when bryce came back he told me about how great things
06:30were between me and my dad in that reality
06:33started thinking about how great things could have been here and it stung
06:38and now people responsible have been dropped in my lap like a goddamn
06:40christmas present i just
06:45i don't know i thought i left these feelings behind
06:49and that's exactly why i can't have you on this mission you're too close to it
06:54yeah i know
06:59i've managed to hack the cameras but the last time we were in arc 3 when we
07:03took the fuel we depleted the ship's energy
07:05so all the systems automatically went into energy conservation mode
07:09meaning that the cameras only transmit still images every 15 minutes
07:12rather than full motion video so what about the still images what can you see
07:16i was able to pull up the most recent stills from the bridge and the
07:19observation deck but you're gonna want to see this
07:28must have been a full shuttle that's a lot of people for us to deal with
07:34job just got a lot harder
07:42i'm assuming they brought some kind of power source from their shuttle it's the
07:45only way the ship could be supporting that many occupants
07:48well now we know what we're walking into strickland what do you suggest we
07:52take a full team over enter through the airlock since arc 3
07:55is unresponsive it's possible some of its equipment isn't working
07:58perhaps we will be able to approach on scene
08:20hey do you know anything about post-humanism
08:30never mind i'm probably the last person you want to talk to
08:35no i do want to talk to you really
08:45i want to talk about the wonderful woman that you killed
08:48helena was a brilliant person
08:52she was a mean woman just as bad as my mother you're wrong helena was a devoted
08:58partner and your mother was a psychopath who forced your father to take you into
09:02hiding what well you don't think he moved you from town to town for variety
09:06i thought we moved for his work
09:12tell me more i think i'd rather go back to talking about helena
09:20we met in the winter it was snowing
09:28uh who are you
09:30oh um i'm angus you must be from arc 15 can i help you with anything no no
09:43oh yeah i i kind of built this place oh you're that guy uh well we made a few
09:52upgrades while you were away some of your irrigation systems weren't distributing
09:56evenly we modified the water pressure it turned me to get the problem oh great
10:04well no need to worry i'm back
10:09not that you were worried
10:17everything seems to be going pretty well without me
10:20okay approaching arc three away teams you're on ava and i will enter through
10:27the shuttle dock and perform depressurization guys be careful
10:49strickland you're on
11:05kimmy's team is in position be ready they might be waiting for us
11:10strickland's team is in position lining up
11:23performing depressurization now airlock should open in three two one
12:14the air is breathable
12:36looks like they didn't see us coming
12:53it's like a freezer in here
13:00we should have come across someone by now
13:04do you think the stills from the cameras were some kind of ploy
13:07could only be a ploy if they knew we were coming
13:42hands up now
13:46why aren't they moving
14:03why would someone take the time to rig these bodies like this
14:09these bodies are our three crew members i don't understand
14:13we stored the bodies someone must have moved them back why would anyone do that
14:18i think the better question is who did it and where are they now
14:27is this some kind of sick joke if it is it took a lot of work
14:34are you guys seeing what we're seeing
14:40a museum of death
14:48yeah something like that
14:49uh same scene over here someone posed these bodies and they may still be on this ship
14:56i want all units to report to the bridge immediately
15:05maybe someone's trying to send a message well how could they know we'd be here if it's a message
15:09maybe it's not for us whichever ship this shuttle came from might be on its way back here we need
15:15to work quickly as creepy as this is it's not stopping us from getting the parts we need and
15:19fixing our ship yeah but i mean what about we have just done all this keep your eyes open and batons
15:26on hands i'll take a team to observation to look for any clues ava will stay here to boot up the
15:30computers we'll patrol for any sign of movement you're okay here alone yeah i've been around
15:35dead bodies half my life it doesn't bother me
16:09inspect the upper deck take note of anything that seems odd any clues as to who did this and why
17:35be advised i saw someone we are definitely not alone
17:55did you know my father personally yes
17:59i barely remember anything about him feel like telling me anything i'll be happy to
18:07because i know it's gonna hurt you
18:11how well your father was a good man weak but good he kept you safe from your mother for as
18:18long as he could but i remember with him is all happy
18:28until his heart attack well there's the rub that wasn't a heart attack what do you mean
18:36your mother had your father poisoned you don't believe me i believe you
18:49my mother was behind every bad thing that ever happened to me
18:52why would this be any different your father's only flaw and it was a fatal one
18:59was falling in love with the wrong woman
19:04look who's talking
19:11any idea who he was no but i don't think he was from the crew of rec three different uniform
19:17but i don't think he was from the crew of rec three different uniform eastern federation
19:21potentially but we need to figure out how many people are actually on this ship
19:25people the pulse that is conservation mode has shut down anything unnecessary for survival
19:31but i have an idea
19:36the fire safety system is still active i can rig the heat sensors to give me heat signatures for
19:40every living person on board so we eliminate all our people and see who else is here exactly
19:47so this program usually just shows larger concentrations of heat in case of fire
19:52but the ship is cold it should pick up the heat from our bodies that should be
19:58bryson kimmy's team strickland's team
20:03and this
20:04could one man have done all this
20:50i haven't heard it in years
21:04so we have him divert to our location
21:21one you know this man he's my brother
21:42i can't believe it
21:46hey please please stand down this is my brother
21:55when your brother he's with the eastern federation no i'm not your shuttle says otherwise
22:01i stowed away on an eastern federation ship it was my only chance to leave earth i don't care
22:05whose brother he is we can't trust him no i'm not with the federation i have my own crew you do yes
22:16i'm so glad you're here i have to tell millie
22:20really my wife she's hiding in another section of the ship come millie i'm coming
22:34come millie
22:37he could be leading us into a trap it's okay you can come out now
22:54sorry guys she's she's a bit shy sometimes but i've got lots of other friends here too
23:03uh i'm sure you do i was thinking maybe we could take you with us to arc one no
23:11millie and your friends can join us too no i will not leave my wife or my crew under any
23:29you need to convince him come to arc one i'll try but he's not in his right mind
23:48so happy to see you i know i'm happy to see you too
24:04you're not yourself right now but if you come with us maybe we can help you're trying to get
24:12me to leave my wife and my friends why would you do that no i'm just trying to help you
24:19who are you people what are you doing to my friends i know what's going on here why in the
24:25morning you're a spy hey none of you should trust her you know she's the one who's eastern
24:30federation i'm not leaving with you people never even if i have to kill every last
24:36one i had it under control it didn't look like it
24:48this is very different boy he's paranoid saying strange things
24:58can you help him look i have to be honest this is serious but i'll do all i can
25:05the brain deals with trauma in fascinating ways boyan was alone for a long time so he created
25:11friends a wife so what does this mean it means you need to prepare yourself it may be a while
25:16before he starts to resemble the person you knew there's a there's a chance he never will
25:22either way he has a place here in arc one
25:41i can't believe it's one i was sure he was dead when i left her you're going to a ship
25:46so it's a resourceful like his sister i can't help feeling like this is all my fault your fault
25:53why when our sister died it tore us apart boyan and i lost touch when i got recruited to arc one
26:01i didn't know where he was and uh and i just left him behind
26:08we all have people behind i have to say i was um a little surprised you know
26:18you never mentioned a brother or any of this before it's not like i know everything about
26:24your past that's true but i'm an open book you can ask me anything
26:37alicia you said there was a problem with making the repairs when we took the shuttle to arc three
26:42we were able to do a full scan of the damage done to arc one and it's far worse than we realized
26:50perhaps it was the stress from traveling faster than light or maybe from when we
26:53pulled apart from the other arc one but somehow our damage has increased significantly
26:59what are you saying can't we just strip parts from arc three and fix her not parts part one big part
27:08i'm not following i designed the arcs to arrive at the planet break apart and land sections of the
27:14arc on the planet bringing supplies and equipment necessary for colonization the entire frontal
27:20section of the arc is intended to be separated from the ship remaining in orbit above the planet
27:25as a space station and communications hub so if we were to disengage our entire bow section
27:31we should be able to replace it with the front of arc three but the front of arc three is damaged
27:36as well mostly cosmetic not structural like we have and they still have supplies in their cargo
27:42hold that we can use to repair it i don't know this sounds risky maybe we should just migrate
27:47over to arc three i'm afraid the damage done to the engines on arc three aren't repairable
27:52transplanting arc freeze bow is our only option
27:55has this ever been done before not that we know of ava what do you make of this
28:03ava i'm sorry what
28:07why don't you go spend some time with your brother thank you
28:12she's strong she'll be okay so if transplanting the four sections of our ships doesn't work
28:21then what happens to us
29:01i don't understand after you left i found out you were on one of the first three arcs
29:08i just thought if i could find you it gave me purpose so what happened i had convinced the
29:17captain of the eastern federation ship to head for proxima b along the way we came across arc three
29:24but seeing the damage my ship decided to cut their losses and move on i tried to tell them
29:32i might be there but they didn't care so i stole a shuttle and went there by myself
29:44and they left you behind people have a habit of doing that i'm so sorry don't apologize
29:51if i'd never gone to arc three i would have never met millie
29:55and the rest of my friends now you can come back and join us
30:00arc one is my home and it can be yours too
30:19take me back to my friends or i'll tell them about you when i'll tell them i swear i'll tell
30:25them you can't trust her get me out of here he needs rest go back to my wife and my crew they
30:32need me
30:44the evacuation of the entire frontal bow section of the ship is complete
30:50arc three where are we well we're in position on the bridge of arc three
30:54cleanup of that bow section is complete oh and all those bodies have been returned to storage
30:59some uh pretty nice improvements there on that bridge you handle your end over there and it will
31:04be our bridge soon enough alicia now what we begin disengagement protocols once the hull
31:10blocks are released the bulb thrusters should kick in and push the bow of our ship safely away from
31:14us of course we should be doing this from our bridge but since that is not an option it is
31:18not an option good to have you back with us once separation is complete lane and bryce will do the
31:24same separation on arc three and pilot their bow section over to us okay
32:11hey hey so that bowie and guys uh really screwed up huh screwed up yeah you know not right in the
32:21head the way he was going off back there in medbay he's very disturbed
32:31did you want something yeah yeah i was just wondering uh you're serbian right yeah
32:40what were they saying to each other in medbay i wasn't listening come on the way he was freaking
32:48out you must have heard him say something to his sister i'm sorry i can't help you
33:09starboard hulled locks have successfully opened
33:11port locks appear to be functioning correctly boosters are coming online now
33:25are you sending anyone to do an eva no why one of the airlocks has depressurized who the hell
33:34it's my brother he's trying to get to our tree boy and what are you doing i'm sorry i have to get
33:39back this is insane it's insane i want to save my wife my friends just come back and i'll explain
33:48everything there's nothing to explain your wife is dead all of your friends were dead when you
33:53got to our feet try to remember no no no no you're lying again when i love you i just want to help
34:01you please let me help you come back to the ship this instant that's an order i'm sorry
34:12can we abort the disengagement not now it's too late in the process
34:15ever bryce can we enlarge that yeah who the hell is doing a spacewalk now
34:37the locks have disengaged the frontal section is free floating we have to engage the boosters
34:41on the frontal section now if it drifts back it could damage the docking system and we won't be
34:46able to attach out three booster alignment window is almost closed it's now or never
34:50but we have someone out there all the more reason to move the front as far away from us as possible
35:00do it
35:09what is happening the pressure from the boosters is ripping up the structural
35:12integrity shut down the boosters there are no reverse thrusters
35:15the inertia can't be stopped now it's collapsing onto itself
35:32god what's happening is everything all right we need to maneuver the ship further away
35:35if the debris hits us it's going to rip us apart there's a person outside in that
35:52someone else just exited the ship
35:54Eva Eva what the hell are you doing he's my brother Eva you get back inside right now right now
36:08i'm sorry i don't belong on your heart i belong with my family i am your family
36:15wait some of the debris is heading this way we need to move the ship and now we are not
36:25leaving Eva out there please don't do this i'm happy i got to see you again
36:35it's breaking up we have to move it's now or never
36:45we have to go
36:56i got him hit it reverse thrusters engaged
37:19i'm okay
37:33okay Bryce keep her steady nearly in position
37:45frontal bubble alignment looking good arc three is set
37:48automation will take over from here you can relax yes autopilot takes over from here
37:57nice job Bryce
38:10that was incredible you saved Eva's life we could not afford to lose her
38:14that's what i wanted to talk with you about Eva what about Eva well you know how you said
38:19reassigning me to medical could be helpful to you well i overheard a conversation about the
38:24people from arc 15 no it involves Eva look let me be clear you're not on security anymore and i'm
38:32glad you're in medical keeping an eye on the new people from arc 15 but i'm not wanting to hear any
38:37gossip or any under you might pick up but it could be important could be or is if you know
38:43something that endangers people on this ship you must report it to me anything else remains within
38:47the privacy of that facility do i make myself clear understood i'll let you know if i learn
38:59something concrete can you believe we have an entirely new front section of the ship
39:10i mean this observation deck is just like ours was only better somehow it's incredible
39:17and we have time to go through their entire computer library who knows what we can discover
39:21you're amazing
39:31i on the other hand feel a little useless what do you mean it's pretty clear they don't need
39:37me in the biodome they even made improvements don't be ridiculous of course they need you
39:56looks like you finally got your own room yeah
40:02well consider it a housewarming gift
40:08careful after day i might drink this whole thing in one go i know what you mean thanks
40:14you know i've been thinking a lot about my dad and i'm glad you didn't let me go over there to
40:19our three so thanks you're welcome
40:28they got it
40:34you're not really gonna let me drink this alone are you
40:51to your dad to my dad
41:15there you are
41:19and i'm so sorry
41:34sorry but i have to be alone right now
41:44but when you're ready i'm here okay
